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Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874

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Bernas privatisation would put veil over rice prices, says Pakistan
By Ida LimDecember 12, 2013
Pakatan MP Rafizi Ramli said that taking Bernas out of public view would mean a lack of transparency where rice prices were concerned. Picture by Choo Choy MayPakatan MP Rafizi Ramli said that taking Bernas out of public view would mean a lack of transparency where rice prices were concerned. Picture by Choo Choy MayKUALA LUMPUR, Dec 12 With Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary now closer to privatising Malaysias sole rice distributor Padiberas Nasional Bhd (Bernas), opposition lawmakers fear the move would hide price setting of the staple from public eyes and cause prices to rise like sugar that is also under the tycoons control.Pointing out Bernass virtual monopoly over the essential rice supply, PKR MP Rafizi Ramli said the proposed privatisation of the rice distributor would remove the national strategic asset from public scrutiny. Everything will be subjected to close-door negotiations with the government. If they ask for increase of price and government wants to maintain subsidy, the government will have to fork out more; the public will end up paying more for rice, he said, referring to the food item whose price is monitored by the government.He als o warned that warned that taking Bernas out of public view may even allow foreign and profit-minded firms to subsequently acquire the distributor without Malaysians finding out.If Bernas is to be taken private, its saying that they dont want to share with the public, the PKR strategy director said, saying that the public currently could still obtain information about the listed company through the stock exchange.On Tuesday, a lawyer for Bernas minority shareholder Ilustrasi Hikmat Holdings Sdn Bhd (IHSB) reportedly confirmed that its April case against three of four parties Bernas, Syed Mokhtar and his company Tradewinds (M) Bhd was struck out on November 27. The case, in which IHSB said that Bernass control and ownership cannot rest in a single individuals hands, could have scuttled the privatisation plans. IHSB has now filed an appeal to reinstate the three as parties to its case.With the barrier to the takeover of Bernas removed this week, Rafizi said the proposed privatisation by companies controlled by Syed Mokhtar was inevitable.When asked for suggestions on what the government could do to block the privatisation, Rafizi said it was possible for Putrajaya to intervene on the basis that Bernas is a national asset and the public have the right to know.The alternative is for the government to dismantle the monopoly or renegotiate some of the long -term positions within the existing contract, Rafizi said.

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The penalty of revoking the permit or liberalising the market so new players can come in is very minimal, Rafizi said, contrasting Bernass situation to toll concessions where companies have poured in a lot of money to build the highways.DAPs Zairil Khir Johari alleged that the privatisation bid was an attempt to take advantage of the 10 -year extension for Bernass exclusive rice distribution contract, which will now run from January 11, 2011 to January 10, 2021.He warned that there was a risk of rice prices increasing if the privatisation takes place, based on what transpired previously with sugar.

The worry is that when he first took over the sugar monopoly, the price of sugar went up immediately and has been on the uptrend until today, the first-term Bukit Bendera MP said, referring to Malayan Sugar Manufacturing, which is owned by Felda Global Ventures, and Central Sugar Refineries, which is part of the Syed Mokhtars Tradewinds (M) Bhd empire.Weve seen this rollout of subsidy rationalisation. Rice could be the next thing on the block, again its the people whos going to pay more, it will disadvantage millions of Malaysians, Zairil added.Since September, Putrajaya has slashed fuel subsidies for RON95 petrol and diesel by 20 sen/L, completely removed price support for sugar, and announced a hike to electricity tariffs by 15 per cent starting January 1.Pointing out that Bernas was founded to ensure fair distribution for the rice industrys stakeholders, including farmers, Zairil said the problem with the companys monopoly over the countrys supply was the resulting unfair pricing.He also suggested the new Competition Commission, a statutory body that promotes and enforces competition in businesses, scrutinise the proposed takeover for elements of market abuse.PASs Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad described the proposed privatisation of Bernas as sheltered monopolies where the company could abuse the contract extension and operate quietly without competition.The former Kuala Selangor MP added that privatisation could encourage deregulation against the benefits for the consumer which can lead to higher prices and less quality products. There could also be incentive to do creative restructuring where it can blatantly increase share ownership, transfer all jewel asset, strip excess and refloat with leaner assets, PAS research centres executive di rector suggested.After a privatisation bid in March failed to get sufficient acceptance from Bernass minority shareholders, another attempt was made last month to turn it into a private company with a proposal to voluntarily remove it from Malaysias stoc k market.Bernas shareholders would decide on the proposed voluntary delisting from Bursa Malaysia in an extraordinary general meeting, but the notice of the EGM has yet to be announced.The cash-rich Bernas has RM612.67 million in the bank as of September 30, which is double the RM398.6 million it held in January this year, The Edge reported last month.On April 26, 2011, the government announced that Bernass exclusive contract of rice distribution will be extended for 10 years starting from January 11, 2011 to January 10, 2021.

53,000 bags or rice released distributed to 'Yolanda' victims

( | Updated December 12, 2013 - 10:02am 2 8 googleplus0 1

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine News and R&D Section Cell # 92 321 369 2874

MANILA, philippines - A total of 53,369 bags of rice have been released by the National Food Authority (NFA) as part of the government's relief operations for the victims of super typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) in Iloilo.NFA Iloilo Assistant Manager Jose Pacificador said 500 the last delivery made to the Department of Social Welfare and Development was 500 bags of rice, which were distributed to the victims of the super typhoon in the northern part of the province.The NFA Iloilo Office said from December 1 to 6, it released 95 bags of rice to the various local government units (LGUs), 75 bags to the private individuals and organizations, 160 bags to retailers and 830 bags to the Office of Civil Defense. These were used in meeting the food requirement for the typhoon survivors.From November 7 to 30, the NFA also released 51,709 bags of rice of which the bulk was requested by the DSWD -- with 27,238 bags for prepositioning and relief operations.Pacificador said they have already requested for rice importation which has been approved by their central office for replenishment of the stocks.In coordination with the DSWD and local government units, he said that rice withdrawal for relief operations is going on smoothly.

Rice exports slump as traders fall foul of Nigerian customs

Shishir Arya, TNN Dec 12, 2013, 03.43AM IST Tags:Rice exports|Nigerian customs|Kakinada Port Trust

NAGPUR: A cheeky move to dodge taxes has backfired, leaving Indian rice exporters high and dry, with the Nigerian customs sleuths hounding them to boot. Some Indian traders from non-Basmati growing areas too have stakes in this international game of cat and mouse.The Indian spirit of dodging taxes is being blamed for the decline in rice exports to West Africa over the last few months. Nigeria, the most populous country in West Africa, has been traditionally a large consumer of low and medium quality rice from Chhattisgarh and Vidarbha. But since Diwali, exports have steadily fallen to negligible levels.Last year, Nigeria hiked duty on rice to 110%, which set Indian traders thinking. Almost all consignments heading for West Africa, especially Nigeria, began landing in neighbouring Benin, a tiny country where no duty is imposed. The consignments were later smuggled into Nigeria over land.This move by traders backfired when the Nigerian rice traders lobby complained, leading to swift raids by the customs. The traders even donated vehicles worth around 50 crore to the sleuths to hunt down the rice smugglers.The Rice Millers Association of Nigeria (RIMIDAN) has been actively lobbying for the crackdown on smuggling. RIMIDAN president Tunji Owoeye told TOI over telephone, "Although I am not supposed to divulge names, it is correct that Indian traders are involved in rice smuggling. They will be prosecuted."Owoeye said the action was necessary because smuggling is severely hampering their economy. "The indigenous rice miller cannot compete against cheap, smuggled rice, which has in turn affected local cultivation to the extent of food shortage in the country," he said.An email to the Nigerian Customers Service (NSC) seeking details did not elicit a response.Huge quantities of rice are held up at the Cotonou port in Benin, so no fresh orders are being taken, say sources. According to an exporter based at Itwari, Nagpur, as against consumption capacity of 2 lakh tonnes

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of rice over 15 lakh tonnes of consignment have reached Benin. But they are not moving ahead due to the crackdown.A month on month comparison at Concor's Inland Container Depot (ICD) in Nagpur shows that as against 2,600 containers dispatched in October, only 1,500 were sent in November. A senior official handling operations at Kakinada Port Trust also confirmed a fall in exports. "Almost 22 vessels are waiting at Benin. It was due to some taxation issue with Nigeria. A couple of days ago eight more vessels have left for the country. Maybe the issue has been resolved," said the officer.Back in Nagpur, sources say as against export of 3,000 containers a month till Diwali, volume had gradually come down to 50 or 100 containers. Till last year, consignments were sent directly to the specific country in West Africa as per demand. This year, traders started routing all consignments to West Africa via Cotonou in Benin. Till then, not many in the business of forwarding had even heard of this place.Local traders are hoping for business to revive in a fortnight. Sources say traders have come up with a new idea, and this time powerful lobbies have been roped in too.The plan is to send rice to Nigeria by paying the entire duty. Later, a refund will be claimed by declaring that the rice was meant for charity. Agents say the new idea might work.

Rice seen flat on ample stocks, steady demand

Our Correspondent

Export - Connect with over 120,000 suppliers from Hong Kong, China and Taiwan.Karnal, Dec. 12: The rice market is likely to rule without much change on account of steady demand and ample stocks in the coming days, said trade experts. With not much trading taking place in the market, prices of almost all the varieties remained unchanged on Thursday. Amit Chandna, Proprietor of Hanuman Rice Trading Company, told Business Line that the market is

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moving at snails pace. Trading has been lukewarm since the beginning of this week. According to trade experts, market sentiments are low and any major alteration in the market is unlikely. In the physical market, Pusa-1121 (steam) sold at Rs 8,800 , while Pusa-1121 (sela) quoted at Rs 7,750-7,800 a quintal. Pure Basmati (Raw) quoted at Rs 12,500 . Duplicate basmati (steam) sold at Rs 7,500 .

Sharbati (Steam) sold at Rs 5,000-5,100 while Sharbati (Sela) quoted at Rs 4,650 . Permal (raw) sold at Rs 2,350 while Permal (sela) was at Rs 2,400 . PR-11 (sela) sold at Rs 3,200 while PR-11 (Raw) quoted at Rs 3,000. PR14 (steam) sold at Rs 3,300. Paddy arrivals

About 10,000 bags of PR paddy arrived and quoted at Rs 1,300, around 20,000 bags of Pusa-1121 arrived and sold at Rs 3,750-4,250, while 5,000 bags of Sharbati arrived and sold at Rs 2,100-2,200. Some 500 bags of Pure Basmati sold at Rs 5,800, about 2,000 bags of DB sold at Rs 4,100 while around 5,000 bags of Sugandha-999 was at Rs 2,700 a quintal.
(This article was published on December 12, 2013)

Keywords: rice, prices,

Organic farmer shows the way in paddy cultivation

The Hindu Gadde Satish Babu. Photo: A. V. G. Prasad

Gadde Satish Babu, a graduateturned organic farmer from Seetampet, under Denduluru mandal in West Godavari district, remains unaffected even as his counterparts elsewhere have been affected badly from a series of cyclones in the current kharif season. Swarna, the highyielding paddy variety, which was flattened due to the swirling gales and turned susceptible to pests, dashed the farmers hopes. But Mr. Satish Babu, however, is sitting pretty even after raising the same variety in his field, thanks to the method of organic farming which he has taken to. He attributes his success to the soil health enriched by organic manures which helped him reap 29-

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34 bags per acre with no traces of chemical residues. He raises a single crop in his field in a year, leaving it to become fertile with organic manure in the rest of the period. He has about 50 buffaloes which are left to roam freely in the field, enabling it to get enriched with their dung and urine during the period of crop holiday. The same animals are then shifted to his other fields of coconut, paddy and maize at Signarajupalli near Nallajarla on a rotation basis for a similar purpose.
Ryots wary of Swarna

Farmers in the delta region are now wary of Swarna variety for its inherent drawbacks which make it prone to lodging at times of calamities. Yet they are still enamoured of it for its high-yielding properties. It all (lodging and pest attacks in Swarna) happens in the soil when its health deteriorates because of use of pesticide and chemicals in heavy dosages. It is not the case in my field and that it is the secret of my joy, says Mr. Satish. He said he could manage to save his crop from pests by applying neem cake. He has brought down the cost of cultivation by making his fields zero tolerant to chemicals and pesticides. In addition, he sells his produce (rice) at a price of Rs 99 per kg which is, still, in great demand. M. Bharatalakshmi, Associate Director of Research, Agricultural Research Station (ARS) at Maruteru, endorses the views of Mr. Satish Babu, stating that the field trials revealed that organic farming is a panacea to all the ills associated with the Swarna variety. An acre and half demo plot with Swarna developed at the research station yielded similar results, she added. Heavy use of urea in traditional farming resulted in vegetative growth in Swarna leading to lodging, she said. Keywords: Paddy cultivation, West Godavari district, organic farmer, kharif season, Gadde Satish Babu

EC may need to approve rice loans

Published: 12 Dec 2013 at 16.35 Online news:

The government will have to ask the Election Commission (EC) to approve 140 billion baht of rice-pledging scheme loans, unless the spending has been factored into its 2014 fiscal budget, EC commissioner Sodsri Sattayatham said on Thursday.EC approval will not be necessary if the loan plan has already been included in next year's fiscal budget, which was calculated before the dissolution of the House of Representatives, she said.Otherwise, the government must provide clarification to the EC and seek approval for rice scheme loans, Mrs Sodsri said.A total of 270 billion baht is needed to finance the government's rice pledging scheme for the 2013 harvest season, which began in October.Of the total, 140 billion baht will come from loans and 130 billion baht will be derived from the proceeds of selling rice in government stockpiles.The Ministry of Finance is concerned that seeking a loan for the rice scheme after the dissolution of the Lower House could be in violation of the charter, a source at the ministry said.A practical short-term solution to the problem would be to ask the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives to make rice scheme payments to farmers until the general election is held. The Ministry of Finance would then later pay back the money to the state-owned bank, the source said.

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Caretaker Commerce Minister Niwatthamrong Bunsongphaisan, who oversees the rice scheme, said he was discussing the issue with the ministrys legal advisors. Government vows to sell rice stocks
Ministry stalls BAAC credit guarantee

Published: 12 Dec 2013 at 00.00 Newspaper section: Business

The Finance Ministry put the brakes on the planned credit guarantee for the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) to finance the rice-pledging scheme. Farmers who pledged rice to the government for the main crop are facing late payments from the BAAC as the bank refused to use its own liquidity to fund the programme without the National Rice Policy Committee's approval to widen the 500-billion-baht outstanding spending limit. (Bangkok Post file photo) It fears the move could lead to the dissolution of the Pheu Thai Party, a source at the ministry said.An electoral regulation prohibits the government from using state human and financial resources, both directly and indirectly, ahead of a snap election, the source said.He said the credit guarantee for the BAAC could be viewed as a breach.Caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra dissolved the House on Monday and called a general election for Feb 2, following a mass rally of anti-government protesters.If the credit guarantee to the stateowned bank is crucial, the ministry will ask the cabinet and the Election Commission to consider it first, the source said.The Public Debt Management Office recently provided a credit guarantee for the BAAC's bonds, but only 37 billion baht of 75 billion offered were sold as investors had several concerns.Farmers who pledged rice to the government for the main crop are facing late payments from the BAAC as the bank refused to use its own liquidity to fund the programme without the National Rice Policy Committee's approval to widen the 500billion-baht outstanding spending limit.Another way to resume payments is for the Commerce Ministry to accelerate its rice sales.BAAC executive vice-president Supat Eauchai said the bank will coordinate with related government agencies to seek measures to help 4 million farmers awaiting payments. The caretaker government remains committed to selling rice stocks including new grain available from the 2013/14 harvest to prevent a glut.The government is still responsible for selling state rice stocks, including the planned disposal of 500,000 to 1 million tonnes through the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand, said

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Niwatthamrong Bunsongphaisan, caretaker commerce minister, after the National Rice Policy Committee's meeting yesterday.The ministry needs to discuss with the Council of State whether a caretaker minister can approve rice auction sales. The contracts the minister already signed will still be valid and delivery should be honoured as usual.Mr Niwatthamrong said negotiations to sell the government's rice stocks on a government-togovernment basis with potential buyers such as Indonesia and Malaysia must be postponed.The Foreign Trade Department reports the government sold 7-8 million tonnes of rice over the last two years through G-to-G contracts.The government remains adamant its rice stock is 10 million tonnes, although industry sources estimate the amount is closer to 16-17 million tonnes.The government has spent up to 680 billion baht in four harvest seasons over the last two years, but has sold only 135 billion worth of rice. It has allocated a further 270 billion baht to finance the 2013-14 main crop.Buying started on Oct 1, and some 6.16 million tonnes of paddy were pledged as of last Thursday.The rice committee was planning to convene a meeting to approve a temporary increase in the 500-billion-baht outstanding spending ceiling, allowing the BAAC to pay farmers who pledged their rice under the current main crop, running from Oct 1 to Feb 28.The government already exceeded the limit for the scheme, so its payment to farmers has been delayed, upsetting some farmers who threatened to rally to accelerate payment.But without a House of Representatives, the acting government has no mandate to temporarily raise the spending ceiling for the scheme.The cabinet previously set a deadline to decide the outstanding spending limit for the end of this year.

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