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Training and Reference Employees


By: Stephanie Quilimaco

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................. v
Introduction ....................................................................................... vii
Chapter One: Answering Member Inquiries .............................................. 3
Answering Telephone Inquiries ............................................................ 3
Handling In-House Visits ..................................................................... 3
Chapter Two: Using Office Equipment ..................................................... 7
Using the Copying Machine ................................................................. 7
Using the Computer ........................................................................... 7
Chapter Three: Understanding Procedures ............................................. 11
Registering Members ........................................................................ 11
Re-registering Members for the New Year ........................................... 11
Filing .............................................................................................. 11
Index ................................................................................................ 13



The purpose of the Training and Reference Manual is to help volunteers with
the training and information to do the following:
Handle problems independently
Operate the office equipment correctly
Learn the basic policies and procedures quickly
With the understanding of how to do these task, you will find the workplace
to be a more positive less stressful environment. Within no time you will be
able to do these functions without the assistance of the manual.

Chapter One

Chapter 1

Chapter One: Answering Member Inquiries

Answering Telephone Inquiries
1. Greet the caller by saying Hello, Senior Citizens Center this is
__________, how may I help you?
2. Listen carefully.
3. Write down their name and additional comments on the paper next
to the phone.
4. Take appropriate action. This could mean to do the following:
Check the Menu for the meal of the day
Record that he/she will not be needing their meal for the day
Answer what day it is
Put the caller on hold to notify the person needed that there
is a call waiting for them
Inform the caller they have the wrong number
5. Close the conversation by saying Okay, thank you for calling. Have
a nice day, once appropriate action has been taken.

Handling In-House Visits


Approach the guest with a smile.

Ask, How may I help you?
Listen carefully.
Take appropriate action. This could mean to do the following:
Check the Menu for the meal of the day
Record that he/she will not be needing their meal for the day
Answer what day it is
Retrieve the person they are asking for
Seat the guest until lunch/dinner time

Chapter Two

Chapter 2

Chapter Two: Using Office Equipment

Using the Copying Machine
1. Insert the paper into the automatic feeder faced up. Make sure the
paper lies straight.
2. Type the number of copies you will need onto the keypad.
3. Push the green start button.

Using the Computer

1. Turn the monitor on.
2. Type the username and password found on the sticky taped to the
top corner of the computer.
3. Click the Excel program, the Manager will do the rest.
**Note: The computer is used for professional use only!

Chapter Three

Chapter 3


Chapter Three: Understanding Procedures

Registering Members
1. Locate the yellow folder labeled New Member in the filing cabinet.
2. Take one (or as many as you need).
3. Fill out all appropriate fields (i.e. Name, Date, DOB, SS, and
4. Leave the document on the Managers desk for approval.
5. Locate an unused blank folder in the office closet.
6. Label the folder Last Name, First Name of the member on the tab.
7. File the folder.

Re-registering Members for the New Year

1. Locate the green folder labeled Re-registering Members in the
filing cabinet.
2. Take one.
3. Make copies. (See Ch. 2)
4. Transfer all information onto the new document. Notice the
document is identical to the registering document, the key
difference is the printed year automatically placed in the field.
5. Leave the stack of re-registered member documents on the
Managers desk for approval.
6. Re-file the document into each members personal folder once


Organize all files alphabetically.

Put each document into the members personal folder.
Organize all folders alphabetically.
Put each members personal folder in the section labeled Members
in the filing cabinet.



Computer .......................................................................................
Copying Machine .............................................................................
Filing .............................................................................................
In-House Visits ................................................................................
Registering .....................................................................................
Re-registering .................................................................................
Telephone Inquiries .........................................................................



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