A Supply Chain Efficiency of Pomegranate in Market Yard, Solapur

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MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University


Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is grown in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. The total area under cultivation of pomegranate in India is 107.00 thousand ha and production is around 74 .00 thousands tons. !aharashtra is the leading producer of pomegranate followed b" #arnata$a% &ndhra Pradesh% 'u(arat and Tamil )adu. 'anesh% *hagwa% +ub"% &ra$ta and !ridula are the different varieties of pomegranates produced in !aharashtra. In India% pomegranate is commerciall" cultivated in ,olapur% ,angli% )asi$% &hmednagar% Pune% -hule% &urangabad% ,atara% .smanabad and /atur districts of !aharashtra0 *i(apur% *elgaum and *agal$ot districts of #arnata$a and to a smaller e1tent in 'u(arat% &ndhra Pradesh and Tamil )adu. Indian Scenario &ccoridng to the data published b" National Horticulture Board of India there is a undersi2ed decrease in the area of pomegranate cultivation in India from 103.00 thousand ha in 4005603 to 107.00 thousand ha in 40106110 similarl"% the production has decreased from 507.00 thousand tons to 74 .00 thousand tons during the same period.

Year (00)-(00* (00*-(010 (010-(011

Area in 000 HA 10*.00 1(-.00 10+.00

!roduction in 000 "T )0+.00 )(0.00 +,/.00

!roducti#it$ %"T&HA' +.,0 ...0 ..*0

1.(. "a0or !roducin1 State2 3it4 !roduction of 5a2t T4ree Year2:The total production of pomegranate is concentrated mainl" in the 7estern !aharashtra% #arnata$a% 'u(arat% &ndhra Pradesh% Tamil )adu and +a(asthan in India.

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.

MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

!aharashtra is the leading ,tate with 54 thousands hactor area under pomegranate cultivation% followed b" #arnata$a and 'u(arat with 1 .8 thousand ha and 9.5 thousand ha respectivel"% &ndhra Pradesh and Tamil )adu stood at fourth and fifth position with. 4.5 and 0.9 thousand ha of pomegranate cultivation in India.
Area6 !roduction and !roducti#it$ of 5eadin1 !o7e1ranate 8ro9in1 State2 in India.

1./ State 9i2e area6 :roduction and :roducti#it$ of :o7e1ranate:-

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.

MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

1., Source : National Horticulture Board -(011:-

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.

MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

(.1 OB;<CTI=<S:-

1. To stud" the value chain of pomegranate in ,olapur !inimi2ing the time re:uired for

converting orders into cash.

4. !inimi2ing the total 7or$6In6Process (7IP) in the ,uppl" ;hain. . To stud" the various varitiest"pe of pomegrante in solapur mar$et "ard. 4. To identif" the constraints in e1port promotion of Pomegranate. 5. To suppl" all the re:uired help% products% advice% pesticides% growth hormones and

other material related for growing pomegranates.

8. To stud" the relationship between :ualit" and price of pomegranate

(.( SCO!<:1) The stud" is restricted to onl" ,olapur cit". 4) This stud" is concerned onl" with <,=PP/> ;?&I) @AAI;I@);> .A P.!.'+&)&T@.B ) &nd also this pro(ect focuses on the various t"pes of <pomegranateB.

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.

MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University


(./ A 2tud$ of re2earc4 "et4odolo1$:Preparation of the pro(ect report on Pomegranate from solapur as well as !aharashtra. involved collection of primar" as well as secondar" data from published as well as unpublished sources. Pomegranate there was a need of lot of data which is both primar" as well assecondar" data.


!ri7ar$ Data:This data which is collected in fresh and for the first time and thus original in

character. The data obtain either through observation or direct communication with respondents and interviews.


Secondar$ Data:It is the data based on second hand information % The data which have alread" been

collected% complied and presented ma" be used the purpose of investigation% for the pro(ect secondar" data was collected from various sources such as% *oo$s% organi2ation report%web6 site.

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.

MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

(., Structure of Su::l$ C4ain:-



Material Contol


Quality Control


Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.

MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University




/.1!o7e1ranate ? t4e @ruit:Pomegranate is a high value crop and its entire tree is ofgreat economic importance. &part from its demand for fresh fruits and (uice% the processed products li$e wine and cand" are also gaining importance in world trade. &ll parts of pomegranate tree have great therapeutic value and are used in leather and d"ing industr". The calorific value of the pomegranate fruit is 89. Its (uice is easil" digestible and contains about 19 percent invert sugar. It is a rich source of sodium and also contains a good amount of riboflavin% thiamin% niacin% Citamin ;% calcium and phosphorous. Protein and fat contents are negligible. -emand in the international mar$et has widened the scope forearming higher dividends from this crop. Profits upto 1.9 la$hsDhaDannum have been demonstrated b" some growers. It is% therefore% a highl" remunerative crop for replacing subsistence farming and thus alleviating povert" levels% particularl" in regions such as !aharashtra. It is an ideal crop for the sustainabilit" of smallholdings% as pomegranate is well suited to the topograph" and agro6 climate of arid and semi6arid regions. In addition% it provides nutritional securit"% has high potentials to develop wastelands widel" available in the region and an ideal crop for diversification. !oreover% it can ma$e higher contribution to

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.

MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

'-P with a small area. There has been a stead" increase in area and production of pomegranate in the countr". It is estimated that b" the "ear4049% the area under pomegranate is pro(ected to increase to 7.9 la$hs ha% from 1.49 la$hs ha at present. ;onse:uentl" production is e1pected to increase b" 10 folds and e1port b" nearl" seven folds b" the "ear 4049.

/.( !o7o1ranate2 in "a4ara24tra A >arnataBa:Pomegranate is an important fruit crop of !aharashtra. It is cultivated in an area of 4 %191 ha with a total production of 4% 1%910 tonnes producing about 59E of the total Indian production% thereb" leading in Pomegranate production in the countr". 7ithin !aharashtra% production of Pomegranate is mainl" concentrated in the 7estern !aharashtra region and the !arathwada region. Pomegranates are commerciall" cultivated in ,olapur% ,angli% )ashi$% &hmednagar% Pune% -hule% &urangabad% ,atara% .smanabad and /atur districts. The variet" 'anesh% *hagwa (+ed +ub") cultivated in !aharashtra is suitable for e1port purposes. &t present fair amounts of e1ports of Pomegranate ta$es place from the state in +eefer containers b" sea.

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.

MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

Aor production of :ualit" planting material one nurser" of 4 ha has been proposed to be established in the ,olapur district under private sector and another small nurser" of 1 ha in the public sector in Pune district. The new areas should be brought under +ub"% *hagwa and &ra$ta varieties. ;onsidering the importance of pomegranate% the )ational ?orticulture !ission has proposed to bring 10%000 ha area under new plantation and re(uvenation of 9000 ha of area is also proposed. Plantation of rub" variet" should be encouraged for e1port oriented production. Though !aharashtra leads in the production of pomegranate% post harvest infrastructure of the state needs to be strengthened. The present post harvest infrastructure alread" e1isting in the state should be utili2ed along with proposed pac$ houses% cold storage and reefer vans.

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.

MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

/./ "a0or !o7e1ranate 1ro9in1 area2 in "a4ara24tra:,olapur% )asi$% ,angli% &hmednagar% pune have the ma1imum amount of area underpomegranate in !aharastra and *ellar"% *i(apur% ;hitradurga have ma1imum area under this crop in #arnata$a. The Pomegranate cultivating area has been increased b" five times and the :uantit" has been increased b" 188.84E in !aharashtra.

/., T$:e2 of !o7o1ranate:1' 8ane24:-

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.


MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

This is a selection from F&landiG developed b" -r. ;heema at Pune% which has revolutioni2ed cultivation of pomegranate in !aharashtra state. It is a prolific bearer% fruit ver" large% rind "ellowish red% pin$ish aril with soft seeds. It is the commercial cultivar of !aharashtra. The average "ield ranges from 5610 $g per tree. This has soft seeds and pin$ish flesh with (uice of agreeable taste and bears heavil".

(' B4a1a9a:The F*hagawaG variet" of pomegranate presentl" under commercial cultivation $nown b" different names vi2. F,hendariG% F&shtagandhaG% F!astaniG% FHai !aharashtraG% and F+ed -ainaG in various districts of !aharashtra such as ,olapur% )ashi$% ,angli% ,atara% &hemadnagar% Pune and -hule districts has been recommended for its cultivation b" the !ahatma Phule &griculture =niversit"% +ahuri.

@1tensive surve" wor$ on pomegranate orchards indicated that the F*hagawaG variet" of pomegranate is heav" "ielder and possesses desirable fruit characters. This variet" matures in 1506130 da"s with average "ield of 0. 5 $g fruitsDtree. *igger fruit si2e% sweet% bold and attractive arils% gloss"% ver" attractive saffron coloured thic$ s$in ma$es it suitable for distant mar$ets. This variet" was found less susceptible to fruit spots and thrips as compared to other varieties of pomegranate. ;onsidering all these attributes% the F*hagawaG variet" is recommended for its cultivation in pomegranate growing in regions of !aharashtra.

Salient feature2 of CB4a1a9a :-

It fetches better mar$et price which is 46 times higher than that of 'anesh. Increasing demand for e1port mar$ets particularl" in =nited #ingdom% ?olland% other @uropean and gulf countries etc. Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.

MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

Aruits are ver" attractive% F,affronG coloured% smooth and gloss" peel which is increasing its cosmetic value and mar$et appearance of the fruits. Aruits are with attractive sseds having cherr" red coloured and bold arils% which are suitable for both table and processing purposes. Aruits are suitable for long distant transport due to thic$ peel (/ess weight loss% less possibilit" of damage due to bruises.) Aruits have better $eeping :ualit" than other varieties ( 19 I 14 da"s at room temperatures).

/' "rudula:This variet" has all the characters of the 'anesh variet" e1cept the arils are dar$ red in colour. The colour of the arils in J&mbeJ bahar and J!rigJ bahar is dar$ red in colour while it is pin$ during the J?astaJ bahar. The average fruit weight is 4906 00 grams.

,' !4ule AraBta:The F&ra$taG variet" of pomegranate presentl" under commercial cultivation in various regions of !aharashtra. Pre6released in the "ear 1353% It has now been released as FPhule &ra$taG for its cultivation b" the !ahatma Phule #rishi Cid"apeeth% +ahuri. The FPhule &ra$taG variet" of pomegranate is heav" "ielder and possesses desirable fruit characters. The fruits are bigger in si2e% sweet with soft seeds% bold red arils. It also possess gloss"% attractive% dar$ red s$in. It is less susceptible to fruit spots and thrips. ?ence% the FPhule &ra$taG variet" is released for the cultivation in pomegranate growing areas of !aharashtra.

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.


MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

Salient feature2 of C!4ule AraBta : It fetches better mar$et prices which is two times higher than that of 'anesh. It has heav" demand for e1port and distant mar$ets% particularl" in =nited #ingdom and 'ulf countries etc. it is attractive and smooth peel increasing its cosmetic value and mar$et appearance of the fruits. It is dar$ red coloured with attractive arils K fruits are suitable for both table and processing purposes. It gives high "ield ( 06 9 $gDtree ) in case of better management. Aruits are read" for harvesting within 14061 9 da"s (@arl" variet")

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.


MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

C4a:ter ,

,.1 A1rono7ical !ractice2 for !o7e1ranate : Cli7ate:I6t can grow up to an elevation of 1800 meters. It prefers hot dr" summers and cool winters. Pomegranate is a hard" plant and can withstand considerable drought and frost but can do well inirrigated conditions. Soil:-It is not particular about its soil re:uirements it can grow on soils which are considered unsuitable for other crops. It can tolerate al$aline and wet soils also. !ro:a1ation:-,eed propagation is common. ?ard wood stem cuttings are eas". It can also be propagated b" simple la"ering or through root suc$ers.

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.


MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

!lantin1:The rooted cuttings or la"ers are usuall" planted in the beginning of the monsoon or in spring season in s:uare or he1agonal s"stem. S:acin1L6 69 m apart. !runin1:-The plant produces suc$ers from base which do not bear an" crop. The suc$ers are to be removed as soon as the" arise. The fruits are born terminall" on short spurs arising from mature shoots. @lo9erin1:-&mbe bahar% !rig bahar and ?asta bahar are the flowering seasons. Aarmers of Pomegranate are advised to ta$e ?asta *ahar flowering b" pruning in &ugust and harvesting in !arch. This practice helps to prevent bacterial blight (Manthomonas a1onopodis cv. Punicae) problem.

<cono7ic #alue:The edible part of the Pomegranate is the (uic" out growth of the seed called &ril. The fruit (uice is considered to be useful for patients suffering from lepros". The bar$ and the rind of the fruit are commonl" used against d"senter".

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.


MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

!rocure7ent:- ?ere the procurement of Pomegranate is dealt in five heads


1. Nualit" 4. Nuantit" . Price. 4. Time 9. ,ource.

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.


MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.


MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

C4a:ter SU88<STION.

CONC5USION:&s per the m" stud" %a detail stud" on products K services of F.riental *an$ of ;ommerceG(.*;)%of special reference to ,olapur *ranch. &ccording to the stud"% the .*; speciall" concentrates on :ualit" service. This entire range of products are full" designed to cater to ever"one needs. .*;% provides more than 40 services to its retail K corporate customers. This is also growth inL6 i) IT ,ervices. 1

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.

MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

ii) -eposits. iii) /oans. iv) Ainancial Products. v) Calue added services.

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.


MBA I (SEM I) Solapur University

7ebsitesL6 www.pomegranateindia.orgDphuleara$ta.htm www.google.com www.obcondia.co www.docstoc.com )@7, papers% *oo$s.

Sinhgad Business School, Kegao, Solapur.


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