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Beyond NOFN : Digital VOD Utilizing existing TV Broadcast Network

Dated 11/Dec /201

Beyond NOFN : VOD Services Utilizing existing TV Broadcast Network

!"#$T %U#"& #'tec()#'!c) National $n*or+atics ,enter Deity ) #in' O* $n*o' Tec(' ) -o.t' O* $ndia
Introduction NOFN) National O/tical Fi0er Network 1ilot (as de+onstrated its reac( to t(e 23 .illages and Block ,enters o* t(ree geogra/(ically distri04ted &egion in t(ree states o* $ndia' "/art *ro+ its .ario4s a//lications 5 ser.ices to t(e /40lic )T(is Network can 0e 4sed to /ro.ide VOD ser.ices' NOFN In rastructure 1resent $n*rastr4ct4re 4tilizes Fi0er O/tical link to o* 10- to t(e Block 6ead74ater w(ic( is ter+inated at O/tical 8ine ter+inal O8T ' O8T distri04tes t(e a.aila0le 0andwidt( to t(e .illage /anc(ayats to cater citizen ser.ices s4c( as 0ir( 5 deat( records ) land records ) Bill /ay+ent ) ticketing and reser.ation etc ' Bandwidt( at 1anc(ayat can a**ord 0etter ser.ices s4c( as ed4cation ) (ealt( ) li*e 0etter+ent o* t(e citizens 'B4t deli.ering content in local lang4age is +a9or /ro0le+ ' "lso t(at tec(nolgy s(o4ld not 0e a 04rden to t(e citizen ' $n addition it s(o4ld 0e a**orda0le' !i+/lest in*or+ati.e ser.ices a.aila0le is :Video in local lang4age: ' "nd !i+/lest to recei.e t(e .ideo is existing :TV: ' Next is t(e /ro/osed str4ct4re w(ic( s 0ased on NOFN and ot(er network t(at can 0e 4sed to /ro.ide Digital Video ,ontent to t(e end User' !ro"osed #xtended Structure 1ro/osed str4ct4re 4tilizes *ollowing networks O1T$,"8 F$B;& N;T<O&% ,"B8; TV N;T<O&% !"T;88$T; N;T<O&% TV B&O"D,"!T !T"T$ON ,onsider a ,entral Video ! /ro.ider a -eo8oc" ' T(is /ro.ider is trans+itting Video ser.ices at -eo8oc B 0y +eans o* :Digital ,a0le Network :) Video !er.ices at -eo8oc' , 4sing :O/tical Fi0er Network: and !er.ices at -eo8oc D 4sing :!atellite Network:' "t /resent t(ere is no local lang4age ,ontent '"lso no o/ti+al 4se o* 0andwidt( can 0e a//lied as t(ere is no <(ite s/ace #anage+ent ada/ted'$n addition all t(ese ty/es o* Trans+ission network re74ires a di**erent :Network s/eci*ic to decode t(e signals 'T(ese di**erent are additional on citizen w(ic( resists (i+ to 4se t(e ser.ices ' TV 0roadcast network w(ic( was set4/ in 13=0>s can 0e 4sed to o.erco+e t(e cost o* 4sing di**erent decoding de.ices in s4c( network '

!"#$T %U#"& #'tec()#'!c) National $n*or+atics ,enter Deity ) #in' O* $n*o' Tec(' ) -o.t' O* $ndia

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11 December 2013


Beyond NOFN : Digital VOD Utilizing existing TV Broadcast Network

Dated 11/Dec /201

" +odel is descri0ed 0elow' <(ic( +akes 4se o* ,odec centers in eac( location ' T(ese ,odec centers

!"#$T %U#"& #'tec()#'!c) National $n*or+atics ,enter Deity ) #in' O* $n*o' Tec(' ) -o.t' O* $ndia
+aintains t(e list o* its local s40scri0ers and can 0e a//roac(ed 0y 1(one/!#!/<e0' T(ese ,odec ,enter & $1 encoded !ignals and relay t(e Video in t(e local region' 1eo/le in t(e 8ocal region can contact ,odec station to a.ail t(e VOD ser.ices' !4c( #odel will re74ire additional e$ui"%ent and network %anage%ent su""ort at &odec 'evel' ,itizens can a.ail *ree to air c(annels *or *ree and VOD c(annels on /ay+ent on t(eir existing TV ' $* a s40scri0er o/t *or VOD t(en (e will re74ire an additional indoor (ox to receive VOD c)annels' Details o* "dditional ;74i/+ent at ,odec ,enters de/ends on t(e Network Used' <(ereas " ,o++on $ndoor Box will 0e re74ired 0y t(e ;nd !40scri0er' &onclusion ,itizen ,entric VOD ser.ices trans+ission w(ic( is controlled 0y a centralized station can 0e distri04ted to t(e /40lic incl4ding *ree to air c(annels and /aid Video on De+and ser.ices 4sing c4rrently a.aila0le Networks /ro.ided t(at +ec(anis+ is *ollowed '

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11 December 2013


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