Deadwood Free Press Vol 2 Issue 9

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Page One Volume Two, Issue 8 March 6, 1878

Festive Miner’s Dance turns to Madness; Death

Follows Lack of Booze Just as Winter Follows Fall

Businessman Lockmort Mortlock uses Pumper Truck of his Own Invention to Quell flames on
Main Street as old timbers were set alight by rioters.
man caused several drunken miners to cease their dancing and riot.
Several miners threw rocks into buildings where they either believed
the owners might be hoarding whiskey, or where they just felt like
throwing rocks.
One miner known only as Whistle Pete broke apart a chair to use as
a weapon in the Gem, and was brought down by lawmen Bram
Ansar, Badger Bagley and Cheyenne Wylder.
This 'Whistle Pete' died after the scuffle, not due to anything the
lawmen or a doctor did but due to a pre-existing nasal problem,
according to anonymous but thoroughly reliable sources.
Deadwood Miners Union Secretary Patrick Yedmore said that

A miner known about town as 'Silas' draws a gun upon Dr.

Keli Randt, ordering her to save his buddy, miner Whistle
Pete, injured in the melee. Silas dropped his gun as Silas
respected the doctor's efforts once being informed the
The miner's dance held last week would have been reported as a
man's condition was mortal, but mostly as he realized this
huge success and was, up to the point when miners lost control when
was a different 'Pete' who he didn't actually care much
a shortage of whiskey was reported. Mayhem resulted, shooting about.
and small fires broke out about town until order was brought back to
reign by local lawmen and righteous citizens. "We were blessed with a lot of security from the town's lawmen,
The underlying condition is that with passes closed due to weather, which just goes to show they Stand with the Working Man. None of
no large supplies of whiskey are getting through. The weekend's the mining companies interests dared confront peaceful miners and
chaos erupted when one of the oldest miners broke into the peaceful dancing ladies openly," Yedmore said. "I guess we was naive as we
dance shouting that someone was holding a stock of whiskey. The didn't think someone was gonna try to sabotage us from within."
reported unidentified hoarder was gunned down in the street by Yedmore said he had decided to run for town council in order to
parties unknown, leading to an escalation of tensions and then better represent the needs of miners. "I myself have no interest in
fighting. miners themselves had nothing to do with the start of the riot, and personal advancement, but it's clear the town and the miners need to
At one point, fighting erupted between the elder gentleman, whose blamed unknown parties for trying to create tensions between miners understand each other better and work better together," Yedmore
fate was unreported, and lawmen. The 'bringing down' of the elder who had been drinking at the dance. said.
Page Two DWP - Volume Two, Issue 8 March 6, 1878

Editorial Letters to the Editor

To The Editor The Grand Central Hotel haired doctor woman come in and clapped a
Deadwood City, Dakota Territory rag over his nose and mouth. She Said it were
Fear Not. That is the message that I wish to Dear Deputy Wylder,
medicines but it warn’t, He stopped movin
send to my fellow citizens of Deadwood. So I believe it is possible that we may be
and died and started Smellin’ up the place
many of us walk on eggshells around certain having a misunderstanding concerning
businessmen of the town. Men who have recent incidents. Certainly, it is hard for me soon as he did it. Poor Pete had no chance
built their reputations on intimidation. to believe that a man sworn to uphold the law after what she done with that rag.
These men, who will remain nameless, and protect citizens would actually wish me People in this town’s gonna burn in hell for
own shops and other above the board the harm and insult that I believe I have what they done. I ain't going to no Lawman
businesses, yet their true monies are made in suffered in your presence, and assume I must
on who will jus break a chair over mah head
.Editorial - Mrs. Morigi.. In the absence of both unsavory dealings. They try to quiet persons be in error.
who oppose them through threats, coercion, Consequently, I would be willing to meet and send me to that doc.
of our editors*, I am stepping in to do my best.
and yes even physical harm. They mark their with you and discuss our possible I ain’t slept a whole night since for worry
One must step forward and ask, what is it victims with a brand, a scar that must be misunderstanding at your earliest she’s standin over me with her big bottle of
about whiskey that draws out the madness in carried for the rest of one’s life – and when convenience, assuming it was mutually poison. People in this town just all a bunch a
men? No comment need be made on that does not work, they shoot their victim in agreeable.
sick bastards is all and better not go to doctors
dancing and music, which are unnecessary to the back of the head and leave the body for Should you agree to this meeting, it
dead by the river. or else they'll end up like poor dead Pete.
bring one closer to the Lord, which would be, would be agreeable to me for you to have a
Well, citizens, they cannot shoot us all! I don’t write good so Budgy is writin for me.
should any care to sit in quiet and reflect, the witness or friend accompany you, as I assume
Why do we give these men control? And He said to put in the part bout the
true reason for being upon this earth. That it would be agreeable to you for me to be
make no mistake, fellow citizens, we hold constitution, but it was his idea if it stupid.
and helping one another.
some of the blame for making these monsters accompanied as well.
One saw little of that during the insanity P.S. don’t be getting no idears about the first
of men. It is our fear and our loathing that It is preferable to me that neither of us
that prevailed last week, as inflamed by line since it just what people said an I don’t
gives them power. carry arms or weapons of any kind at this
liquors or lack thereof, usually calm and know you well enough for endearments.
I am just as responsible. My lips were proposed meeting, and that it be held upon
orderly citizens poured from the Miner's Signed Anonymous
sealed for the sake of vanity. Forgive me,
Hall into the streets and performed all neutral territory.
citizens and hear my cry that it will not (as dictated to Mr.
manner of unGodly acts. happen again! We should condemn these I do hope you give this due consideration
This writer, admittedly, heard very little, Budgy Lewiston
men for the thieves and hoodlums that they as an honest try at possibly settling our
ensconced safely within the walls of the are and claim the town of Deadwood for the ongoing differences.
Deadwood Free Press office, locked in hard working, honest and righteous Dear Mr.Streeter,
I anxiously await your prompt response.
weaponless and yet fearless as she sat individuals. I write to call upon the Council and the good
hearing screams and calls that sounded more Very truly,
Sincerely, people of this budding town to right the
like those of wild animals than those of men Mrs. Charleston Capra Slade Mrs. Cookie Portocarrero
wrong perpetrated by our unwise predecessors
and women. It is not the practice of this
writer to condemn or judge, but to raise P.S. Should my body be found lifeless, and pass Deadwood Temperance Act before
queries lovingly, urging others to reflect in please note that it was not by my own hand. the dark angel descends to lift this God given
moments of silence in which they might come drought.
Dear Mister Editor
to consideration. Editor's note, Mrs. Morigi please make up a How can we deny divine providence! Who
I know’d what I see’d.
And so, dear citizens of Deadwood, the fake name for CC, we don't want her dead.
else could cause the blizzard that sealed the
first query would be, have you gone And please this time remember not to get in On God’s day last that thar fuckin doctor and
passes and make sure every booze hall in
completely daft? The second would be, have such a hurry you set the editor's note. Getting Lawman killed fat Peter during the riots just
you allowed the love of alcohol to overcome embarrassing town to almost simultaneously run out of its
like they’d shot Him. Pete didn’t deserve
your love of fellow man? The third would poisonous vapors near the same hour.
nuthin like it and was just seeing about his
be, what do you teach your children when Typesetter’s Note: John 8:32 Who are we to defy it this holy message.
your run drunken down the streets because Eradicate this petulance and win favor and
It’s set down in the Constitutin that every
there is a temporary shortage of this fluid ? fame as the unique and purest town in the
man is supposed to pursue happiness and Old
(see the child’s drawing by Addie Rau, who
west by passing a temperance act for the town
encountered this bloodfest upon her return Petey was just pursuing whiskey like them
or Deadwood will suffer the catastrophes of
after visiting her Pa for some time). The old men way back
Deadwood Free Press
Editor and Publisher:
fourth would be, do you condemn the
Neil Streeter Job.
((Poohneil Streeter)) told Americans to do in the first place.
Associate Publisher: Signed Louisa Mae Busybody
redskin for his conduct under the influence Lola Kanto Petey was obeying and doing nothing but
((Lolaraine McGinnis))
of such, and yet forgive yourself and your Reporters:
what was for him seekin happiness bye
Addison Leigh
neighbor? Reflect, dear friends, reflect. Roving Reporter (Anonymous)
Guest Reporter, D.A. Kuhr throwin a rock. Then that lawman come in
Deadwood still has its lovely days let us ((Diogenes Kuhr))
come back to this (see photograph this page) Typesetter and mashed his Head in with a chair. Then
S. Morigi
since he warn’t dead enough yet, that yella
*Mrs. Kanto is away on family matters, Mr. Streeter seems
to have taken ill this week

Little Addie Rau tries to make sense of the

madness with her drawing
Page Three DWP - Volume Two, Issue 8 March 6, 1878

Poetry with Meaning for our Times Local Liquor Production

"I'll Marry No Man If He
Drinks" (1866) shipping. These spirits, however, are of
"Father'sa Drunkard and by D.A. Kuhr course subject to the excise tax, which seem to
As sung by little Effie Parkhurst, with great
Mother Is Dead" (1866) The residents of this district come from
have become permanent since the late War,
applause, at the Temperance Meetings in
Words by Stella, of Washington and as a consequence, clever and thrifty
many different locales and backgrounds--it
New York and Brooklyn. Music by Mrs. E. A. Parkhurst individuals in various part of the country who
would take many pages to catalog of our
have continued longstanding traditions of
Words by Dexter Smith multiple races, faiths, political and spiritual
One dismal, stormy night in winter, a little home production of whisky, find themselves
philosophies, social and economic classes, and
Music by Mrs. Effie A. Parkhurst, 1836-1918 in a state of illegality. This is true of folks in
girl-- numerous nations of origin. Yet there is one
(aka Mrs. Druer) the Black Hills, just like many other areas of
barefooted and miserably clad-- leaned shared characteristic that crosses all lines, one
the county.
Horace Waters, No. 481 Broadway shivering form of recreation and release that appeals to
against a large tree near the President's the vast majority--other than those of the Whole there are no major legal distilleries
House. temperance persuasion. That is, of course, in our region, there are numerous clandestine
'Sissie,' said a passing stranger, 'why don't social tippling: the enthusiasm for a sociable operations. Two major local “moonshine”
you go home?' drink, whether it be a sturdy German lager, operations have been taken out of production
She raised her pale face, and with tears an aromatic cordial, or good old honest rye in our area just recently--the first of these

dimming whiskey. Most of our population has an being one in Spruce Gulch near Deadwood,
I know I may be an old maid,
affection for bending an elbow within a social which was closed by authorities in March
May live and may die all forlorn her sweet blue eyes, answered mournfully:
context. And of course an essential element 1877, and another that was on the slopes of
Of that I am not much afraid, 'I have no home. Father's a Drunkard, and
of that process is the liquor itself. Terry Peak. Nonetheless, a number of other-
For that I suppose I was born, Motheris Dead.'
-perhaps many other--clandestine distilling
While a large percentage of the copious
operations continue to function in our region.
Out in the gloomy night, sadly I roam, and widely variegated libations consumed by
But one thing I know well enough,
I have no Mother dear, no pleasant home; our population must be imported from the There are advantages to this type of
No matter what any one thinks,
Nobody cares for me-- no one would cry world beyond the Black Hills, almost since activity over conventional legal distilling. In
Although you may call it all stuff,
Even if poor little Bessie should die. the beginning of the gold boom in this region, addition to the avoidance of taxation,
I’ll marry no man if he drinks,
Barefoot and tried, I've wander'd all day, there has been local production of alcoholic production may be carried out on a small scale
I’ll marry no man if he drinks.
potables. This is not surprising, considering with relatively minimal equipment.
Asking for work-- but I'm too small they
the costs and periodic difficulty of Furthermore, there is not a long aging
I see my friends wed every day, transportation of good into our vicinity, process… … … . Continued, Page 4
On the damp ground I must now lay my
To husbands so good and so kind, particularly of beverages such as beer, ale and
They make “splendid matches” they say, porter, which presents a challenge in shipping
'Father's a Drunkard, and Mother is dead!'
I think that their wives must be blind; due to its larger volume and the need to reach
For Harry and Alfred are men market in a state of relative freshness.
CHORUS [sung after each verse]
Who stagger and groan like a Sphinx, Consequently, local breweries appeared
Mother, oh! why did you leave me alone,
And so I repeat it again, early on, the first on record in Deadwood
With no one to love me, no friends and no
I’ll marry no man if he drinks! being the Spring Creek Brewery of Mr. L.S.
I’ll marry no man if he drinks! Parkhurst, which commenced operation in
Dark is the night, and the storm rages wild,
June 1876. Parkhurst’s brewery is still in
God pity Bessie, the Drunkard's lone child!
No matter how poor I may be, operation at present along with a number of
No drunkard’s home e’er can be mine; others both in deadwood itself and in the
We were so happy till Father drank rum,
Cold water’s the one draught for me, immediate surrounding environs.
Then all our sorrow and trouble begun;
I never will drink of the wine; Mother grew paler, and wept ev'ry day, Typically, many of these are modest
And maidens be cautious and wise, Baby and I were hungry to play. operations , serving only to supply an
No matter what ‘Miss Grundy’ thinks, Slowly they faded, and one Summer's night associated saloon. Current examples of these
Old topers and tipplers despise, Found their dear faces all silent and white; include Shuckahrdt and Ludwig’s Black Hills
And marry no man if he drinks! Brewery (which supplies the beer needs of the
Then with big tears slowly dropping, I said:
And marry no man if he drinks! Senate Saloon), and the combination saloon
'Father's a Drunkard, and Mother is dead!'
and brewery of E.A.A. Brown.

Oh! if the 'Temp'rance me' only could find Other breweries currently producing beer
Poor, wretched Father, and talk very kind- in this region include the Lead City, Star, and
- Lion breweries. Another example that seems
If they would stop him from drinking-- to be prospering is the Central City Brewery,
why, then started in 1877 by Henry Rosencrantz and

I should be so very happy again! Dan Warner. They presently focus on

Is it too late? 'men of Temp’rance, please supplying the beer for the Central Saloon in
Deadwood, but they have hopes of expanding
that client base to other establishments over
Or poor little Bessie may soon starve and
time. Mr. Rosencrantz has expressed
intentions of expanding their operations and
All the day long I've been begging for bread
within four to five years having the capability
of producing and distributing upwards of 25
'Father's a Drunkard, and Mother is dead!'
barrels per day (a full beer barrel containing
just a bit over 31 gallons).

Ardent spirits on the other hand, can be

imported profitably, and unlike beer, do not
deteriorate in drinkability with time and
exposure to variations in temperature during
Page Four DWP - Volume Two, Issue 8 March 6, 1878

up in town also, reported to be a frugal one, so much so that Deadwood Miners Union.
In and About Town ladies dining with him or shopkeepers are urged to watch lest
they be left with the bill as, reportedly, was Miss Addison
Candidates for sheriff include two current lawmen, Bram
Ansar and Cheyenne Wylder.
Leigh. Businesspeople and others are welcome to invite any or all
By Roving Reporter At the Bella Union, a new dancer has been flaunting her candidates to receptions at which they should buy everyone
As Mrs. Kanto is absent and Mr. Streeter very busy this week,
style, but do not grow accustomed to her shocking gyrations. drinks. At noon on Sunday, March 15, the Deadwood Free
acting Editor Mrs. Morigi has edited the In and About Town
Miss Merzidotes Horsley, claims to be merely biding her time Press and Bella Union will host candidates before the St.
Section as many have complained of it's content.
until a better position, perhaps even Madam, opens at the Patrick's Day Pub Crawl.
Territorial Marshal Meriwether Runningbear visits hotel/restaurant/bordello under construction on China Alley The election itself will be held March 20 to 22.
Deadwood, bringing with him a young girl who he claims to be (see disgusting contest notation further on this page). You must be registered to vote if you have not voted in
the daughter of a friend. The young woman, Astrid Tatham, Deadwood before—must be over 18, live in Deadwood 2 weeks
well versed in many ways, has apparently been hired on at the
Bella Union by Miss Wilder to assist in servicing local lawmen. Upcoming Election and a US citizen. Females and coloreds may vote.

Local Liquor Production, continued from Page 3

Miss Jemima Josephina and Mister Silas Acker publicly had
Depending on the recipe being used, the “mash” (in traditional
words in the Gem last week during which the paternity of
infant Earl was questioned. Reportedly Mister Martin Ramer
Information country whisky, often a simple mixture of malted corn, corn meal and
warm water) need ferment only for three to seven days--and once the
of the Gem has been named, though has not necessarily
fermented mixture or “wash” is distilled, it may be consumed
accepted. One should not judge a child by its paternity or The filing period has ended for the upcoming election, and immediately.
legitimacy. many fine candidates have stepped forward. The return on the materials that go into the process is not bad either: a
Despite the shortage of food in town, several women have The candidates for town council include two incumbents 10 or eleven gallon batch of mash will generally produce something in
been seen who have managed to prevent themselves from Grey Bedlam, businesswoman and noble lady, and Deputy the range of a little over two gallons of distilled potable.
starving to the point in which their garments have needed Mayor Starbuck Shippe, whose business interests include the Some faint-hearted city folk may have concerns about being poisoned

enlargement. (names deleted by Mrs. Morigi) Mrs. Traci Phoenix Saloon and Hotel, as well as Dr. Keli Randt, or going blind from drinking “white mule,” but there are ways of
telling if what you are about to ingest will do significant damage. A
Munster swooned last week at the Bella, no doubt due to physician in town, and Patrick Yedmore, secretary of the
careful backwoods distiller will pour off the first few and last few
excitement over her upcoming nuptials.
ounces of a batch as those parts of the run typically seem to contain
Mr. Kanto has disappeared. He is somewhere in St. Louis.  Register to Vote—March 8th—15th most of the impurities. A good set-up will include additional elements
Mrs. Kanto has gone after, swearing to this reporter that he in which impurities maybe drawn off, such the piece known as the
has not run off with another woman. But one knows, men will
be men. She meets his brothers in St Louis, leaving her
 Town Hall Meeting 7 p.m. March 10th “thumper” barrel. The thumper also has the advantage of increasing
alcoholic content of the final product.
children under care of the orphanage. When offered ‘shine, the prudent purchaser may try such tests as
The orphanage is overflowing with children - the newest  Candidates Hosting Before St. Patrick’s setting a small amount of the liquid alight--if it burns with a blue

abandoned infant, a girl, has been named Rokuette by Miss flame it is probably of good alcoholic content and relatively free of

Vita, who says she has identified the mother, but refuses to
Day Crawl, March 15th impurities. If the flame is yellow, that suggests that the batch is
contaminated and would be best used as cleaning solvent. A red flame
share the woman’s identity, only saying she’s a longtime
is indicative of a concoction that should only be served to your mother-
Deadwood inhabitant, a buxom blonde who returned from  Election March 20—22 in-law.
Texas the very day the infant was left. Coincidence? We The ultimate test of course is to just see if the man who made it is
think not. Also, the Widow HannahLouise Shinn has left her
babe, Edna Rose, there as she is presently employed as a
Register to Vote Ahead of Time! willing to drink some before he gives you any. If he shows no ill
effects or any signs of trepidation, one might wish to consider another
housekeeper to pay off a sizeable debt left by her husband. Son source.
Jonathon is left to fend for himself at the home on Wall Street.
As yet the name of Mrs. Shinn’s employer has not been
revealed, nor has it been made public as to whether said
employer purchased her debt from the lender or was himself
New Hotel Under Construction In China Alley
the lender.
It is, of course, not for us to judge but only to make
commentary. And though we do not personally believe the
Good Book to be the final word, it is a source of wisdom,
therefore, we gently suggest the lender would do well to read
Exodus 22:25-27; Leviticus 25:35-37; Psalm 15:5; Proverbs 28:8;
Ezekiel 18:13;Luke 6:34:36; Matthew 6:24. Would the lender
be averse to the Word, then Shakespeare has to offer, from
Hamlet, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses
both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of
Miss Coodnank’s son is reported to be visiting this week.
How lovely for her. A new lawyer, Blake Loopen, has shown

What's' its name? You decide! someone can name the new building. The deadline to
submit a name is Friday March 13 at 7 p.m. SL.
Deadwood capitalist Mr. Caed Aldwych, renowned While this distinguished businessman is the judge,
for his good works and ceaseless efforts for the entrants are asked to submit names to the Deadwood
booming of the growing town, is offering now only a Free Press so that the publishable ideas may be shared
new entertainment venue for the community but also to celebrate the cleverness of our community.
a contest. Entries may be left in the mailbox at the doorway
Rising from a part of the old Chinatown is a grand of the Deadwood Free Press, located on Lee next to
new entertainment saloon and hotel for drinking, the Bella Union, or placed in the hand of editor and
gambling, rooming, or otherwise just going upstairs publisher Neil Streeter. ((Poohneil Streeter))
and reading vigorously with a new friend.

Mr. Aldwych has announced a contest in which

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