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Nathan Fedzen Nick Fuerst Katie Robisch College Writing I October 24, 2013

Breaking Bads Effect on Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

As most of America is aware, the series finale of one of the most popular show in the world, Breaking Bad, came to an end on the date of September 29th 2013. The ending of the show was unpredictable and it left many viewers with their jaws dropped and conflicted feelings. The next day, the government announced that they had to shut down due to an unsettlement in congress. The twist ending of Breaking Bad caused congress to argue about the characters and the actions they took therefore leading to a lack of productivity in the government, resulting in the shutdown, misplaced government spending, and nationwide public outrage. Many Americans had conflicted feelings about the death of Walter White. His death hit Washington especially hard, resulting in much debate in Congress about whether or not it was an acceptable end to the series. Republicans were satisfied with the way Walt passed; however, Democrats argued that Walters actions throughout the series, especially his actions in the end of season 5, resulted in much death and destruction. He should have been detained and incarcerated. His money should have been taken from him and put toward government programs such as The Affordable Health Care Act (Richard Russel, Jr.). The argument took away from more important issues in the government such as crime, poverty, and human trafficking. It

doesnt end there. The Democrats began to push for the arrest of Vince Gilligan, the creator of Breaking Bad, because of his unconstitutional ending to undoubtedly the best television show that has ever aired in the history of the universe, like ever (Barack Obama). Republicans however took a stand to end the witch hunt by refusing to support this idea presented by the Democrats. The Democrats misplaced anger has resulted in a standoff within the government and led to a complete disregard for the real duties of the government. Although the government shutdown, the money kept flowing out resulting in many angry Americans. Barack Obama felt that in order for Congress to make a well informed decision on how to approach the pressing questions, they needed to watch every season of Breaking Bad. He then used government money to purchase the Breaking Bad: The Complete Series (UltraViolet Digital Copy & Blue Ray) for every member of Congress. He also felt that the House of Representatives needed to share in the adventures of Walter White, so he purchased it for them too. In total he spent an estimated $107,000. He justified his actions in a tweet saying, The set was a real bargain. With such a big purchase, shipping was free! #Amazon #Breakingbad (Barack Obama Twitter). With such a large US debt, many Americans felt that the money spent could have been used for more beneficial things, like paying government employees out of work or helping people in poverty. As Americans grow more upset, not only with the ending of breaking bad but also now at the government, chaos was erupted in the streets. People began to get more and more angry and crime rate began to skyrocket. The black market was suddenly booming with the great demand of meth-amphetamine. Meth is everywhere. Our cells are full of meth addicts and we simply do not have enough cops on the streets to help control the chaos (Officer John Smith). Society is struggling to keep up with the alarming crime rate that was a result of this great tragedy. The

death of Walter White has swept the nation and nobody knows how to react. Some are angry, some are depressed, and others have gone downright insane. However, as all of this was happening on the streets, the economy began to make a surprising recovery. With the black market doing so well, money began to be dispersed around poorer cities and caused a more level economic state. Also with all of the commotion, gun sales are through the roof as people began to purchase firearms of all sorts in order to protect themselves, and for others in order to take matters into their own hands. Also there was an unbelievable sales increase in the motor industry, however it was only for one motor developer. Chrysler and Dodge, a joint American motor company, had proclaimed massive amounts of demand for new cars. Strangely though, the only cars being purchased were Chrysler 300s and Dodge Challengers. The ending of Breaking Bad was suspected to hit Americans hard, but nobody knew exactly how bad the damages would be. The death of Walter White caused an uproar in congress and the argument between the Republicans and the Democrats on the topic of Walter Whites death. The argument resulted in a standoff and the government needed to shut down in order to remorse his death. Many took this time to re-watch the life of Walter White and everything that happened leading up to his cruel death. This also took tragedy to the streets as crime increased, especially in the use of illegal drugs. The economy is slowly recovering thanks to the inspiration that Breaking Bad has left in the hearts of Americans. This country as a whole is learning to deal with the sad ending to one of the greatest TV shows of all time. They say that time heals all things, so then America can only wait; wait until our anger and depression subsides so that America as a country can pick itself up again and return to normal but we will never forget the great Walter White.

Citations Junior, Richard R. Albuquerque Press. 2nd ed. Vol. 23. Albuquerque: Albuquerque P Press, 2013. Print. Obama, Barack. Huffinton Post. 21st ed. Vol. 230. N.p.: n.p., 2012. Print. Obama, Barack. Twitter. N.p.: Barack Obama, n.d. Web. Officer Smith, John. National Flicker. N.p.: Flicker Inc., 2013. Print. rinting

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