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British Lit (November 1, 2011)

The Age of Milton (1630-1670) Milton lived from 1608-1674 Milton wrote poetry as well as political prose and epics. He wrote the epics to define what it meant to be British. He modeled them after the classics (what it means to be) He sides with the Radical Republics-1641-Supporter of Cromwell (regionals?) + Charles 1-(1649 execution) In Paradise Lost we do not get a look at Miltons radicalness. Because his rebellion went so well with his religion. He was also smarter than everyone else. Prig He escaped execution after the Restoration in 1660 Key test are Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained and Samson Agiaistes? He used religion as an allegory Milton can be called the Homer of his age. What Homer did for the Greek sense of identity, Milton does for England and the English language. Even our English language has the ability to exstole to virtues of a nation and can do it beautifully as a nation. He was educated at St. pauls school and Cambridge so he had access to the finest education As a student he wrote his first major work. It is about the lost of one of his classmate 1634 he writes a play called commas. He writes commas for patronage He has defined himself as the future poet of the nation 1640 he commits himself to political pose, stops doing what he was doing cause he was kinsa an idiot. Or something. The political prose that he writes about talks about things like no censorship, he is pro womans right to divorce. Liberty of consciousness-anti tyranny 1660 Returns to writing epic 1667 Paradise Lost 1671 Paradise Regained 1671 Samson

Virgilian Model- process of poetic maturation Start early with translation, poem, lyrics, sonnets, experiment with form, pastoral eulogy. Political Prose (writing with the left hand)(its not about truth but who can argue for the idea of truth more convincingly) whereas Virgil moved on to the epic (writing with the left hand) Virgil- Poetry is always public. Paradise Lost- Book 1 What in me is dark Illumin, what is low raise and support; That to the highth of this great Argument I may assert Eternal Providence, [ 25 ] And justifie the wayes of God to men. Invited Gods participation but takes ownership of the epic that he is about to create. He calls his song an Adventurous song. Unparalleled in verseisnt sure whats going to happen in the story. A defense of Eve. Line 105, Satan wakes up and is talking to his Buddyyyyy. Once more into the breach! Page: 1846 line 192, pg. 1836

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