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Good morning Mr.

Woon, fellow coursemates and debaters, the topic that my team are going to affirm is that Sabah and Sarawak deserve to get more from the federal government than what they are currently receiving. What is federal goverment? Federal government basically adopts the principle of seperation powers which is comprised by malaysian system of government. Pua: Sabahan & Sarawakians rights being taken away in 20/18-point agreement. (Bumiputera & education) Leonard: oil royalty INTRO 1. The Federal government have taken Sabah and Sarawak for granted and neglected the states for far too long and it is time they wake up and take immediate remedial action to correct the inequitable distribution of development expenditure, or face serious retribution in the next general elections due in 2018. 2. No pain no gain. Part of the problems are Sabah leaders, patronising too much to Federal leaders, afraid of making demands and wanting always to be in the good book of the prime minister. This personification of selfpreservation have hindered developmental progress of the state. 3.Unlike Sarawak, Sabah lost its claws the day they brought UMNO into the state. The state exists at the whims and fancies of Federal leaders. 4.It is time for Sabah and Sarawak to make demands to the federal government to deliver its promises and better treatment. Najib owes it to us. POINT 1. Firstly, I believe that the federal government has neglected Sabah and Sarawak. After 47 years as part of Malaysia, Sarawak has a poverty rate comparable with some of the poorest countries in Africa. Sarawak and Sabah are the richest in natural resources within Malaysia, yet we rank among the four poorest states. Forty per cent of Malaysias poor, according to the World Bank, are in Sabah. This means that almost half of the poor people in Malaysia are in Sabah.

2. It is obvious that the federal government has concentrated the country's development on West Malaysia and has neglected Sarawak and Sabah, in spite of the fact that they are a state that produces petroleum and liquid natural gas and are rich in timber and land. They only receive five percent of the royalties from petroleum, and hence a huge share of our wealth is shipped off to West Malaysia. 3. Sarawak and Sabah which enabled the Umno-led Barisan Nasional to retain its hold on Putrajaya deserves the federal government's absolute attention. Both states delivered a total 47 parliamentary seats in May 5

general election allowing Najib Tun Razak remain in the powerseat. Raising the perennial issue of poor healthcare and medical services in the state, Sarawak PKR said today that it's citizens were "neglected by the federal government" where Vice Chairman, See Chee How decried the lack of medical facilities, shortage of specialists and imbalance in terms of infrastructure, social, economic or educational developments. It's a clear sign that the Federal Government has neglected Sarawak. Both states deserves better than what they currently have right now. 4. The decision to accept the proposal by Tunku Abdul Rahman to become part of the federation of Malaysia was made by the people of Sabah and Sarawak on the understanding that the special interests of the state would be safeguarded. The interests of the two states were enshrined in the 20/18 Point Agreement. 5. Sabahan & Sarawakian's rights were also inscribed in the London Agreements and Inter-Governmental Committee Reports. When we agreed to form Malaysia together with North Borneo (Sabah), Singapore and Malaya 48 years ago, it was with the understanding that the safeguards were to be honoured and not taken away according to the whims and fancies of the federal government. 6. Based on the recommendations of the Cobbold Commission, Sabah and Sarawak would become equal partners of the state of the Federation of Malaya; not as one of the component states as stipulated in the original Article 1 of the Federal Constitution. 7. In other words, Sabah and Sarawak are partners of Malaysia, thus having a greater degree of financial and political autonomy as compared to other sates in the Peninsula. Sabah and Sarawak should not end up being merely one of the 13 states in Malaysia. 8. Therefore, it is paramount for the federal government to adhere to covenants for the purpose of safeguarding the interests, rights and autonomy of the people in Sabah and Sarawak where the 20/18-point agreement should not be ignored or eroded. END : So, to sum up my point, I would like to clarify that Sabah and Sarawak deserves more financial allocations from the federal government, also the increase in petroleum royalty which Leonard will be elaborating in a short while. The 20/18-point agreement should be safeguarded and honoured as well because certainly federal goverment plays it's fault in this issue. ______________________________________________________________ PUA KAI JING Good Afternoon, fellow timekeeper, our beloved teacher Mr Woon, and my fellow course mates. Today, I would like to address that Sabah and Sarawak deserve to get more from the federal government than what they are currently receiving.

1. The 20-point agreement, an agreement that is signed on July 9, 1963 just before the formation of Malaysia is an important document safeguarding the rights and autonomy of Sabah and Sarawakians. The 20-point agreement consist on many things, religion, language, constitution, head of the federation, education and many more. Now, why does this a big concern? 2. These 20 points are the basis of what combined peninsular Malaya and West Malaysia into a single nation known as Malaysia. According to Dr Janiri Amir, a senior lecturer of University Malaysia Sarawak, The decision to accept the proposal by Tunku Abdul Rahman to become part of the federation of Malaysia was made by the people of Sabah and Sarawak on the understanding that the special interests of the state would be safeguarded. The interests of the two states were enshrined in the 20/18 Po int Agreement. These rights were also inscribed in the London Agreements and InterGovermental Committee Reports. Based on the recommendations of the Cobbold Commission, Sabah and Sarawak would become equal partners of the state of the Federation of Malaya; not as one of the component states as stipulated in the original Article 1 of the Federal Constitution. In a sense, Sabah and Sarawak have interest in becoming equal with Malaya but NOT a small fraction being governed under the federal government. 3. Allah, Im pretty sure everyone knows of this word. In Sabah and Sarawak, apparently, there is a ban of the use of the word Allah in Christian bible and also the ban of Malay printed bible. This is absurd since according to one of the points in the 20-point agreement, there was no objection to Islam being the national religion of Malaysia, there should be no state religion in North Borneo, and the provision regarding to Islam in the present Constitution of Malaya should not apply to North Borneo. Sabah had already made it clear that any religion rules made by the federal government should not affect North Borneo. About two thirds of the church in Sabah consist of 1.6 million Bumiputera Christians which uses the Bahasa Malaysia language of worship in addition to their native language. If the ban were to be applied in Sabah Sarawak, than most of them would be law breakers in the very land they are born in. 4. According to point 12 of the agreement, special rights are to be accorded to the natives of Sabah Sarawak on par with those enjoyed by Malays in Malaya. But how many Dayak/ Ibans are successful in business, education, or even seen on the top of the government. If you had been to Sabah Sarawak, there are still many rural areas existing in Sabah, even if there are cities like Kota Kemuning, many orang asli there are not getting many education opportunity compared to peninsula Malaysia. There are also not much access to electricity and water as compared to here. I believe that the federal government should fund more on education in the rural area as education is an important aspect to everyone these days. ______________________________________________________________ LEONARD

1. It is Mockery that BN Sabah failed to understand what's Oil Royalty. Instead of supporting the call to increase the oil royalty, BN Sabah still want to confuse the people comparing oil royalty to development funds from the federal government. 2. SAPP reaffirms that Sabah deserves more than what is taken from Sabah and asking for increase in oil royalty is not out of the ordinary. 3. In fact, it should have been a move taken up by Sabah State Goverment. What is the use of being a fixed deposit state if you do not know how to harness this fixed deposit? 4. Sabah Barisan Nasionat secretary and MP for Kota Belud Datuk Abdul Rahman worry that Sabah will be worse off in an increase in Sabah's oil royalty lead to a reduction in federal allocation for development is unfounded. 5. Sabah BN leaders worry that more of one will lead to less of the other fund. 6. Development funding from the federal government aloocated for development in the state is enrished in the Federal Constitution, Sabah should have received it's fair share of this development funds since the formation of Malysia in 1963 It gets a mere 5% in oil royalty from oil agreement signed in 1976. They DESERVE both and they SHOULD have both monies. (SUM UP) 1. Carmen mentioned about federal government provide insufficient financial allocation and their neglect to both states, Sabah and Sarawak. Also, safeguards of the 20/18-point agreement were to be honoured and not taken away according to the whims and fancies of the federal government. 2. Pua mentioned about the rights of Sabah & Sarawak citizen in the 20/18point agreement being taken away, mainly to the Bumiputeras deserve more rights as stated in the 12th point of the agreement. Many natives in Sabah didn't get as much "luxury" as the natives in peninsula malaya. Most of the bumiputera in Peninsula Malaysia had education given to them, while the bumiputera in Sabah still stays in the rural area without much exposure to the outside world. 3. Leonard talked about the oil royalty and how Sabah dint get it's fair share from the development funds and how it was getting a rather small percentage from the 1976 oil agreement which is as close as to getting nothing.

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