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Edition: Febr !r" #$$%

Standard PART IV-1-3: 2/132






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Standard PART IV-1-3: 3/132

C3!n4e Inde5 to Edition A 4 6t #$$(

Chapter 0.4.2 0.5 0.6 2.3 3.1 3.3 3.6 3./ 3.233.4 4.2 5.2.1 5.3 5.4 5.6.1 5.6.2 5.6.3 5./ 5.2 5.10 6.2 A 6.4.2 6.5.1 6.5.6 6.6.2 6./.2 6./.4 2.2 2.3 2.5.3 2.5.4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.3 7rawin%s Description 100% for 0.5 seconds Panel requirements main cable ways Protected MV and V connections! secondary current ma" 3500#! sealed transformer! $i%$ &i'e of cable section 200 or 400 mm! com(artmented) deleted *+ on all dri,es -. /5 *+ 0om(ensation on direct trafo connected and remote M001s &ync$roni'ation! local control (anel 5#6 0on,eyor wal*ways 20 " 7ynamic u(date time) 2 sec 5ield 839 bo"es :589;< 8P65= wire %uide &(are fibers Password le,els! dia%nostic of communication a< immediate start after (ower di(= b< (ower di(= ocal free at sto( of dri,e Panel 8P65= alternati,e wit$ >t$in client? 9(tical mouse or trac*ball ;lin*in% &tatus messa%es for 68& &er,er stora%e) 2 wee*s 9P0 @7# 0loc* system! %eneral (lant ,iew P6100 s$all be directly wired to 839 0ontinuous le,el microwa,e ty(e 6ransmitter 'ero and s(an Power equal or abo,e /5*+ &0& (anel 8P65= oc*able onBload isolator Cetraction (neumatic or standby (ower #naly'ers mountin% in DBroom or container= retraction Motor ratin% (late! ma" s(eed E motor list Motors to be desi%ned for 7elta connection V&7 s(ecific requirements for motors deleted Panel coolin%= acti,e front end (referred oad definition= 0urrent carryin% B installation at most critical (oint= cable si'in% accordin% Fnarmored cables 5le"ible cable Gr. of conductors! fibers= rodent (rotection Hal,ani'ed or equi,alent= ,ertical trays 1m= cable %lands= D20 402# 3 D30 4057! 4040! 410#! 411#! 412# 3 D60 401; 3 D20 401; 3 D60 4047 3 D40 4010! 40/0! 4100! 411;! 412;! 4137! 414#! 420#

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Standard PART IV-1-3: $/132


GROUP E$: GENERAL The %ollo&in' Standard (esi'n )riteria shall appl to all process control and electrical e*uipment+ The 'iven Standard (esi'n )riteria identi% the minimum e*uipment re*uirements+ ,or basic re*uirements- re%er to PART IV-1-1+


St!nd!rd De6i4n Criteri! - Gro 7 Or4!ni8!tion The Standard (esi'n )riteria %or process control and electrical .*uipment are arran'ed accordin' to the various .*uipment t pes- called 'roups- and are coded ./ to .0- and ."+ The 'roup codin' is in accordance &ith the !olcim Asset )odin' s stem- !A)+


Det!i9ed E9e:tri:!9 E; i7<ent S7e:i=i:!tion6 Pro1ect-speci%ic electrical .*uipment data- process data and re*uirements are detailed in PR.,A). 2individual .*uipment Speci%ication Sheets to be %illed out3 and complement PART IV-1-3 &here relevant+ In addition- civil re*uirements related to electrical installation 2electrical rooms- trans%ormer ba s- cable encasements- etc+3 are speci%ied in detail in PART IV-1-$+

$'3 /+3+1

A779i:!b9e St!nd!rd6 !nd St!nd!rdi8!tion Standards The 'eneral standards and re'ulations to be applied shall be as speci%ied in PART III+ Additional speci%ic e*uipment standards are stated in the %ollo&in' Standard (esi'n )riteria+ All instruments shall be calibrated in the metric s stem+ .*uipment shall 'enerall be desi'ned %or a ma4imum altitude o% 56 1///m above sea level 2unless other&ise stated in PART III37 accordin' to dut t pe S1- continuous operation- 8-/// service hours per ear+


Standardi9ation In order to limit the necessar stoc: o% spare parts- )ontractor shall use- &herever %easible- the same ma:e- standard si9es and capacities %or all re*uired electrical .*uipment- especiall %or the %ollo&in':

!i'h volta'e- medium- and lo& volta'e .*uipment- e+'+ circuit brea:ers and trans%ormers )ontrol monitorin' and meterin' e*uipment- e+'+ P#);s and electronic circuits Instruments- %ield control devices- valves- control s&itches and lamps- etc+ <otors- includin' po&er electronics- starters and contactors )ables- cable color- cable numberin'

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Standard PART IV-1-3: =/132

Sub-control panels 2i+e+ electrical control s stem supplied %or s stems such as reclaimers- ba' %ilters- air conditioners- cranes- etc+3 should be avoided &hen ever possible+ Re*uired %unction shall be reali9ed in the process control s stem+ I% this is not possible %or reasons o% 'uarantee- then the hard&are used has to be o% the same ma:e and t pe as used %or the process control s stem+ $'( /+$+1 E9e:tri:!9 D!t! Volta'e and ,re*uenc #evels ,or Plant speci%ic volta'e and %re*uenc levels- see PART III+ /+$+2 >peratin' Tolerances At normal net&or: conditions- the suppl o% electrical po&er &ill be &ithin narro& limits+ >ccasionall lar'er deviations ma be compensated b the incomin' trans%ormer on-load tap chan'er+ !o&ever- the volta'e re'ulation 2automatic or manual3 ma not %ull compensate at an instant and the limits ma be e4ceeded+ All electrical .*uipment shall there%ore be desi'ned and si9ed to compl &ith %ull per%ormance durin' slo& po&er suppl e4cursions 2tolerance A3+ Special measures shall be adopted to maintain operation o% the :iln department and other important services as Process control s stem- laborator automation- IT net&or:- dispatch automation- etc+- &hereb other departments mi'ht shut-do&n 2tolerance )3+ A3 ,ull per%ormance o% Plant &ith slo& chan'in' or stead deviations: Volta'e ? 1/ @ ,re*uenc ? 2 @ Aninterrupted service o% :iln department and other important services durin' transient net&or: disturbance o%: Volta'e -1// @ 2%or /+= seconds3


,or standb po&er suppl durin' po&er %ailure re%er to Para 3+B+ /+$+3 Po&er Re*uirement )alculation ,actors The dimensionin' o% the di%%erent parts o% the electrical .*uipment and the rated po&er and currents shall be determined b )ontractor accordin' to the re*uirements o% the mechanical .*uipment and shall include the speci%ied spare capacities+ The %ollo&in' data shall be used as a calculation basis %or the overall Plant po&er demand+ The %ollo&in' calculation basis shall be applied:

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Standard PART IV-1-3: C/132


#oad ,actor 2%3

<ill drives >ther <V-drives #V-drives

6 6 6

/+0/ /+8/ /+B=


Simultaneous ,actors 2%s3

<V-drives 2'roup3 #V-drives 2'roup3 >ther drives 2'roup3

6 6 6

1+/ /+0 /+B


.%%icienc 2eta3

<V-drives #V-drives

6 6

/+0= /+82 23/$ load3


Total Po&er (emand )alculation

Active po&er

W =

Pinst fl fs [ kW ] (eta)

Apparent po&er

S =

W [ kVA] cos


Po&er Re*uirement )alculation The calculated values %or the complete scope shall be listed in the PR.,A). .// Po&er )onsumption #ist+


Trans%ormer )apacities Trans%ormer capacit limits are speci%ied in the correspondin' Para 1 and 2+


Po&er ,actor )orrection / !armonic ,ilters 21)3 The Plant po&er %actor ma be corrected on several levels in order to achieve the speci%ied overall Plant po&er %actor+ Plant speci%ic re*uirements are speci%ied in PART III+ The %ollo&in' possibilities shall be considered: a3 #o& volta'e po&er distribution - compensation: All lo& volta'e motors and #V-e*uipment shall be compensated throu'h the automaticall re'ulated reactive current compensation .*uipment situated at each lo& volta'e po&er distribution busbar 2description/speci%ication see Para 33+ This t pe o% compensation shall be applied in all cases- i+e+ %or rehabilitation pro1ects as &ell as %or ne& Plant pro1ects+ b3 Individual compensation %or <V %i4ed speed drives: All %i4ed speed drives supplied directl %rom the <V-busbars shall be compensated directl either at the <V-circuit brea:er or alternativel at the

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Standard PART IV-1-3: B/132

motor itsel% b tuned capacitor ban:s rated to suit the individual motor 2%or details see Para 8 D<otor and (rive S stemsD3+ This t pe o% compensation s stem ma be applied mainl %or partial rehabilitation pro1ects and additions o% individual drives to e4istin' installations+ c3 ,or lar'e variable speed drives and <V %i4ed speed drives: All variable speed drive s stem and possibl also %i4ed speed drives supplied %rom the <V-busbars shall be compensated throu'h tuned central reactive po&er compensation .*uipment correctin' the po&er %actor as &ell as hi'her harmonics 'enerated b the various :inds o% converters+ This compensation s stem is considered applicable %or complete ne& Plant setups as &ell as %or ma1or rehabilitation pro1ects o% medium volta'e distribution s stems+ /+$+= Po&er S stem Studies )ontractor shall conduct- and provide to )lient- po&er s stem studies- includin' the %ollo&in': Short circuit anal sis #oad %lo& anal sis Transient anal sis 2chec: net&or:- and startin' conditions o% lar'e drives3 !armonic anal sis Torsional anal sis %or drive train o% lar'e motors 2mill drives- %an drives- etc+3 Protective and meterin' rela coordination /+$+C !i'her !armonic Eave Suppression The hi'her harmonics content produced b non-linear .*uipment shall be eliminated at the sources to 'uarantee a trouble %ree operation o% all .*uipment &ithin the ran'es 'iven b standards- the re*uirements o% the .*uipment and the utilit + /+$+B Fasic Po&er (istribution (esi'n Philosoph The entire po&er distribution s stem 2!V- <V and #V3 shall be desi'ned to 'uarantee selective %ault isolation- isolatin' a %ault circuit %rom the remainder o% the electrical s stem and thereb eliminatin' unnecessar po&er outa'es+ $'% E9e:tri:!9 P!ne9 Re; ire<ent6 .lectrical panels shall be o% standardi9ed dimensions and shall be o% minimum protection t pe IP23 &hen mounted in electrical rooms and IP C= &hen mounted in the %ield+ Panels %or electronic or optical components mounted in electrical rooms shall be o% minimum protection t pe IP $2+ )able entr shall be %rom bottom unless other&ise approved in &ritin' b the >&ner+ All e*uipment inside the panel shall be mounted to allo& %ront access %or maintenance+ (oors shall be loc:able &ith a simplestandardi9ed tool+ An on-load isolator s&itch- panel stop and summar %ailure and run si'nal shall be available on the %ront door+ Inter%aces to the Process control s stem shall be as described in Para C+C+2

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 8/132


E9e:tri:!9 Roo< Re; ire<ent6 )ivil re*uirements %or electrical rooms and main cable &a s containin' .*uipment such as trans%ormers- s&itch'ear- po&er and control cables and other electrical .*uipment are detailed in Speci%ication Sheets PR.,A).- as &ell as in PART IV-1-$+


E9e:tri:!9 E; i7<ent Fini63 !nd Co9or6 The relevant speci%ications are detailed in PART IV-1-1+


T"7e Te6t6 All ma1or electrical .*uipment included such as !V-s&itch'ear- <V-s&itch'ear and #V-s&itch'ear shall have passed the re*uired t pe tests as &ell as the standard %actor tests+ )ontractor shall provide certi%ied copies o% the test certi%icates prior to the ,actor Acceptance Test 2,AT3+


N!<e P9!te6 0 L!be96 All electrical .*uipment- includin' %eeders- devices- instruments- enclosures- etc+shall be clearl labeled+ Gameplates/labels shall be suitabl si9ed+ Te4t shall include: name o% .*uipment and the correspondin' .*uipment !A) code+ #abels shall be o% #amacoid t pe or e*uivalent 2minimum 1+C mm thic:ness3- %i4ed b scre&s or riveted+ Gameplates shall be &hite bac:'round &ith blac: en'raved letterin' 2C mm hi'h3+ .*uipment labels and &arnin' labels shall be in .n'lish and in the Pro1ect >&ner;s o&n lan'ua'e+ Translations shall be provided b the Pro1ect >&ner+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 0/132




Gener!9 Re; ire<ent6

)ontractor shall obtain approval %rom the applicable authorit re'ardin' scopet pe and speci%ication o% the proposed .*uipment+ Such applicable authorit Hs speci%ications shall be %ollo&ed+ In its desi'n- )ontractor shall ta:e into account the local atmospheric conditions as &ell as the cement Plant environment+ All accessories includin' test e*uipment- special &renches and tools shall be provided to Pro1ect >&ner at (r Run Test+

1'# 1+2+1

E; i7<ent Se9e:tion !V-S&itch'ear Selection (ependin' on the Plant la out- the available space and possible re*uirements o% the local utilit compan - the %ollo&in' t pes o% !V-s&itch'ear arran'ement mi'ht be applied %or the incomin' main po&er distribution station: )onventional t pe outdoor s&itch'ear )onventional t pe indoor s&itch'ear "as-insulated s&itch'ear "IS 2indoor installation3


Primar <V-S&itch'ear ,or the trans%ormer secondar side distribution- a separate Dprimar <V-s&itch'ear line-upD shall be used+ Such .*uipment shall include conventional metal clad indoor t pe s&itch'ear either o% the vacuum or S,C t pe and shall be in line &ith the speci%ication 'iven under Para 2+


& 6b!r S"6te<6 All busbar- conductin' cables- etc+ shall be made o% copper+


M!in Tr!n6=or<er +V 0 MV >1T? Ander normal operatin' conditions- !V / <V- trans%ormers utili9ation capacit is limited to B=@ o% the %ull trans%ormer capacit in >GAG operatin' mode+ <ain trans%ormer2s3 shall be three phase- copper &ound and o% the oil immersed t pe 2mineral oil3+ Standard >GAG-t pe trans%ormers shall be applied+ Trans%ormers shall not contain an P)F+ I% re*uired %or possible %uture Plant e4pansions- the trans%ormer capacit shall be rated %or multiple sta'es usin' %uture additionall built-on %orced air-coolin' %ans 2>GA,3 to the radiators+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1//132

>ther standard %eatures shall include: >il conservator &ith level indicator- &ith alarm and trip contact Eindin' temperature &ith alarm and trip contact Thermal model 2indicator &ith contacts3 >il temperature &ith alarm and trip >il samplin' and drain valve Sur'e arrestors complete &ith mountin' brac:ets+ In case o% the conservator t pe tan:: Fuchhol9 rela &ith alarm and trip %or main tan: compartment Air dr er 2o% the silica 'el t pe3+

<ain trans%ormers shall be e*uipped &ith automatic on-load tap chan'er 2#T)3 includin' the %ollo&in': Protection rela Time dela motori9ed operation Auto-manual selector s&itch #ocal-remote selector s&itch #ocal #T) position indicator and operations counter Remote #T) position indicator &ith transmitter and receiver Auto control adapted to %eedin' 'rid conditions Trans%ormer %eeders should not pass throu'h other trans%ormer ba 7 each trans%ormer ba &ith all e*uipment shall be independent+ 1'% +V-Cir: it &re!@er >1S? )ircuit brea:er shall be 3-pole- sin'le operatin' mechanism &ith the %ollo&in' %eatures: )lose and trip push button <inimum o% $ normall open and $ normall closed au4iliar contacts >peration counter <echanical manual trip Sprin' position indicator )ircuit brea:er position indicator Provision %or padloc:in' 2&ith three padloc:s3 )apable o% manual 2cran:3 operated sprin' loadin' 1'+V-I6o9!tin4 SAit:3 3-pole- sin'le thro& hori9ontal brea: s&itch shall be provided capable o% either manual 2cran:3 or electrical operation and includin' the %ollo&in': 2 normall open and 2 normall closed au4iliar contacts Provision %or padloc:in' 2&ith three padloc:s3 Ie interloc: &ith main circuit brea:er Isolatin' s&itch position indicator

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 11/132


+V-Gro ndin4 SAit:3 !and operated- electricall interloc:ed 'roundin' s&itch includin' the %ollo&in': 2 normall open and 2 normall closed au4iliar contacts+ Provision %or padloc:in' in >G-position and interloc: 2mechanical and/or electrical3 &ith trans%ormer circuit brea:er+


+V-In6 9!tor6 Insulators shall be made o% porcelain or pol meric materials+ Insulators %or %le4ible bus shall be suspension t pe+ Insulators %or ri'id bus shall be post t pe+ Fasic insulation level 2FI#3 shall be as re*uired %or the speci%ic application+ All insulators shall be e4ecuted %or increased creepin' path+


+V - & 6 D :t6 Fus ducts shall be enclosed minimum IP 21 or G.<A 1+


+V - PoAer Di6trib tion - Meterin4 !nd Contro9 P!ne9 >#C 0 #+? All 'eneral meterin' and speci%ic meterin' devices %or billin' purposes- protection and rela in' %unctions shall con%orm to Applicable #a&s and Applicable )odes and Standards+ )hec: meterin' shall be installed to suit the re*uirements o% the cement Plant operator %or control o% utilit billin'+ As a 'uideline- status indication rela s and meterin' shall be provided %or trans%ormer main and bac:-up protection- main bus protection- multi-%unction meterin'- etc+ Remote communication to utilit shall be made available- as re*uired b the utilit - as &ell as to the Process control s stem+ All other alarms 'enerated b the s stem and e*uipment located in the main substation shall also be incorporated and monitored b this panel+


Contro9 PoAer S 779" 0 &!tter" C3!r4er >#D? The !V-distribution s stem shall be complete &ith the re*uired () control po&er suppl - %or the operation- control and monitorin' o% the !V-po&er distribution s stem+ I% this is done throu'h APS po&ered A) volta'e- the re*uirements shall be as per Para =+11+ () s stem shall include batter rac:- char'in' e*uipment and a distribution panel+ Automatic char'in' .*uipment 2%or %loat and rapid char'in'3 in a common enclosure shall be included+ Alarmin' shall be provided %or loss o% A) suppl - char'er %ault- and lo& () volta'e+


+V-SAit:34e!r F!:tor" A::e7t!n:e Te6t6 >FAT? !V-s&itch'ear o% the "IS-t pe as &ell as !V-trans%ormers are sub1ect to ,actor Acceptance Tests 2,AT3 at the relevant )ontractorHs %acilities prior to shipment to the Site and shall be &itnessed b Pro1ect >&ner+ )erti%ied test results and reports shall be provided b )ontractor to Pro1ect >&ner+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 12/132




Gener!9 Re; ire<ent6 The entire po&er distribution s stem 2<V and #V3 shall be desi'ned to 'uarantee selective %ault isolation- isolatin' a %ault circuit %rom the remainder o% the electrical s stem and thereb eliminatin' unnecessar po&er outa'es+ The po&er distribution scheme shall compl &ith the process re*uirements+ Individual process departments shall receive dedicated po&er suppl and distribution+ Individual process departments are determined b !A)+ Foundaries bet&een the main process 2cost3 centers shall be maintained %or the purpose o% consumption meterin' 2in :E3 in accordance &ith !olcim accountin' 'uidelines and !A)+ (ra&in' ).S/1J-.2/ $/1 sho&s a t pical sin'le line dia'ram includin' meterin' re*uirements %or the di%%erent cost centers+ This is to be used %or re%erence onl + The main areas are: Ra& material e4traction 2*uarr 3 Ra& material preparation 2crushin'- ra& material transport- samplin'- stac:in'3 Ra& meal preparation 2additives- %eed bins- ra& mill- homo'eni9in' silo3 )lin:er production 2main ba' house/electrostatic precipitator- coolin' to&erpreheater- :iln- cooler- clin:er silos- :iln %irin'3 )ement 'rindin' 2clin:er and ' psum handlin'- mineral components handlin'cement mill- cement transport- cement silos3 Shippin' 2ba' pac:in' machine- ba' dispatch rail- ba' dispatch truc:- ba' palleti9in'- bul: dispatch rail- bul: dispatch truc:3 ,uel preparation 2%uel oil handlin'- coal handlin'- coal mill- alternative %uels preparation3 The medium volta'e po&er distribution s&itch'ear shall be located in electrical rooms as per the Standard (esi'n )riteria PART IV-1-$+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 13/132

.2: T pical Sin'le #ine (ia'ram

2t pical dra&in' %or re%erence onl 3


<ain incomer


6 6 6 6 6 6

!i'h Volta'e <edium Volta'e #o& Volta'e Process Pre-Process Au4iliar


6 6 6 6 6

Atilit measurin' point )hec: measurin' 2Plant3 <ultipurpose Instruments Po&er 2$-2/mA3 or <ultipurpose )onsumer 2drives- N++3

6 Re%er to !A) <anual %or 'roupin'


< <

< < < < < < < <
< M













Au4iliar )ost )enter - "eneral Plant Services - Eor:shop - #aborator - )ontrol Room - "ara'e - Eater A//

Ra& <aterial Preparation Ra& <eal Preparation 2// 3//

)lin:er Production $//

)ement "rindin' =//

Shippin' Station C//

<ain )ost )enter

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1$/132


Medi < Vo9t!4e PoAer Di6trib tion >1S? The %ollo&in' basic re*uirements shall be met: All <V-s&itch'ear shall be o% the metal enclosed / metal clad / compartmented t pe s&itch'ear and control 'ear accordin' to I.) C/208 and applicable G.<Astandards+ <inimum protection class shall be IP $1 or G.<A 1 'as:eted+ All busbars shall be made o% copper+ The individual s&itch'ear unit shall be e*uipped &ith automatic shutters+ The s&itch'ear line-up shall be e4tendible on both sides+ .ach cell shall be complete &ith hand operated- electricall and mechanicall interloc:ed earthin' s&itch+ Sur'e arrestors 2%eed side o% busbar3 &ith counters shall be provided+ A test position %or the circuit brea:er shall be provided+ .ach busbar section shall have a 'roundin' s&itch+ .ach s&itch'ear line-up shall include the necessar meterin'+ >ne %ull section ma be provided to house the meterin' %or the entire line-up+ .ach individual circuit brea:er / %eeder shall have its individual meterin' ad1usted to the purpose o% the s&itch unit+ (i'ital- microprocessor based meterin' and protection devices &ith communication capabilit via Plant %ieldbus shall be included &ith %eatures+ ,or protection and process meterin' purposes- D)ombi-SensorsD ma be applied %or primar si'nal 'eneration in place o% standard current and volta'e trans%ormers+ I% meterin' is re*uired %or billin'- revenue class current and volta'e trans%ormers &ith correspondin' accurac classes shall be applied+ )urrent trans%ormers &ith shortin' lin:s and test bloc:s and volta'e trans%ormers &ith test bloc:s shall be provided as re*uired %or the chec:in' o% the measurin' and protection s stems+ Anti-condensation heatin' shall be provided as re*uired b local climatic conditions+ .ach po&er distribution line-up and each panel shall be %urnished &ith an en'raved plate statin' description o% .*uipment and number o% the %eeder circuit accordin' to Pro1ect >&nerHs numberin' s stem 2!A)3+


De7!rt<ent!9 Di6trib tion Tr!n6=or<er6 MV 0 LV >1T? The <V / #V-distribution trans%ormer capacit calculation shall consider a ma4imum loadin' o% 8/@ o% the %ull trans%ormer capacit + Ander nominal Plant per%ormance conditions the ma4imum utili9ation is limited to 8=@ o% the %ull trans%ormer capacit in >GAG-operatin' mode+ (istribution trans%ormers shall be o% the oil-%illed >GAG - outdoor t pe- 3 phasecopper &ound- and hermeticall sealed t pe+ The trans%ormer room desi'n shall allo& %or utili9ation o% %ull ratin' o% trans%ormers b natural air dra%t coolin'+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1=/132

>il %illed trans%ormers shall be located in separate trans%ormer ba s- either indoor or outdoor+ Individual trans%ormer ba s shall be separated b concrete bloc: %ire&alls+ >il containments shall be used %or all li*uid %illed trans%ormers+ Silicone or ,ire Resistant ! drocarbon ,luid 2,R!,3 shall be used7 provided- ho&ever- dr t pe trans%ormers ma be used %or certain applications &ith the &ritten approval o% Pro1ect >&ner+ Trans%ormers shall not contain an P)F+ To attain trans%ormer standardi9ation- the trans%ormers capacities shall have a ma4imum o% %our si9es bet&een =//:VA and appro4+ 2///:VA+ The nominal secondar current o% the trans%ormer shall not e4ceed 3=//A+ Ehere technicall re*uired- special trans%ormers %or variable speed drives ma deviate %rom this standardi9ation+ Speciall rein%orced trans%ormers shall be used on mobile e*uipment 2e+'+- crushermobile trans%er stations- etc+3 to &ithstand possible shoc:s and vibration+ Trans%ormers shall be sealed and o% the hi'h e%%icienc t pe+ <V- and #V- bushin's connections shall be protected at least accordin' IP23+ Standard accessories shall include: Pressure release device Fuchhol9 rela )ommon control terminal bo4 2&ith sudden pressure rela - temperaturepressure3 Trans%ormer &indin' and oil temperature sensors >il samplin' and drain valve "roundin' pads (ia'rammatic nameplate ,lat &heels7 li%tin' lu's Trans%ormer %eeders should not pass throu'h other trans%ormer ba 7 each trans%ormer ba &ith all e*uipment shall be independent+ #'( Cir: it &re!@er6 0 Cont!:tor6 >1S? )ircuit brea:ers and contactors shall be o% the dra&-out t pe provided &ith automatic shutter in separate compartments o% the metal clad cubicle+ The circuit brea:ers shall be capable o% local and remote control 2electricall 3 and emer'enc o%% at local 2mechanicall 3+ Sa%et measures shall include: #oc:able in dra&-out position Go-volta'e release Interloc:s to prevent movement o% circuit brea:er in closed position Allo& closin' o% circuit brea:er in de%ined positions onl Sur'e diverter and earthin' s&itch >ther standard %eatures shall include:

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1C/132

Trip coil / closed coil monitorin' S&itchin' status indicator >peration counter Panel door loc:in' device 2identical :e %or all doors3 Andervolta'e coil re*uired %or motor %eeders

The operatin' mechanism shall be loaded-sprin' 2stored ener' 3+ ,or maintenance purposes- circuit brea:ers shall be operable in rac:ed out/test position+ A minimum o% 8 sets o% au4iliar contacts shall be provided+ Tie-brea:ers 2busbar couplers3 shall be e*uipped &ith ammeters and s nchronism chec:+ Inter%acin' rela s re*uired %or inter%ace to the P#) shall also be included+ #'% MV - Lo!d &re!@ SAit:3 #oad brea: s&itches shall be manuall operated- &ith *uic: ma:e and *uic: brea: abilit + The s&itches shall be mounted in cells complete &ith po&er %uses+ The .*uipment shall be supplied &ith provisions %or loc:out in the open position+ A &indo& shall be provided in the door to vie& the blades in the open position+ S&itchin' status alarm indication shall be provided+ #'PoAer F!:tor Co<7en6!tion .ach medium volta'e busbar section shall be e*uipped &ith at least one reactive po&er compensation .*uipment+ Alternativel compensations per individual <V motor can be provided- connected at the %eedin' <V circuit brea:er+ All components 2capacitors- reactances- resistors3 shall be installed in the <V room or in a separate room nearb the medium volta'e distribution+ The speci%ied overall Plant po&er %actor and the acceptable level o% harmonic distortions at the point o% common couplin' shall be maintained durin' all operatin' conditions o% the Plant and shall be in line &ith 'ood en'ineerin' and construction practices and applicable codes and standards- includin' the %ollo&in':

I... =10-1002 2Recommended Practice and Re*uirements %or !armonic )ontrol in .lectrical Po&er S stems3 V(. /1C/- SG $13C//

Static compensation shall be provided &ith continuous or step control+ A manual / automatic control selector shall also be included+ #'/ MV - PoAer Di6trib tion - Meterin4 2 Contro9 P!ne9 >#C 0 #+? A po&er distribution monitorin' and control panel shall be supplied+ It shall re%lect the Plant medium po&er distribution %rom its incomin' and the out'oin' %eeders do&n to the respective #V-in%eed circuit brea:ers+ The status o% all s&itch'ear shall be indicated and the trans%ormer and bus tie-brea:er shall be controllable %rom this panel+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1B/132

The control panel shall contain all relevant interloc:in'- alarm/annunciation %unctions %or the medium volta'e e*uipment7 the total Plant po&er demand- meterin' and monitorin'+ <eterin' shall include %ault trac:in' and recordin' o% all phases %or po&er *ualit monitorin'+ <otor %eeder circuits shall be started remotel onl %rom the PlantHs central control room+ Provision shall be made to handle all alarms and relevant in%ormation o% the po&er distribution s stem in the PlantHs central control s stem+ All relevant in%ormation o% the po&er distribution s stem shall be capable o% bein' monitored at the central control center- on the Plant Services "raphics 2see Para =+C+3+23+ All controlled .*uipment shall have a standardi9ed inter%ace %or the si'nal e4chan'e &ith the Process control s stem %or remote control- alarmin' and monitorin'+ Such si'nal inter%ace o% each individual brea:er and trans%ormer shall be arran'ed either as conventional si'nal e4chan'e inter%ace 2potential %ree contacts and/or o% analo'ue values $-2/mA 22-&ire s stem3 or &ith the Plant %ieldbus+ All terminal or %ield bus-connection arran'ements %or remote control and monitorin' shall be separatel arran'ed in the individual panels so as not to inter%ere &ith the internal cablin' and to allo& eas access+ #'1 Contro9 PoAer S 779" >#D? The <V-distribution s stem .*uipment shall be complete &ith the re*uired control po&er supplies- %or the operation- control and monitorin' o% the <V-po&er distribution s stem+ I% this is done throu'h APS po&ered A) volta'e- the re*uirements shall be as per Para =+11+ () e*uipment- &hich includes batter rac:- char'in' e*uipment and a distribution panel shall be located in a separate room+ Automatic char'in' .*uipment 2%or %loat and rapid char'in'3 in a common enclosure shall be included %or each <Vs&itch'ear room+ Alarmin' shall be provided %or loss o% A) suppl - char'er %ault and lo& () volta'e+ #'* MV-SAit:34e!r F!:tor" A::e7t!n:e Te6t6 >FAT? <V-s&itch'ear arran'ements and <V/#V-trans%ormers are sub1ect to ,actor Acceptance Tests 2,AT3 at the )ontractorHs %acilities prior to shipment to the site and shall- at Pro1ect >&nerHs re*uest- be &itnessed b Pro1ect >&ner+ These tests shall be carried out in accordance &ith applicable standards and as per Test Procedure and Test Report %or <V S&itch'ear+ )erti%ied test results and reports shall be provided b )ontractor+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 18/132


T"7i:!9 Dr!Ain46. Gro 7 E#$ The belo& listed dra&in's serve as a 'uideline %or the conceptual desi'narran'ements and installation o% the electrical .*uipment and their devices7 providedho&ever- in all events such .*uipment and devices shall compl &ith Applicable #a& and all Applicable )odes and Standards and meet all other re*uirements o% the )ontract- includin' "ood .n'ineerin' and )onstruction Practices+
E; i7<ent-Gro 7: ).S /1J-.2/ $/1 ).S /1J-.2/ $/2 ReB: A A S bCe:t: T pical Sin'le #ine (ia'ram T pical Trans%ormer Arran'ement- Sheltered Installation

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 10/132

T pical Trans%ormer Arran'ement Sheltered Installation

Eire mesh Protection roo% .lectrical room

min 3=//

Rain protection

Eire mesh
min 22//

)able basement

>il bassin or >il ti'ht coatin'

,ire protection &all

min+ 8//

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 2//132




Gener!9 Re; ire<ent6 The po&er distribution scheme shall coincide &ith the process area re*uirements+ Individual process departments shall be supplied %rom individual po&er supplies and distributions+ Individual process departments are determined b !A)+ .n'ineerin' and construction desi'n practice Applicable codes and standards: #o& volta'e s&itch'ear and control 'ear: )onstruction desi'n:

I.) C/0$B or e*uivalent I.) C/$30 or e*uivalent

The entire po&er distribution s stem shall be desi'ned to 'uarantee selective %ault isolation- isolatin' a %ault circuit %rom the remainder o% the electrical s stem and thereb eliminatin' unnecessar po&er outa'es+ The re*uired concept %or the #o& Volta'e (istribution 2#V(3 and <otor )ontrol )enters 2<))3 ma depend on the installed loads as &ell as o% the Plant la out+ I% re*uired and technicall %easible a combined arran'ement o% #V( panels &ith inte'rated <))Hs ma be applied+ ,or t pical arran'ements please re%er to the t pical arran'ement dra&in's attached belo&+ Protection earthin' and a neutral conductor shall be common 2P.G3 %rom the out'oin' o% the trans%ormer terminals 2I.) 3C$- TG-) s stem- G.<A e*uivalent or local authorit 3+ #V(Hs and <));s shall have 'roundin' as per enclosed t pical dra&in'+ The re*uired short circuit brea:in' capacit at operatin' volta'e o% the individual .*uipment shall be based on )ontractorHs calculation+ )ircuit brea:ers arran'ed in the #V( part and used %or motor start/stop shall be rated accordin'l + .ver #V( shall have an incomin' section &ith the possibilit to isolate non-process loads %rom process load 2see enclosed dra&in' ).S /1J-.3/ $/=3 The busbar s stem used %or #V(Hs and <))Hs shall be made o% copper and shall be rated accordin' to the #V-%eeder / trans%ormer secondar current+ The ma4imum temperature increase on nominal load at the ma4imum room temperature o% 3=O) shall not be more than =O)+ .ach #V(- and <))- panel line-up shall have local indication o% busbar volta'econtrol volta'e indication- current indication 2all 3 phases3 and po&er %actor indication+ The #V(Hs and the <));s shall be o% the same basic desi'n and o% the same ma:e and t pe throu'hout the Plant+
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Standard PART IV-1-3: 21/132

The cable section o% #V(- and <))- panels shall allo& an eas connection o% cables and shall be minimum 2//mm &ide %or a desi'n &ith direct cable connection to the module and minimum $//mm &ide %or a desi'n &ith separate cable compartments+ The #V(Hs and <));s shall be metal enclosed- %reestandin'- &ith a corrosion-proo% sur%ace treatment+ All panel line-up;s shall be e4tendable on both sides and shall receive the same color coat throu'hout the Plant+ The panel doors 2includin' au4iliar panels3 shall be e*uipped &ith identical loc:in' devices to permit the use o% one common :e %or all doors+ Padloc:s %or open condition and rac:ed out position shall be provided %or all circuit brea:ers and disconnect s&itches+ .ach panel line-up 2#V(Hs and <));s3 shall be desi'ned &ith one %ull panel section as spare- e*uipped &ith busbars and door+ This space mi'ht be used %or %uture additions and/or modi%ications+ Panel e4tensions in either direction must be possible &ithout drillin' or &eldin'+ The desi'n o% the .*uipment shall be compliant &ith I.) standard $30-1- G.<A or e*uivalent and shall have the %ollo&in' main %eatures:

<odular construction - &ith se're'ated vertical bus sections .as access to all connection terminals #imited number o% di%%erent po&er and motor starter units ,useless techni*ue shall be applied unless %uses are re*uired %or technical reasons Standardi9ed to a minimum number o% di%%erent si9es o% modules- circuit brea:ers- isolatin' s&itches and contactors Standardi9ed elements %or control and protection Standardi9ed electrical control circuits

The #V(Hs and <));s as &ell as each individual %eeder unit 2module- compartment3 shall be %urnished &ith an en'raved plate statin' description o% .*uipment and number o% drive or identi%ication o% %eeder accordin' to the !A)+ Installation The .*uipment shall be located close to the 'roup o% motors or loads it supplies in decentrali9ed electrical rooms in the respective Plant buildin's+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 22/132


LoA Vo9t!4e PoAer Di6trib tion >1V? The lo& volta'e po&er %eed %rom the distribution trans%ormers secondar side shall be connected to the #V( panel either b cables or enclosed copper bus- dependin' on the current re*uirements- arran'ement and distance+ The connection and components shall be si9ed %or the %ull trans%ormer capacit + The #V( shall be composed o% the %ollo&in' basic .*uipment: Incomin' circuit brea:er &ith protective rela in' >ut'oin' %eeder to capacitor ban: >ut'oin' %eeder to li'ht and po&er distribution i% volta'e level permits >ut'oin' %eeder to cranes and elevators >ut'oin' %eeders to speci%ic sub-control panels- e+'+ electrostatic precipitatorsetc+ >ut'oin' %eeders to <));s >ut'oin' %eeders to lar'e motors 2above ratin' o% appro4imatel 0/ :E3 i% re*uired b the desi'n+ Gon-process po&er %eeders 2e+'+- li'htin'- cranes and air conditioners3 shall be arran'ed at one end o% the bus section %ed %rom the incomin' circuit brea:er and allo& %or one common :Eh-meter %or all non-process po&er consumers connected to this circuit brea:er+


Motor Contro9 Center6 >1M? The <)) shall contain .*uipment %or a sa%e remote control o% the di%%erent Plant sections and consist o% process po&er %eeders+ .ach Plant section shall be divided into several operational motor control 'roups+ A <)) shall comprise one or several motor control 'roups+ <otor control 'roups shall not be subdivided into di%%erent <));s- e4ceptions need Pro1ect >&ners &ritten approval+ The starters o% a motor 'roup shall %orm a bloc: arran'ement &ithin the <))+ .ver motor throu'hout the &hole Plant shall be protected b an overload rela + #ar'e and speci%icall loaded motors 2heav start3 shall use electronic t pe o% motor protection+ >verload rela s shall be desi'ned to prevent sin'le phasin'+ A reset %rom the %ront o% the panel and/or a remote reset via the control s stem shall be provided+ )ontactors shall be rated accordin' to the start/stop o% the s*uirrel ca'e motor 2A)-3 operation3+ Reversible motor %eeders shall be provided &ith internal interloc:s to prevent short-circuitin'+ A ma4imum o% = di%%erent t pes o% modules 2buc:ets3 shall be used to cover the entire ran'e o% #V motor capacities+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 23/132

.ach motor control module shall contain all elements %or the control o% one motor and %or the protection o% its circuitr + The control o% the module shall be per%ormed via directl &ired I/> modules or via the Plant %ieldbus+ Po&er circuits shall be separated b standardi9ed inter%aces to allo& a %uture up'rade o% the control circuits independent o% the po&er circuits+ Internal &irin' shall be coded b numberin'+ )olor coded &ires shall be applied to distin'uish bet&een di%%erent volta'e levels+ ,or process - and drive monitorin' a po&er transmitter 2:E- $-2/mA output- or inte'rated in electronic rela 3 shall be mounted on all buc:et elevator main motors and on all other important process motors o% an ratin' and all drives B= :E+ Variable speed drive converter panels %or small units and so%t starters units- &here re*uired- shall be provided and directl installed &ithin the #V- or <))-panels7 ade*uate coolin' shall be provided %or such .*uipment+ <)) panel line-up shall allo& bac: to bac: mountin' 2each <)) &ith individual bus bar3+ Di6trib ted Motor Contro9 >1D? A (<) concept can be applied as alternative to <)) concept+ The (<) concept inte'rates all <)) components into the local isolator bo4+ The #V( has to be desi'ned as speci%ied in Para 3+1 A (<) po&er bus shall pre%erabl comprise one motor control 'roup+ <i4in' o% di%%erent 'roups on a po&er bus shall be avoided+ (<)Hs control circuits shall be connected via the Plant %ieldbus- po&ered b the uninterruptible po&er suppl s stem+ Remote I/>Hs ma be inte'rated into the (<) bo4+ The isolator s&itch and an %ault reset 2thermal overload3 shall be operated &ithout openin' the bo4+ !eaters shall be included as re*uired b the application+ ,or the individual components- onl Sie<en6 ma:e is accepted+ (ependin' on the motor si9e- ma4+ $ di%%erent po&er t pes o% (<) shall be are chosen+ #ar'er bo4es and/or additional coolin' elements ma be re*uired %or so%tstart or VS( units+ 3'( Contro9 Vo9t!4e S 779" #V-distribution and <))-panel internal control volta'e shall be %ed %rom a separate APS-s stem arran'ed per department or electrical room+ Availabilit o% control volta'e shall be monitored throu'h the control inter%ace+ #ocal indication shall be provided+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 2$/132


Contro9 Inter=!:e Ait3 Pro:e66 Contro9 S"6te< All controlled .*uipment 2e+'+- motor starters- sub-control s stems3 shall have t pical inter%ace re*uirements allo&in' remote control and monitorin' 2%or t pical re*uirements- please re%er to Para =+C+$+13 to %ul%ill the operational re*uirements and to allo& %ull automatic control and supervision 2discrete and analo'ue3 throu'h process control s stem+ !ard-&ire interloc:s directl &ired onto the motor module shall be provided %or personal sa%et interloc:s 2rope s&itches3+


LoA Vo9t!4e PoAer F!:tor Corre:tion E; i7<ent >1C? All lo& volta'e po&er distribution directl connected to trans%ormer- or at remote location shall be e*uipped &ith an automaticall controlled reactive current compensation .*uipment+ The capacitor ban:s shall be si9ed to achieve a po&er %actor at %ull load operation as speci%ied in PART III+ In an case an overall Plant po&er %actor in accordance &ith the re*uirements o% the utilit compan shall be achieved+ The reactive po&er units shall be desi'ned as %ollo&s: .nclosed- sel%-contained <odular desi'n usin' standard capacitor units ,or indoor installation )omplete &ith protective devices and contactors The s&itchin' se*uence and the capacitor unit si9e shall be selected in accordance &ith the e4pected loadin' and shall not disturb or be disturbed b an th ristor controlled conversion .*uipment+ ,urther- the reactive current compensation .*uipment shall be capable to cope &ith the harmonic content e4istin' at the point o% installation and- i% necessar - be e*uipped &ith line %ilter reactors+


St!ndb" Die6e9 Gener!tor S"6te< >E3-EG? The standb diesel 'enerator set shall serve %or the suppl o% electrical standb po&er %or the Plant 2e+'+ %or :iln au4iliar drive- essential drives- APS po&er suppliesemer'enc li'htin'- elevators- computer center- etc+3- in case o% %ailure o% the utilit po&er suppl + Speci%ic re*uirements and capacit calculations considerin' all re*uired standb po&er consumers %or the complete Plant and its in%rastructure shall be proposed b the )ontractor+ ,inal list o% standb consumers shall be determined in a'reement &ith the Pro1ect >&ner+ The set shall be supplied complete &ith %eatures and accessories as listed belo&+ The 'enerator shall be laid out %or operation &ith diesel %uel oil and shall have its o&n tan: 2%or minimum 12 hour operation3 supplied %rom the diesel stora'e tan:+ All re*uired pipin'- valves %or connection and %illin' shall be provided+ (ependin' on the re*uired capacit and the standb po&er distribution arran'ementthe unit ma be selected %or %eedin' directl onto a #V-distribution s stem+ !o&ever%or certain application a %eed onto the <V-busbar s stem ma also be considered+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 2=/132

Automatic start-up in case o% po&er %ailure shall be provided and control o% all re*uired chan'eover %acilities %or %eedin' to the individual bus s stems+ Shutdo&n o% the unit shall be done automaticall b providin' s nchroni9ed s&itchin' 2to avoid unnecessar shutdo&n at chan'eover3+ Parallel operation &ith the utilit net&or: shall be used %or special cases onl and &ill include special speci%ications &ith the utilit net&or: authorities+ The 'enerator shall be rated at /+8 po&er %actor- class , insulation and F class temperature rise 2loaded3- and o% IP== 2G.<A 123 protection class+ Goise suppression %or char'e air s stem and e4haust 'as s stem shall be provided+ Radiator cooler &ith closed &ater circuit and standb heatin' shall be provided as re*uired+ Frushless e4citation and damper &indin's shall be provided+ A control panel shall be provided %or local control and monitorin'- as &ell as a resistance s stem %or test run 2partial load3 and a batter s stem &ith char'er providin' the initial start-up po&er suppl + Automatic operation shall be coordinated &ith the process control s stem+ The standb diesel 'enerator s stem shall be located in a separate area in line &ith applicable codes and standards+ A t pical emer'enc load list is to be %ound in PR.,A).+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 2C/132


LV-Di6trib tion !nd MCC F!:tor" A::e7t!n:e Te6t6 >FAT? #V- and <))-panels &ith installed .*uipment shall be sub1ect to &or:shop inspections b Pro1ect >&ner prior to the %inal assembl o% all s stems+ ,inal ,actor Acceptance Tests 2,AT3 prior to shipment to the site at the )ontractorHs %acilities mi'ht be additionall re*uired %or this .*uipment+ These tests shall be done in accordance &ith the Test Procedure and Test Report %or #o& Volta'e <otor )ontrol )enters 2<))3+


St!ndb" Gener!tor F!:tor" A::e7t!n:e Te6t6 >FAT? The standb 2diesel3 'enerator s stem is sub1ect to ,actor Acceptance Tests 2,AT3 prior to shipment to the site at the )ontractorHs %acilities and shall be &itnessed b Pro1ect >&ner+ The s stem shall be tested under partial load+ )erti%ied test results and reports shall be provided b )ontractor+


T"7i:!9 Dr!Ain46. Gro 7 E3$ The belo& listed dra&in's serve as a 'uideline %or the conceptual desi'narran'ements and installation o% the electrical .*uipment and their devices7 providedho&ever- in all events such .*uipment and devices shall compl &ith Applicable #a& and all Applicable )odes and Standards and meet all other re*uirements o% the )ontract- includin' "ood .n'ineerin' and )onstruction Practices+
E; i7<ent-Gro 7: ).S /1J-.3/ $/= ).S /1J-.3/ $/B ).S /1J-.3/ $/8 ).S /1J-.3/ $/0 ).S /1J-.3/ $1/ ).S /1J-.3/ $11 ).S /1J-.3/ $12 ReB: ( A F ) A A A S bCe:t: T pical #V-(istribution &ith Gon-Process ,eeders and Inte'ral Process <)) <odules T pical Individual Process <)) <ountin' ,rame %or .lectrical Panels and ,loor (etails Protection .arthin' and Geutral "roundin' )oncept o% Po&er (istribution T pical P1/P3 T pical G1 T pical R1

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 2B/132

T pical #V-(istribution &ith Gon-Process ,eeders and Inte'rated Process <)) <odules
<ultipurpose instrument Gon-process consumer Process po&er consumers

Std-b consumer Std-b %eed

Incomin' circuit brea:er >n-load isolator &ith trip coil %or emer'enc stop %unction <)) %eeder 2manual3 <)) modules

Po&er Au4iliar %actor consumers compensation

I/> per panel ot transport section )ablin' compartment <ultipurpose instrument




4 control volta'e Gote : <eterin'-- indicatin' and I/>-e*uipment %or si'nal transmission to be incorporated as re*uired b the technical speci%ication

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 28/132

T pical Individual Process <))

<ultipurpose instrument

Incomin' on-load isolator &ith trip coil %or emer'enc stop %unction )ablin' compartment <ultipurpose instrument

<)) modules

4 control volta'e

Gote : <eterin'-- indicatin' and I/>-e*uipment %or si'nal transmission to be incorporated as re*uired b the technical speci%ication

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 20/132

<ountin' ,rame %or .lectrical Panels and ,loor (etails

(rill anchor bolt &ith nut %or levellin' ,ire seal 2)lass , 0/3

min+ 3//mm

,loor %inish "routin' )oncrete

Steel %rame 2A M =/4=/4=3

Provision %or %i4ation

,or lo& volta'e s&itch'ear rooms hi'h 'rade *ualit %loor 'routin' &ith abrasion resistant %loor paintin' is also acceptable

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 3//132

Protection .arthin' and Geutral "roundin' )oncept o% Po&er (istribution


Gon-process consumer #1 #2 #3 G P. TG-S

Process po&er consumer 3 4 +++ V

TG-) 'roundin' s stem

#1 #2 #3 P.

3 4 +++ V

TG-) 'roundin' s stem mmR 6 =/@ o% phase 2min+ 1/mmR S3



#1 #2 #3 G P.

3 4 +++ / +++ V

TG-S 'roundin' s stem

#1 #2 #3 G P.

3 4 +++ / +++ V

)onnection to 'eneral plant 'roundin' s stem

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 31/132

#1 #2 +++++ VA) 23 #3 +++++ V







I/>-<odules 22$V()3




I/>-<odules 22$V()3

. G

+)U P1
%or sin'le phase consumer 2T 2//VA3

+)U P3

#.".G(: :I 6 ,eeder >I (I 6 (i'ital-Input ,1 6 )ircuit Frea:er 23 6 )ommon )F per Section 33 6 Pre%erred- dependin' on desi'n7 else direct to busbar

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 32/132

#1 #2 #3

+++++ V

+++++ VA) 23






,2 ,1

:T :I#I

(I (I (> I/>-<odules 22$V()3

(1 $3


)1 )1 :R (I

,2 I . A

Po&er Transmitter T B=:E or i% re*uired %or process $-2/mA- or Plant ,ield Fus J:PV AI

#>)A# >G-#>A( IS>#AT>R


,AST >P.G.R :A Alternative #ocation o% Po&er Transmitter 13 to ,ield I/> Fo4

#>)A# )>GTR>#

#.".G(: :( 6 <otor Start :" 6 <otor #ocal "> 2Start3 :I 6 <otor >I :R 6 <otor Run :S 6 <otor #ocal Stop :T 6 <otor Thermal ># :A 6 <otor #ocal Isolated J:PV 6 <otor Po&er :I#I 6 Interloc: Si'nal AI (I (> )1 ,1 ,2 (1 13 23 33 $3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6



to ,ield I/> Fo4

Analo'-Input PAS!-FATT>G (i'ital-Input (i'ital->utput Stop :S )ontactor )ircuit Frea:er Thermal >verload (evice Inter%ace Rela 7 direct 2$V() to )1 accepted %or lo& po&er In Series &ith Stop Si'nal possible )ommon )F per Section Pre%erred- dependin' on desi'n7 else direct to busbar Sa%et Interloc: Rela &here re*uired 2.G0=$-13 e+'+ %or Rope S&itch

to ,ield I/> Fo4

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 33/132

#1 #2 #3

+++++ V

+++++ VA) 23






,2 ,1

:T :I#I

(I (I (> I/>-<odules 22$V()3



(2 )1
mech+ Intl+



)2 )1

$3 c1 :RQ (I

)2 ,2 I . A Po&er Transmitter T B=:E or i% re*uired %or process $-2/mA






#>)A# >G-#>A( IS>#AT>R


,AST >P.G.R :A Alternative #ocation o% Po&er Transmitter 13 to ,ield I/> Fo4

#>)A# )>GTR>#

#.".G(: :(Q 6 :(L 6 :"Q 6 :"L 6 :I 6 :RQ 6 :RL 6 :S 6 :T 6 :A 6 J:PV 6 :I#I 6 <otor Start (irection Q <otor Start (irection L <otor #ocal "> Q 2Start3 <otor #ocal "> L 2Start3 <otor >I <otor Run Q <otor Run L <otor #ocal Stop <otor Thermal ># <otor #ocal Isolated <otor Po&er Sa%et Interloc: AI (I (> )1 ,1 ,2 (1/(2 13 23 33 $3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

Start Q


to ,ield I/> Fo4

Start L to ,ield I/> Fo4 :"L Analo'-Input (i'ital-Input (i'ital->utput Stop to ,ield I/> Fo4 :S )ontactor )ircuit Frea:er Thermal >verload (evice Inter%ace Rela 7 direct 2$V() to )1 accepted %or lo& po&er In Series &ith Stop Si'nal possible )ommon )F per Section Pre%erred- dependin' on desi'n7 else direct to busbar Sa%et Interloc: Rela &here re*uired 2.G0=$-13 e+'+ %or Rope S&itch

this document and all appendices are reserved b !olcim "roup Support #td

Standard PART IV-1-3: 3$/132




Gener!9 Re; ire<ent6 The li'htin' and po&er distribution panels &ithin the main process areas shall either be %ed directl %rom the non-process section o% the departmental #V- or <))-panel or throu'h individual li'htin' trans%ormers connected to the non-process part o% the departmental #V- or <))-panel+ #i'htin' %i4tures %or indoor as &ell as outdoor illumination shall be installed so as to allo& eas maintenance and access+ Installation on &alls and structures is pre%erred+ All apparatus shall be dust-proo% and impact-resistant+ .4plosion-proo% .*uipment shall be provided around 'asoline and oil tan:s- %illin' station- coal 'rindin'- :iln- and au4iliar -%irin' units etc+- i% and to the e4tent re*uired b applicable la& or applicable codes and standards+ <obile .*uipment such as stac:er- reclaimer- mobile crusher- tippler- etc+ shall be provided &ith their o&n on-board li'htin' s stem %ed %rom the machine distribution s stem+ Separate distribution panels shall be provided %or each buildin' or parts o% lar'e buildin's+ The installation shall be e4ecuted as TG-S s stem in accordance &ith I.) 3C$ or G.<A e*uivalent- &hereb the sin'le-phase volta'e is de%ined as phase to neutral volta'e+ Sin'le-phase consumers shall be distributed e*uall to the 3 phases in order to establish a suitabl balanced trans%ormer load and to minimi9e stroboscopic e%%ect o% li'htin'+ All li'htin' %i4tures shall be suitable %or the conditions &here the &ill be mounted+ All apparatus shall be dust-proo% and impact-resistant+ Receptacles and li'htin' shall not be combined to'ether in common circuits+ #i'htin' distribution %or roads and places shall be separated %orm distributions %or process buildin's and o%%ices+ All s&itches- circuit brea:ers- rela s and accessories shall be o% the same desi'n and manu%acture- as the .*uipment %or the process <));s to ensure interchan'e-abilit and reduce spare parts stoc:+ All buildin's &ith a plastered &all %inish shall receive a subsur%ace installation&hereb all cablin' shall be placed in conduits 2e+'+ o%%ices- laborator - control roomssocial buildin's3+ All cables or individual conductors in conduits shall be removable %or replacement purposes+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 3=/132

The illumination levels shall compl &ith the values stated belo&+ Ehere speci%ic %i'ures are missin' applicable codes and standards shall be applied+ ('# Li43tin4 LeBe96 The li'htin' levels in the various areas shall be the 'reater o% that re*uired under applicable la& and applicable codes and standards or the %ollo&in': >%%ices: >%%ices- canteen- con%erence rooms Staircases- hall&a s )ontrol rooms: ))R 2dimmable3 )omputer room Plant:

2=/#4 12/#4

/ V 12/#4 2=/#4

Production areas 2crushin'- 'rindin'- burnin'- pac:in'3 Plat%orms- stair&a s- main &al:&a s )onve or &al:&a s

12/#4 2/#4

Eor:shops: <echanical &or:shops .lectrical &or:shop Instrumentation and electronic &or:shop Stores .lectrical rooms W installations: .lectrical rooms- s&itch'ear rooms )able basements tunnels and 'alleries

2=/#4 2=/#4 =//#4 12/#4

2=/#4 3/#4

>utdoor locations: <ain roads and places 2/#4 Store ards C/#4 "asoline station C/#4 #oadin' and unloadin' ramps C/#4 Air tra%%ic &arnin' li'hts Applicable #a& and Applicable )odes and Standards Public roads Applicable #a& and Applicable )odes and Standards ('3 Indoor Li43tin4 >1F? (a li'ht t pe %luorescent lamps shall be used throu'hout the Plant e4cept in hi'h ba areas 2hei'ht T =m3+ !i'h ba areas shall be illuminated &ith hi'h e%%icienc lamps7 ho&ever- such circuits shall contain a certain number o% instantl restartin' lamps+ Ehen %luorescent %i4tures are used the li'htin' tubes shall be secured to prevent them %rom %allin' and in1urin' personnel+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 3C/132

#i'htin' s&itches shall be arran'ed as a minimum besides each room entr - door and %loor access as &ell as on all %loor levels o% staircases+ ,urther additional arran'ements depend on the room si9e+ ,i4tures &ith separate covers to attain dust ti'htness shall not be used+ An emer'enc li'htin' s stem comprisin' an ade*uate number o% %i4ed installed- %ull automatic lamps &ith their o&n batter and char'er as &ell as e4it mar:in's shall be provided %or sa%e evacuation o% all buildin's and parts o% the Plant in the event o% the complete loss o% electric po&er suppl + .4it li'htin' shall be %urnished and installed+ A ti'hter distribution o% suitable emer'enc li'htin' shall be provided in the vital areas o% po&er 'eneration as &ell as standb - and main po&er distribution to allo& %or sa%e &or:in' condition &hile restorin' the permanent po&er %eed+ ,urthermore- a number o% mobile batter -operated emer'enc lamps &ith automatic char'in' shall be installed at main access routes and on each main %loor &ith concentration o% process .*uipment+ The desi'n o% the li'htin' distribution shall be in such a &a that the li'htin' distribution panels o% each main electrical room is %ed %rom the standb po&er 'eneratin' unit so as to 'uarantee suppl also in the event o% a main po&er %ailure+ T pes o% subsur%ace mounted luminaries %or o%%ices- control rooms- social buildin's etc+ shall be selected in accordance &ith the architectural desi'n and the individual room re*uirement+ )ontrol rooms and other rooms servin' predominantl P)-&or: shall receive indirect li'htin' &ith ad1ustable dimmin'+ #i'htin' circuits &ith t&o or more s&itches shall be &or:in' on the pulse rela principle e4clusivel + ('( O tdoor Li43tin4 >1F? !i'h e%%icienc lamps shall be used %or outdoor li'htin'+ Eherever possible li'htin' %i4tures servin' street li'htin' and li'htin' o% places shall be %i4ed to nearb buildin' structures but shall be %ed %rom the respective road li'htin' distribution s stem+ Ehere appropriate- %lood li'htin' shall be installed %or lar'e area li'htin' in place o% li'htin' on individual masts+ ,or the outdoor li'htin'- photocells 2t&ili'ht3 control %or automatic s&itchin' in dar: shall be provided+ Simultaneous s&itchin' o% all outdoor illumination &ithin the &hole Plant shall be assured+ Earnin' li'hts %or aircra%ts shall be provided in accordance &ith applicable la& and applicable codes and standards+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 3B/132


Tr!==i: Li43tin4 >1F? Tra%%ic si'nals to control the tra%%ic in the 'ate and dispatch area shall be provided as re*uired b the dispatch or'ani9ation+ The s stem shall %urther in%orm and 'uide the truc: drivers &ith re'ard to the cement loadin' activities+ Special tra%%ic si'nalin' .*uipment mi'ht also be re*uired at unloadin' stations 2e+'+ crusher hopper- %eed hoppers %or coal- additives etc+3 Such si'nalin' shall either utili9e lar'e clear te4t displa s or normal tra%%ic li'htin' s stem+ Special care shall be 'iven in the desi'n to account %or visibilit in dust environments+


PoAer So:@et6. P9 4 So:@et6 >#D? >ne or several sin'le-phase receptacles shall be provided beside each room door and %loor access+ ,urther distribution &ill depend on the room si9e+ Plu' soc:et centers shall be o% industrial t pe 2metallic or e*uivalent3- installed at each %loor o% ever production buildin'+ A ma4imum o% 3 plu' soc:ets centers ma be connected in parallel 2looped3+ The industrial t pe soc:ets shall cover the places and be ade*uate %or the tools and the &or: that has to be carried out+ A ma4imum cable len'th o% appro4imatel 3/ m o% mobile tools shall be considered+ In this conte4t speci%ic re%erence is made to heav &eldin' machines and beltvulcani9in' .*uipment and materials- &hich re*uires additional installed special si9e plu' soc:ets+ Such plu' soc:ets shall be %ed in parallel 2looped3 alon' the same machine- e+'+ belt conve or3+ Permanentl installed .*uipment and materials shall be solidl connected+


T"7i:!9 Dr!Ain46. Gro 7 E($ The belo& listed dra&in's serve as a 'uideline %or the conceptual desi'narran'ements and installation o% the electrical .*uipment and their devices7 providedho&ever- in all events such .*uipment and devices shall compl &ith Applicable #a& and all Applicable )odes and Standards and meet all other re*uirements o% the )ontract- includin' "ood .n'ineerin' and )onstruction Practices+
E; i7<ent-Gro 7: ).S /1J-.$/ $/1 ).S /1J-.$/ $/2 ReB: F F S bCe:t: #i'htin' Pole Installation ,oundation and )ablin' Plu' Soc:et )enter

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 38/132

#i'htin' Pole Installation ,oundation and )ablin'

Inte'ral 23P-G-.3 terminal bo4 appro4+ 1+=m above 'round

,i4ation &ith loc: nut

"routin' )oncrete tile #evel nut

min+ 8//mm


M 8//mm

M 1///mm

Road shoulder

)onduit )able Sand bed

M 1=//mm

<ountin' plate %or accurate settin' o% anchor bolts

M 0// M 12//

K Eater ti'ht covered inte'ral terminal bo4:

1/A .arthin' o% pole # # # G . 1 2 3 3PXGX. min+ 1CmmR terminals 3PXGX.

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 30/132

T pical Plu' Soc:et )enter:

Plu' Soc:et )enter

I. lea:a'e current protection and )F Fo4


1C A

1C A

1C A

C3 A 2 )able 'land min+ 3CmmY In%eeder protection and cable desi'n based on C3A
#1-#3 G .

1C A

I . - )F =/mA 2.arth lea:a'e current protection3 individual %or each soc:et outlet

In%eed terminal min+ 3=mmR 3PXGX. I . - )F 3//mA

C3 A 3 phase G- .

1C A 3 phase G- .

1C A one phase G- .

Plu' soc:ets o% ).. t pe pre%erred- or local standard

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Standard PART IV-1-3: $//132




Gener!9 Re; ire<ent6 The process control s stem shall be based on the application o% a &ell-proven technolo' paired &ith e%%ective standardi9ation o% all .*uipment and materials throu'hout the Plant+ The %ollo&in' 'eneral 'uidelines shall be considered: a3 Separation o% the cement process into hi'hl independent sub-processes 2departments3 shall be re%lected in the desi'n and la out o% the process control s stem+ The !A) s stem shall be used as a 'uideline %or de%inin' the subprocesses+ The desi'n o% the process control s stem shall provide to the e4tent possible an open architecture and allo& %or eas implementation o% ne& re*uirements and o% an eas replacement o% obsolete parts+ The !A) code shall be used throu'hout to identi% all .*uipment- materialsassociated si'nals and application so%t&are+



The enclosed process control s stem t pical la out indicates the principles o% the concept+ It is characteri9ed b its uni%orm structure- &hich is applied %or each process department+ The process control shall be or'ani9ed in %ollo&in' levels: 6$e 839 le,el) usin' I/> devices to sensors- valves and motor control 2as speci%ied in Para 2 and 33 or direct %ield bus connection to measurin' s stems and subcontrols stems 2as speci%ied in Para C3+ 6$e ;F& le,el) usin' standard %ield bus 2Plant %ieldbus3 %or the communication o% the I/> level to the process stations+ 6$e controller le,el) usin' the process stations 2PS3 &ith their so%t&are- assurin' the sa%e operation o% machines- o% the production process and provide all re*uired communication inter%aces to other control levels+ 6$e o(erator le,el) usin' the operator stations 2>S3- assurin' a simple and e%%icient human machine inter%ace 2!<I3 %or the remote operation o% the Plant+ 6$e su(er,isory le,el) usin' !olcim speci%ic tools li:e .4pert >ptimi9er 2#in:man3 and TIS+ (ra&in' ).S/1J-.=/ $10 . sho&s the process control s stem t pical la out:

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Standard PART IV-1-3: $1/132

.=: Process )ontrol S stem T pical #a out

In%ormation <ana'ement
Plant IT Get&or: 2TIS3

>perator Stations 2!<I3



)olor Printer

>ptimisation and #ivin' Spare >P) 2(A- A.- !(A3

.n'ineerin'Pro'rammin'(ocumentationFac:-up- (ial-In

.4pert >ptimi9er
>P) 2(A3

Trainin' W Test S stem

)olor Printer Printer

Server W Station

Process Stations
Server 1 Server 2 2redundant3 <obile .n'ineerin' Pro'rammin'- (ocumentationPS- >S W !(RS



I/> Simulation So%t&are Test Panel

I /

(istributed Input/>utput .3 .8
< < < < < <

Plant ,ieldbus .T!.RG.T


this document and all appendices are reserved b !olcim "roup Support #td

see Speci%ication



!/1 #aborator

2/1 3/1 Ra& <aterial Ra& <eal Preparation Preparation

$/1 )lin:er Production

=/1 )ement "rindin'

#/1 )oal <ill X Au4iliaries

C/1 Pac:in' Shippin'

I/> . <) P. S <

6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

#ocal )ontrol Room )entral )ontrol Room )omputer Room Production <eetin' Room Input / >utput .thernet )onnection Fehind S&itch <otor )ontrol Primar .lement Sensor / S&itch <otor Actuator / Valve !olcim Suppl ,ollo&in' s&itchin' o% redundant server

Standard PART IV-1-3: $2/132


&!6i: De6i4n Criteri! The process control s stem 2P)S3 shall comprise all necessar hard&are and so%t&are %or motor and process control and %or inter%ace &ith standard !olcim products %or hi'h level automation 2.4pert >ptimi9er - #in:man3 and Technical In%ormation S stem 2TIS3+ It shall include all .*uipment re*uired %or sa%e- local- remote- manual and automatic operation o% the production departments and o% the main au4iliar departments+


Response Times The control s stem shall be con%i'ured %or optimum response time &ith the %ollo&in' limits as a minimum: The time %or an input event- such as a transition in motor state or a chan'e in pressure- to be re%lected on the displa shall ta:e no lon'er than 1 second Static displa call-up time shall ta:e ma4imum 1 second All 2appro4+ 2//3 updated d namic values shall ta:e no lon'er than 2 seconds Real time trend call up &ith all traces 2min C3 updated shall ta:e no lon'er than = seconds Processor c cle time shall be 5 1// ms Processor scannin' time %or a discrete si'nal shall be 5 1// ms Processor scannin' time %or an analo' si'nal shall be 5 2=/ ms %or time-critical values 2e+'+ pressures3 Processor scannin' time %or an analo' si'nal shall be 5 2=// %or non-critical values as temperatures- etc+ Sustained control s stem operation on APS po&er shall be T 1= minutes


Process )ontrol S stem #oadin' and Spare )apacit The process control s stem shall be con%i'ured to accommodate possible %uture e4pansion+ The %ollo&in' re*uirements shall be met at Provisional Ta:in' >ver: Process station )PA loadin' 5 =/@ Process station memor utili9ation %actor 5 C/@ 2%or %uture e4pansion onl disre'ardin' memor re*uired %or on-line chan'es3 >perator station memor utili9ation %actor 5 C/@ I/> utili9ation 2discrete and analo'3 per process station 5 B=@ Spare space in each %ield I/> bo4 T 2/@ APS spare capacit T 3/@


Redundanc Redundanc shall be provided in the %ollo&in' areas: !uman <achine Inter%ace 2!<I3 and data servers Processor level communication net&or: unless processors are located in central control room I/> level communication outside buildin's 2rin' t pe3

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Standard PART IV-1-3: $3/132


>n-line )han'e )apabilities >n line chan'e 2&ithout shutdo&n o% production process3 shall be possible %or the %ollo&in' %eatures: )han'e o% parameters 2time- loop- limits etc+3 )han'e o% PS pro'ram 2respectin' certain documented rules3 )han'e o% messa'e te4t )han'e o% pictures 2'raphics3 and its animation The %ollo&in' %eatures are desirable: Addition o% I/> Addition o% so%t&are modules / entire pro1ects Addition o% PS / >S


)ontrol S stem Acceptance Tests 2SST- ,AT- P)T3 Test o% 'eneral S stem Standards 2SST3 and ,actor Acceptance Tests 2,AT3 prior to shipment to the site shall be per%ormed at the relevant )ontractorHs %acilities+ ,or the ,AT the process control s stem PS and >S shall be completel assembled and loaded &ith s stem so%t&are and application pro'rams+ The I/> shall be simulated usin' the I/> communication bus and a separate P) &ith simulation so%t&are+ Per%ormance and completion tests 2P)T3 shall be per%ormed a%ter success%ul commissionin' &ith material to ensure the ade*uac o% the desi'n and e4ecution to the re*uirements+ T pical protocols %or ,AT are as per Test Procedure and Test Report %or Process )ontrol S stem+


I0O DeBi:e6 >E%-#D? Input and output modules 2I/>3 shall be installed decentrali9ed in the di%%erent areas o% sensors and control centers+ Plant %ieldbus communication 2Pro%ibus (P t pe or e*uivalent open standard3 shall be applied %rom the I/> to the Process Station 2PS3+ The di%%erent t pes o% I/> modules shall be standardi9ed to a ma4imum o% 2 di%%erent t pes o% (I- 3 di%%erent t pes o% (>- 1 t pe o% AI and A> 2/ or $-2/mA3- 1 t pe o% PT1//- t pe o% thermocouple input as re*uired- other and special modules onl &ith &ritten approval o% Pro1ect >&ner+ I/>-Panels and %ield I/>-Fo4es: Input/>utput 2I/>3 components shall be mounted in %ield I/> bo4es 2,I>F3 o% standardi9ed modular desi'n and si9e+ These bo4es shall be connected &ith the standard Plant %ieldbus s stem to the Process Station 2PS3+ Po&er suppl to these ,I>F shall be %rom department APS 2see Para =+113+ ,I>F shall be totall enclosed 2IPC=/G.<A123 &ith additional internal heatin'/coolin' as mi'ht be re*uired %or the speci%ic application+ ,ield si'nals shall be directl &ired throu'h a &ire 'uide &ith one labeled position 2e+'+ hole3 per si'nal and connected b ca'e clamps terminals to the modular I/> components- usin' one terminal per &ire+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: $$/132

Si'nals %rom po&er distribution and motor control 2Para 1- 2- and 33 shall be connected to I/>;s directl installed in the respective panels+ %'( Co<< ni:!tion NetAor@6 >E%-#S? ,iber optic communication net&or:s 2'lass t pe3 shall be installed bet&een buildin's and to I/> bo4es and process control s stems installed outside o% buildin's %or transport s stems- stac:er/reclaimers- etc+ These net&or:s shall be redundant b usin' a rin' structure &ith di%%erent cable&a s+ F means o% a dra&in'- %iber optic cable runs and net&or: la out shall be sho&n+ Standard measurin' protocols o% all installed communication lin:s shall be provided+ The minimum bundle runs bet&een electrical rooms / control rooms shall be t&elve 2123-%ibers &ith %iber brea:-out panels o% minimum protection t pe IP $2 provided at each end+ The %inal la out shall provide at least one spare pair o% %ibers bet&een each connection+ #a out o% net&or:s &ith net&or: se'ments- hubs- routers- s&itches and proposed media are sub1ect to >&nerHs revie&- comments and disapproval+ A net&or: certi%ication shall be conducted a%ter completion o% the installation+ All communications that contain control commands have to be supervised b a bidirectional &atchdo'+ This &atchdo' shall be o% binar heartbeat t pe %or sub-control inter%aces and o% incremental t pe 2inte'er /N1/;///3 %or main s stem connectivit + %'% =+=+1 Pro:e66 St!tion6 >E%-#P? "eneral Process Stations 2PS3 shall be arran'ed per process department- allo&in' independent control and supervision o% each distinct department+ .ach PS or PS-s stem on level 1 shall be capable o% handlin' the %ollo&in' control tas:s: <otor local and se*uence control and interloc:in' <achine protection and supervision Analo' value processin' and supervision )losed loop control #o''in' and conditionin' o% production data .stablishment o% %irst alarm and messa'e in%ormation !andlin' o% control commands %rom operator stations (ata e4chan'e to the level 2 and level 3 s stem Si'nal and data e4chan'e to %ield sensors- actuators- <));s- VS(;s- S)S- drive s stems- subs stems- other PS- etc+ throu'h distributed I/> or Plant %ieldbus

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Standard PART IV-1-3: $=/132


!ard&are The hard&are shall be o% a modern &ell-proven technolo' ma:in' use o% the latest available )PA;s- memories- bus technolo'ies and peripherals %or hi'h per%ormance and reliabilit + The central processin' unit shall be located near the respective central control buildin' in the computer room- unless other&ise approved in &ritin' b Pro1ect >&ner+


So%t&are The so%t&are shall be structured as %ollo&s: S stem so%t&are Standard so%t&are Application so%t&are 2based on %unctional speci%ication3 The s stem and standard so%t&are is understood to be e*ual on all Process Station 2PS3+ The s stem and standard so%t&are shall be documented in a separate manuale4plainin' in detail the di%%erent %unctions o% the di%%erent modules and providin' pro'rammin' and con%i'uration instructions &ith t pical e4amples+ The documentation o% the application pro'ram shall include a compilation o% the operatin' descriptions and instructions o% the di%%erent machines and processes into a manual+ The manual shall be structured accordin' to !A) and provide a %unctional description o% the entire Plant+ <ain interloc:s and control loops shall be presented in a 'raphical %orm+ The application pro'ram shall include titles 2at least per !A) asset3- re%erence codes %or all e4ternal si'nals and non standard internal si'nals 2all !A) based3- and pro'ram descriptions o% all special pro'ram sections+


S stem So%t&are S stem so%t&are shall be used %or operation pro'rammin'- con%i'uration etc+ It shall be o% a modern &ell-proven technolo' ma:in' use o% the latest hard&are developments o% )PA;s- memories and peripherals and provide the respective drivers and protocols+ S stem so%t&are shall %ollo& I.) C1131 pro'rammin' capabilities 2includin' %unction bloc: dia'rams- ladder lo'ic- structured te4t- and statement list3+ The s stem so%t&are shall be capable o% eas and relativel unlimited on-line chan'es to processor lo'ic in RAG mode &ithout a%%ectin' pro'ram e4ecution and the process+ It shall also include tools %or bul: data import and e4port- sa%et and bac:-up procedures etc+ A minimum o% 3 pass&ord levels shall allo& controlled and documented operation and maintenance o% the s stem+ (ia'nostic so%t&are shall allo& eas troubleshootin' o% all communications &ithin the entire P)S and o% Plant %ieldbus connected I/>Hs and .*uipments+


Standard So%t&are The standard so%t&are shall be structured- usin' department- 'roup and machine as individual ob1ects as re%lected in the !A) s stem+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: $C/132

.ach department is divided into various !A) 'roups- identi%ied b the !A) 'roup number+ A !A) 'roup can consist o% one 2normal case3 or several se*uences %urther on called 'roup+ .ach 'roup normall consists o% several machines- identi%ied b the machine asset code+ A machine includes all re*uired drives- valves- machine protections and process sensors re*uired %or the proper operation o% the machine+ The control o% a machine ma consist o% one or several standard modules 2c/ ++ c83+ !? De7!rt<ent Contro9 A department start &ill allo& an automatic start o% all involved 'roups in a timeoptimi9ed &a + A speci%ic shutdo&n module shall allo& a sa%e and predictable stop and restart o% the control s stem in case o% a po&er %ailure+ Immediate start shall allo& to overrun the individual 'roup start notice times and to immediatel start the 'roup se*uences in the time optimi9ed &a 2e+'+ a%ter a po&er dip3+ This %eature shall be active %or 3 minutes onl - and onl a%ter the department has been in %ull operation+ Gro 7 Contro9 ,rom the operator station 2level 23 it shall be possible to per%orm %or each individual 'roup the %ollo&in' standardi9ed control %unctions: Start Gormal stop Immediate stop #ocal %ree Select commands as re*uired It shall be possible to trend the 'roup status histor 2as inte'er value3+ In the %ollo&in'- the control %unctions o% a 'roup are described+ Po&er-dip Suppression: Po&er-dip re%ers to short main po&er interruptions+ A po&er dip shall be detected prior to an trippin' &ithin the 'roup b means o% a sensitive po&er-dip rela 2under-volta'e rela on department <V level3+ A pro'ram shall :eep the 'roup in runnin' condition- i% po&er is bac: a%ter the po&er-dip time+ The runnin' condition time shall be ad1ustable &ithin a ran'e o% / to ma4 =//msec&ith a preset value o% 3=/msec+ A &arnin' messa'e shall indicate a detected po&er dip 2at a preset under-volta'e o% V2=@3+ A %ailure messa'e shall indicate a po&er %ailure 2suppressin' all other possible %ailure messa'es o% that 'roup durin' a po&er %ailure3+ Start: Prior to the startin' o% a 'roup its availabilit status can be chec:ed b selectin' the correspondin' 'roup displa + All si'nals &ithin the 'roup- &hich &ould prevent a correct start-up- shall be displa ed not read 2violet3 on the correspondin' location o% the 'roup mimic+ <issin' 'roup interloc:s or process conditions %or complicated 'roups shall be pre%erabl sho&n &ith a list o% not read te4t on a pop-up menu+ All these not read indications shall be sho&n &ithout releasin' an alarm messa'e+


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Standard PART IV-1-3: $B/132

A 'roup can be started &hen all the startin' conditions and interloc:s %rom the appropriate 'roup as &ell as associated 'roups are %ul%illed+ Startin' o% a 'roup &ith a machine not read &ill start the se*uence up to this machine and issue a detailed %ailure or &arnin' messa'e o% the not read device+ A%ter activatin' the start command- an audible and a visible start-up notice in the respective 'roup or department shall be initiated+ A%ter 1= sec- the audible start-up notice shall stop and the 'roup shall start in accordance &ith the predetermined interloc:in' se*uence 2the visible startadvertisin' lamp %lashes until the complete 'roup is started3+ I% re*uired the procedures have to be adapted accordin' local re'ulations+ Process-controlled items such as %laps and variable speed drives shall automaticall run-up to predetermined values+ The status o% the 'roup se*uence shall be indicated in 're / 'reen on the 'roup and department status overvie&+ Selections %or Stand-b (rives or (i%%erent <aterial Routes: A%ter a ne& selection the 'roup has to be restarted+ It &ill provide an automatic se*uence start o% all items o% the ne& selection and a%ter the success%ul start- a normal stop o% all de-selected items+ In case o% a %ailure o% the ne& selection- the old selection remains in operation+ In case o% transport &ith di%%erent materials- ne& selections ma have to be disabled 2e+'+ not emptied belts3+ Got read conditions in a standin' or not selected route 2e+'+ local stop or rope s&itch3 &ill be indicated on the screen 2violet3+ Got read conditions in a standin' route but pre-selected %or automatic start 2e+'+ to automaticall %ill a silo3 &ill be indicated as &arnin'+ Selections o% standb units shall 'enerall include automatic s&itch over+ Earnin' and ,ailure durin' Start and Gormal >peration: Should a motor not start and- there%ore- interrupt the se*uence- the alarm shall sound in the control room and an alarm messa'e shall indicate the cause o% the alarm in detail 2&arnin' or %ailure dependin' on t pe o% e*uipment3+ The remainin' se*uence &ill remain in operation until the 'roup is either standin' or a restart 2a%ter repair o% the %ault drive3 &ill complete the start se*uence+ A %ailure- &hich occurs durin' the normal run o% a 'roup- &ill ma:e a %ailure messa'e and the detailed location &ill be sho&n in red color on the screen+ It &ill normall initiate an immediate stop o% certain drives o% the 'roup 2se*uence interloc:in'3- or o% entire 'roups- accordin' to the %unctional speci%ication+ A stop o% a &arnin' drive does not stop a runnin' 'roup- but &ill ma:e a &arnin' messa'e and &ill be sho& in ello& colour on the screen as lon' as the drive is not correctl runnin'+ ,ailure or &arnin' o% an drive o% the 'roup shall be indicated in red / ello& on the 'roup and department status overvie&+ Restartin' o% the runnin' 'roup &ill restart the de%ective &arnin' drive+ >nce standin'- the 'roup can onl be completel started &ith a normal start se*uence o% all drives - includin' desi'nated &arnin' drives and all measurements &ith se*uence interloc:in' &ithin nominal ran'e+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: $8/132

Alarmin' and restartin' o% an interrupted 'roup se*uence shall be as described in DstartD+ Gormal Stop: A normal stop shall include a procedure that leaves .*uipment in a suitable condition %or the ne4t start-up- 2mainl empt in' o% transport s stems3+ Immediate Stop: An immediate stop shall stop the process at once+ .4ceptions- li:e lubrication pumps- closin' o% 'ates- Plant services e*uipment- etc+ must remain active and %unctional accordin' to the speci%ication+ #ocal ,ree: The local %ree is a permissive condition %or a local start o% a drive &ith its local control push-button+ It normall is selected individuall %or each drive 2see c1 normal drive3+ It shall be possible to select individual local %ree at the stop o% a drive- re'ardless o% the mode o% operation o% the 'roup 2standin'- startin' or stoppin'3+ An immediate stop &ill ho&ever deselect all local %ree o% the 'roup+ A local %ree shall be provided per 'roup to allo& local %ree o% all drives o% the 'roup %or 'eneral maintenance purpose+ Selection o% local %ree o% an drive o% the 'roup shall be indicated in &hite on the 'roup 'raphics at the detailed location o% the drive and as summar status on the 'roup- and department status overvie&+ :? M!:3ine Contro9 The %ollo&in' standard modules shall be provided to per%orm the machine control+ .ach so%t&are module shall per%orm standard alarmin' and in%ormation %unctions as de%ined in the section >S 2level 23- and shall per%orm control %unctions as re*uired b the application+ ON0OFF >&in!r"? Sen6or >SAit:3? Sensors as level- temperature- belt dri%t- pressure s&itches or speed detectors etc+ shall be treated in a separate module+ The module per%orms si'nal conditionin' in order to avoid %alse alarms 2parameter settin' o% time dela %or alarmin'- %ilterin' etc3+ The module de%ines the t pe o% alarm messa'e 2&arnin' or %ailure3 and suppression o% alarm messa'e durin' a stop o% the 'roup or stop o% the machine or a process condition+ It shall be possible to override 2b pass3 the sensor b a s stem pass&ord protected parameter settin'+ A %ault status o% a sensor shall be indicated on the 'roup 'raphics at the detailed location o% the sensor as %ollo&s: Got read durin' standin' o% the 'roup: violet- &ithout messa'e A %ault status durin' operation o% the 'roup: either as &arnin' 2 ello&&ith &arnin' messa'e3 or %ailure 2red- &ith %ailure messa'e3 >verride 2b pass3 durin' standin' and operation o% the 'roup: li'ht oran'e- &ith dia'nostic messa'e Eith a count do&n timer %or applications &ith a %i4 time dela bet&een &arnin' and %ailure 2e+'+ %ault on lubrication 6 &arnin'- 3/ min until shut do&n o% main machine3


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Standard PART IV-1-3: $0/132

The summar status o% all sensors o% a 'roup is to be sho&n on the 'roup and department status overvie& 2see Para =+C+3+$ and =+C+3+=3+ A%ter a %ailure / &arnin' o% d namic si'nals 2as e+'+ speed detectors3 the not read indication 2violet3 shall be activated and remain until the si'nal has once been o: 2e+'+ b local start o% the drive3+ Felt (ri%t S&itches: Felt dri%t s&itches are o% the auto- 2sprin'3 return t pe+ (ri%t &ill indicate a &arnin' messa'e a%ter a %irst ad1ustable time 2appro4+ = sec3 and return to o: a%ter a second ad1ustable time 2appro4+ = sec3+ A%ter a third ad1ustable time 2appro4+ 3/ sec3 the drive &ill stop &ith a %ailure messa'e+ Some belts &ill need additional special pro'rams li:e counters etc+ to correctl &arn and/or stop the drive+ #evel: )ontinuous levels shall be used %or &arnin' onl 2hi'h and lo&- &here applicable3+ I% automatic %illin' is involved- hi'h and lo& level used %or automatic %illin' shall not be alarmed 2no messa'e3+ The ma4 level sensor shall normall be o% the capacitive t pe+ ,or bi' silos 2stoc: bi''er than 1 hour3- the ma4 level shall be ad1usted to allo& %or a normal stop o% the in-%eedin' 'roup+ ,or smaller silos the ma4 level ma have to initiate an immediate stop o% the in-%eedin' 'roup to allo& %or %ull usa'e o% the silo capacit + Eindin' Temperature: <otor &indin' temperature shall be used to control the correct %unctionin' o% the motor standstill heater o% lar'e motors+ #o& temperature 2in e4treme cases to be correlated &ith ambient temperature3 shall indicate a &arnin' messa'e+ :1? Nor<!9 DriBe START/ST>P push-buttons and >,,/R.A(L on-load isolator s&itches shall be located near each individual motor or e4ceptionall near 'roups o% controlled units such as sub-control s stems+ The >,, position is the sa%et position and shall allo& sa%e maintenance on the machine+ The >,, position &ill be loc:able &ith padloc:s+ The nonavailabilit o% the drive %or automatic operation shall be indicated on the 'roup 'raphic 2not read - violet3+ The normal settin' is the R.A(L position7 this position allo&s remote operation+ The START push-button is used to operate the drive %or local maintenance and test purposes &hen local operation is allo&ed %rom the central control console+ The drive &ill operate until the ST>P push-button is activated 2sel% sealin' t pe3 or as lon' as the start push-button is pushed 2dip control3 or the local %ree si'nal is &ithdra&n+ In local %ree mode all protections o% the concerned machine shall be active+ )ontinuous pushin' o% the start pushbutton &ill override the machine protections 2e+'+ belt dri%t or speed detector %ailure3- but not personal sa%et protections 2e+'+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: =//132

rope s&itch3+ #ocal start shall issue the start &arnin' o% the respective drive+ A %ault o% the drive durin' local operation &ill issue a &arnin' 2%or %ailure and &arnin' t pe o% drives3 e4cept %or the ST>P pushbutton- &hich is not re'arded as %ault durin' local operation+ Standard drive control shall include !<I controlled 2via pop-up displa 3 local %ree selection o% the drive- start &arnin' and start/stop o% the drive- parameter settin' %or local %ree sel% sealin' or dip control- t pe o% drive 2&arnin' or %ailure3timer on / o%% dela and shall include number o% starts counter and runnin' hour counter 2at precision o% /+/1 hour3+ Alarmin' shall be as described in Para =+C+$+1+ The !<I controlled individual start/stop o% the drive shall be pass&ord protected and shall have the same %unction and indications as local %ree start/stop+ >n the 'roup 'raphic the not read o% the drive shall be indicated in violet 2&ithout messa'e3 a %ault status durin' operation as &arnin' 2 ello&3 or %ailure 2red3 at the detailed location o% the drive or at the !A) namin' o% the asset+ The runnin' o% the drive shall be indicated in 'reen on the %ull machine 2%or transport machines as belts- buc:et elevators- air slides- conve ors- %anspumps etc3 or on the drive 2%or main machines as crushers- mills etc+3+ The summar status o% all drives o% the 'roup is to be sho&n on the 'roup and department status overvie&+ :#? ReBer6ib9e DriBe The reversible drive shall meet the re*uirements o% Para =+=+3+2+c1 abovee4cept &ith 2 directions start push-buttons 2i+e+ %or&ard/stop/reverse3+ V!9Be Valves shall meet the re*uirements o% Para =+=+3+2+c1 above- &ithout >,,/R.A(L isolator s&itch but &ith end position supervision+ The direction o% %lo& shall be indicated in bold blac: on the 'roup 'raphic machine s mbol+ ,or open/close applications- the not closed position shall be indicated in 'reen on the machine+ #on' travelin' applications shall additionall indicate count do&n time to open / close+ A:t !tor Contro9 Actuator controls 2motori9ed &ith standard reversible motor V onl i% applicable3 shall meet the re*uirements o% Para =+=+3+2+c1 above but &ith open/close pushbutton- limit s&itch- tor*ue s&itch supervision and position control 2see cB3+ The indication on the 'roup 'raphic shall be as %or c33 and &ith position measurement as %or cC3+ Actuator controls 2&ith control po&er %eed to actuator V pre%erred3 shall provide isolator s&itch %eedbac: and open/close push-button and position control 2see cB3+ The indication on the 'roup 'raphic shall be as %or c33 and &ith position measurement as %or cC3+ V!ri!b9e S7eed DriBe Variable speed drives shall meet the re*uirements o% Para =+=+3+2+c1 above- but &ith additional increase/decrease push-buttons and speed control+




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Standard PART IV-1-3: =1/132


Me!6 re<ent Tre!t<ent Analo' values shall be conditioned and supervised b standard procedures+ Individual con%i'uration shall be throu'h simple parameter ad1ustment+ As a minimum the %ollo&in' values shall be parameter ad1ustable: %ilterin' constantminimum $ alarm limits- h steresis- settin' o% override 2b pass3 value+ All limits shall be treated as outlined in c/ >G/>,, sensor+ ,ailure limits shall onl be applied %or those applications- &hich interloc: the se*uence 2e+'+ ma4 bearin' temperature3+ >ut o% ran'e 2electrical %ailure3 shall not cause a shut do&n &ith ma4 or min %ailure limit but shall initiate a dia'nostic alarm 2li'ht oran'e3+ This can be either per%ormed as a standard %or all process values or at the pro'rammin' o% the interloc:in'+ The tar'et is to avoid shut do&ns due to electrical maintenance or sensor %ailures+ The override 2b pass3 value shall replace the actual value 2manual override3 durin' sensor problems or maintenance+ The override action shall issue a dia'nostic alarm 2li'ht oran'e3 and be indicated on the 'raphic 2also at standin' o% the 'roup3+ The measurement presentation shall be per%ormed accordin' to Section D"raphic displa D+ Pre-pro'rammed al'orithms shall be available %or the individual treatment o% process measurements+ Ehere re*uired %ilterin' o% oscillatin'- process values 2noise3 shall be per%ormed at the transmitter 2e+'+ pressure si'nals3+


C9o6ed Loo7 Contro9 >PID? )losed loop control shall be per%ormed &ith so%t&are modules &ithin the process station s stem+ The shall be applied on all process variables- &hich shall be continuousl controlled to 'uarantee a smooth operation o% the Plant+ )ontinuous output shall be applied %or electricall controlled variable speed drives- %eeders- actuators- etc+ Ehere necessar - step controllers 2throu'h discrete outputs3 ma be used %or the control o% actuators+ Standard PI( control shall include !<I controlled 2pre%erabl throu'h pop-up &indo&3 manual/automatic/e4ternal selection and indications7 correspondin' selection o% setpoint/ either b increase / decrease- slide ruler or numeric value7 settin' and indication o% control 2PI(3 and other parameters as bumpless trans%er and setpoint trac:in'+ The setpoint value shall be indicated in blue on the process- and 'roup 'raphicpre%erabl to'ether &ith its associated process value- the setpoint increase / decrease button and its bar'raph+ (urin' e4ternal control- setpoints and/or parameters o% the loops &ill be automaticall ad1usted- the setpoint value shall be indicated in 'reen- increase / decrease shall not be sho&n+ ,ault status o% the controller and manual selection shall be indicated as &arnin' 2 ello&3- details to be sho&n on the pop-up &indo&+ #oop-tunin' so%t&are shall be provided as part o% the control s stem+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: =2/132


Inte4r!tion o= Prod :tion 0 Con6 <7tion V!9 e6 Values used %or the reportin' shall be treated b the process station &ithin the respective machine- 'roup or production department+ The %ollo&in' values shall be monitored and inte'rated or other&ise prepared to be transmitted &ith >P) to the TIS: (rive runnin' hours and number o% operations Production runnin' hours 2runnin' normall de%ined as main material %eed hi'her than 2=@ and main machine runnin'- standin' as main material %eed belo& 1/@ or main machine standin'3 Production/consumption values 2material and ener' %lo&s3 T pe o% product produced 2actual value- inte'er or te4t3 <aterials stoc:s 2actual values3 All process values


O7er!tor St!tion6 >E%-#+? "eneral The P) based >perator Stations provide hi'h-per%ormance human-machine communication to the process+ The control shall be per%ormed &ith a 2-monitor arran'ement &here each mouse 2:e board3 is dedicated to one or t&o departments+ !o&ever- an allocation o% the monitors to an department or section thereo% shall be possible+ The displa s on the monitor shall sho& the overvie& o% the departments and direct command o% most current operator action shall be possible+ All main operator commands shall be possible &ith mouse onl + The mouse 2:e board3 e*uipment and the displa shall be arran'ed to allo& the operator an eas control %rom a sittin' or a standin' position+ The P)Hs and servers shall be installed in the computer room in a panel+ The panel shall be dust ti'ht 2IPC=/G.<A123 &ith air-to-air heat e4chan'er to allo& independent operation also durin' maintenance o% the computer room+ A s&itchin' unit shall allo& access to all servers / P)Hs %rom one station 2en'ineerin' station3 in the computer room+ Alternativel the P)Hs ma be installed in the control room+ In this case the P)Hs shall be o% the Zthin client[ t pe or e*uivalent- &ithout %an- and &ithout accessible drive+


>perator Station Input (evice Standard P) input devices 2optical mouse or trac:ball- P)-:e board3 shall be provided+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: =3/132

All operator commands shall be per%ormed as direct as possible- 'enerall not usin' more than t&o hierarchical levels 2e+'+ %irst: displa selection- second: operator command3+ Parameter ad1ustments 2en'ineer level3 such as settin' o% alarm limits- PI( loop settin'- etc+- shall be clearl separated %rom the normal operator commands+ This t pe o% ad1ustments shall be per%ormed throu'h the en'ineerin' station and b e4ception throu'h the operator station+ =+C+3 "raphic (ispla s "raphics are representations o% the Plant .*uipment and are the operator;s primar means %or controllin' and monitorin' the entire process+ ,ollo&in' standard colors shall be used to indicate the %unctional status o% the .*uipment as %ollo&s:
De6:ri7tion <imic Fac:'round <easurement Fac:'round / Standin' - Read S mbol >utline / <aterial ,lo& Runnin' Alarm ,ailure Alarm (ia'nostic 2override3 Alarm Earnin' Got Read Selection / )ommand / Selected #ocal Actual Values Far "raphs 2&here applicable3

Co9or #i'ht "re 22=@3 #i'ht "re 21/@3 Flac: Fri'ht "reen Red #i'ht >ran'e Lello& Violet Flue Ehite Arial Flac: Gumbers Fold Fro&n

>MS )indoA6?

1#3'(% @)30t

These standard colors shall be applied on all di%%erent displa s and %or all departments+ The shall not be used %or an application other than %or the one speci%ied above+ >n mimics these colors shall be used as bac:'round+ To avoid con%usion &ith red- the Alarm (ia'nostic 2override3 %unction shall be applied as %rame or in other special shape or pattern on the correspondin' sensor / drive / measurement+ Te4t and numbers to be Arial Fold either blac: or &hite+ )olor chan'e o% te4t or numbers outside blac: / &hite shall be avoided+ (i%%erent t pes o% blac: lines- as per !olcim %lo&sheet standard- shall 'enerall distin'uish material and 'as %lo& lines+ Ehere it is absolutel necessar to even %urther distin'uish bet&een di%%erent materials 2e+'+ A,R3- pastel t pe o% colors shall be used+ Flin:in' o% s mbols or te4t shall not be allo&ed+ Flin:in' o% colors shall 'enerall be avoided and onl be allo&ed %or those applications- &hich as: %or hi'h

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Standard PART IV-1-3: =$/132

priorit operator attention as e+'+ ac:no&led'e o% a %ailure alarm or restart o% a se*uence+ Fac:'round color on printouts to be &hite+

The %ollo&in' presentations shall be included: =+C+3+1 Plant >vervie& "raphic This 'raphic shall displa an overvie& o% the Plant &ith standard menus to navi'ate to the di%%erent areas+ =+C+3+2 Plant Services "raphics Plant services 'raphics shall be used to sho& in%ormation about services that are common to the &hole Plant 2such as Plant po&er- Process control s stem- Plant air%ire protection- and Plant &ater3+ Ehere possible- monitorin' and control shall be identical to the process+ =+C+3+3 Process "raphics Process 'raphics shall be used %or process control that involves more than one Plant department 2%or e4ample- the main process 'as %lo& circuit3+ .*uipment shall be displa ed in partial detail- the main ob1ective o% the displa s bein' to provide process control+ =+C+3+$ (epartment >vervie& "raphics All main process e*uipment &ithin a department shall be sho&n on department overvie&s in d namic s mbol %orm alon' &ith process analo' values and controllers+ These displa s shall be used %or monitorin' process values- ma:in' ad1ustments to analo' control- startin' and stoppin' o% department and selectin' process routin's+ A %i4 trend &indo& sho&in' the main measurin' values o% the department shall be included on this 'raphic+ The status o% the department shall be presented in a standardi9ed %orm sho&in' the summar o% all 'roup status belon'in' to the department+ =+C+3+= "roup "raphics Eithin a 'roup- all process .*uipment re*uirin' monitorin' and/or control shall be sho&n in d namic s mbol %orm and in more detail than on the department overvie& displa + ( namic alarm s mbols shall be sho&n near the appropriate process .*uipment+ All process and machine protection analo' values 2e+'+ 'as pressurestemperatures3 shall be sho&n in d namic %orm+ Status o% subs stems shall also be sho&n but not in 'reat detail+ !A) shall be permanentl displa ed 2or tool tip t pe3 at this level+ "roup 'raphics shall be used %or selectin' alternate e*uipment- 'roup permissive and 'roup startin'/stoppin' o% motors+ Individual startin' and stoppin' o% motors shall be pass&ord protected available to the operator usin' pop-up;s+ The status o% a 'roup shall be presented in a standardi9ed %orm- sho&in' the summar o% all drive and measurement status 2or %unction3- includin' the %ollo&in' in%ormation: 1+ Runnin' 2'reen3

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Standard PART IV-1-3: ==/132

2+ Alarm - ,ailure 2red3- (ia'nostic 2li'ht oran'e3- Earnin' 2 ello&3- Got read 2violet3 3+ #ocal 2&hite3 =+C+3+C Subs stem / (etail "raphics In%ormation about subs stems such as lubrication and h draulic s stems shall be sho&n on separate displa s+ (ependin' on the comple4it o% the subs stem a %ull 'raphic or a pop-up overla ma be con%i'ured+ Subs stems shall sho& both d namic and static in%ormation that ma be use%ul %or maintenance and dia'nosis o% problems 2e+'+ pipin' dia'ram &ith valves and %ilters3+ (etail 'raphics shall be con%i'ured %or other .*uipment that is comple4 b nature 2e+'+ :iln I( %an <V V,(3+ The same %eatures that are available on the 'roup 'raphics shall be available on these displa s+ =+C+3+B S stem Status "raphics S stem status displa s shall be con%i'ured to sho& control s stem status in%ormation such as scan times- processor %aults- etc+ (ia'nostic in%ormation %or all net&or: nodes shall be included 2see Para =+C+3+23+ =+C+3+8 Trend (ispla It shall be possible to present an process or calculated value and an inte'er or binar value in %orm o% a trend curve- to present several trend &indo&s on one displa and to present several curves per displa + Trend data shall be available on the operator station %or at least B da s+ At least 2 pre-con%i'ured trend &indo&s shall be provided+ The delivered s stem shall have a trend %or all analo' values The selection o% main trend displa s shall be possible %rom all displa s+ Indications and presentations on the trend &indo&: )ode- clear te4t and actual numerical value &ith its related time/date indication A time cursor %or eas readin' o% historical values "rid indication in bac:'round relative to a selected displa ed element Individuall selectable scalin' indication Individual enablin'/disablin' displa o% each curve Selectable time resolution in the &indo& 29oom3 =+C+$ =+C+$+1 Alarm (ispla 2Eindo&3 and Alarm !andlin' #ist o% Alarms The %ollo&in' alarms shall be individuall monitored 2per machine or drive3interloc:ed as re*uired to avoid nuisance alarms- and displa ed in clear te4t: Gon - availabilit o% individual motor %eeder circuits 2includin' supervision o% %uses- main po&er- and control po&er circuit brea:ers- and/or b supervision o% control volta'e3 )ontactor %ail to open or %ail to close 2contactor %ailure3 Thermal protection 2>verload3K DST>PD or D>,,D position o% local s&itch 2local stop3 Sa%et s&itch 2e+'+ disconnect s&itch- pull-cord etc+3

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Standard PART IV-1-3: =C/132

<achine Protection/Process Alarms 2speed- %lo&- pressure- vibration- tor*uetemperature- level- position- etc+3 Selected Plant services and s stem %ailures and &arnin's

,or all analo' si'nals and- &here provided- %or binar 2>G/>,,3 si'nals- pre-alarms 2&arnin's3 shall be included+ Sensors %or critical applications 2e+'+- the :iln department3 shall be interloc:ed and supervised &ith time dela to avoid immediate stop o% production in case o% small sensor problems 2e+'+ maintenance on temperature sensor3+ Travelin' time %or actuators/dampers shall be supervised and alarmed accordin'l + ! steresis shall be included %or analo' si'nal limit control modules+ Rate o% chan'e alarms and other t pes o% alarms o% pre-processed calculated si'nals shall be provided as re*uired %or the special application+ ,irst alarmin' is re*uired+ All subse*uent alarms shall be suppressed b the interloc:in' s stem+ As necessar - alarms shall be supervised &ith time dela 2e+'+ %lo&- etc+3 in order to suppress &ron' alarmin'+ Alarm messa'es shall not be activated durin' a stop o% the 'roup or stop o% the speci%ic motor unless prede%ined speci%ic process condition re*uires alarmin' 2e+'+ hi'h temperature in coal bin shall al&a s be alarmed- rope s&itch shall not be alarmed &hen drive is standin'3+ =+C+$+2 Alarms Ac:no&led'ement Alarms ac:no&led'ement shall be s nchroni9ed 2i+e+ &hen an operator ac:no&led'es an alarm on one operator station- all other operator stations sho& that the alarm is ac:no&led'ed3+ Alarms shall be vie&ed- silenced and ac:no&led'ed %rom an operator station+ Ac:no&led'ement o% the alarm also silences the alarm 'on'+ Silencin' o% the 'on' can be per%ormed independentl + All alarms that occur shall be sent to a current alarm displa pa'e and once ac:no&led'ed- deleted %rom the current alarm displa i% the condition has returned to normal+ All messa'es 2alarms- status and o:3 that occur shall be sent to an event summar pa'e+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: =B/132


T pe o% <essa'es The %ollo&in' table 'ives an overvie& o% the messa'e handlin' and namin' conventions+
<essa'e: .vent Summar (ispla Alarm: )urrent Alarm (ispla

"roup in >peration 2startin'- runnin'stoppin'3 Pre-selected %or Automatic Start #ocal >peration 2local stop 6 no messa'e3 "roup not in >peration 2standin'3- not preselected

S 213 ,AI#AR. 2red3

U 223 EARGIG" 2 ello&3 \ 2$3 STATAS ] 233 (IA"G>STI) 2're - 'reen- &hite3 2li'ht oran'e3

U 223 EARGIG" 2 ello&3

Got Read - Go <essa'e 2violet3 ,ault status o% ,ault status o% >verride o% sensor >perator commands %ailure sensor or o% &arnin' sensor or o% or measurement and s stem / %ailure drive &arnin' drive 2S stem pass&ord process status protected3 <a4 or min process !i'h or lo& process Value out o% ran'e limit limit 2process &ith ma4 or min limit3


Alarm <essa'es Three t pes o% A#AR<-messa'es shall be presented- ori'inatin' %rom device and process procedural %aults7 i+e+ D,ailureD-alarms- DEarnin'D-alarms and D(ia'nosticDalarms: EFAILUREE ,AI#AR. alarms result %rom the %ault status o% a device or a process condition causin' a stoppa'e in the transport or production process associated &ith that particular 'roup+ ,AI#AR.-alarms are indicated b the D,AI#AR.-"on'D 2hard sound3 to alert the operator+ E)ARNINGE EARGIG" alarms result %rom the %ault status o% a device detected b a sensor or an upset process condition- &hich does not immediatel cause a stoppa'e in the production line- but upon &hich action should be ta:en to correct the %ault+ EARGIG"-alarms are indicated b the DEARGIG"-"on'D 2so%t sound3 to alert the operator+ The Dreturn to normalD shall normall be the Do:D indication o% the sensor or the bac: to normal 2&ith h steresis3 o% the process condition+ DEarnin'D alarms can also result %rom an entire drive 2e+'+ a %ailure in the au4iliar dedustin' scre& does not stop the main transport 'roup and there%ore ma:es &arnin' alarms3+ EDIAGNOSTICE

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Standard PART IV-1-3: =8/132

(ia'nostic alarms result %rom the override 2b pass- so%t&are brid'e3 %unction o% a device to prevent shut do&n o% the production durin' sensor problems or maintenance+ =+C+$+= Status-<essa'es

ESTATUSE This in%ormation results %rom operator commands+ The %ollo&in' items shall issue a status messa'e 2to be transmitted to TIS3: "roup stop- 'roup immediate stop The %ollo&in' items ma issue a status messa'e 2to be transmitted to TIS3 or ma be stored on s stem level %or a minimum o% 2 &ee:s: #ocal permissive 2on/o%%3 "roup start )han'e o% limits- parameters etc+ Selections


Fac: to Gormal <essa'e

EOFE Fac: to normal messa'es shall be issued %or all EARGIG"S- ,AI#AR.S(IA"G>STI)S and selected STATAS messa'es+


)lassi%ication o% Alarms The alarm te4t shall include the classi%ication number as per standard !olcim alarm s mptom 'roup+


Remote Alarmin' All alarms shall have the option to be transmitted to remote locations via modem or internal communication net&or:+ A simple procedure shall allo& a person to select &hich individual alarm or alarm 'roup shall be transmitted to &hich remote location+


Presentation o% Alarms and Status )urrent A#AR<S 2,AI#AR.S- EARGIG"S and (IA"G>STI)S3 o% the department shall be sho&n on the dedicated section o% the displa - as lon' as the Dalarmin' conditionD persists+ Printout o% the di%%erent in%ormation shall be possible throu'h simple commands+ Appearance o% an messa'e 2A#AR< and STATAS and >I3 shall additionall be recorded b the level 3 supervisor s stem 2TIS3 %or reportin' purposes+ ,AI#AR.- EARGIG"- (IA"G>STI)- STATAS- >I - messa'es shall be mar:ed &ith clearl distin'uished s mbols in the messa'e lists allo&in' %ilterin' and sortin'+ The clear te4t messa'e shall ma:e use o% the %ull line 2min+ 8/ characters3 indicatin' time o% occurrence- t pe o% messa'e- si'nal code 2detail !A)3- .*uipment description- description o% messa'e- location- and classi%ication+ The messa'e archive and the printout shall additionall include date o% messa'e- PS I/> address o% si'nal and other relevant data+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: =0/132

An alarm shall onl describe the initial cause o% an Dalarmin' situationD and thus shall onl appear &hen real s stem mal%unction is detected+ It shall not appear 1ust because s stems are normall stoppin' or as a conse*uence o% other alarms+ %'/ SerBer Servers shall be applied %or data stora'e o% the con%i'uration and %or intermediate stora'e o% process data+ All data o% process values and o% all events shall be stored and be on-line available on the operator station %or at least 2 &ee:s+ !ard&are and so%t&are shall 'enerall be o% same t pe and ma:e as the >S but &ith additional hard and so%t&are to cope &ith the speci%ic re*uirements re'ardin' data securit and redundanc + )ommunication to >S and PS shall be &ith standard .thernet T)P/IP+ %'1 Lin@ to E5tern!9 S"6te<6 >E57ert O7ti<i8er. TIS. L!bor!tor"- !nd S3i77in40Re:eiBin4 - A to<!tion? The lin: to .4ternal S stems shall be per%ormed &ith >b1ect #in:in' and .mbeddin' 2>#.3 %or Process )ontrol (ata Ac*uisition 2>P) (A3 and >#. %or Process )ontrol Alarm and .vents 2>P) A.3 as &ell as !istorical (ata Ac*uisition 2>P) !(A3+to the server P)+ The inter%ace must be s&itched to'ether &ith the redundant chan'eover %rom one server to the other+ The .4pert >ptimi9er &ill re*uire (ata Ac*uisition 2>P) (A3 onl 7 direct connection via Plant %ieldbus to PS is pre%erred+ Plant %ieldbus connection can 'enerall be used as bac:-up or %or simple applications+ (ata trans%er to the .4pert >ptimi9er &ill include selected process values- process conditions- setpoints and parameters and shall include correspondin' pro'rammin' o% closed loop control in the PS &ith e4ternal setpoint and setpoint validation parameters+ The data update rate &ill be appro4imatel 2 seconds+ (ata trans%er to the TIS shall include all analo'ue values 2process variable3- all alarm messa'es 2%ailure- &arnin' and dia'nostic includin' o:3- status messa'es- all reportin' values 2runnin' hours and inte'rated production values3- selected discrete status in%ormation 2'roup runnin'- local- selections etc+3 and selected AS)II strin's 2e+'+ t pe o% material3+ The data update rate &ill be appro4imatel 2/ seconds+ (ata trans%er to the laborator automation &ill include selected process valuesprocess conditions- setpoints and parameters and shall include correspondin' pro'rammin' o% closed loop control in the PS &ith e4ternal setpoint and setpoint validation parameters+ The data update rate &ill be appro4imatel 2 seconds+ (ata trans%er to the shippin' automation shall include alarm and status messa'esand reportin' values 2inte'rated production values3+ The shippin' automation &ill normall directl communicate &ith TIS+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: C//132

%'* =+0+1

En4ineerin4 !nd Te6t S"6te< >E%-#,? (ocumentation (ocumentation o% the entire control s stem shall be per%ormed &ith computeri9ed tools+ Such .*uipment shall be arran'ed and located separatel %rom the process control s stem in an en'ineerin' &or:station+ As a minimum one industrial t pe pro'rammin' panel and one pro'ram documentation s stem allo&in' up- and do&nload o% pro'rams- stora'e- editin' 2on line3 and printout o% s mbolic and clear te4t commented pro'rams shall be included+ All process control s stem parameters 2hard&are and so%t&are3 shall be stored in one common database+


Test and Trainin' S stem A test s stem mounted on a mobile test rac: and containin' all elements o% a departmental control s stem 2PS- >S3 shall be included+ The test rac: shall contain a minimum o% one piece o% each t pe o% PS/>S s stem component and one or several input and output cards used %or the Process control s stem+ An operation console &ith simulation push-buttons- lamps and analo' si'nal sources and a separate so%t&are simulation pac:a'e shall allo& the simulation o% I/> via the Plant %ieldbus and testin' o% an department application+


Contro9 Con6o9e6 >E%-#G? (ependin' on the control con%i'uration- control consoles ma be located either in the control center 2i+e+ central control consoles3 or in local control rooms 2i+e+ local control consoles3+ ,or room re*uirements see PART IV-1-$+ )entral )ontrol )onsoles: The control consoles shall be located in air-conditioned control rooms and shall contain all necessar control and in%ormation elements %or a sa%e remote operation o% the process+ The consoles shall be desi'ned accordin' to er'onomic criteria and rules+ The special rules appl in' %or 2$ hours &or:places &ith monitors shall be dul considered+ The overvie& o% the process shall be 'uaranteed b providin' enou'h DparallelD in%ormation and /or providin' &all mounted overvie& displa s+ In addition to accommodatin' the process control s stem displa s- the control console shall also accommodate displa s %or .4pert >ptimi9er and TIS+ ,or 'eneral plant overvie& displa - ))TV and Plant au4iliaries li:e %ire detection etc+ appropriate locations have to be included in the architectural desi'n+ ,or communication &ith Plant personnel 2maintenance- production- chec:in'- etc+3 telephone sets and/or intercom shall be placed in com%ortable distance o% the operator+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: C1/132

A time-s nchroni9ed solution %or the &all mounted cloc: &ith e4ternal si'nal 2e+'+ "PS3 and coordinated &ith PS and >S as &ell as TIS and .4pert optimi9er shall be established+ The consoles shall be constructed to %acilitate e4tensions or alterations at an time+ #ocal )ontrol )onsoles: #ocal control rooms and control .*uipment shall in principle compl &ith the re*uirements speci%ied %or the central control room/consoles but additionall compl &ith the ambient local conditions+ %'11 Contro9 PoAer S 779" >E%-#A? .ach department shall have a separate uninterrupted po&er suppl s stem 2APS3+ It shall serve %or the %eed o% the process stations- I/> units and the instrumentation+ The operator stations- servers and the communication .*uipment shall have a separate APS+ The APS shall be o% the static batter -bu%%ered t pe+ (ra&in' Gos+ ).S /1J-.=/ $1B and ).S /1J-.=/ $18- attached belo&- sho& t pical la outs o% the control po&er suppl per department and %or the central control room+ The APS shall have the %ollo&in' main %eatures: Short-duration main %ailures shall be bu%%ered b usin' a batter Permissible deviations o% the main volta'es outside the normal tolerance ran'e shall be smoothed out ,re*uenc deviations shall be compensated !i'h %re*uenc inter%erence spi:es shall be decoupled Aninterrupted b -pass circuit &ith electronic s&itch-over .*uipment )ontinuous dut operation &ithout s&itch-o%% periods+ %'1# Li6t o= En4ineerin4 Unit6 to be !779ied A list o% en'ineerin' unit abbreviations that shall be used on 'raphic displa scontroller stations and alarm summaries is 'iven in the %ollo&in' table:
V!ri!b9e )> )> )> .ner' Speci%ic ener' rate ,lo& ,lo& ,lo& #evel De6:ri7tion o= U6e 'as composition 'as composition 'as composition motors W trans%ormers e%%icienc o% operation process 'ases materials oil- &ater- etc+ silos- bins- etc+ Unit De6:ri7tion <illi'ram per cubic meter )> <illi'ram per Gormal cubic meter )> percenta'e )> :ilo&att-hours :ilo&att-hours per ton cubic meter per hour ton per hour cubic meter per hour percenta'e %ull AbbreBi!tion m'/m3 )> m'/Gm3 )> @ )> :Eh :Eh/t m3/h t/h m3/h @

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Standard PART IV-1-3: C2/132

V!ri!b9e <ass Goise Gitrous >4ide Gitrous >4ide >4 'en Position Po&er Pressure Speed Speed Temperature Time Vibration

De6:ri7tion o= U6e materials mill loadin' 'as composition 'as composition 'as composition dampers- 'ates- valves motors W trans%ormers h draulic- air- &ater- etc+ %an W %eeder drives cooler drives 'eneral time o% operation %ans- mills- etc+

Unit De6:ri7tion ton 21/// :'3 noise <illi'ram per cubic meter G> <illi'ram per Gormal cubic meter G> percenta'e >2 percenta'e open :ilo&atts millibar Revolution per minute stro:es per minute de'ree )elsius hours millimeter per second

AbbreBi!tion t @ m'/m3 G> m'/Gm3 G> @ >2 @ :E mbar rpm spm O) h mm/s

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Standard PART IV-1-3: C3/132


T"7i:!9 Dr!Ain46. Gro 7 E%$ The belo& listed dra&in's serve as a 'uideline %or the conceptual desi'narran'ements and installation o% the electrical .*uipment and their devices7 providedho&ever- in all events such .*uipment and devices shall compl &ith Applicable #a& and all Applicable )odes and Standards and meet all other re*uirements o% the )ontract- includin' "ood .n'ineerin' and )onstruction Practices+
E; i7<ent-Gro 7: ).S /1J-.=/ $10 ).S /1J-.=/ $1B ).S /1J-.=/ $18 ReB: . A A S bCe:t: Process )ontrol S stem T pical #a out )ontrol Po&er Suppl %or )entral )ontrol Room 2))R3 )ontrol Po&er Suppl per (epartment or .lectrical Room

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Standard PART IV-1-3: C$/132

)ontrol Po&er Suppl %or )entral )ontrol Room 2))R3- T pical

,rom #V( standb po&er ,rom #+V+ (istribution


Static stabilised b -pass <anual b -pass


M 6

6 M

Fatter )apacit %or 1=min+

Fu%%ered )ontrol Volta'e


Gon Fu%%ered Volta'e





)onsumer "roups - Instrumentation - PS - I/>

)onsumers )onsumers - PS/>S - Au4iliaries - <onitors - )omputer 2P)3- Server - TIS- Printers

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Standard PART IV-1-3: C=/132

)ontrol Po&er Suppl per (epartment or .lectrical Room- T pical

,rom #V( standb po&er ,rom #+V+ (istribution


Static stabilised b -pass <anual b -pass


M 6

6 M

Fatter )apacit %or 1=min+

Fu%%ered )ontrol Volta'e


+++V6 +++V +++V

)onsumer "roups - Instrumentation - PS - I/>

)onsumers - PS - Sensors - ,ield I/>;s

)onsumers - <otor )ontrol - etc+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: CC/132




Gener!9 Re; ire<ent6 The Standard (esi'n )riteria shall appl to all operatin' elements- %ield devices and instrument items as &ell as subcontrol s stems re*uired to properl operate- monitor and maintain the Plant+ The instrument - sensor list and the sub-control list 2PR.,A).3 shall be completed to sho& the scope o% suppl - speci%ications o% .*uipment and materials- *uantit and ma:e etc+ <a:e and t pe o% all %ield control devices shall be standardi9ed throu'hout the Plant unless other&ise speci%ied+ The shall be sub1ect to the &ritten approval o% Pro1ect >&ner+


&!6i: De6i4n Criteri! ,ield control devices shall con%orm to the %ollo&in' 'eneral desi'n criteria: a3 b3 c3 (ust proo% Eater proo% .4plosion proo% &here re*uired )orrosion resistant &here re*uired d3 con%ormin' to G.<A 12/IPC= con%ormin' to G.<A $/IPC= con%ormin' to G.<A B or 0/I.) e*uivalent con%ormin' to G.<A $Q/IPCC

!ousin' made o% metal or e*uivalent stron' material+ )overs shall be %itted easil and scre&s shall be secured a'ainst loss+ .lectronic .*uipment shall be suitabl protected a'ainst radio inter%erences+ !eatin' and coolin' shall be provided as re*uired accordin' to local climatic conditions+ Resistance a'ainst vibration 2contact pressure3+ Suitable %or a &ide ambient temperature ran'e o% -2/O) to XB/O) #ocated &ith eas access %or calibration and maintenance )ontacts: /+/1 - /+= amp at 2$ V () 2current ratin'3 Potential %ree Eipin' action 2sel% cleanin'3 .ncapsulated contacts- unless other&ise approved in &ritin' b Pro1ect >&ner+

e3 %3 '3 h3


.lectronics: Short circuit proo%

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Standard PART IV-1-3: CB/132

Protected a'ainst inductive volta'e pea:s 2sur'es3 <a4imum inverse volta'e and overvolta'e protection


Analo' Sensors: .ither 2-&ire transmitters &ith $-2/ mA standard si'nals shall be used %or the si'nal transmission %rom the analo' instruments to the I/> s stem or direct %ield bus based sensors shall be installed+ PT1// sensors shall be directl &ired to the I/> s stem+ Si'nal transmitters / bus s stem must 'uarantee the %ollo&in' properties: ,ull 'alvanicall isolated- a'ainst po&er suppl - primar sensor element and earth+ #inearit and repeatabilit &ithin the re*uired limits %or process instruments Suitable %or industrial use )onnections: Sprin' t pe terminals are pre%erred- scre&ed terminal connections are acceptable+ I% a speci%ic sensor is onl available &ith cable lead- then an intermediate connection bo4 shall be installed+ )able 'lands shall be adapted to cable si9e- material to be brass or e*uivalent stron' plastic product+ <ountin': <ountin' shall be pre%erabl on )-pro%ile- ade*uate mechanical and 2i% re*uired3 heat/radiation protection shall be included+ All %ield control elements shall be labeled &ith !A) code+ See t pical dra&in's 2Para C+83+




Fie9d Contro9 DeBi:e6 =or S!=et" !nd M!inten!n:e Sa%et devices shall be installed as speci%ied belo& and in con%ormance &ith Applicable #a& and Applicable )odes and Standards+


Rope S&itches 2.mer'enc Pull )ord3 Rope s&itches shall be installed alon' ever conve or &al:&a and shall e4tend over the entire len'th o% the conve or+ Ehere the conve or is accessible %rom both sides 2e+'+ on 'rade or &ith t&o &al:&a s3- rope s&itches shall be provided alon' both sides o% the conve or+ The rope s&itches shall be o% heav -dut t pe &ith a manual reset and an indication o% the tripped position+ The rope shall consist o% a %le4ible 2appro4imatel C mm3 steel cable &ith plastic cable sheath and connect at either end to a rope s&itch+ Sin'le rope len'th shall not e4ceed 3/ m- and on conve ors lon'er than this- t&o or more ropes / rope s&itches shall be used+ The rope s&itches si'nalin' shall be sectionali9ed %or ma4imum 2//m belt len'th separate %or each side dependin' on belt access+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: C8/132


Panic Stop Push Futtons Panic stop push buttons shall be installed at the :e points 2per department or production area3 %or emer'enc trippin' o% <V/#V %eeder o% the respective department+ Such push buttons shall di%%er in %orm and color %rom the normal start/stop push buttons+ Protected mushroom t pe push buttons shall be provided+


#ocal Start and Stop Push Futtons #ocal start and stop push buttons shall be installed %or all process machines+ The must be installed in such a &a - that &hen startin'- the machine can be observed+ ,or valves or 'roup o% valves at least start push buttons shall be installed %or testin' purposes+


#ocal >n-#oad Isolators 2#oad Frea: S&itches3 #ocal on-load isolators &ith possibilit to connect up to 3 padloc:s in the o%% position shall be installed %or all drives up to 2=/ :E+


#ocal Start and Stop Pushbuttons %or (rives &ithout >n-#oad Isolator #ocal start and stop push buttons bo4es %or drives e*ual or lar'er 2=/:E shall additionall be e*uipped &ith a &hite lamp 2#.( t pe3 &hich shall indicate the rac:ed out position o% the <V s&itch / VS( isolator s&itch in o%% position+ A sa%et instruction plate shall indicate the location o% the correspondin' s&itch+


Start-up Gotice 2Start-up Earnin'3 Audible and visual notice devices shall be installed in order to attract the attention o% personnel to indicate remote startin' o% machines+ Such notice devices shall be arran'ed per 'roup or se*uence o% machines+


Fie9d Contro9 DeBi:e6 =or M!:3ine Prote:tion The belo& listed elements shall be complete &ith all essentiall re*uired installation .*uipment such as brac:ets- %lan'es- supports- protection covers etc+ as &ell as all essential access plat%orms etc+ %or chec:in'- calibration and maintenance+ #ocationsi9e and t pe o% arran'ements shall be sub1ect to Pro1ect >&nerHs &ritten approval+


Pro4imit S&itches Pro4imit s&itches shall be standardi9ed 2 &ire pro4imit s&itches includin' primar 2tar'et3 elements+ This t pe o% s&itch shall be applied to chute 'ates- belt ta:e-uptripper positionin'- valve position- clutch position- bra:e position and similar applications+


#imit S&itches Eherever possible- limit s&itches shall be replaced &ith pro4imit s&itches+ Ehere re*uired b the application- the shall be e*uipped &ith 1 G>- 1G) contact and an appropriate lever %or the application+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: C0/132


<otion (etectors <otion detectors shall be standardi9ed pro4imit head %itted &here possible to the %inal driven element o% the machine+ The primar element 2metallic pulse3 o% the rotatin' machiner shall be o% sa%e desi'n &ithout open movin' parts- pre%erabl made out o% a plastic/metal c linder &ith eas ad1ustment o% the distance bet&een sensor and primar element 2see Para C+8 dra&in's %or e4amples3+


Felt (ri%t S&itches 2<isali'nment S&itches3 Felt dri%t s&itches shall- as a minimum- be installed at each end o% the belt conve in' devices- and i% necessar - at intermediate locations %or all belts over C/ m lon'- or &here ali'nment due to loadin' presents special problems+ Felt dri%t s&itches shall have one G) contact- and the s&itch lever shall be o% the sprin'-loaded mechanism &ithout reset+


Pressure and ,lo& S&itches The elements shall suit the individual applications+ #ocall mounted- continuous monitorin' devices consistin' o% the re*uired primar element and the transmitter &ith local indication are pre%erred+ ,or applications that re*uire one set-point onl - s&itches &ith pressure operated contact s stems shall be applied+ S&itches shall be ad1ustable over %ull ran'e- and the calibration scale shall be visible &ith the case closed+ )orrect si'nal dampin' elements shall be provided+


Temperature Sensors PT1// Ehere speci%ied or necessar %or protection and monitorin' o% lar'e bearin's'earbo4es- etc+- resistance temperature detectors t pe PT1// shall be included+ <otors e*ual or lar'er B= :E &ill 'enerall be supervised on 1 &indin' 2out o% 3 installed3- motors e*ual or lar'er 2=/:E &ill 'enerall be supervised on 3 &indin's 2out o% C installed see Para 83+


Vibration Sensors ,ans &ith capacit e*ual or hi'her than 2=/:E and other critical items shall be provided &ith t&o vibration sensors- one %or each bearin'+ The scope o% suppl includes the sensor and the locall mounted transmitter+ )ritical items shall be proposed b the )ontractor+ ,inal list o% vibration monitorin' shall be determined in a'reement &ith the Pro1ect >&ner+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: B//132


#evel (etectors T pes o% level detectors var %or individual applications 2discrete and &here applicable analo' t pe sensors3+ Inspection openin's shall be provided close to the location o% the sensor 2%or visual chec:in' o% the level3+ )ontinuous level measurement on cement- ra& meal and clin:er silos shall be o% the micro&ave t pe+


Pro:e66 In6tr <ent!tion The primar elements and transmitters shall suit the individual applications+ #ocall mounted- continuous monitorin' devices are pre%erred+ S&itches shall be ad1ustable over the %ull ran'e- and the calibration scale shall be visible &ith the case closed+ Instrument air shall be e*uipped &ith individual air %ilter re'ulators+ #ocation- si9e and t pe o% arran'ements shall be sub1ect to Pro1ect >&nerHs &ritten approval+


Pressure-- ,lo&- and Temperature Sensors PT1// elements 2up to 2// O)3 and thermocouples 2Gi)rGi- above 2//O)3 shall include the primar sensor onl 2normall directl &ired to I/> s stem3+ Special applications ma re*uire local mounted transmitter+ Pressure transmitters shall be supplied &ith direct connection to the tapin' point b ade*uate plastic line+ Special applications %or di%%erential pressure shall include mani%old valve %or calibration and pur'in' o% process lines+ (ampin' elements shall be provided &here necessar + A separate tapin' point shall be provided %or calibration purposes+ ,lo& sensors ma be directl connected &ith the Plant %ieldbus s stem+ ^ero and span ad1ustments o% transmitters shall be %i4 or possible &ithout the use o% special Zsmart[ tools+


#evel Sensors T pes o% level sensors var %or individual applications+ Sensors mounted on top not re*uirin' additional installations are pre%erred 2micro&ave t pe3+ Inspection openin's shall be provided close to the location o% the sensor 2%or visual chec:in' o% the level3+ <a4imum level probes 2%or over%ill supervisor %unctions3 %or all bins and silos shall be included and shall consist o% suitable individual level detectors 2not inte'ral &ith continuous level sensors3+ )ontinuous level sensors ma be directl connected &ith the Plant %ieldbus s stem+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: B1/132


#oad )ells #oad cells shall be applied to all bins etc+ re*uirin' on-line calibration+ The .*uipment shall be complete &ith strain 'au'e t pe load cells- the %ield mounted ampli%ier- brac:ets and e4pansion assemblies+ ,le4ible copper straps to brid'e-over each load cell to protect them %rom stra &eldin' current shall be included+


)ontrol Valves and Actuators Solutions &ith variable speed drives 2%or pumps- %ans- etc+3 are pre%erred to solutions &ith constant speed drive and control actuators+ Ehere this is not possible- control valves and actuators and correspondin' mechanical lin:a'es shall be provided+ Actuators and valves shall be standardi9ed+ The %eedbac: element shall be $-2/ mA'alvanicall isolated or b the Plant %ieldbus+ Ehere re*uired- the %eedbac: element shall be directl connected to the sha%t+ Actuators- &hich can operate &ithout internal limit and tor*ue s&itches- are pre%erred+ Setpoint control shall be &ith a standard $2/mA si'nal or b the Plant %ieldbus s stem+ Actuator travel time and %lo& characteristic shall be ad1usted to the speci%ic application+


Valves Valves shall be e*uipped &ith inte'rated status indication+ Valves shall be connected &ith a plu' accordin' (IG $3C=/ or e*uivalent+ All valves %or coolin' s stemslubrication s stems- pneumatic transports- etc+ shall be standardi9ed+


)urrent and Po&er <easurement Po&er measurements 2b transducer or multi-%unction rela 3 shall be installed %or all critical process consumers and all drives &ith po&er e*ual or above B= :E+ )urrent transducers shall onl be installed %or special applications 2e+'+ electrostatic precipitator3+ ,eedbac: o% po&er si'nal to the control s stem shall be $-2/ mA or b the Plant %ieldbus s stem+


S b-Contro9 S"6te<6 >E--#C? "eneral .lectrical control s stems supplied as a complete standard pre-tested s stem %or certain .*uipment shall be considered as DSub-)ontrol S stemsD 2S)S3+ ,or e4ample- such s stems ma contain control .*uipment %or: .lectrostatic precipitators 2e4cludin' rappin' and transport s stem3 Fa' %ilters ,urnaces Stac:ers- reclaimers Pac:in' machine Palleti9er

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Standard PART IV-1-3: B2/132

Sub-)ontrol S stems that are supplied as part o% the mechanical .*uipment shall be clearl de%ined and listed+ This de%inition shall include speci%ications o% .*uipment*uantit and ma:e etc+ (ata o% all Sub-)ontrol S stems shall be listed in the PR.,A). .// Sub-)ontrol S stems #ist+4ls+ The use o% DSub-)ontrol S stems[ shall be limited to the e4tent possible+ )ontrol o% such s stems shall be part o% the control s stem used %or the complete Plant+ !o&ever- i% such DSub-)ontrol S stemsD cannot be avoided- the standard- desi'nen'ineerin' and control .*uipment shall then compl &ith the data 'iven in these Standard (esi'n )riteria+ In order to allo& eas handlin' o% such DSub-)ontrol S stemsD throu'h the Process control s stem- the shall be e*uipped &ith a standardi9ed inter%ace as per the enclosed dra&in'+ C+C+2 Speci%ication o% Sub-)ontrol S stem 2S)S3 .lectrical panels o% Sub-control shall to the e4tent possible be e*uipped &ith the same ma:e and t pe o% contactors- circuit brea:ers- si'nal lamps- etc+ as used %or the main control .*uipment+ The color o% cables- pushbuttons- si'nal lamps- control s&itches and the li:e shall be standardi9ed throu'hout the Plant accordin' to the %unction o% the element+ S)S-panels shall be o% protection t pe IPC=/G.<A12 %or local installation- unless other&ise approved in &ritten b the >&ner+ ,uses 2in lieu o% circuit brea:ers3 shall be used %or special applications onl + Spare %uses shall be included &ithin the main deliver + The D%ailsa%eD principle shall be applied to all control circuits+ This means that cable brea:a'e as &ell as loss o% volta'e shall be detected and treated as a %ault+ Anless other&ise speci%ied the S)S shall be delivered complete 2includin' testin' and documentation3 &ith all re*uired elements and devices such as control .*uipment 2rela s- P#)- etc+3- motors- sensors- control panel- cable connectors- cables and installation material+ Such .*uipment is sub1ect to the &ritten approval o% the >&ner &ho reserves the ri'ht to re*uest to appl certain ma:es and t pes o% .*uipment+ The po&er departures shall provide the S)S &ith the re*uired po&er and shall include the protection o% the %eed cable+ A loc:able on-load isolator at the incomin' o% the S)S shall allo& disconnectin' all e*uipment o% the S)S+ Protection o% the drives as &ell as the provision o% the internal control volta'e is part o% the S)S+ )ontrol volta'e %or the S)S or s stems- &hich are supplied b sin'le phase A) onl shall be %ed %rom the APS-suppl + Inter%ace terminals shall be installed in the S)S in de%ined 'roups as %ollo&s: Po&er suppl terminals )ontrol inter%ace terminals Internal po&er terminals Internal control terminals
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Standard PART IV-1-3: B3/132


(e%inition o% Input and >utput )ircuits

Si4n!9: D The D>G/>,, commandD a%%ects the S)S as a &hole+ )ontact closure 2rela ener'i9ed3 causes the S)S to start-up automaticall &ith the correct se*uence and carr out its service 2i% internal circuits are correct3+ )ontact openin' 2rela not ener'i9ed3 causes the S)S to stop automaticall in the correct se*uence and terminate its service+ Si4n!9: F The Davailabilit D contact a%%ects the S)S as a &hole+ The in%ormation DavailableD shall si'nal to the process control the readiness o% the S)S be%ore operation+ It is not dependent on &hether the DrunD si'nal is present or not+ The %ollo&in' conditions must be continuousl %ul%illed in order that this contact ma remain closed: )ontrol volta'e available Go %ault in the s stem 2neither DoverloadD- nor Demer'enc D- nor Do%%Ds&itches- etc+ must be activated3 All s&itches DserviceD or DremoteD must be in the DremoteD-position+ I% an o% the conditions 'iven above is no lon'er %ul%illed- the contact Davailabilit D &ill open immediatel + Si4n!9: R The DrunD is the %eedbac: si'nal a%ter a normal start+ It means that the S)S is carr in' out its service+ I% the DrunD si'nal does not appear &ithin a %i4prede%ined time a%ter startin'- the rela s D>G/>,, commandD 2(3 is deener'i9ed b the process control+

All si'nals can also be provided over the Plant %ieldbus+ All the above-mentioned si'nals shall be provided %rom each S)S+ The %ollo&in' si'nals shall be included- as re*uired b the speci%ic control application: Si4n!9: ) The D&arnin'D si'nal is a pre-alarm &hich does not 2or not et3 stop the normal DrunD o% the S)S+ The &arnin' contact shall open as lon' as the &arnin' condition prevails+ Si4n!9: F The D%aultD si'nal is an alarm &hich causes the S)S to stop automaticall + The %ault contact shall open until the %ault has been locall reset+ Si4n!9: SP The DsetpointD &ill be received in %orm o% a 2-&ire $-2/ mA si'nal or b a connection to the Plant %ieldbus s stem+ The si'nal shall be completel 'alvanicall isolated 2a'ainst 'round and possible po&er suppl 3 in the S)S unit+ Si4n!9: PV The Dactual valueD shall be a 2-&ire $-2/ mA si'nal or b a connection o% the Plant %ieldbus s stem+ The si'nal shall be 'alvanicall isolated 2a'ainst 'round and possible po&er suppl 3+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: B$/132


Installation )ontractor shall include all re*uired cables %or connections to e4ternal S)S .*uipment as &ell as such cables &hich need to be installed internall in machines or .*uipment prior to installation at the Site 2i+e+ trailin' cables %or stac:ers and reclaimers3+ All cables shall be dimensioned accordin' to the load o% the connected .*uipment and the short circuit conditions o% the Plant net&or:+ The current carr in' capacit o% the cables shall be in %ull compliance &ith standards and in consideration o% deratin' %actors %or ambient temperature- la in' method and coolin' conditions+


,actor Acceptance Tests Sub-)ontrol S stems are sub1ect to ,actor Acceptance Tests 2,AT3 at the relevant )ontractor;s %acilities prior to shipment to Site+ )erti%ied test results and reports shall be provided b )ontractor to Pro1ect >&ner+


S7e:i!9 In6tr <ent6 Special instruments shall be evaluated to'ether &ith Pro1ect >&ner to cope &ith latest !olcim Standards+


P rometers T&o color ratio t pe p rometers shall be installed to suit the individual application and ran'es+ #ocall mounted- continuous temperature monitorin' devices are pre%erred+ All essential access plat%orms etc+ %or chec:in' and calibration shall be included+


P rometer and )amera S stems 2.C-2V3 )olor p rometer cameras s stems shall be provided at the :iln %irin' hood %or loo:in' into the :iln and at the cooler to loo: to&ards the :iln outlet+ The shall be e*uipped &ith automatic shutters- automatic retraction s stems on %ailure 2pre%erabl o% the pneumatic t pe or connected to standb po&er3- alarm si'nals- coolin' s stem 2as re*uired3- and monitor displa s located in the central control room+ )ritical process areas shall be e*uipped &ith cameras usin' separate monitor displa s or s stems inte'rated &ith 'eneral buildin' automation monitors 2see Para B3+


Iiln Shell and Re%ractor <onitorin' 2.C-2I+T3 A :iln shell scanner shall be complete &ith a %ast scannin' t pe sensor allo&in' sophisticated evaluation in a stand-alone P)-t pe :iln shell temperature and supervision s stem+ Re%ractor mana'ement shall be included in connection &ith :iln shell temperature scanner+ (i%%erent presentations shall be possible- adapted to the di%%erent tas:s o%: .valuation o% :iln %lame- coatin' Supervision o% ridin' rin' clearance .valuation o% bric: linin' 2lon' term tendenc 3

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Standard PART IV-1-3: B=/132

Plannin' o% bric: linin'

Storin' and eas retrieval o% actual and historical data o% temperature pro%iles and o% bric: data shall be possible+ Alarms and :e value presentations shall _pre%erabl ` be inte'rated into the normal operator station displa + C+B+$ "as Anal 9er 2.C-2I3 The .*uipment shall suit the individual application %or )>- >2 and G> monitorin' as re*uired b the process %or :iln- preheater- precalciner and coal mill department+ #ocall installed anal 9er s stems- &ith automatic retractin' devices 2pre%erabl o% the pneumatic t pe or connected to standb po&er3- pur'in'- and coolin' e*uipment as re*uired shall be included+ )ommunication &ith the P)S shall be &ith standard isolated analo' outputs or b the Plant %ieldbus s stem+ Anal 9ers must have a local displa o% the measured output+ Anal 9ers shall be mounted in electrical rooms 2see PR.,A). ./3- or as pre%erred solution in pre-&ired- pre-tested containers- providin' e*uivalent desi'n criteria as the electrical rooms 2see also PART IV 1+$3+ ,or the 'aseous emission measurement and control the e4tractive method shall be used+ ,or special applications and a%ter a'reement &ith Pro1ect >&ner the in situ method can be applied+ The 'as anal 9er e4traction probe shall be positioned in the :iln inlet in such a &a that its operation is not a%%ected b %alse air enterin' throu'h the :iln inlet seal or &ith the precalcined %eed %rom the preheater+ ,actor Acceptance Tests: "as anal 9er s stems %or :iln inlet are sub1ect to ,actor Acceptance Tests+ C+B+= .mission and (ust <onitorin' .*uipment 2.C-2G3 .mission and dust monitorin' &ill be a separate s stem accordin' to !olcim standards+ C+B+C <etal (etector <etal detectors shall be mounted as speci%ied in mechanical PART IV-1-2+ The electrical .*uipment shall compl &ith the Standard (esi'n )riteria %or Sub-)ontrol S stems+ Special attention shall be 'iven to .<I approvals 2radio %re*uenc - hand 3+ All electrical .*uipment shall be mounted locall + C+B+B <ill ,illin' (e'ree 2Goise #evel3 Fall mill 'rindin' levels shall be supervised b means o% a sonic ear+ The transmitter shall be o% the di'ital t pe- allo&in' selection o% the optimal %re*uenc and %re*uenc ran'e %or the individual application+ <ountin' supports- cables and mechanical %ilter shall be included+ )ommunication &ith the Plant %ieldbus s stem is pre%erred+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: BC/132


Eei'h Frid'es Eei'h brid'es shall be as speci%ied in mechanical PART IV-1-2+ The electrical .*uipment shall compl &ith the (esi'n )riteria re'ardin' sub control s stems+ (ependin' on the application the data communication shall be &ith the Plant %ieldbus s stem and / or the Plant IT net&or:+ The &ei'hin' s stem shall be desi'ned %or %ull automatic &ei'hin' o% truc:s+ #oadin' o% truc:s- bar code reader %or identi%ication o% truc: and other %eatures shall be included as speci%ied %or the application+ #ocal control panels shall be o% the touch screen t pe- or e*uivalent- 'enerousl si9ed to allo& operation &ith 'loves+


Eei'h ,eeders ,or details o% mechanical desi'n re%er to PART IV-1-2+ The electrical control shall pre%erabl be reali9ed &ithin the standard process control s stem usin' standard VS( components 2re%er to Para 83 %or the drive unit and standard load cell transmitters &ith Plant %ieldbus connection %or the &ei'ht si'nal+ Sa%et rope s&itch- speed detectorsbelt inde4 pro4imit s&itch and belt dri%t sensors shall be as de%ined in the Para;s above- directl &ired to correspondin' I/> units+ The re*uired inter%aces %or calibration o% tare and chec: load shall be reali9ed &ith the standard !<I o% the central control room+ Ehere possible calibration shall ho&ever be per%ormed on-line usin' the load cells o% the bin+


T"7i:!9 Dr!Ain46. Gro 7 E-$ The belo& listed dra&in's serve as a 'uideline %or the conceptual desi'narran'ements and installation o% the electrical .*uipment and their devices7 providedho&ever- in all events such .*uipment and devices shall compl &ith Applicable #a& and all Applicable )odes and Standards and meet all other re*uirements o% the )ontract- includin' "ood .n'ineerin' and )onstruction Practices+
E; i7<ent-Gro 7: ).S /1J-.C/ $/1 ).S /1J-.C/ $1= ).S /1J-.C/ $/3 ).S /1J-.C/ $/$ ).S /1J-.C/ $/= ).S /1J-.C/ $/C ).S /1J-.C/ $/B ).S /1J-.C/ $/8 ReB: F A ) F ) A F ) S bCe:t: Sub )ontrol S stem 2S)S3 - Standard Inter%ace to Process )ontrol S stem 2P)S3 #ocal )ontrol S&itch Arran'ement 2T pical %or (rives &ithout #ocal Isolator3 #ocal )ontrol S&itch Arran'ement &ith Inte'rated >n-load Isolator Separate >n-#oad Isolator W )ontrol Fo4 Speed (etector <ountin' Primar .lement and Pro4imit S&itch <echanicall ,ail-Sa%e Installation o% Rope S&itches <ountin' and Inspection Fo4 %or Soundin'-T pe <echanical #evel (etectors "as Pressure <easurement 2relative3

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Standard PART IV-1-3: BB/132

E; i7<ent-Gro 7: ).S /1J-.C/ $/0 ).S /1J-.C/ $1/ ).S /1J-.C/ $11 ).S /1J-.C/ $12 ).S /1J-.C/ $1$

ReB: ( ) F

S bCe:t: Installation and Protection o% Pressure Transmitters 2t pical3 Installation and Protection o% Transmitters <ountin' o% PT1// and Thermocouple 2-Eire Transmitter Thermocouple

<ountin' o% #evel Probe T pical <aterial #ist %or Instrument and Sensor Installation

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Standard PART IV-1-3: B8/132

Sub )ontrol S stem 2S)S3 Standard Inter%ace to Process )ontrol S stem 2P)S3
%rom Plant <)) Po&er Suppl
>G/>,, (
2 3

Inter%ace to: Process )ontrol S stem

Run R 13 +++++K +++ +++

3P X P.

Availab+ Earnin'K ,ailureK SetpointK ActualK I E , SP$-2/mAPV




Service/ Remote

1 2 3

(etailed Alarmin' Re*uirements o% S)S-Supervision

S)S-Internal )ontrol-Volta'e

Sub-)ontrol S stem

S #ocal )ontrol o% S)S Stop Start Increase K (ecrease K " IG) (.)


S)S-,ield (evices


b plant %ield bus or conventional &irin' i% re*uired- plus an other e*uipment speci%ic si'nals re*uired %or sa%e and propre remote control i% re*uired connection to APS o% Plant Automation S stem on load isolator loc:able &ith padloc:

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Standard PART IV-1-3: B0/132

#ocal )ontrol S&itch Arran'ement 2t pical %or drives &ithout local isolator3

"alvani9ed Steelplate min+ 2mm Slide nut &ith holdin' sprin' 2T pical material list Go+ 23 )-Pro%ile 2T pical material list Go+ 13 Position indicatin' #.( 2illuminated &hen isolated3

#abel- )lear te4t and consumer code 2!A)3

Sa%et instructions &ith indication o% location o% isolatin' device )able 'lands &ith sealin' rubber to suit cable si9e #ocal >n/>%% )ontrol Push Futtons

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 8//132

#ocal )ontrol S&itch Arran'ement &ith Inte'rated >n-#oad Isolator 2t pical3

"alvani9ed Steelplate min+ 2mm Slide nut &ith holdin' sprin' 2T pical material list Go+ 23 #ocal >n/>%% )ontrol Push Futtons )-Pro%ile 2T pical material list Go+ 13 #abel- )lear te4t and consumer code 2!A)3

Arran'ement %or reversible drive

0 X Y

I 0

I 0

,unction #abel: - in / out - up / do&n - %or&ard / reverse - east / &est - etc

#ocal >n-load isolator s&itch &ith %acilit %or min+ 3 padloc:s in >,,-position )able 'lands &ith sealin' rubber to suit cable si9e

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 81/132

Separate >n-#oad Isolator W )ontrol Fo4 2t pical3

#ocal >n-load isolator s&itch &ith padloc: 2min+ 33 %acilit in >-position



R /

R /

> >

#ocal on-load isolator

#ocal )ontrol bo4

a3 #ocal on-load isolator separate %rom local control bo4 b3 #ocal on-load isolator to'ether on same plate &ith local control bo4

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 82/132

Speed (etector <ountin' Primar .lement and Pro4imit S&itch

2all dimensions t pical onl 3
<etal sprin' pins 8 4 =/ 2T pical material list Go+ $b3 Plastic 2T pical material list Go+ $a3
Y 8+C 2/ Y B/ Y =B Y 3= Y8

C/ 1/+=

<8 4 B/

Y <8 ca+ 3/

<echanical sha%t o% last driven element o% machine



= 3/

<3/ 4 1+= 2<18 4 13

Set and allocate numbers o% pins as re*uired b the machine speed and controller per%ormance <ountin' brac:et %i4ed b t&o slide nuts &ith holdin' sprin' on a )-Pro%ile 2T pical material list Go+ 17 3 and C3

Pro4imit !ead or Speed Sensor


2T pical material list Go+ $c3 2T pical material list Go+ 13




21 03

2T pical material list Go+ 23


B 2B =/

1B $/

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 83/132

<echanicall ,ail-Sa%e Installation o% Rope S&itches 2t pical3

Sprin' pretensioned b appro4+ 1//mm

Rope s&itch 2T pical material list Go+ =3

Sprin' overstress protection b rope 2ma4+ action appro4+ B/mm3

Sprin' pretensioned b appro4+ 1//mm


Sprin' overstress protection b ade*uatel set e e bolt 2ma4+ action appro4+ B/mm3

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 8$/132

<ountin' and Inspection Fo4 %or Soundin'-T pe <echanical #evel (etectors

#evel detector casin'

M $=/mm

Sealed inspection openin' &ith simple to handle loc: device

M 2=/ Y M $=/ Y M =// Y

M C// M =/ M =/ M $=/

!ousin' ma be round shaped &ith similar diameter i% pre%ered %rom manu%acturin' point o% vie&

M C//

M $=/


M 12/ M 12/
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Standard PART IV-1-3: 8=/132

"as Pressure <easurement 2relative3

#abel &ith clearte4t and measurement number 2!A)3

Pressure transmitter

to P)S Analo' Input

Standard &irin' or %ield bus

#ocal indication

min+ 2@


Thermal insulation Plastic tube


Pressure tap

In case o% ne'ative slopecondensate trap is re*uired

Plu' %or cleanin' purpose Pressure ti'ht sealin'

)alibration tap

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 8C/132

Installation and Protection o% Pressure Transmitters 2t pical3

#ocal indication 2i% re*uired b technical speci%ication3 #abel &ith clear te4t and measurement code 2!A)3 "alvani9ed Steelplate min+ 2mm


Slide nut &ith holdin' sprin' 2T pical material list Go+ 23 )-Pro%ile 2T pical material list Go+ 13

,i4in' holes %or transmitter

A-Pro%ile M =/ 4 =/ 4 3

M 11 M 1=

M =/

M 1= M 1=/

M =/

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 8B/132

Installation and Protection o% Transmitters 2t pical3

"alvani9ed Steelplate min+ 2mm Slide nut &ith holdin' sprin' 2T pical material list Go+ 23 )-Pro%ile 2T pical material list Go+ 13 #ocal indication 2i% re*uired b technical speci%ication3

#abel &ith clear te4t and measurement code 2!A)3

Transmitter )able 'lands &ith sealin' rubber to suit cable si9e to primar element to PS- remote I/> or %ield bus

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 88/132

<ountin' o% PT1// and Thermocouple

<ountin' %lan'e 2T pical material list Go+ 0b3

Standard %lan'e 2T pical material list Go+ 8b3

Sanitar t pe 1oint T pical material list Go+ 3 +++ 2si9e as re*uired b the primar element3
appro4+ 1//

3/O inclined mountin' in vertical duct PT1//


#abel in clearte4t and e*uipment code 2!A)3

#abel in clearte4t and e*uipment code 2!A)3

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appro4+ 1//

M ==


Standard PART IV-1-3: 80/132

2-Eire Transmitter Thermocouple

Thermocouple to Process-Station Thermocouple Input e4tension &ire %or thermocouples

label &ith measurement number to Process-Station Analo' Input

Temperature transmitter


local indication &here re*uired


Standard &irin' or %ield bus 'alvanical isolation bet&een sensor and output si'nal


e4tension &ire %or thermocouples

Thermocouple Gi)r

Temperature sensor

Protection tube &ith connection head

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 0//132

)ap+ probe 2Rod t pe3 Reducer )ouplin' b couplin' nut

M 1//mm

Y M =/mm M 2=/mm

M 2//

$ Ein' nuts Flind %lan'e Sealin'

M 1//mm

$ Folts trac: &elded ,or probe testin' and %or 'eneral inspectionsthis installation is re*uired appro4+ /+=m beside o% each probe

M 1=/mm M 2=/mm

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 01/132

T pical material list %or instrumentation and sensors installation Go+ (imension/S:etches (escription Se9e:tion o= 6t!nd!rd ere:tion <!teri!9: 1 2 3 $a $b $c )-pro%ile M 2041=42 Slide nut &ith holdin' sprin' Sanitar t pe pipe 1oint Initiator head %or speed sensor <etal sprin' pin %or speed initiator <ountin' brac:et %or speed sensor !eav dut rope s&itch !eav dut belt dri%t s&itch Remar:s

=a =b

<ulti %unction valve bloc:


Standard %lan'e 1[- diameter o% center o% hole circle B/ mm %or thermo couple 2T)3 Standard %lan'e 1[- diameter o% center o% hole circle == mm %or Pt 1// <ountin' %lan'e %or T) T pe B<)2008 <ountin' %lan'e %or Pt 1// T pe B<)2008




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Standard PART IV-1-3: 02/132




Gener!9 Re; ire<ent6 .lectrical and control re*uirements %or buildin' automation .*uipment shall be coordinated &ith PART IV-1-$ civil and structural &or:+

/'# B+2+1

Fire Dete:tion "eneral A comprehensive %ire detection s stem shall be provided+ It shall include %ire detection and alarmin' %acilities and shall cover all Plant sections &ith potential %ire ha9ard includin': .lectrical rooms- trans%ormer cells and cable basements Installation tunnels and installation sha%ts .levator control rooms )ontrol and computer rooms ,alse %loors and %alse ceilin's in above areas Air-conditionin' rooms ,uel areas and stora'e ,uel transport and pump areas ,uel %illin' stations <aintenance shops- parts stora'e and other areas o% the Plant &ith potential %ire ha9ard ! draulic rooms #ubrication rooms The s stem shall consist o% %ire detectors and manual %ire alarm push-buttons in ha9ardous areas- and central alarm annunciation panel+


,ire (etection and Alarmin' 22,3 (esi'n >ptical t pe and ioni9ation t pe %ire detectors shall be arran'ed in a ratio- &hich is suitable to the protected Plant section+ !eat or di%%erential heat sensors shall onl be included i% no other t pes can be used %or technical reasons and shall be approved in &ritin' b Pro1ect >&ner+ Passive in%rared t pe sensors are re*uired in ver hi'h buildin's 2e+'+ lar'e Substations3+ !idden detectors 2e+'+ in %alse %loors and ceilin's3 re*uire visible annunciator lamps close b +

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 03/132

<anual %ire alarms stations shall be installed at e4its- emer'enc e4its and outside o% normall loc:ed doors 2e+'+ electrical rooms- etc3+ The %ire alarm o% the automatic detectors as &ell as the manual stations shall be visuali9ed on a schematic Plant la out+ A %ire alarm shall automaticall stop the ventilation/coolin' s stem o% the respective area+ Alarmin' %acilities o% the %ire bri'ade shall distin'uish bet&een limited e4tent o% the problem area or 'eneral alarmin' 2e+'+ b telephone 'roup pa'in' or sirens respectivel 3+ Prior to automatic alarmin'- a certain time elapse shall allo& a bac:chec:in' b the operator+ /'3 B+3+1 Te9e73one S"6te< "eneral The proposed telephone s stem shall be in accordance &ith Applicable #a& and Applicable )odes and Standards and )ontractor shall arran'e %or all necessar approvals &ith Applicable Authorities+ This is valid %or all communication .*uipment such as telephones 2%i4ed stations as &ell as mobile telephones3- radio pa'in' s stems- &al: -tal:ies 2possibl applied also b )ontractor durin' the erection phase3 etc+ B+3+2 Telephone S stem 22T3 The telephone s stem shall provide communication &ithin the Plant- as &ell as bet&een Plant e4tensions to outside parties on the public telephone net&or: and shall be o% the P+A+F+Q+ 2Private Automatic Franch .4chan'e3 t pe+ The s stem shall either be a locall approved one- or such approval shall be obtained b )ontractor prior to its installation+ The s stem shall have the normal %acilities such as call trans%er- ni'ht s&itchin'barrin' o% e4tensions %or ma:in' outside calls- etc+ All e4tensions shall be o% the :e t pe and be e*uipped &ith a call trans%er button+ A telephone shall be installed in ever lar'e movable machine 2e+'+ stac:er/reclaimermobile crusher etc+3 as &ell as in ever electrical and control room+ .levator cabins shall be e*uipped &ith a station to station telephone connected to the control room+ Telephones &ithin the production departments shall be dust-proo% and desi'ned to &ithstand rou'h handlin'+ .4tensions in nois surroundin's shall be additionall e*uipped &ith call e4tension rela s %or loud rin'in' bells- %lash li'hts or sirens+ Ehere necessar - sound-proo%in' telephone booths shall be provided+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 0$/132


<obile Telephone S stem 22T3 The mobile telephone s stem shall provide communication &ithin the Plant as &ell as to the correspondin' international mobile phone s stem+ Individual mobile phone sets shall be o% robust desi'n &ith correspondin' accessories %or application in industrial environment+


M!6ter C9o:@ S"6te< A master cloc: s stem shall be provided- s nchroni9in' main cloc:s in the plant 2mainl those used %or reportin' purposes3+


Gener!9 P9!nt VieA C!<er!6 "eneral plant vie& cameras shall be installed %or the remote supervision o% critical plant areas as 'ates and loadin'/unloadin' areas+ <a:e and t pe o% cameras and monitors shall be coordinated &ith process cameras 2see Para C+B+23

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 0=/132


GROUP E1: MOTORS AND DRIVE S,STEMS The %ollo&in' motors and drive s stems shall be applied: <edium volta'e motors 2Gote that such motors operate at volta'es bet&een 3 :V and 13+8 :V- i+e+ in the medium volta'e ran'e3 #o& volta'e motors 2Volta'e 5 1///V3 Variable speed drive s stems 2Volta'es bet&een $// V and up to C :V3 ! draulic drives


Li6tin46 o= Motor 2 PoAer Con6 <er6 (ata o% all motors- drive s stems and other consumers re*uired and provided shall be listed in the PR.,A). .// <otor )onsumer #ist in electronic %orm+


Gener!9 De6i4n Re; ire<ent6 =or Motor6 )onstant speed motors o% the I.) ratin' e*ual or lar'er than 2=/ :E shall 'enerall be medium volta'e motors+ )onstant speed motors up to I.) ratin' 2=/ :E shall 'enerall be lo& volta'e motors+ All motors shall be o% protection t pe IP == 2T.,)3 or G.<A 12 and shall be %urnished &ith class , insulation o% the tropicali9ed t pe+ The re*uired motor si9e shall be determined on the basis o% a loadin' accordin' class F insulation+ I% motors are de-rated due to ambient %actors- I.) or G.<A data as &ell as the reduced data %or current shall be indicated on motor ratin' plate+ <otors &ith similar po&er and speed re*uirements shall be standardi9ed to e*ual ratin's &here technicall %easible+ <otors e*ual or lar'er than B= :E shall be e*uipped &ith one temperature sensors t pe PT1//- 3-&ire- in the stator &indin' 2per phase3 and shall have an insulated bearin' at the non-drive end as &ell as provisions %or SP< anal ses on both bearin's+ <otors e*ual or lar'er than 2=/ :E shall be e*uipped &ith a minimum o% 2 temperature sensors t pe PT1//- 3-&ire- in the stator &indin' 2per phase3 and one unit in each bearin'+ #ar'e drives 2:iln e4haust %an- mill %an- roller mill- etc+ &ith P e*ual or above 2=/ :E3 shall be e*uipped &ith analo'ue vibration sensor in each bearin'+ Variable speed drive s stems 2VS(3 shall e4clusivel be o% the A)-drive t pe 2s*uirrel ca'e motors3+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 0C/132

Anti-condensation heaters shall be included %or all motors e*ual or lar'er 2=/:E+ #eads shall all be terminated in a separate terminal bo4+ Proper %unctionin' o% heater shall be supervised b &indin' temperature+ Ehere air-to-air heat e4chan'er is re*uired the air%lo& and temperature shall be monitored+ All motors shall have coolin' %an covers made o% metal+ All motors shall be e*uipped &ith oversi9ed terminal bo4es to provide ample space %or convenient cable connections considerin' the t pe o% cables applied+ )onnections inside terminal bo4es shall be on connectin' studs/terminals e4clusivel + Ehere available 2dependin' on motor t pe3- motors shall have the terminal bo4es on top+ All terminal bo4es shall be made o% metal+ Identicall rated motors shall have an identical terminal bo4 arran'ement+ The motor speed o% %i4 speed motors shall not e4ceed 1=// rpm %or =/ !9 motors and 18// rpm %or C/!9 motors unless other&ise stated and approved b >&ner on motor V consumer list+ In case o% V-belt drives- the motor bearin's shall be desi'ned %or this application+ ,oundation %rames- slidin' rails- mountin' bloc:s and anchor bolts shall be provided &ith the motors &here re*uired+ .arth terminals shall be provided inside each terminal bo4+ The motor shall be provided &ith an earth terminal on the motor %rame+ 1'3 S7e:i=i: Re; ire<ent6 =or LoA Vo9t!4e Motor6 >1,? ,or constant speed drives- induction t pe motors 2s*uirrel ca'e3 shall be used+ All motors shall be totall enclosed %an cooled 2T.,)3 or closed circuit air-cooled &ith airto-air heat e4chan'ers+ All motors shall be premium e%%icienc 2.A: class .,,13+ All motors shall be desi'ned %or ( 2(elta3 connection at the speci%ied volta'e+ <otors above 1// :E shall have all C connections &ired to terminals to also allo& %or S 2Star3 connection+ (irect-on-line startin' shall be applied %or lo& volta'e motors+ To cope &ith hi'h inertia drives- s*uirrel ca'e motors in con1unction &ith electronic so%t-start devices shall be provided 2i% applicable3+ Fearin's o% small motors shall be 'rease-lubricated %or li%e+ Fearin's o% motors lar'er appro4+ $= :E shall be %urnished &ith rechar'in' nipples readil accessible %or service

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 0B/132

durin' operation+ The bearin' housin' desi'n shall allo& %or e4cessive lubrication &ithout dama'e to the motor or an o% its components+ 1'( 8+$+1 S7e:i=i: Re; ire<ent6 =or Medi < Vo9t!4e Motor6 >1H? "eneral <otor Re*uirements All <V motors shall be premium e%%icienc + Ehere technicall %easible- <V-slip rin' motors o% the totall enclosed t pe or s*uirrel ca'e t pe motors shall be considered+ ,or motors T 1///:E the re*uired calculations o% the net&or: in%luences 2startin' condition- volta'e drop in%luence3 %or each individual application shall be provided to Pro1ect >&ner+ ,or control o% the startin' conditions- li*uid rheostats shall be used in con1unction &ith slip rin' motors+ These motors shall have brushes in continuous contact &ith the slip rin's+ Frush li%tin' devices are not permitted+ The slip rin' section o% slip rin' motors shall be separated %rom the active part o% the motor in such a &a that contamination o% motor &indin's b brush dust is prevented+ The ventilation o% the slip rin' compartment shall be separated+ #ar'e capacit medium volta'e motors shall be e*uipped &ith air-to-air heat e4chan'ers+ The heat e4chan'ers shall be desi'ned %or cement Plant application &ith allo&ance %or dust coolin' air+ The heat e4chan'ers shall be eas to clean+ The terminal bo4es shall &ithstand the net&or: %ault level+ The motor bearin's shall be 'rease or oil lubricated- dependin' on the t pe o% bearin'- &ith rechar'in' nipples readil accessible %or service durin' operation+ The bearin' housin' desi'n shall allo& %or e4cessive lubrication &ithout dama'e to the motor or an o% its components+ I% a limited end %loat couplin' &ill be used sleeve bearin's shall be desi'ned &ith su%%icient end %loat to allo& %or proper ali'nment o% the rotor and load ta:in' into consideration sha%t e4pansion due to heat build up+ Ehen the load or couplin' e4erts a4ial thrust on the motor sha%t- the motor shall be e*uipped &ith thrust bearin's+ This thrust bearin' shall be installed at the drive end o% the motor to prevent ampli%ied reactions throu'h the rest o% the machine+ <otors e*uipped &ith sleeve bearin's shall have %actor installed permanent mar:ers identi% in' their ma'netic center+ The allo&able rotor movement about the ma'netic center shall be identi%ied in the ali'nment manual and dra&in's+ All <V-motors shall be e*uipped &ith transportation rotor loc:in' device+ In 'eneral- the motors shall be desi'ned %or uni-directional rotation+ The direction o% rotation o% uni-directional motors shall be permanentl identi%ied on the end bell o% the

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 08/132

motor opposite the drive end+ Fi-directional motors shall be speci%ied in the respective Speci%ication Sheets+ 8+$+2 #i*uid Rheostat %or Slip Rin' <otors Automatic remote-controlled li*uid rheostats shall be used in con1unction &ith the slip rin' motors+ To ad1ust the operation speed o% the li*uid rheostat- the rheostat shall be controlled b ad1ustable variable speed drive- inte'rall installed at the li*uid starter casin'+ The .*uipment associated &ith the rheostat shall be housed in an outdoor &eatherproo% enclosure+ The rheostat shall be located in the vicinit o% the individual motor+ The .*uipment shall include all the necessar protection includin': li*uid level sensor and temperature sensor &ith contacts %or alarm and trip automatic se*uenced operation o% the starter- includin' shortin' contactor- etc+ The starter shall be desi'ned to allo& 3 consecutive starts %rom cold conditions and 1 %urther start ever hour+ 8+$+3 Po&er ,actor )orrection )apacitors I% po&er %actor compensation per motor is re*uired- then the units shall be suitable %or outdoor installation and rated to correct the motor po&er %actor as speci%ied 2%or compensation re*uirements see Para /+$+$3+ )apacitors shall be provided &ith protective %uses- dischar'e resistors and an re*uired isolation devices+ The %uses shall include blo&n %use indicators &ith contacts &ired to a terminal bloc:- %or remote alarm and trip+ )apacitors shall be tuned 2cho:es3+ I% a step controlled s stem is applied %or the individual motor compensation- then the re*uired s&itchin' contactor2s3 shall be included+ 8+$+$ S nchronous <otors S nchronous motors shall be desi'ned %or &ith brushless t pe e4citation+ The electronic components and resistors shall have all connections tor*ued and attached to the e4citer spider &ith an added de'ree o% resilienc to cope &ith abrupt load oscillations and vibrations %rom the loaded .*uipment+ <ountin' o% the e4citer inboard or outboard 2pre%erred3- or separate e4citation re*uirements shall be determined onl a%ter the load characteristics have been revie&ed b Pro1ect >&ner+ All the necessar electrical in%ormation on the motor and e4citer to allo& %or the correct si9in' o% the protection and o% the e4citation .*uipment shall be included+ A speed-monitorin' s&itch shall be included &here technicall re*uired to avoid restartin' o% idle runnin' motors+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 00/132

.4citation and Rotor Protection The e4citation and protection pac:a'e %or the rotatin' e4citer shall be supplied+ Rotor thermal protection shall be included i% available %or the particular motor desi'n+ 1'% 8+=+1 S7e:i=i: Re; ire<ent6 =or V!ri!b9e S7eed DriBe S"6te<6 >VSD-S"6te<6? "eneral VS(-S stems Re*uirements Anless other&ise stated- VS(-s stems shall be supplied as a pac:a'e includin' motor- VS( - converter unit and trans%ormer7 current source t pes VS(-converters shall also include the re*uired po&er %actor correction capacitors+ This is in order to ensure compatibilit and suitabilit o% the complete motor-drive pac:a'e+ (etunin' reactors shall be determined b )ontractor based on the s stem re*uirements and provided as re*uired+ (ependin' on the po&er re*uirements o% the VS(-s stem- either medium-volta'e variable drive s stems- lo&-volta'e variable drive s stems %ed throu'h intermediate trans%ormers %rom <V-distributions or s stems- &hich are directl %ed %rom the #Vbusbar- shall be applied+ Variable speed drive s stems 2VS(3 shall e4clusivel be o% the A)-drive t pe 2s*uirrel ca'e motors3+ Ehere recommended b the )ontractor- and %or all motors e*ual or above B= :E- such motors shall have an insulated bearin' at the non-drive end+ Allo&ance shall be made in ratin' and / or desi'n o% the motor %or additional heatin'reduced ventilation and vibration- &hich ma result %rom harmonics present in the VS(-s stem+ There%ore motors shall be si9ed to allo& %or the additional de-ratin' in relation &ith VS( application+ Additionall installed e4ternal coolin' %ans shall be avoided to the e4tent possible+ <otors applied %or VS(-s stems shall con%orm to the re*uirements as stated in Para 8+$+1 and shall be suitable %or operation at nameplate ratin' as a variable speed drive unit+ The &hole drive s stem shall be hi'h e%%icient includin' trans%ormer- cable- converter and motor+ The drive s stem po&er %actor shall be hi'h over the speed ran'e o% the s stem+ 8+=+2 Trans%ormer and Reactors Trans%ormers and reactors shall be desi'ned %or converter operation &ith non-linear loads and shall include an electrostatic shield bet&een primar and secondar &indin's+ The vector 'roups shall be selected in vie& o% reducin' the hi'her harmonics content on the %eedin' busbar+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1///132

Ehere possible- line reactors ma be supplied instead o% trans%ormers provided the are desi'ned to provide e*uivalent harmonic isolation and have the overall e%%icienc o% a trans%ormer+ 8+=+3 Speci%ic VS( - (rive S stems Re*uirements The torsional anal sis o% the complete rotatin' parts 2includin' driven .*uipment and couplin'3 %or A) variable speed drive s stems shall be the responsibilit o% )ontractor+ )ontractor shall there%ore per%orm a torsional anal sis o% the s stem ta:in' into account the complete drive train+ Such anal sis shall be carried out %or all critical drives7 %or drives e*ual or lar'er 2///:E such anal sis are compulsor and shall be presented b )ontractor to Pro1ect >&ner prior to start o% manu%acturin' o% an .*uipment 2motor- couplin'- machine sha%ts or impellers3+ 8+=+$ VS( - )onverter Panels In 'eneral- trans%ormers- VS(-converter units and reactors &ill be located indoors+ The hi'h heat dissipation re*uirement produced b the converter units shall be ta:en into consideration &hen desi'nin' the electrical rooms- b separatin' the panels %rom other e*uipment+ Panel coolin' shall be supervised b continuous temperature measurement+ The location o% the VS(-converter units shall be selected to assure the shortest possible po&er cable len'ths bet&een VS(-converter unit and motor+ VS(-converter s stems up to 12/:VA shall be o% the &all mounted t pe- totall closed panels &ith IP=$ 2G.<A 123 protection 2&ith heat e4chan'er3 %or outdoor installation and IP21 protection %or indoor 2electrical room3 installation- or shall allo& installation directl into #V-distribution / <)) V panels &ith IP 21 2G.<A3 enclosure+ ,or VS( s stems e*ual or lar'er than 12/ :VA the converter panels shall be o% the %ree standin'- sel% ventilated desi'n &ithout bac: access %acilit + I% re*uired and suitable %or the application- &ater cooled s stems ma be applied+ Individual overload re*uirements shall be matched alon' the total po&er path %or trans%ormer- converter unit and motor+ All variable speed drive s stems shall be desi'ned to remain in uninterrupted operation durin' transient line disturbances accordin' to the speci%ied volta'e tolerances speci%ied in Para /+$+2+ The control po&er suppl shall be arran'ed %or po&er dip ride throu'h up to 3 seconds+ S nchroni9in' &ith turnin' motor shall be provided+ The converter panel shall be complete &ith all re*uired motor and converter protection devices o% the electronic t pe- incomin' mains po&er disconnect s&itch- multipurpose meterin' instrument in panel %ront %or local indication o% volta'e- current- po&erspeed7 transmitters %or remote indication o% po&er and speed7 analo'ue setpoint

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1/1/132

control and shall provide a standard inter%ace %or remote control and monitorin' b Plant %ieldbus+ )oolin' %ans- i% used- and other nonessential control po&er loads shall be connected to a separate internal control po&er trans%ormer or %eeder+ VS(-drives e*ual and lar'er 2=/ :E shall be directl %ed %rom the <V-distribution and shall have its individual isolation trans%ormer+ Ehere a 'roup o% VS(-drives &ithin the same process department is to be installed- a multidrive s stem arran'ement shall be considered+ Active %ront-end solutions are pre%erred %or all capacities+ Ehere T!( is not criticaldrive s stems up to 1/// :E capacit mi'ht be desi'ned as C - pulse s stems&hereas s stems e*ual or lar'er than 1/// :E shall be minimum 12 - pulse s stems or active %ront end+ The anticipated total harmonic distortion 2T!(3 o% the volta'e and current produced b the operation o% the drive at the point o% common couplin' to other .*uipment shall not e4ceed the allo&able levels speci%ied in I... Standard =10+ The anticipated levels shall be submitted b )ontractor+ The control section o% the converter panel shall allo& %or local 2service3 and/or remote control o% each drive &ith detailed local and remote %ault indication o% all components 2see Para 8+83+ )onnection to the Plant %ieldbus shall be applied+ 1'S7e:i=i: Re; ire<ent6 =or +"dr! 9i: DriBe6 ! draulic drives in connection &ith s*uirrel ca'e motors shall be used %or special applications onl : standard VS(-s stems 2see above3 are pre%erred+ All necessar devices as cooler- %ans- %ield devices %or temperature- level and pressure control shall be included+ ! draulic drives shall be o% the compact t pe- %actor assembled to the e4tent possible on a ri'id %rame- arran'ed %or eas handlin' and installation+ All necessar pipes and accessories shall be included+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1/2/132


St!nd!rd )or@63o7 Te6t6 !nd F!:tor" A::e7t!n:e Te6t6 >FAT? ,or ordinar #V-motors standard &or:shop testin' shall be done in accordance &ith the )ontractorHs and <anu%acturerHs Standards and Applicable )odes and Standards+ )erti%ied test results and reports shall be provided b )ontractor to Pro1ect >&ner+ ,or all t pes o% <V-motors 2S*uirrel t pe- Sliprin' t pe and S nchronous t pemotors3 ,actor Acceptance Tests 2,AT3 shall be carried-out in accordance &ith the relevant standards and those outlined in the Test Procedure and Test Report %or <V <otors+ ,or all variable speed drive s stems lar'er than 3//:E- ,actor Acceptance Tests 2,AT3 shall be carried-out in accordance &ith the relevant standards and those outlined in the Test Procedure and Test Report %or Variable Speed (rive S stems 2VS(3+ The tests- i% re*uested b Pro1ect >&ner- be &itnessed b Pro1ect >&ner+ )erti%ied test results and reports shall be provided b )ontractor+


T"7i:!9 Dr!Ain46. Gro 7 E1$ The belo& listed dra&in's serve as a 'uideline %or the conceptual desi'narran'ements and installation o% the electrical .*uipment and their devices7 providedho&ever- in all events such .*uipment and devices shall compl &ith Applicable #a& and all Applicable )odes and Standards and meet all other re*uirements o% the )ontract- includin' "ood .n'ineerin' and )onstruction Practices+
E; i7<ent-Gro 7: ).S /1J-.8/ $/1 ).S /1J-.8/ $/2 ReB: F A S bCe:t: VS( )ontrol and Protection 2t pical %or (rives T 2=/ :E3 VS( )ontrol and Protection 2t pical %or (rives 5 2=/ :E3

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1/3/132

VS( )ontrol and Protection 2t pical %or drives T 2=/:E3

<V S&itch'ear +++ :V )ontrol: <otor t pe 2&ith 9ero volta'e coil3 Protection: Trans%ormer t pe PT1//

<ain )ircuit Frea:er )onverter Trans%ormer (r 2>il3

2Fuchhol93 Isolated


Eindin' temp+ 2343 2>il temp+3

.mer'enc Stop PT1// APS Plant ,ieldbus I/> S stem Panel temp+

Panel ,an

,re*uenc )onverter

speed :E :Eh tor*ue VS( )ontrol Anit


Panel !eater

+++VA) Au4illiar <))

.mer'enc Stop 2e+'+ Rope S&itch &hen applicable3 $-2/mA Isolated #ocal )ontrol Pushbutton Start Stop Increase (ecrease PT1//

Space !eater A F Fearin' Vibration A F A V E Fearin' Eindin' Temperature

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1/$/132

VS( )ontrol and Protection 2t pical %or drives 5 2=/:E3

#V S&itch'ear / <)) +++ V Suppl Read

APS .mer'enc Stop

,re*uenc )onverter

PT1// Temp+

I/> S stem

,an speed :E :Eh tor*ue .mer'enc Stop 2e+'+ Rope S&itch &hen applicable3 !eater VS( )ontrol Anit

Plant ,ieldbus


i% re*uired

#ocal Isolator Isolated PT1// 2TB=:E3

#ocal )ontrol Pushbutton

Start Stop Increase (ecrease

V E Eindin' Temperature A

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1/=/132




Gener!9 Re; ire<ent6 =or PoAer C!b9e6 >1+. 1L? All cables shall be dimensioned accordin' to the load 2installed :E o% motors- nominal load o% S)S3 o% the .*uipment connected and the short circuit conditions o% the PlantHs net&or:+ )onnections to and %rom trans%ormers shall be able to carr its %ull rated capacit + The current carr in' capacit o% the cables shall be in %ull compliance &ith Applicable #a& and Applicable )odes and Standards and ta:e into consideration the de-ratin' %actors %or ambient temperature- number o% cables installed- methods o% installation 2at most critical point3- etc+ )able cross sections shall be si9ed %or loadin' accordin' PV) insulation 2.A t pe !/BV3+ )ables %or the suppl o% %re*uenc converter t pe variable speed drives s stems shall be selected considerin' the possibl re*uired hi'her insulation levels as &ell as an speciall re*uired protections and cable installation methods to eliminate electroma'netic inter%erence &ith other .*uipment and respectin' the correspondin' standards+ The volta'e drop- even under heav start conditions shall not e4ceed 1/ @ o% the nominal volta'e at the terminals o% the motors+ The volta'e drop under normal operatin' conditions shall not e4ceed 2@ o% the nominal volta'e+ All cables shall have so%t dra&n and i% lar'er than 2+= mm2 &ire cross-sectionstranded copper conductors+ The color o% the cable sheaths shall be standardi9ed throu'hout the Plant to distin'uish bet&een the volta'e level/%unction o% the cables+ All po&er cable core insulation shall be o% the t pe .PR or Q#P. 2.A t pe !/BQ or e*uivalent3+ Geutral and 'roundin' &ires shall never serve an other than their speci%ic purpose+


!i'h-volta'e 2!V3 - W <edium-volta'e 2<V3 )ables 21!3 All hi'h and medium volta'e distributions shall be o% the 3-&ire s stem+ The same 3 conductor colors shall be allocated to the 3 phases throu'hout the Plant+ !V- and <V - cables shall be either 3-conductor or sin'le-conductor t pe and shall be unarmored unless re*uired to be armored b local standards+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1/C/132

Go cables shall be buried directl in 'round+ ,le4ible <V-cables in *uarr areas shall be %urnished &ith insulation %ailure detectionand the cable insulation shall be ade*uate to the e4pected rou'h handlin'+ All hi'h volta'e- and medium volta'e cables shall have stress cone termination+ )able terminations 2stress cones / pot-heads3 shall be considered to be part o% the cable and shall be suitable to meet the speci%ic cable and sa%et standards re*uired as &ell as the ph sical arran'ement o% the .*uipment to be connected 2e+'+ trans%ormerss&itch'ear- motors3+ 0+1+2 #o&-volta'e 2#V3 - )ables 21#3 #o& volta'e motor cables shall have %our conductors- &ith the %ourth &ire to be used %or 'roundin' purposes7 provided- ho&ever- %or lar'e drives- sin'le-conductor cables ma be used &ith a separate conductor %or 'roundin' purposes 2cross-section =/@ o% phase conductor3+ All po&er and control cables shall have a 'round &ire and i% %eedin' a sin'le phase consumer or panel- also a neutral &ire in the appropriate color+ 3 phase %eeder cables to .*uipment- &hich also contains sin'le-phase consumersshall have = conductors 2phases- neutral- 'roundin'3- or $ conductors i% provided &ith isolatin' trans%ormer+ )ables connectin' the local isolator &ith the motor shall be %le4ible- shear %orce and impact resistant cable %or motors up to and includin' == :E+ <obile .*uipment shall be connected &ith %le4ible cables+ *'# Contro9. In6tr <ent!tion. !nd Co<< ni:!tion C!b9e6 Si'nal cables shall be capable o% carr in' analo'ue and discrete si'nals and shall be arran'ed in t&isted pairs+ >nl 2 or 3 t pes o% control cables shall be used throu'hout the &hole Plant 2e+'+ $/12 conductors3+ I% color-coded cables are applied then the colors shall %ollo& the same se*uence at both cable ends and throu'hout the &hole installation+ Special cables servin' lar'e machines 2e+'+ stac:er- reclaimer etc+3 shall be provided &ith shielded &ires %or telephone connection+ )ommunication cables are considered as special cables+ )ommunication cables shall be o% %iber optic- co-a4ial- t&isted-pair t pe or as re*uired b the net&or: and as recommended b the ori'inal product desi'ner o% the Plant %ieldbus s stem+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1/B/132

,iber optic cables %or main communication lin:s bet&een electrical rooms shall have mechanical rodent protection and a minimum o% 12 %ibers+ The t pe o% optical %iber shall be standardi9ed to pre%erabl one- ma4 2 t pes+ The number o% %ibers per cable shall be standardi9ed to 2 or 3 t pes- &ith a minimum o% C %ibers per cable+ .thernet and Plant %ieldbus cablin' shall be copper &ithin an individual buildin' onl + *'3 C!b9e In6t!99!tion This section speci%ies the minimum desi'n criteria+ In all cases- the more strin'ent re'ulations bet&een the desi'n criteria and the Applicable #a& and Applicable )odes and Standards shall be %ollo&ed+ (ependin' on the Plant la out- either under'round &al:-throu'h cable tunnels- duct ban:s- or overhead steel structure cable brid'es 2'alleries3 &ith &al:&a s shall be provided bet&een the main electrical po&er distribution center- the di%%erent electrical and control rooms and ma1or buildin's+ )able tunnels and duct ban:s are pre%erred to overhead cable brid'es 2see PART IV-1-$3+ A uni%orm cable installation shall be maintained throu'hout the Plant+ All cables shall be routed via continuous cable tra installation+ !i'h/medium volta'e po&er cables shall be installed on the lo&est level- lo& volta'e po&er cables on the second- control cables on the third- screened conductor cables on the %ourth and communication cables on the top level+ >ne cable level ma re*uire more than one cable tra + Po&er cables shall be laid in the cable tra s in one la er deep onl + As a desi'n 'uidelinethe vertical separation bet&een levels or tra shall be 3// mm throu'hout- and similar distances shall be maintained on vertical tra s to provide %or proper access to install the cables and %or coolin' purpose+ .4tra lo& volta'e cables 2instrumentation- process control- communication- si'nals3 shall be installed on separate cable tra s or in conduits- &hereb a minimum distance to po&er cables o% 3// mm shall be maintained to avoid inter%erences to the e4tra lo& volta'e s stems+ .nclosed- non-ventilated tra ma be used %or the installation o% such cables+ )able&a installations shall be desi'ned to 'uarantee a minimum o% 2/@ %ree space at the completion o% the &hole installation+ )able tra s etc+ are to be installed &ith e4pansion bolts+ Po&der-actuated %asteners shall not be used+ All installation materials have to be hot-dipped 'alvani9ed or &ith e*uivalent treatment 2electrol tic 'alvani9ation not accepted3+ .ach section o% tra shall be individuall 'rounded+ Stron' emphasis shall be laid on proper la in' and %i4in' o% cables on tra s or ladders and in conduits over their entire run+ T&istin' o% cables shall be avoided+ )ables on vertical rac:s shall be %i4ed b metal clamps+ Sin'le conductor cables shall be %i4ed &ith non-ma'netic t pe metal clamps+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1/8/132

)able ladders are pre%erred to cable tra s due to reduce possibilit o% dust accumulation+ Go cables shall be laid directl on the 'round or into the 'round+ Vertical cable tra s or ladders are to be protected a'ainst ph sical dama'e up to a minimum o% 1+/ m above %loor level unless a %urther protection is re*uired %or local re'ulations or special reasons+ Individual cables installed on structures or machines outside o% electrical rooms shall be installed in steel conduits+ )onduit ends shall be protected b insulated bushin's+ Eherever the number o% cables in buildin's re*uires several conduits to be run in parallel %or the same :ind o% cable- ladders shall be installed instead+ #ocal isolator s&itches shall be connected &ith su%%icient spare cable slac: close to the s&itch %or %uture reconnection+ Special- %le4ible shear %orce and impact resistant cable shall be used %or the connection o% the local isolator s&itch to the motor+ Ehere possible- the motor connection bo4 shall be turned b 0/O out o% the normal position to provide %or a cable loop bet&een the connection bo4 and the isolation s&itch+ ,le4ible conduit shall be used %or special applications onl to terminate the motor cable into the motor termination bo4+ ,ield devices and instruments shall be connected &ith su%%icient slac: loop o% cable len'th to allo& %or removal o% the device %or maintenance purposes &ithout removal o% the cable connection+ )able connection to all e*uipment in the %ield shall be provided &ith cable 'lands+ )able 'lands shall be o% a compression t pe to release the terminals %rom cable tension+ )able 'lands to be made o% brass or e*uivalent plastic+ All cables shall be clearl mar:ed b solidl attached &eatherproo% labels- identicall at both cable ends+ The cable label in%ormation shall indicate the !A) o% both ends e*uipments associated &ith the cable 2motor- device and panel number3+ The !A) shall also appl to the cable lists+ *'( Gro ndin4 As a 'uideline the 'roundin' s stem shall correspond to the %ollo&in' Applicable )odes and Standards: (IG V(. /1$1 / 2///+/1: "roundin' s stems %or po&er installations &ith rated volta'es above 1:V+ (IG V(. - /1// Parts $44 and =44: Installations o% po&er plants &ith rated volta'es not e4ceedin' 1///V+ .*uivalent latest I... and G.) standards are also admissible+ #ocal utilit re*uirements+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 1/0/132

"roundin' o% all .*uipment shall be provided+ A Plant 'roundin' net&or: shall be made+ .n'ineerin' and e4ecution %or the 'roundin' s stem shall be closel coordinated &ith the civil &or:s 2see PART IV-1-$3+ ,or the Plant 'roundin'- the s stem D%oundation 'roundin'D &ith emphasis on potential e*uali9ation shall be pre%erred+ Re%er to Dpotential e*uali9ation and %oundation 'roundin' V(. /1///(IG 18/1$D or I... Std+ 8/+ All 'roundin' conductors shall be bare- stranded- so%t-dra&n copper and all embedded 'round connections shall be made b thermo-&eldin' or b t pe tested connection material+ The number o% main members o% the bottom re-bars- as per relevant Applicable )odes and Standards- shall 1ointl be utili9ed or a steel tape shall be laid as a rin' t pe 'roundin' conductor into the %oundation o% ever buildin' and lar'e machiner %oundation+ The tape shall be %i4ed onto the rein%orcement b &eldin' or &ire-tied and shall be provided &ith connectin' leads brou'ht out via standard tappin' point at the inside o% the buildin' %or Plant 'roundin' and brid'in' o% e4pansion 1oints as &ell as outside o% the buildin' %or connectin' the li'htnin' protection+ The re*uired number 2ma4imum distance bet&een3 shall be as per the relevant Applicable )odes and Standards+ Standard materials shall be used %or this purpose as sho&n in the dra&in's+ Those tappin' points shall be connected to an internal 'roundin' net&or: &ithin the buildin'si9ed accordin' to the short circuit calculations- but minimum 0= mm2 copper or 2// mm2 'alvani9ed steel tape respectivel + Aimin' at an inte'ral s stem %or common potential e*uali9ation and li'htnin' protection e*uali9ation respectivel the %ollo&in' .*uipment shall be connected to this net&or: in ever buildin': All steel structures 2steel columns- brid'es- rails- tan:s- steel %ences etc+3 All metallic utilit pipin' 2e+'+ air- &ater- 'as- %uel- etc+3 at their point o% enterin' the buildin' 2above and belo& 'rade 'roundin'3 (irectl buried installations shall be provided &ith cathodic protection i% soil and environmental conditions re*uire it- )ontractor shall investi'ate and propose the appropriate measures %or &ritten approval b Pro1ect >&ner+ All electrical panels- e*uipment and cable tra installations >ver volta'e arrestors o% electronic or spar: 'ap t pe+ 2e+'+ on all po&er circuits %eedin' electronic e*uipment3 )entral 'roundin' point o% control cable shield 'roundin' .*uipment such as motor control centers- control panels- s&itch'ear and trans%ormers shall also be 'rounded- &ith at least t&o connections at opposite ends or cornersusin' branch 'round conductors to the 'round 'rid 2rin'3+ All these individual s stems shall be interconnected throu'h liberall si9ed 'roundin' conductors installed in the cable tunnels/'alleries or in the under'round pipes to %inall %orm an inte'rated 'roundin' and potential e*uali9ation s stem+ Smaller buildin's 2'ate house- &ei'h brid'e- etc+3 ma have one connection to the inter-

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 11//132

connectin' s stem onl + #ar'er buildin' %oundations shall be connected at least at t&o places to the interconnectin' net&or: b over 'round connection- &hich permits circuitr inspection+ The buildin' %oundation shall not be used as a throu'h connection %or other buildin's+ The interconnection s stem shall be a branch-net&or:+ Special attention shall be paid to corrosion proo%in' o% connections+ ,or this purpose a proven concept/s stem shall be used 2e+'+ )A(E.#( or similar as sho&n in the T pical <aterial #ist3+ All interconnections shall be either embedded in the concrete slab/&all or be accessible &ith a minimum o% =/ cm over 'round+ )ompression t pe cable lu's shall be used %or connection o% 'roundin' conductors+ The earthin' resistance shall compl &ith the V(. standards- I... standardsApplicable #a& and Applicable )odes and Standards and speci%icall ta:e into consideration an %orm o% insulation o% outer sur%ace o% the concrete %oundations that could possibl in%luence the properties / %unctionalit o% the 'roundin' s stem+ *'% Li43tnin4 Prote:tion A comprehensive li'htnin' protection s stem shall be installed to cover all buildin's and structures in accordance &ith Applicable )odes and Standards+ #i'htnin' protection %acilities shall use air terminals 2li'htnin' rods3 and positive and permanent connections to the 'round 'rid s stem or electrodes- to divert the li'htnin' current path to 'round throu'h circuits o% ade*uatel lo& electrical resistance usin' steel structure- rein%orcement in concrete or copper cable+ The li'htnin' protection s stem shall be connected to the Plant 'roundin' s stem b separate tappin' points+ Such connections shall be at the outside o% the buildin' &alls- and shall be individuall directl connected to the common belo&-'rade 'round electrode s stem+ The s stem shall consider measures o% buildin' internal li'htnin' protection measures 2e+'+ throu'h ade*uate separation o% installations- over volta'e arrestors- etc+3+ Ehere overhead &ires on poles are used to distribute po&er- a s: &ire shall be installed above the po&er &ires to provide a shield o% protection a'ainst li'htnin' stri:es and shall be connected to the 'roundin' 'rid s stem- and to the re-bars o% the pole %oundation or driven 'round rods at the base o% the pole+ Such lines shall be %urnished at the ends b over volta'e arrestors+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 111/132


T"7i:!9 Dr!Ain46. Gro 7 E*$ The belo& listed dra&in's- arran'ed accordin' electrical .*uipment 'roups- serve as 'uideline %or the conceptual desi'n- arran'ements and installation o% the electrical .*uipment and devices7 provided- ho&ever- in all events such .*uipment and devices shall compl &ith Applicable #a& and all Applicable )odes and Standards and meet all other re*uirements o% the )ontract- includin' "ood .n'ineerin' and )onstruction Practices+
E; i7<ent-Gro 7: ).S /1J-.0/ $/1 ).S /1J-.0/ $/2 ).S /1J-.0/ $/3 ).S /1J-.0/ $/$ ).S /1J-.0/ $/= ).S /1J-.0/ $/C ).S /1J-.0/ $/B ).S /1J-.0/ $/8 ).S /1J-.0/ $/0 ).S /1J-.0/ $1/ ).S /1J-.0/ $11 ).S /1J-.0/ $12 ).S /1J-.0/ $13 ).S /1J-.0/ $1$ ).S /1J-.0/ $1B ).S /1J-.0/ $10 ).S /1J-.0/ $2/ ReB: ) ) F F ) F ) A A ) F F ( F A A A S bCe:t: Installation o% #ocal >n-load Isolator 2t pical mounted %rom top3 )able Tunnel Section .mer'enc .4it %rom )able Tunnel <anhole 2)able pull pit3 T pical T&o-level Anderpass Road Anderpass )rossin' and T->%% o% )able #adder Installation )able Installation: Transition %rom Vertical to !ori9ontal Tra Installation )ables Installation alon' Felt )onve ors )able )lamps %or Vertical )able <ountin' 2t pical3 Installation o% #ocal >n-#oad Isolator 2t pical %loor mounted3 Trans%ormer )onnection 2T pical3 "roundin' and #i'htnin' Protection S stem ,oundation "roundin' and )onnectin' Points Solution to amend initial <esh "roundin' b .lements o% ,oundation "roundin' )able "aller T pical Section &ith ,ire (oor )able "aller T pical T&o-#evel Anderpass T pical <aterial #ist %or )able&a Installation 2items 1/ to 213

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 112/132

Installation o% #ocal >n-#oad Isolator 2t pical mounted %rom top3

!ead plate %or %loor and ceilin' attachment o% !-Pro%ile 2T pical material list Go+ 1/b3

)able ladder 2T pical material list Go+ 1$3 Support %or &all mountin' 2T pical material list Go+ 133 ,i4in' brac:et %or ladders 2T pical material list Go+ 1=3 Support %or !-Pro%ile 2T pical material list Go+ 123

I 0

)lamp 2T pical material list Go+ 1Ca- 1Cc3

Shear %orce and impact resistant %le4ible cable &ith spare to allo& removal o% motor &ithout disconnection o% cable

!-Pro%ile 2T pical material list Go+ 1/a3 Support %or &all mountin' 2T pical material list Go+ 133 )able ladder 2T pical material list Go+ 1$3 #ateral %i4ation o% !-Pro%ile 2T pical material list Go+ 1/c3

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 113/132

Installation o% #ocal >n-#oad Isolator 2t pical %loor mounted3

Vie& A
!-Pro%ile 2T pical material list Go+ 1/a3
0 I

)over %or !-Pro%il


Shear %orce and impact resistant %le4ible cable &ith spare to allo& removal o% motor &ithout disconnection o% cable

)able ladder 2T pical material list Go+ 1$3 ,loor plate %i4ation o% !-Pro%ile

Support %or &all mountin' 2T pical material list Go+ 133 #ateral %i4ation o% !-Pro%ile 2T pical material list Go+ 1/c3

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 11$/132

T pical )able Tunnel Section

min+ 22//mm7 %or installation double sided min+ 1C//mm7 installation sin'le sided onl

Automatic door closin' sprin'

Gon-%ire-ha9erdous pipin' 2&ater- air3

min+ 22//mm

T-o%% %or conduits ,illin' / sealin' &ith %ire resistant material ,0/ %or eas reopenin' and repair in case o% additional cable installation Smo:e ti'ht &ater passa'e

,ire resistant door T3/

)able tra s / ladders to be interrupted at the %ire barriers

I-Pro%ile 2T pical material list Go+ 1/3 ,ire resistant sealin' class ,0/

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 11=/132

.mer'enc .4it %rom )able Tunnel

.mer'enc e4it &ith overpressure relie% and access to draina'e pit !andrail

Panic unloc: device 2%rom inside onl 3

Plu' soc:et %or draina'e pump

min+ C//mm

min+ B//mm

(raina'e pit %or pump

(raina'e duct

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 11C/132

T pical T&o-#evel Anderpass

T&o-level underpass %or crossin's and T-o%%Hs &ith emer'enc e4it and access to pump sump Plu' soc:et %or draina'e pump
min+ C//mm

.scape ladder )able tra s (raina'e duct Stairs 2on all directions3 (raina'e pit %or pump

Slopin' slab (rain "alvani9ed steel 'rate M 3// 4 3//mm 2removable3 .scape ladder


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Standard PART IV-1-3: 11B/132

)able "aller T pical Section &ith ,ire (oor

Sun / rain protection double roo%

Aeration Fird <esh min+ 22// Automatic door closin' sprin'

,ire resistant door T3/ )addin' &ith transparent section min+ 8// Pipin'

)learance min+ B///

)able tra s / ladders to be interrupted at the %ire barriers ,ire resistant sealin' class ,0/

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 118/132

)able "aller T pical T&o-#evel Anderpass

)able tra s

)able tra s

)able tra s

)able tra s

)able tra s

Stairs 2on all directions3

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 110/132

<anhole 2cable pull pit3

<anhole dimensions and pipe arran'ement shall suit the cable radius re*uirements

.scape ladder

min+ 2=//mm

min+ B//mm

Eater ti'ht cover

min+ C//mm 2in open areas3 min+ B//mm min+ 2///mm

)oncrete tiles Sand bed

(raina'e pump pit

min+ 2=//mm

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 12//132

Road Anderpass

Road sur%ace

min+ 8//mm

#ean concrete

Plastic pipes Y min+ 12/mm 2min+ 1 spare %or each level resp+ t pe o% cables installed3

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 121/132

)rossin' and T->%% o% )able #adder Installation

)rossin's and T-o%%Hs shall be on a di%%erent level than the main tra / ladder %or %le4ibilit o% cable la in'

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 122/132

)able installation Transition %rom vertical to hori9ontal

!ori9ontal tra s/ladders

Vertical ladders

Transition %rom vertical to hori9ontal shall be #-shaped %or %le4ibilit o% cable arran'ement

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 123/132

)ables alon' Felt )onve ors

I% %urther tra s are re*uired above the access area- the head clearance o% 2+1m belo& supports has to be maintained+ The brid'e structure ma have to be ad1usted accordin'l +

Sun protection coverminimum on top ladder

min+ 21//mm

>n open brid'es- hi'h above 'round 2no e4tra hand rails re*uired3+

>n open brid'es &ith convenient &or:in' hei'ht %or cable installation+

The &al:&a shall be steel plated instead o% 'ratin'+

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 12$/132

)able )lamps %or Vertical <ountin' 2t pical3

,or small po&er 25 $4$3 and control cables
,i4in' bolt &ith slide head 2T pical material list Go+ 2/b3 Folt e4tension nut Top plate 2T pical material list Go+ 2/d3 ,oam pad 2T pical material list Go+ 2/a3 ma4+ B po&er cables

or on cable ladder
run' on cable ladder

Plate material to be aluminum in case o% sin'le-core cables 2T pical material list Go+ 2/c3 ,i4ation e+'+ b )-pro%ile 2T pical material list Go+ 13 ever ma4+ C//mm %or cables smaller than $4$mmR

,or heav cables

Sin'le heav cable 2T pical material list Go+ 21a3 Intermediate plate %or stac:in' 2T pical material list Go+ 21c3 T&o heav cables 2T pical material list Go+ 21b3

or on cable ladder

<ountin' o% conduits

<ountin' o% cables
<ountin' method %or all installations on steel structure and machines

)able protection 2T pical material list Go+ 1Cb3 )lamp 2T pical material list Go+ 1Ca3 )-pro%ile or cable ladder 2T pical material list Go+ 13

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 12=/132

Trans%ormer )onnection 2T pical3

&ith copper bars i% more than $ sets o% sin'le-core cables per phase must be connected in parallel+ sets o% cables 2)omplete enclosed busbar interconnection is pre%ered3

copper bars

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 12C/132

"roundin' and #i'htnin' Protection S stem

,oundation 'roundin' electrode &ith internal connections to potential e*uali9ation bus 2P.F3- to other buildin's and e4ternal connections %or li'htnin' protection "roundin' lin: o% min+ 0=mmR bare copper &ire to all nei'hbourin' buildin's

)able ladders Trans%ormer

1 #1 #2 #3 G




(oor earthin' s stem

P.F VS <otor
< M


#V s&itch'ear installation
#1 #2 #3 P.G

.lectronic )ontrol control s stem structure P. P.


< M

#V <otor <V <otor


<etal structure P.F

< M


See detail %or e4pansion 1oint 2).S /1J-.0/ $1$3 #in:in' o% buildin's: )able tunnel )able brid'es

#ocation: on ever buildin' corner plus ever 2/m in bet&een on lar'er buildin's Atilit pipin' 2&ateroil- 'as- compr+ air- etc3

(isconnect/measurement points %or li'htnin' protection See dr&'+ 2).S /1J-.0/ $1$3

6 Fuildin' internal li'htnin' protection measures+ Steel ductin'- steel stairs- elevator railsan vertical steel 2steel pipin' and structure- etc+3 P.F 6 Potential .*ualisation Fus &ith e4tended %unction as li'htnin' protection - P.F 2#P-P.F3 %or internal li'htnin' protection

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 12B/132

,oundation "roundin' and )onnectin' Points

.nds mar:ed &ith ello&/'reen tape .4pansion 1oint

Tappin' point and 1umper leads to be min+ =//mm above 'round+ )onnection &ith bolts

Standard %lash mounted tappin' point o% brass )A(E.#( or e*uivalent 2T pical material list Go+ 1Bc3

)onnection to rein%orcement bars b clamp %astenin' 2T pical material list Go+ 1Ba i% rebars are Y8mm7 or Go+ 1Bb i% rebars are Y1/mm3 #o&est main members o% rebars

Folted connection above 'round

2Inside o% buildin' %or 'roundin'- outside o% buildin' %or connection o% li'htnin' protection3

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 128/132

Solution to amend Initial <esh "roundin' b .lements o% ,oundation "roundin'

openin' to be plaster re-%illed a%ter installation o% connector brac:et

.ach main %oundation o% e4istin' buildin's and main e*uipment %oundation: "alvanised steel brac:et shall be &elded onto minimum 3 main members o% re-bars (etail:

o% e e ac id r% ts su ou ete r nc co


Y 11

M =/

an < d ain m a b %o in uild un e* in da ui ' tio pm n en t

chippin' out concrete to reach minimum 3 main members o% re-bars

M =

t ec n n s co bar o t d n re e ir ai *u m re 3 s m t a mu h i n' in #e m


Got to scale S

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 120/132

T pical <aterial #ist %or )able&a Installation 2items 1/ to 213 Go+ (imension/S:etches (escription Se9e:tion o= :!b9e A!" in6t!99!tion <!teri!9: 1/ a 1/ b 1/ c 11 12 a-b-c 13 a-b-c 1$ a-b-c 1= ! - pro%ile !ead plate %or %loor/ceilin' attachment <ountin' brac:et %or ! - pro%ile ,i4in' bolt- &asher- nuts- etc+ )able ladder support %or !-pro%ile 2// mm- $//mm- C//mm )able ladder &all support 2// mm$//mm- C//mm )able ladder 2// mm- $//mmmC//mm ,i4ation brac:et %or ladders on supports )lamps %or cables and conduit %ittin' to the )-pro%ile or cable ladder 2Various si9es3 )able protection trou'hsupplementar to 1C a above 2Various si9es3 Snap clips %or cables Remar:s

1C a

1C b

1C c

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 13//132



(escription Se9e:tion o= = 99 r!n4e o= 4ro ndin4 !nd 9i43tnin4 7rote:tion <!teri!9:


1B a

,oundation 'roundin' re-bar connector set "roundin' tapin' point

1B b

18 10 a

,ull ran'e o% li'htnin' protection material Industrial t pe %luorescent li'ht IP C= Industrial t pe emer'enc %luorescent li'ht IP C= &ith sel% containin' batter Portable emer'enc hand lamp

10 b

10 c

2/ a 2/ b 2/ c 21 a 21 b 21 c

)able clamp %or multiple cable ,i4in' bolt Intermediate plate )able clamp %or sin'le 2lar'e3 cables )able clamp %or double 2lar'e3 cables Intermediate plate

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Standard PART IV-1-3: 131/132


GROUP EG: PO)ER PLANT A stand-alone po&er plant shall be installed i% the cement Plant cannot be connected to an e4istin' utilit po&er suppl s stem or in case the utilit s stem is insu%%icient or too unstable to 'uarantee a continuous po&er suppl +


&!6i: PoAer P9!nt Re; ire<ent6 The po&er plant shall consider the %ollo&in' criteria: !eav -dut - industrial t pe primar po&er units shall be applied+ I% 'as turbines are bein' applied- no DJet-t peD 'as turbine units are accepted+ The complete po&er plant shall be installed indoors+ The re*uired number o% 'eneratin' units shall cover %or %ull Plant operation and shall allo& %or %ull operation even durin' overhaul phases o% one unit+ In addition to this- one stand-b unit to be %oreseen %or all operational phases+ The complete s stem shall include %or %ull blac: start %acilities+ Test %acilities are to be %oreseen %or individual e*uipment and unit testin'+ The necessar stoc: ard and/or %uel tan:s %or primar %uel stora'e are to be included+ )apacities shall be desi'ned %or a suitable operation period and shall clearl be stated+ All necessar au4iliaries as e+'+ %uel unloadin' s stem- %uel transport- heatin'etc+ shall be included+ In case the po&er plant is re*uired to operate in parallel &ith the Atilit net&or:all relevant net&or: calculations and studies need to be included and provided %or approval to the Authorit and Pro1ect >&ner+ <V-s&itch'ear and related controls %or the po&er plant shall be located in individual electrical rooms separated %rom the machine rooms+ <V-s&itch'ear speci%ication shall %ollo& the re*uirements as stated under Para 2+ "enerator circuit brea:ers shall be arran'ed on a common busbar &hich ma include %urther circuit brea:ers %or e+'+ %eed to po&er plant au4iliar trans%ormer<V/#V-trans%ormer %eeder circuit brea:er %or the cement Plant and/or to <Vmotors &ithin the cement Plant- utilit net&or: incomin' s&itches 2%or e+'+ parallel operation i% suitable3- etc+ #V-s&itch'ear shall basicall %ollo& the re*uirements as stated under Para 3+ ,or civil re*uirements re%er to PART IV-1-$+ The primar po&er unit and 'enerators to be located on their o&n %oundations+ A separate po&er process control room shall be %oreseen &ithin the po&er plant buildin'+ Suitabl si9ed &or:shops- o%%ices- amenities- etc+ shall be included to suit the re*uirements %or a %ull independent po&er plant set-up and operation+ The po&er plant shall be installed separate %rom the )ement Plant and shall be completel %enced+

this document and all appendices are reserved b !olcim "roup Support #td

Standard PART IV-1-3: 132/132


&9!:@ St!rt Die6e9 Gener!tor >EG? 0 E<er4en:" PoAer Gener!tor The blac: start diesel 'enerator shall consist o% one unit &ith its associated au4iliar e*uipment and in%rastructure and be located in the po&er plant buildin' on its o&n %oundation bloc:+ The set shall serve %or the suppl o% electrical emer'enc po&er %or blac: start %acilities o% the po&er plant+ I% technicall possible the set ma also serve %or suppl o% the emer'enc po&er %or the cement Plant 2e+'+ %or :iln au4iliar drive- other essential drives- control po&er supplies- emer'enc li'htin'- elevators- computer center- canteen- &ater treatment plant etc+3- in case o% %ailure o% the po&er plant suppl + The 'enerator shall be laid out %or operation &ith diesel %uel oil and shall have its o&n da -tan: 2%or 12 hour operation3 supplied %rom the diesel stora'e tan:+ All re*uired pipin'- valves %or connection and %illin' shall be provided+ Goise suppression %or char'e air s stem and e4haust 'as s stem shall be provided+ Sound level at 2m shall be a ma4imum o% 1/= dF+ Radiator cooler &ith closed &ater circuit shall be provided+ The 'enerator shall be rated at /+8 po&er %actor- class , insulation and F class temperature rise 2loaded3+ Frushless e4citation and damper &indin's shall be provided+ ,or application as emer'enc bac:-up %or the cement Plant- then automatic start-up in case o% po&er %ailure shall be %oreseen and control o% all re*uired chan'e-over %acilities %or %eedin' to the individual bus s stems+ Shutdo&n o% the unit shall be %oreseen manuall + Parallel operation &ith the normal net&or: shall not be %oreseen+ A control panel shall be provided %or automatic control and monitorin' as &ell as a resistance s stem %or test run and a batter s stem &ith char'er providin' the initial start-up po&er suppl +


PoAer P9!nt - PoAer Di6trib tion Contro9 !nd Re<ote Monitorin4 S"6te< A po&er 'eneratin' and distribution monitorin' and control panel shall be supplied and erected in the electrical room o% the po&er plant+ It shall re%lect the Plant po&er distribution &ith its incomin' and out'oin' %eeders+ The s&itchin' status o% all s&itch'ear shall be indicated and trans%ormer and bus-tie brea:er shall be remotecontrollable %rom this panel and the re*uired interloc:in' %or the %eed o% au4iliar po&er %rom emer'enc 'enerator to po&er plant au4iliar distribution shall be included+ It shall %urther contain detailed alarm indication o% the medium volta'e e*uipment and the total Plant po&er demand- meterin' and monitorin'+ Provisions shall be made to monitor and displa the po&er plant operation as &ell as to handle all alarms in the central control room o% the cement Plant+ The necessar inter%ace and bus communication lin: is to be %oreseen+

this document and all appendices are reserved b !olcim "roup Support #td

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