Comparative Research Group Report

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1 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

Comparative Research
English 2 (ENGL 0205) Assignmen, 3
$armen $hee $ha *i (0313-.3) $h ng &ei Jin (0313/-.) Lee $haer Shean (03130/5) ' a (ai Jing (0313..5)
2 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

)eh ( an *on (0313055)



1. Research Proposal 2. Introduction to Bak Kut Teh i. Origin ii. Description 3. Bak Kut Teh in Malaysia i. ii. iii. i%. Introduction o Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh Introduction o "oong Tak #ing Bak Kut Teh Introduction o $h Ping Bak Kut Teh &o'parati%e $nalaysis o Businesses( &o'petiti%e Traits

%. &onclusion ). Re erences *. $ppendi+ i. Inter%ie, -uestions ii. Meeting Minutes.

3 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

The Research Proposal Name: &ar'en &hee &ha .i/ &hung 0ei 1in/ !ee &haer #hean/ Teh Kuan .on/ Pua Kai 1ing Class: 2nglish 2 3245!62678 Period: 0ednesday 311966a' to 1966p'8 INTRODUCTION Bak Kut Teh/ also kno,n as :Pork Bone Tea;/ is one o the 'ost popular dish in Malaysia. Bak Kut Teh is 'ainly popular in Klang/ #elangor/ 'ost o the people li%ing in Klang can ha%e Bak Kut Teh al'ost e%eryday/ e%en or <reak ast. Bak Kut Teh=s true origin is >okkien/ although so'e 'ay argue it is Teoche, in%ention/ since the peppery %ersion o Bak Kut Teh is undou<tly created <y Teoche,. Bak Kut Teh is nor'ally ser%ed ,ith you tiao/ a &hinese style ried doughnut and so'e greens at the side. RE EARC! "UE TION 1. 0hen ,as the <usiness ounded? 2. 0ho are the key ounders? 3. 0hat pro'pted the ounders to start this <usiness? @. 0hat are your 'ain products? 7. &an you pro%ide 'e ,ith a description o your <usiness? ). >o, long ha%e you <een in this <usiness?
1 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

*. >o, did you get the <ackground and skills necessary to run this type o <usiness? A. 0ho are your custo'ers? B. &an you descri<e your custo'ers? 16. Does your <usiness ha%e a stated 'ission state'ent/ the reason that this <usiness e+ist? 11. 0hat is the <usiness( annual re%enue igure? 12. >o, 'any <ranch o icesC stores do you ha%e? 3i applica<le8 13. Do you ha%e e'ployees? >o, 'any? 1@. Do you ha%e 'any co'petitors? Do you kno, ,ho your co'petitors are? 0ho are your top 3 co'petitors? 17. Is the <usiness constantly acing strong co'petition ro' other co'petitors? 0hat strategies ha%e they used to co'pete ,ith you that you are a,are o ? 1). >o, 'uch capital is reDuired to start this <usiness? 0hat/ i any/ specialiEed ield o kno,ledge do you need to run this <usiness? 1*. 5enerally/ do you eel it is easy or hard to enter this 'arket? 0hy? CC 0hat is the <iggest issues or running this <usiness? 1A. $re there any ethical concerns that your type o <usiness 'ust deal ,ith? 3i any8 >o, do you o%erco'e these ethical pro<le's? 1B. >o, do you co'pete ,ith your co'petitors? 26. $re your pricing decisions strongly a ected <y your co'petitors? 21. 0hy is your <usiness located at this site? 22. 0ho' do you seek ad%ice ro' or your <usiness? 23. 0hat is your 'anage'ent style? 2@. 0hat is the uture or this type o <usiness? #ET!ODOLO$%
5 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

To get the in or'ation ,e needed or our research/ ,e started <y organiEing so'e group 'eetings to ensure that e%ery group 'e'<ers are updated ,ith the progress o the research. 0e started <y discussing ,hich Duestion ,e should include in our sur%ey. $ ter ,e decided on the Duestions/ ,e start to plan ,hich day ,e should %isit each Bak Kut Teh store and <y ,hat 'eans o transportation ,e should use. 0e decided to do a ,alkFin inter%ie, and carpool to each places <y dri%ing on #aturday 31) 4o%e'<er 26138. 0e started our Gourney <y ha%ing Bah Kut Teh as <reak ast in Klang/ than ,e proceeded to one o the Bak Kut Teh store in Ta'an &onnought/ &heras/ in the a ternoon. !astly/ ,e ,ent to ##1@ in #u<ang 1aya to conduct our last inter%ie,. $ ter co'pleting the sur%ey/ ,e decide to distri<ute ,ork to each group 'e'<ers indi%iduallyH ,e ,ill also try to ind so'e re erence related to the topic concerned. CONCLU ION Throughout the ,hole progress to o<tain in or'ation regarding this trade/ ,e e+pect to gain enough in or'ation to proceed in ,riting out our research report. Through the sur%eys ,e conducted ,ith each o,ner o the trade/ ,e hope to get su icient in or'ation regarding their <usiness and ho, they conduct their <usiness. 0e also hope to get e+tra in or'ation through re erence in the Internet.

0 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on


Bak Kut Teh lit. Ipork <one teaI / is a si'pleFsounding soup o pork ri<s si''ered or hours in <roth until they(re ready to all o the <one. It is a popular &hinese dish in Malaysia. It consists o pork ri<s ste,ed ,ith a 'i+ture o ragrant her<s and spices such as garlic/ clo%es/ cinna'on/ star anise/ ennel seeds and coriander. In re erence to the 'ain ingredient/ <ak kut teh 3in >okkien8 and rou gu cha 3in Mandarin8 translate literally to('eat <one tea(.

In the capital city o Kuala !u'pur/ a special <roth called rougu cha 3'eat <one tea8 'ade ,ith pork ri<s and &hinese her</ is sold in co ee shops. The ri<s and the her< are ste,ed in a casserole till the <roth turns <lack. It is interesting to note that the <roth is hardly seen in &hina ,hile it is a a%ourite ,ith the &hinese in Malaysia.

/ FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on


Bak Kut Teh is <elie%ed to ha%e originated ro' the "uGian pro%ince o &hina. The introduction o the dish to Malaysia is attri<uted to >okkien i''igrants ,ho 'o%ed to this region in the 1Bth century. The dish is said to ha%e <een popular ,ith the &hinese coolies as a hearty <reak ast <e ore e'<arking on their <ack<reaking tasks o the day. 0heareas/ Bak Kut Teh in Malaysia originated ro' Klang a e, decades ago ro' Klang in #elangor state. It ,as prepared <y a stall o,ner under a <ridge or coolies in the area ,ho s'oked opiu'. $s their taste <uds ,ere a ected <y the drug/ they lacked their sense o taste. 0hat the stall o,ner did ,as <oil pork ri<s and intestines in strong &hinese 'edical her<s/ creating a ste, that ,as ripe ,ith aro'a. "ro' there/ Bah Kut Teh caught on and <eca'e a nationF,ide pheno'enon.

Today/ there is e%en &hik Kut Teh/ a chickenF<ased %ersion o the ste, <ut it is considered a pale si'ulacru' o the original. Bah Kut Teh is usually eaten ,ith a <o,l o rice and drunk ,ith tea as the dish is Duite oily. Bah Kut Teh is so good/ that &hinese ,ill dri%e ro' one state to the other to ind a stall that ser%es it ,ell. It is ,idely a%aila<le in 'ost states <ut the <est still co'es ro' its <irthplace J Klang.

FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on


There are three tradional %ariants o <ak kut teh in Malaysia9 >okkien/ Teoche, and &antonese. $s the >okkiens pre er soups that are ro<ust/ the >okkien <ak kut teh is a stronglyFscented/ thick and cloudy soup that has <een <oiled uriously ,ith rock sugar and a ,ide %ariety o her<s. The dark <ro,n colour o the soup is due to the addition o copious a'ounts o dark soy sauce/ as the >okkiens o ten like their ood to <e saltier co'pared to their counterparts.

The &antonese/ ,ith their ondness or her<al soups/ add 'ore 'edicinal her<s to the dish. Theirs is a less salty %ersion o the >okkienFstyle <ak kut teh <ut ,ith a strong her<al taste. $dditional ingredients used also include <utton 'ushroo's/ &hinese ca<<age and dried to u. Teoche, soups are typically clear in appearance and light in taste. $s such/ the Teoche, %ariant o <ak kut teh is seasoned only ,ith garlic/ soy sauce and pepper/ ,ith the soup si''ered and ski''ed. The result is a ine/ light <ro,n conso''K that is garlicky and peppery. >o,e%er/ in Peninsular Malaysia/ the >okkien and &antonese %ariants are 'ore readily a%aila<le.

. FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

4onFpork %ariants o <ak kut teh using other 'eats such as 'utton/ <ee or e%en ostrich 'eat ha%e also <een de%eloped in Malaysia. These alternati%es ,ere introduced to cater to the Musli' co''unity or as a result o the 4ipah %irus out<reak in the late 1BB6s.

Bak kut teh is typically eaten ,ith stea'ed ,hite rice/ you tiao 3also kno,n as dough ritters or &hinese crullers8/ o al/ preser%ed %egeta<les and <raised <eancurd skins. !ight soy sauce or dark soy sauce is used as a dipping sauce. #liced chilli/ 'inced garlic or chopped chilli padi are o ten added to the dipping sauce. &hinese tea is the pre erred <e%erage ,hen ha%ing <ak kut teh/ as it is <elie%ed to help ,ash do,n the oil and at ro' the dish.

0hile the preparation o <ak kut teh traditionally reDuired one to <uy and prepare the necessary her<s and spices/ <ak kut teh pre'i+ packets are no, a%aila<le/ re lecting the popularity o this dish a'ong locals and oreigners.

Introduction o) &lan( Le* Ba* &ut Teh'

10 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

Our irst stop o the inter%ie, is the 'ain <ranch o Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh. Back in the *6s/ Oan Ah Le* started a 'odest <ak kut teh 3'eat <one tea8 <usiness in Teluk Pulai/ Klang/ a &hinese soup popularly ser%ed in Malaysia no,adays. The <usiness lourished since then and the ne+t decade ,itnessed an increasing o %enture into <ak kut teh <usiness in Klang and Port Klang/ and so'e say in certain areas in Malaysia. Thus/ there is a<out 'ore or less )66 stallsCshops o <ak kut teh in Klang L Port Klang itsel . &o'petition is intense in this <usiness ho,e%er $h !ek is a<le to stri%e to <e one o the

11 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

<est <ak kut teh in to,n. In act/ the <usiness ,as e%en eatured in a e, popular ood <ooks and 'agaEines.

Today/ the <usiness has e+panded and the second <ranch is located in #entosa Klang/ handle <y his elder daughter and her hus<and/ ,hile the 'ain <ranch <y his son/ Oan Chee &ian ,ho greeted us upon our arri%al or the inter%ie,.

The 'ain 'enu o Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh is their original Bak Kut Teh soup/ ollo,ing <y their Dry Bak Kut Teh and B layers intestine ,hich is a'ous in to,n. #ide 'enus like ried cullers/ chinese tea and %egeta<les dishes are pro%ided too. >o,e%er/ e%en though Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh has <een o%er 26 years o age/ it ,as not as cro,ded as ,e e+pected. The custo'ers are said to <e 'ostly o their reDuent custo'ers that are ro' Klang/ Kuala !u'pur and Petaling 1aya area.

The <usiness ,as ounded in the year 1BA3. The ounder o Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh is the current <oss( ather/ Oan $h !ek ,ho Oan &hee Kian takes o%er ro' hi' a ter his retire'ent. >e e+plains that his ather started to learn Bak Kut Teh Gust to earn a li%ing since there aren(t 'uch Bak Kut Teh <usiness at that point o ti'e. $t irst/ his ather ran his <usiness in a stall and in the 'ean,hile/ this current shop <elonged to his riend. >e
12 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

had <een running his <usiness in this shop e%er since his riend o ered a cheaper rent. $ccording to the <oss/ Oan &hee Kian/ there are e+actly se%en e'ployees including hi'. In the past years/ he has <een <een using traditional skills to 'anage his <usiness. Due to his traditional 'anage'ent/ he did not do any accounting ,heareas he only <uys the ingredients and things that he needs.

Oan &hee Kian doesn(t ha%e any 'uch e+pectation or his <usiness. >o,e%er/ he ,ill continue to 'anage his Bak Kut Teh <usiness until he retire. On the contrary/ he ,ould rent this <usiness out i he did not 'anage to get a sucessor.

Introduction o) Foon( Ta* in( Ba* &ut Teh

13 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

Our second stop o our inter%ie, is at "oong Tak #ing Bak Kut Teh ,hich is located at Ta'an &onnaught/ &heras. This is the only <ranch o their <usiness as it is 'anage <y the ,hole a'ily/ the'sel%es. They did not hire any other e'ployees e+cept o their a'ily. This <usiness ,as ounded 'ore than 26 years ago/ it e+ist Gust <ecause o it(s purpose to earn li%ing e+penses at that point o ti'e as the ounder/ "oong Tak #ing ,as selling pork or a li%ing. It is located at &heras <ecause they stayed near<y. "oong Tak #ing Bak Kut Teh is a'ous or their <raised pork eet and traditional Bak Kut Teh soup. Most o the custo'ers consist o their reDuent custo'ers that are ro' &heras/ Petaling 1aya/ Da'ansara and Bangsar region.

11 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

"oong Tik Ki'/ the current <oss o this <usiness and the son to "oong Tak #ing e+plains that they ha%e <een acing ups and do,ns in their <usiness recently due to ood is e%ery,here. >o,e%er/ they still 'anage to 'aintain their ood standard as to speak/ its( ho, they 'aintain their <usiness all this ,hile. They ha%e <een using %ery traditional style to 'anage their <usiness since the <usiness started up until no, <ut "oong Tik Ki'(s <rother did conduct accounting or their <usiness. $ccording to "oong Tik Ki'/ he has no uture planning or this <usiness.

15 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

Introduction o) Ah Pin( Ba* &ut Teh

Our last stop o our inter%ie, is $h Ping Bak Kut Teh ,hich is located Gust near<y our ca'pus ,hich is at ss1@/ #u<ang 1aya. The <usiness ,as ounded on the 16th o Octo<er/ 1BAB <y &heong !oo Ping. 0hat pro'pted hi' to start this <usiness is <ecause his <rother o,ned a Bak Kut Teh restaurant in Klang. Back then/ he learned the ropes ro' his <rother ,ho has had e+perience ser%ing Bak Kut Teh in Teluk Pulai o Klang during the A6s. >e had run this <usiness or al'ost 2@ years. In <et,een/ they

10 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

ha%e 'o%ed around @ ti'es due to certain reasons. >o,e%er/ this <usiness e+ist due to the reason o earning li%ing e+penses to support the a'ily.

$h Ping Bak Kut Teh is a'ous or their t,o %ersions o Bak Kut Teh. One <eing the soup %ersion in a claypot and the dry %ersion ,hich is coated in a sticky sauce ,ith a <alance o sa%oury and s,eet la%ours. They also o ered side dishes like %egeta<les and yau char kuai that goes ,ell ,ith Bak Kut Teh.

Their custo'ers 'aGorly consist o &hinese people/ ,hich are also their reDuent custo'ers. They currently ha%e si+ 'onthly e'ployees and t,o part ti'e e'ployees ,hich they conclude that there are students ,orking part ti'e or the' occasionally. &heong !oo Ping(s ,i e conclude that the <iggest issue to run this <usiness is that it reDuired e+perience and the need to kno, ro' the <asics such as cooking and cutting %egeta<les. #he also e+plains that they ha%e <een 'aintaining their ingredients and ood standards/ as ,ell as their ser%ice 'anner to,ards custo'ers are ,hat resulted the' to 'aintain their <usiness up until no,. They ha%e <een using traditional style to 'anage their <usiness too as ,ell as accounting records o the <usiness.

1/ FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

Comparati+e Anal,sis o) &lan( Le* Ba* &ut Teh- Foon( Ta* in( Ba* &ut Teh . Ah Pin( Ba* &ut Teh/s Competiti+e Traits' The irst aspect that ,e ,ill <e co'paring is the nu'<er o co'petitors in their geographical 'arkets in <et,een $h Ping Bak Kut Teh/ "oong Tak #ing Bak Kut Teh and Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh. $ccording to the o,ner o $h Ping Bak Kut Teh/ there are si+ Bak Kut Teh shops in the sa'e ro, as the' ,ith .u Kee Bak Kut Teh and &huan &hie, Bak Kut Teh <eing their top t,o co'petitors. .u Kee Bak Kut Teh is one o the irst e, Bak Kut Teh shops to <e opened in the ##1@ #u<ang 1aya area. Their signature dishes are Dry Bak Kut Teh and Pig #to'ach #oup. Besides that/ &huan &hie, Bak Kut Teh is the second Bak Kut Teh shop to <e opened in the ##1@ street. Its reputation ca'e ro' their Dry Bak Kut Teh and also their &laypot Bak Kut Teh. On the other hand/ the o,ner o "oong Tak #ing Bak Kut Teh also clai's to ha%e a lot o co'petitors in his area. >e listed Mingang Bak Kut Teh/ Pao Miang Bak Kut Teh and Real Kung u Bak Kut Teh to <e his top three co'petitors. Mingang Bak Kut Teh/ located near to "oong Tak #i' Bak Kut Teh is a'ous ,ith their uniDue Bak Kut Teh noodles and their Mingang #pecial Mi+ Bak Kut Teh ,hich is actually 'eat cooked in a spicy claypot ,ith dried chilis and okra. Pao Miang Bak Kut Teh <uilts their reputation through their string tied 'eat in ,hich they tie their 'eat ,ith strings <e ore cooking the 'eat to 'aintain the Guiciness and che,iness o their 'eat. !astly/ or Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh/ they also listed out their top t,o co'petitors to <e #eng >uat Bak Kut Teh and 1alan Besar Bak Kut Teh. #eng >uat Bak Kut Teh or co''only kno,n as Nnder The Bridge
1FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

Bak Kut Teh is a'ous ,ith their Bak Kut Teh ,hich has tender 'eat <oiled in thick <roth. On the other hand/ 1alan Besar Bak Kut Teh is located in the sa'e ro, as Klang !ek Bak Kut The and is eDually a'ous ,ith its rich <roth and tender 'eat.

4e+t/ ,e ,ill co'pare the ad%ertising strategies that are used <y these three shops. "or $h Ping Bak Kut Teh/ they depend on their custo'ers to spread ne,s and 'ake re%ie,s a<out their ood through <logging. Many custo'ers ,ho %isit their shop ,ill 'ake co''ents and re%ie,s ,hile including pictures o their Bak Kut Teh in their <logs. This helps $h Ping Bak Kut Teh in ad%ertising their shop and <uilding up their reputation. >o,e%er/ or "oong Tak #ing Bak Kut Teh and Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh/ they only rely on their regular custo'ers to do the ad%ertising. Their regular custo'ers o ten introduce their shops to their a'ily and riends ,hich <rings the' 'ore custo'ers and sa%e the' the cost on pro'oting their shops.

"urther'ore/ ,e ,ill also co'pare the pricing in <et,een these three shops. $ccording to all three o,ners o the shops/ the prices o their ood are 'ore or less the sa'e ,ith the a%erage spending range in <et,een RM11 to RM36 or a t,oFperson 'eal. The o,ner o $h Ping Bak Kut Teh re%ealed that they ,ill discuss ,ith their co'petitors ,hen deciding on the price o their ood. They ,ill 'ake necessary adGust'ents to their prices a ter a <rie discussion ,ith the o,ners o the Bak Kut Teh
1. FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

shops near<y. On the contrary/ the o,ners o "oong Tak #ing Bak Kut Teh and Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh are not in luenced <y their co'petitors ,hen setting the price or their ood.

20 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

&LAN$ LE& BA& &UT TE! BU INE FOUNDED .ear 1BA3 FOON$ TA& I# BA& &UT TE! More than 26 years A! PIN$ BA& &UT TE! 16th Octo<er 1BAB


"ather Take o%er Pork intestine soup L Bak Kut Teh

"ather Take o%er Braised pork eet L Bak Kut Teh

&heong !oo Ping Take o%er Bak Kut Teh



In the past/ to earn so'e li%ing e+penses the ounder learned ho, to cook Bak Kut Teh and start this <usiness since there is not 'uch Bak Kut Teh <usiness that ti'e. 12 years

Recently/ there are up and do,ns in 'y <usiness <ecause oods are e%ery,here.

Mo%ed around @ ti'es ,ithin 2@ years o running the <usiness

More than 26 years

2@ years


Traditional skills

Oery traditional skills

Belie%e that e%erything can <e 21

FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2

Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

done i do it ,ith heart CU TO#ER &usto'ers ro' Klang/ Kuala !u'pur L Petaling 1aya &usto'ers ro' &heras/ Bangsar L Da'ansara 4or'ally &hinese people


Most are reDuent custo'ers 4o 4o

Most are reDuent custo'ers 4o 4o

Most are reDuent custo'ers 4o $round RM B666


T,o <ranchesF #entosa L Teluk Pulai * e'ployees




3 e'ployees and others are a'ily 'e'<ers Mingang Bak Kut Teh/ Pao Miang Bak Kut Teh and Real Kung u Bak Kut Teh.


#eng >uat Bak Kut Teh ,hich is co''only kno,n as Nnder The Bridge Bak Kut Teh and 1alan Besar Bak Kut Teh 4o strategies

) 'onthly e'ployees and 2 part ti'e e'ployees .u Kee Bak Kut Teh and &huan &hie, Bak Kut Teh


Maintain our ood standard

Maintain our ingredients L ood standard and our 22

FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2

Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on



4ot 'uch capital reDuired 4o

ser%ice 'anner to,ards the custo'ers. 4ot 'uch capital reDuired 4eed e+perience L ha%e to kno, ro' <asic 4o


"aced pro<le's during 12 in year 1BB*F1BBA



4o strategies. Depend on custo'ers to spread it out

4o strategies. Depends on custo'ers to spread it out

4o strategies. Depend on custo'ers to spread it out through <logging Discuss ,ith co'petitors


4ot in luenced <y co'petitors ,hen setting the price O ered <y the ounder=s riend 4o &ontinue 'y <usiness until I retired Rent the <usiness to others unless I

4ot in luenced <y co'petitors ,hen setting the price !i%ing so'e,here near<y 4o 4o 'anage'ent style 4o uture planning


Introduced <y our riend 4o Traditional style

Pass it to the children i they are 23

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Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

ound a successor

interested to take o%er


In conclusion/ $h Ping Bak Kut Teh is <etter than Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh and "oong Tak #ing Bak Kut Teh ro' the eed<ack gi%en <y the custo'ers in 'any aspects. "irst
21 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

o all/ the custo'ers state that the taste o $h Ping Bak Kut Teh is 'uch 'ore <etter than <oth Klang !ek and "oong Tak #Ing Bak Kut Teh. >o,e%er/ i a rank is gi%en/ "oong Tak #ing Bak Kut Teh is ,orth 3 stars ,hile Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh is Gust 2 stars ,orth due to the act that it has lost its standards. &usto'ers con ides that the taste o Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh is not as good as the olden days. $lthought three o the outlets sold the sa'e traditional Bak Kut Teh dish/ each o the' has a di erent de'and a'ong the'. $h Ping Bak Kut Teh has a higher de'and <ecause o it(s higher Duality and reasona<le price. $dd to the act that/ the ,orkers in $h Ping Bak Kut Teh are 'uch riendlier than the other t,o Bak Kut Teh outlets that are 'entioned.

$s or Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh/ it is not losing to "oong Tak #ing Bak Kut Teh/ <ut superior to it instead. $lthough their rank is al'ost the sa'e according to the eed<ack ro' the custo'ers <ut there is a critical di erence a'ong the'. The decisi%e di erence is place. $ place can deter'ine the pro it generated <y the o,ner all the ti'e <ecause di erent place has di erent population. O<%iously a place ,ith higher population can generate 'ore pro it co'pared to the lo,er ones. That is ,hy Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh is al,ays cro,ded <y custo'ers due to the act that Klang is the root o Bak Kut Teh ,heareas "oong Tak #ing Bak Kut Teh is only cro,ded <y custo'ers at lunchti'e. This is <ecause the &heras region is not kno,n or it(s Bak Kut Teh so the cro,d isn(t as 'uch as the cro,d in Klang !ek Bak Kut Teh. >o,e%er/ $h Ping Bak Kut

25 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

Teh still re'ain superior a'ong the three ,here it is al,ays cro,ded ,hene%er it is opened.


$h Ping Bak Kut Teh P ##1@ #u<ang 1aya. Retrie%ed 1uly 12/ 2612 ro' http9CC,,,.G2k '.co'CahFpingF<akFkutFtehFss1@Fsu<angFGayaC

20 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

Bindloss/ 1. 3266A8 Kuala Lumpur, Melaka & Penang. Ediz. Inglese. &hina9 !onely Planet.

&hinese ood in Malaysia 3n.d.8 Bak Kut Teh. Retrie%ed 4o%e'<er 11/ 2613 ro' http9CC,,,.'alaysiaFhotels.netC oodQdiningCchineseF'

!i' D. 3n.d8 Bak Kut Teh. Retrie%ed March 1A/ 266B ro' http9CCin'l

!ooi/ 2. 3266B/ #epte'<er 1A8 Truly Malaysian? The #traits Ti'es. Retrie%ed 1une 1@/ 2616/ ro' "acti%a data<ase.

Teh 2.>. 3266B/ #epte'<er 238 Netizens argue over origin o dishes a ter M!sia plans to stake claim. The #tar 4e,spaper. Retrie%ed ro' http9CC,,,'.'yCstory.asp+? ileRS2 266BS2 BS2 23S2 nation S2 @*)21@*LsecRnation

0u D. .. > L Tan &. B. 326618 "hanging "hinese #ood$ays in %sia. >ong Kong9 &hinese Nni%ersity Press

Inter+ie4 "uestions'

&lan( Le* Ba* &ut Teh

2/ FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

1. 0hen ,as the <usiness ounded? The <usiness ,as ounded in year 1BA3.

2. 0ho are the key ounders? My ather.

3. 0hat pro'pted the ounders to start this <usiness? My dad started the <usiness and I take o%er ro' 'y ather a ter he retired.

@. 0hat are your 'ain products? Pork intestine soup 3the a'ous8 and <ak kut teh.

7. &an you pro%ide 'e ,ith a description o your <usiness? 3<rie history L it(s 'ost recent de%elop'ent8 In the past/ to earn so'e li%ing e+penses 'y dad learned ho, to cook Bak Kut Teh and start this <usiness since there is not 'uch Bak Kut Teh <usiness that ti'e.

). >o, long ha%e you <een in this <usiness? 12 years.

*. >o, did you get the <ackground and skills necessary to run this type o <usiness?
2FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

4othing special/ I Gust used traditional skill to run this <usiness.

A. 0ho are your custo'ers? &usto'ers ro' Klang/ Kuala !u'pur and Petaling 1aya.

B. &an you descri<e your custo'ers? Most o the custo'ers are 'y reDuent custo'ers.

16. Does your <usiness ha%e a stated 'ission state'ent/ the reason that this <usiness e+ist? 4o

11. 0hat is the <usiness( annual re%enue igure? 0e run this <usiness traditionally so ,e did not any accounting. 0e <uy ingredients or things ,e need.

12. >o, 'any <ranch o icesC stores do you ha%e? 3i applica<le8 T,o shop only. One is located at #entosa and another one is Teluk Pulai.

13. Do you ha%e e'ployees? >o, 'any? .es/ I ha%e se%en e'ployees including 'e.

1@. Do you ha%e 'any co'petitors? Do you kno, ,ho your co'petitors are? 0ho
2. FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

are your top 3 co'petitors? .es/ ,e ha%e 'any co'petitors. 1ust in Klang/ there are around @66 Bak Kut Teh stores. The top 2 co'petitors are #eng >uat Bak Kut Teh ,hich is co''only kno,n as Nnder The Bridge Bak Kut Teh and 1alan Besar Bak Kut Teh.

17. Is the <usiness constantly acing strong co'petition ro' other co'petitors? 0hat strategies ha%e they used to co'pete ,ith you that you are a,are o ? 4o strategies/ I Gust take it easy. 1ust ha%e a thought o earning li%ing e+penses only.

1). >o, 'uch capital is reDuired to start this <usiness? 0hat/ i any/ specialiEed ield o kno,ledge do you need to run this <usiness? 4othing 'uch to learn.

1*. 5enerally/ do you eel it is easy or hard to enter this 'arket? 0hy? CC 0hat is the <iggest issues or running this <usiness? >ard

1A. $re there any ethical concerns that your type o <usiness 'ust deal ,ith? 3i any8 >o, do you o%erco'e these ethical pro<le's? 0e aced pro<le's during 12 in year 1BB*F1BBA

1B. >o, do you co'pete ,ith your co'petitors 3etc ,hat strategies do you e'ploy
30 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

to di%ert custo'ers a,ay ro' your co'petitors8? CC >o, do you 'arket your <usiness? >o, are people a,are o your <usiness? CC 0hy do your custo'ers select you o%er your co'petitors? I did not ad%ertise 'y <usiness. 0e depend on the custo'ers to spread it out.

26. $re your pricing decisions strongly a ected <y your co'petitors? 4o 'uch a ected <ut I ,ill take 'y co'petitors pricing decisions as re erence.

21. 0hy is your <usiness located at this site? $t irst/ 'y ather runs his <usiness in a stall and in the 'ean,hile this current shop <elongs to his riend. Then/ his riend o ered hi' to rent this shop and he decided to run his <usiness in a shop since he got an o er.

22. 0ho' do you seek ad%ice ro' or your <usiness? I a' an opti'istic person. #o I take and sol%e pro<le' easily.

23. 0hat is your 'anage'ent style? I ,ill continue to 'anage 'y <usiness until I retired.

2@. 0hat is the uture or this type o <usiness? I ,ill rent this <usiness out unless I ound a successor.

Foon( Ta* in( Ba* &ut Teh

31 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

1. 0hen ,as the <usiness ounded? More than 26 years.

2. 0ho are the key ounders? My ather/ "oong Tak #ing.

3. 0hat pro'pted the ounders to start this <usiness? Be ore 'y ather start this <usiness/ his Go< is selling pork.

@. 0hat are your 'ain products? Braised Pork "eet and Bak Kut Teh.

7. &an you pro%ide 'e ,ith a description o your <usiness? 3<rie history L it(s 'ost recent de%elop'ent8 Recently/ there are up and do,ns in 'y <usiness <ecause oods are e%ery,here.

). >o, long ha%e you <een in this <usiness? More than 26 years.

*. >o, did you get the <ackground and skills necessary to run this type o <usiness? Oery traditional skills.

32 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

A. 0ho are your custo'ers? &usto'ers ro' &heras/ Bangsar and Da'ansara.

B. &an you descri<e your custo'ers? Most o the custo'ers are 'y reDuent custo'ers.

16. Does your <usiness ha%e a stated 'ission state'ent/ the reason that this <usiness e+ist? 4o/ this <usiness e+ist Gust <ecause o earning li%ing e+penses.

11. 0hat is the <usiness( annual re%enue igure? 4ot sure a<out it <ecause 'y <usiness= annual re%enue igure ,as 'anaged <y 'y <rother.

12. >o, 'any <ranch o icesC stores do you ha%e? 3i applica<le8 4o <ranch store. This is the only store.

13. Do you ha%e e'ployees? >o, 'any? .es/ 3 e'ployees and the others are 'y a'ily 'e'<ers.

1@. Do you ha%e 'any co'petitors? Do you kno, ,ho your co'petitors are? 0ho are your top 3 co'petitors? .es/ I ha%e a lot o co'petitors <ut I don=t co'pete ,ith the' <ecause it
33 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

depends on the custo'er=s choice. &usto'ers ha%e the right to choose ,hich shop they like so no co'peting going on no,. But i I ha%e to list the top 3 co'petitors/ then they ,ill <e Mingang Bak Kut Teh/ Pao Miang Bak Kut Teh and Real Kung u Bak Kut Teh.

17. Is the <usiness constantly acing strong co'petition ro' other co'petitors? 0hat strategies ha%e they used to co'pete ,ith you that you are a,are o ? The <est strategy to ace the co'petitors is that ,e 'aintain our ood standard.

1). >o, 'uch capital is reDuired to start this <usiness? 0hat/ i any/ specialiEed ield o kno,ledge do you need to run this <usiness? 4ot 'uch capital is reDuired to start this <usiness. 4o/ as long as our custo'ers satis ied ,ith our ood and ,e are satis ied ,ith us then that ,ill <e the <est kno,ledge to run this <usiness.

1*. 5enerally/ do you eel it is easy or hard to enter this 'arket? 0hy? CC 0hat is the <iggest issues or running this <usiness? 4o/ not yet.

1A. $re there any ethical concerns that your type o <usiness 'ust deal ,ith? 3i any8 >o, do you o%erco'e these ethical pro<le's? 4o.

31 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

1B. >o, do you co'pete ,ith your co'petitors 3etc ,hat strategies do you e'ploy to di%ert custo'ers a,ay ro' your co'petitors8? CC >o, do you 'arket your <usiness? >o, are people a,are o your <usiness? CC 0hy do your custo'ers select you o%er your co'petitors? 0e do not ad%ertise. 0e depend on our custo'ers to spread it out.

26. $re your pricing decisions strongly a ected <y your co'petitors? 4o/ our pricing decisions are not 'uch a ected <y our co'petitors.

21. 0hy is your <usiness located at this site? It is <ecause I a' staying so'e,here near<y.

22. 0ho' do you seek ad%ice ro' or your <usiness? 4o/ I did not seek ad%ice or 'y <usiness.

23. 0hat is your 'anage'ent style? I do not ha%e an 'anage'ent style.

2@. 0hat is the uture or this type o <usiness? I do not ha%e any uture planning or this <usiness.

Ah Pin( Ba* &ut Teh

35 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

1. 0hen ,as the <usiness ounded? 16th Octo<er 1BAB

2. 0ho are the key ounders? &heong !oo Ping

3. 0hat pro'pted the ounders to start this <usiness? Through the ounder=s <rother that o,ned a Bak Kut Teh shop in Klang.

@. 0hat are your 'ain products? Bak Kut Teh

7. &an you pro%ide 'e ,ith a description o your <usiness? 3<rie history L it(s 'ost recent de%elop'ent8 I ha%e run this <usiness or 2@ years. In <et,een/ ,e ha%e 'o%ed around @ ti'es due to so'e reasons.

). >o, long ha%e you <een in this <usiness? 2@ years.

*. >o, did you get the <ackground and skills necessary to run this type o <usiness? I <elie%e e%erything can <e done i ,e do it ,ith heart and this <usiness is a source o li%ing.
30 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

A. 0ho are your custo'ers? 4or'ally &hinese people.

B. &an you descri<e your custo'ers? Most o the custo'ers are 'y reDuent custo'ers.

16. Does your <usiness ha%e a stated 'ission state'ent/ the reason that this <usiness e+ist? 4o/ ,e do not state any 'ission state'ent. The reason this <usiness e+ists 'ainly <ecause to earn li%ing e+penses.

11. 0hat is the <usiness( annual re%enue igure? Our <usiness= annual re%enue igure is around RM B666.

12. >o, 'any <ranch o icesC stores do you ha%e? 3i applica<le8 This is the only shop.

13. Do you ha%e e'ployees? >o, 'any? .es/ ,e ha%e ) 'onthly e'ployees and 2 part ti'e e'ployees.

1@. Do you ha%e 'any co'petitors? Do you kno, ,ho your co'petitors are? 0ho are your top 3 co'petitors?
3/ FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

.es/ ,e ha%e 'any co'petitors. $s you can see/ ,e ha%e ) <ak kut teh shops in the sa'e ro,. 0e are the third shop ,ho starts this <usiness in this ro,. The top 2 co'petitors are .u Kee Bak Kut Teh and &huan &hie, Bak Kut Teh.

17. Is the <usiness constantly acing strong co'petition ro' other co'petitors? 0hat strategies ha%e they used to co'pete ,ith you that you are a,are o ? .es. The strategies ,e used is 'aintain our ingredients and ood standard and our ser%ice 'anner to,ards custo'ers.

1). >o, 'uch capital is reDuired to start this <usiness? 0hat/ i any/ specialiEed ield o kno,ledge do you need to run this <usiness? 4ot 'uch capital is reDuired to start this <usiness <e ore ,e 'o%ed to this shop <ecause it is Gust an old stall. $ ter ,e 'o%ed/ ,e spent around RM *6/666 or reno%ation only. #o/ o%erall ,e spent around RM 166/666 to run this <usiness.

1*. 5enerally/ do you eel it is easy or hard to enter this 'arket? 0hy? CC ,hat is the <iggest issues or running this <usiness? To run this <usiness/ the <iggest issues is need e+perience and ha%e to kno, ro' <asic such as cooking and cutting %egeta<les.

1A. $re there any ethical concerns that your type o <usiness 'ust deal ,ith? 3i any8 >o, do you o%erco'e these ethical pro<le's?
3FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on


1B. >o, do you co'pete ,ith your co'petitors 3etc ,hat strategies do you e'ploy to di%ert custo'ers a,ay ro' your co'petitors8? CC >o, do you 'arket your <usiness? >o, are people a,are o your <usiness? CC 0hy do your custo'ers select you o%er your co'petitors? 4o/ ,e do not ha%e ad%ertise'ent. 0e depend on the custo'ers to spread it out through <logging.

26. $re your pricing decisions strongly a ected <y your co'petitors? .es/ ,e ,ill discuss ,ith our co'petitors ,hen ,e decide our pricings.

21. 0hy is your <usiness located at this site? Introduce <y our riend.

22. 0ho' do you seek ad%ice ro' or your <usiness? 4o/ ,e don=t seek ad%ice ro' others ro' our <usiness. 0e settle it oursel%es.

23. 0hat is your 'anage'ent style? Traditional style.

2@. 0hat is the uture or this type o <usiness?

3. FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

I possi<le/ I ,ill pass it to 'y child i there are interested to take o%er this <usiness.

$lassroom E3713

3MEE)2NG 4A)E5

3MEE)2NG )2ME5

3MEE)2NG L6$A)26N5



$armen $hee $ha *i 4is8 ss &ha, )9!e of B siness )o 4o 6 r :esear8h 6n $armen $hee $ha *i 10 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2


Lee $haer Shean% $h ng &ei Jin )eh ( an *on% ' a (ai Jing $armen $hee $ha *i% Lee $haer Shean% $h ng &ei Jin% )eh ( an *on% ' a (ai Jing


Agen;a ,o!i8s
3)2ME ALL6))E45 2 <6+:S 3AGEN4A )6'2$5 42S$+SS &<A) )*'E 6F B+S2NESS )6 46 6+: :ESEA:$< 6N 3':ESEN)E:5'+A (A2 J2NG


4e8i;ing "e,=een 4esser, sho!% $offee sho!% 4im S m sho!% F rni, re sho!% Ba> ( , )eh sho! an;



E?er9one agrees ,o ;o resear8h on Ba> ( , )eh Sho!7




:esear8h on a?aila"le ol; Ba> ( , )eh Sho!

' a (ai Jing% $armen 10@10@201 $hee $ha *i% 3 $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% )eh ( an *on 10@10@201 3

4e8i;ing on =hi8h " siness ,o resear8h on

3)2ME ALL6))E45 1 <6+:


3AGEN4A )6'2$5 42S$+SS 2N)E:A2E& B+ES)26NS

3':ESEN)E:5 $A:MEN $<EE $<A *2

4is8 ss 2n,er?ie= B es,ion


4e8i;e; ,ha, =e =ill as> 21 C es,ions for ea8h sho! 11

FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2

Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on




$oming ! =i,h C es,ions &ri,ing ;o=n C es,ions

$armen $hee $ha *i% 12@11@201 )eh ( an *on 3 Lee $haer Shean 12@11@201 3

3)2ME ALL6))E451 <6+:


3AGEN4A )6'2$542S$+SS &<2$< S<6' &E S<6+L4 2N)E:A2E&

3':ESEN)E:5$<+NG &E2 J2N

4is8 ss =hi8h Ba> ( , )eh Sho! ,o ;o o r resear8h on

Google Famo s Ba> ( , )eh Sho!s in ,o=n


4e8i;e ,o in,er?ie= ,hese ,hree sho!s =hi8h is Ah 'ing Ba> ( , )eh% S "ang Ja9a Foong )a> Sing Ba> ( , )eh% $heras% an; (lang Le> Ba> ( , )he% (lang




4ri?es ,he gro ! mem"ers ,o ,he sho! 'erson in-8harge of in,er?ie=ing

' a (ai Jing )eh ( an *on% $h ng &ei Jin

10@11@201 3 10@11@201 3

3)2ME ALL6))E451 <6+:S


3AGEN4A )6'2$542S$+SS <6& )6 &:2)E )<E :E'6:)


4is8 ss ho= ,o =ri,e ,he re!or,

4i?i;e essa9 in,o a fe= !ar,s% 2n,ro% 'aragra!h for $om!are an; $on,ras,% $on8l sion% Bi"liogra!h9% A!!en;iD% Mee,ing Min ,es


Jo"s are ;i?i;e;7 &ei Jin an; ( an *on are in-8harge of $om!are an; $on,ras,% $haer Shean is in-8harge of in,er?ie= C es,ions% $armen is 12 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2

in-8harge of in,ro for sho!s an; (ai Jing is in-8harge of in,ro for o?erall




3)2ME ALL6))E452 <6+:

3AGEN4A )6'2$542S$+SS <6& )6 46 $6AE: 'AGE

3':ESEN)E:5$A:MEN $<EE $<A *2


4ifferen, =a9s ,o ;o ,he 8o?er !age an; =ho is in-8harge of ;oing ,he 8o?er !age


)he 8o?er !age ;esign is ;one "9 $armen% $haer Shean an; &ei Jin




$o?er 'age 4esign

$armen $hee $ha *i% 2/@11@201 $h ng &ei Jin% Lee 3 $haer Shean $armen $hee $ha *i 2/@11@201 3

:e!or,s 8om!ile; "9


6nline :eso r8es

13 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

11 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

15 FNBE JAN 2013 (SEM2) ENGL 0205 English 2 Names of gro ! mem"ers# $armen $hee% $h ng &ei Jin% Lee $haer Shean% ' a (ai Jing% )eh ( an *on

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