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Interpersonal Needs

Effective Public Communication (FCOM 0102)

Assignment 1

FNBE NOV 201 ! FCOM 0102 Effective Public Communication

Nicole "ooi #i $ien (%tu&ent numbe')

The Needs for Interpersonal Communication Communication is an important facet of life (Sarma, 2010). People need to communicate with each other to exchange information or telling their needs and wants ver all! and non ver all!. "t is one of the asic needs of our dail! life and it is inevita le as people will engage in communication nearl! ever! minute of ever! da! of their life with different people in different places and in different contexts of communication. #ne of the most common communication contexts is interpersonal communication which is communication that ta$es place etween people who are in some wa! %connected& ('evito, 200(). )hus, it includes what ta$e places etween friends, lovers, famil! as well as strangers. )he! are interdependent ecause what a person does has an impact on the other person. *or instance, a student+s trou le with the teacher will affect the parents, other si lings and perhaps friends. ,lso, people who communicate interpersonall! tend to have interacted for some time with consistent patterns of interaction meaning the! displa! uni-ue ehavior to their interpersonal relationship with each other for some time while communicating. *or example, !our est friend who !ou have $nown for long might have a nic$ name for !ou that others would not understand. .hen people are communicating interpersonall!, their three interpersonal needs will e satisfied that include inclusion, control and affection. "nclusion is one of the interpersonal needs that will e satisfied through interpersonal communication. )he need for inclusion is their need to elong to a social
FNBE NOV 201 ! FCOM 0102 Effective Public Communication

group with others and getting involved with the social group constantl!. "t also refers to the feeling of importance in a social group. People will feel included in a social group if the others ma$e them feel that their existence in the social group is important. /xtroverts and outgoing people tend to have high inclusion need as the! are constantl! see$ing for attention in a social group ! interacting with others so that the! would not e excluded of the group. Perhaps !ou are assigned to a group of good friends !ou arel! $now. 0ou are anxious a out eing excluded of the group and this fear causes !ou to ma$e the initiative to communicate with the group of good friends so that the! would accept !ou as a mem er of the group. )hus, !ou will feel a sense of elonging to the group. Conversel!, people with low inclusion need tend to e introverted or withdrawn ecause the! tend to not ta$e the initiative to get involved in a social group therefore the! communicate less with others and that leaves them out of the social group. )he second interpersonal need is the need of control. "t is the desire to control and influence the events or people around !ou in a relationship. "t deals with areas of power and influence. "n man! social groups or relationships, people share control so that ever!one has the chance to voice up their opinions in what happens to achieve a decision that has een agreed ! ever!one. People are often not satisfied with their interpersonal relationship with their social groups if the! feel that the! have no control over the social group. )o have control in a social group ma$es people feel that the! have influence in the group ecause their opinion is important to the others. *or instance, !ou and !our friends gather together outside of the classroom after class to
FNBE NOV 201 ! FCOM 0102 Effective Public Communication

decide on which restaurant to dine in for lunch and one of !our friends is as$ing for opinion from ever!one in the group except for !ou. )he decision is made without having !our opinion. )he situation would definitel! ma$e !ou feel that !ou have no sa! and influence in the group especiall! if the decision made would not e agreed ! !ou. #n the other hand, people who have too much control in the social group would ma$e them feel overwhelmed ecause their one word would influence the decision ut to the other mem ers of the social group the! would get irritated as the! do not have a sa! in the group. )herefore, to esta lish a satisfied peaceful interpersonal relationship in social groups, ever!one in the social group must have the same amount of power and influence while communicating. 1astl!, the third interpersonal need is the need of affection. "t is the need to feel loved and appreciated ! others. People need to love and e loved to $now that people care a out them and the! are important to people who value them as uni-ue human eings. 2ormall!, people would prefer more affection from their lovers than their friends. )his proves that the need of affection can have var!ing degrees of intensities, depending on each of their specific relationship. )he need of affection can e expressed non ver all! through interpersonal communication, such as lovers giving a $iss on the chee$, giving a hug and holding hands of each other. ,ll these actions that can onl! e done etween lovers can help them to enhance their interpersonal communication to show how much the! care a out each other also how special and important the! are to each other. 2ot onl! that, the need of affection can e expressed ver all! through interpersonal communication too. "t could e as simple as providing words of
FNBE NOV 201 ! FCOM 0102 Effective Public Communication

encouragement to !our friends when the! are stressed to show them that !ou care a out them. 3! expressing !our affection to someone, it is important to show them that !ou treasure them as uni-ue human eings ecause !ou care a out them. ,s a conclusion, the three interpersonal needs which are the need of inclusion, control and affection can e satisfied through interpersonal communication. People want these three needs mutuall! while communicating as it helps drive how and wh! the! communicate. )he need of inclusion helps them to involve in the activities of others as the! want to e included. )he need of control helps them to ma$e decisions and ta$e responsi ilit! or the level of willingness to accept the decisions of others. )he need of affection helps them to enhance their relationships with others ! expressing or giving love to the others. )herefore, "t is necessar! to fulfill these three needs to ma$e their interpersonal communication more efficient.

FNBE NOV 201 ! FCOM 0102 Effective Public Communication

4eferences 5 'e6ito. (200(). The Interpersonal Communication Book. 7nited States5Pearson. Sarma,1. (2010). Why is Communication Important. 4etrieved #cto er 28 , 2019 , from;citation.html

FNBE NOV 201 ! FCOM 0102 Effective Public Communication

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