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Deadwood Free Press Vol.

2 Issue 20 July 21, 1878

Vol. 2 Issue 20 July 21, 1878


Women’s Breasts Quake in Anguish
Madman Finally Felled by Warden
Densmith Vows Protection is Job One
Mayor Clay Kungler and Judge Rod Eun Densmith, reacting to the woman’s cries
threw themselves in front of a criminal who of anguish, drew his gun and prepared to
tried to violate a young newcomer of the shoot the villain. But both Kungler and
town, Miss Merryann Munster. They thus Eun said the man should be allowed to
prevented local businessman Dante Den- apologize.
smith from gunning down the criminal, The man the next day harassed the
allowing the fiend to attack women and woman by touching her, and later attempt-
try to kill several people before a young ed to kill a roomful of people at the Bella
man brought him down. Union, grazing the town’s chief librarian,
It was not clear if the men knew they Samuel Clemenzewski.
were harboring a criminal, but Densmith A newcomer, Blayne Warden, then
said he expected to advocate for law and gunned the man down a few days later,
order if elected to the Deadwood Town ending his crime spree.
Council in next week’s elections. But of course the man could have been
“Of course both men have high reputa- stopped much earlier. Densmith said that
tions in this town, but it is unseemly to he regrets not pulling the trigger even if
protect criminals,” Densmith said. “No he might have hit Kungler and Eun by
one will want to move here if they think accident, and says he knows that both men
all of our politicians and judges help crimi- would not have minded being gunned down
nals.” if they’d known the act would have taken
The criminal had entered the home down a desperate criminal.
unannounced of the young woman, and “I am running for town council because
she reported the matter to authorities. even though Deadwoo d has clearly
A few minutes later,the man entered the matured, it still needs people who under-
Bella Union escorted by the mayor and stand concepts of protection,” Densmith
judge. It was unknown how long the three said.
men had known each other or what had
Mayor Kungler ... defending crazed lunatics by accident? transacted between them.

Another Gunman's Reign of Terror Ended

Shots ran out in the town of Deadwood Editor’s note: Not too imaginative, but
Monday night when a masked maurader quite colorful!
began shooting. At some point the villain figured out we
Proprietor Caed Aldwych was hit and don’t have a sheriff right now, thus making
a Miss Helena Maesar attacked near the it hard to comply with his demand. He was
telegraph office. a quick study, and this new note was found
The shooter ran from the scene. Before not 20 minutes later:
long, notes began appearing in town “Hello mr.lawman....... Its me once
threatening the destruction of unnamed agian the masked man. My next victem
hostages. is the one known as Addison Leigh......
The first noted stated: For your sake i advice you to give me my
“I have warned you... Now this is my pasos..... Leave them in the telegraph
town, unless the sheriff reviels his self to office where i beat that lady. If you come
me and comes unarmed with no weapons with help or even a weapons i will blow the
or any body with him i will kill one person building up. I have hidden gun powder in
every day. THis is warnning number one. the walls and a flick will set that building
The next warning will be tommarow if the to flames.... Leave it under the machine
sheriff does not revial his self. The third and i will collect it there. Also i want a
warnning is going out with a “Bang”....... letter from the mayor so we can negoti-
I advise you to be smart sheriff. This is the ate. The letter from the mayor should be
three plegues and i have set them up. You delivered by a guy by the name of markus
can pay for me to release one of my captives farquart who i hear you are holding under
for 100 pasos(200l) or i will kill them every protective costody.... If he fails to come
day you do not revieal yourself to me. Oh without help or a wepaons he will be shot
yeah i want the mayor too.”
Masked Man....... Continued on page 3
Criminals are advised not to bother Miss Leigh, who uses both barrels effectively.

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 20 July 21, 1878

Upcoming Events
Noon Saturday, July 25, will be dancing and faro at the Shingle Saloon
near the foot of Main Street. Dancing is promised with the company of
ladies, plus far and other entertainments. You’re Crazy Not to
On 1 p.m. Sunday the 26th the Deadwood Church will see the wedding
of Dartagnan Czechzielowski, town librarian, previously known as Mr.
Support Asylum
Blitzer Renfold, and Mollie Nootan. There will be a reception afterward
at the Bella Union.
You may have noticed that the Deadwood days are long gone in the United States,
Much fuss and fun is planned for Founder’s Day, the 2nd anniversary of First National Bank, forever thinking first where both God and democracy smiles
the founding of Deadwood in 1876, on Aug. 7-9. The schedule includes and foremost of our citizens and only then on the less fortunate. I include one image
a circus come to town, with offerings of fun and medicine and laughter. but closely of our investors, has erected a you may remember of the man chained to
There will be a parade of circus lovelies and oddities at 11 on Saturday lunatic asylum upon his bed for 12 years;
the 8th, with speechmaking at noon. Other events may be announced, Lee Street. contrasted with an
and Mr. Streeter’s shooting gallery will be up back in operation. The This will be the example of a modern
weekend will conclude at 4 p.m. on the 9th with a grand circus Ball at first insane asylum Eastern institution
the Bella Union. in the Black Hills of which Deadwood
and even the territo- may have someday if
ry, and we are proud the Black Hills grow
of our responsible more in population

Letters to the Editor behavior to those

less fortunate.
This is done out
(though Pierre may
well be a more logi-
cal place)
Editor, Editor, of compassion for We are fortunate
My name is Rachel and I am ate years I was very disturbed to see construction those whose minds in that the asylum
old and I am not very tall and have short on Lee Street leading to a home for the have been affected warden will be a
legs and this means wen I need to use the insane in the center of our town near our by illness or drink. former resident of
outhouse it is a looooong walk for me homes and businesses. There simply is no our town, a Mr.
becuz there are not enuff outhouses in While there are no doubt some who other answer for Mauer, a former
Deadwood. would benefit from restraint, and God these people. You mortician who has
Sum places have fancy indoor plumming knows the town would do well without will recall that our since decided to
like The Phoenix Hotel but have you seen them, I don’t see how this profit venture famous former resi- Like this... study diseases of the
that the mess from the plumming goes rite will do otherwise than attract the fools of dent Miss Jeni Trefu- mind. He has appren-
into the river? I seen sum dead fish and Lead and Custer to to dump their loonies sis had to be confined ticed under a number
some...uh...mess floating in the river. on our doorstep. out of the territory, and there was time and of recognized physicians, such as a Dr.
Can someone pleez put in sum more How can they do otherwise? I will remind expense getting her there. Some of you Henbilt of Tretoria, Ill, who has found a
outhouses? our town officials, though now be hot July will recall another instance, but personal variety of medicines to be of use in treating
Miss Rachel O’Hare (or Kungler I am with the sun beating down on our backs, pain can only lead me to request no one both the insane and moronic. Dr. Henbit
not sure yet) winter is never far away. Snow will be fall- ever speak about it in the town again. has found that chemicals, well applied,
Deadwood ing in a few months, and mark my words, The asylum co-owner is the president of induced seizures that apparently “scare
you’ll have every indigent 49er in the hills our bank, Mr. Densmith, who has expe- out” obstructions to clear thought.
faking lunacy to exchange their cold tent rience running It is said these
Editor, for a warm pallet and three squares a day, these operations movement also
Where have the manners gone in Dead- all on the town’s thin nickel. in other commu- clear the mind
wood? Why while attending the lovely I suppose to men and ladies like you on nities in Califor- of those who
Bastille Day party at the Phoenix I noticed the council, a few more idiots roaming nia especially. hear hallucina-
a rather stumpy looking crude man spit- around don’t matter much in the great There he found tory commands
ting all over. The most vial brown sub- equation, but I bet if it was you having pitiful souls who or other voices.
stance which I would not even try to guess this nonsense moving in your back yard were so diseased It is not entire-
what is was came spewing out of his mouth you’d think differently. It may not matter in mind they ly clear how
and over and over on the lovely floor Miss matter now to you since it is isn’t your were not able to those ranging
Dufaux has. business suffering and its not your kids make payments from alcoholic
It concerns me greatly that people have and women having to stay locked up in to debts, in the to syphilitic to
seem to have lost all respect for manner doors for safety. case of men, merely imbecilic
and proper customs, specially in the pres- Well, it does matter to us, and it should or not able to are helped by
ence of many refined and classy ladies. matter than your job depends on our vote. continue useful this treatment,
One can only hope this town shapes up and Be advised none of our people will sup- e mploy me nt a nd fu r t he r
remembers its manners in the future! port any candidate that would bring such a s ho ste s s e s study is needed.
Grossed out and offended menace to our peace of mind. and entertain- Mr. Mauer
Deadwood The Lee Street Voters Association ers, as women. also reports that
Deadwood Mr. Densmith restraint, though
reports that a commonly used,
short stay in an can be ineffective
Editor, Mr. Streeter, asylum often and counterpro-
I am writing cause my Pa said I could. clears the mind ductive because
School is a very, very, very bad idea. It of those people research is show-
is really boring and some kinds even get hit and they return ing that strug-
by a ruler if the teacher is mean. I know to pro ductive gling against
this is true cause Olivia told me she saw employment. restraint agitates
another kid get hit and standed in a corner It is to b e ... Not like this. and stresses the
for an hour. This is very bad. expected in a mind. We can
Things that are good: Fishing, running, town our size only hope such
swimming, climbing trees and Toffee. that only a few people will be suitable innovative thinking can make the Black
Please Mr. Streeter, don’t let there be for this place. As the town grows, Mr. Hills Asylum known to not only house,
school, it is much better to be outside. Ma Densmith indicates the population of the but to cure.
wanted me to tell you that she does not asylum may reach the point where it is in
agree and wants a teacher to come so that larger states, where an asylum can move
me and my brother Ralphie don’t grow up perhaps to ranchland outside the commu-
Editor and Publisher next door to idiots. I don’t think there are nity and patients can grow crops. In many
Neil Streeter any idiots living next door, but if there are, communities, dances with woman patients
Im sure they don’t care if they can read or are very popular in the community, and
write or not. provide good mental therapy for the women
Reporter I caught a fish in Whitewood Creek last and a workout for the local men.
Addison Leigh week and we ate him for dinner, Many of us are old enough to recall the
Robert stories of early hospitals, and we all know
Typesetter Deadwood City the horror stories of several patients to a
bed, if they had a bed, and of patients who
S. Morigi
died from repeated attacks by rats. These

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 20 July 21, 1878

Stiffs to Get Warm Treatment

instead of Ice House
Town Council retains mortician and teacher; thankfully, not the same person
The Deadwood Town Council agreed to as town council members, for any services destination, but as noted, this arrangement stuffed in the Gem, Bella, Number 10
retain the services of Black Hills Mortu- they might provide him. is standard in almost any town that doesn’t Saloon or any other place have been resi-
ary for the purpose of ridding the town of This will apply to unclaimed dead bodies want bodies sitting around. dents?” he said.
unwanted corpses. There was also discussion about In other business:
By unanimous vote of those recovery of costs, which Sorrow- - The town council hired Miss Khaya
present, the council agreed to man will attempt when he can find Hye to serve as schoolteacher for a six-
pay the mortuary, represented relatives who are almost certainly week term to start Thursday.
by Mr. Eugene Sorrowman, to going to be willing to pay more, “I just want to able to teach the children
take care of bodies when no next and also by the town when it ends and teach them everything they should
of kin are available. up having to pay the fee. know to be come productive members of
Previously, bodies have been “I simply think that anyone society,” she stated to the 75 or so people
dragged to the ice house where who chooses to die in Deadwood, present.
last winters they often lay for must have something on there Parents may drop their children off at
weeks and two winters ago often person that has value, and could the school for a few hours and thus have
lay for months. It got to me there be pawned to pay for their burial. the house to themselves in order to work
were more cold corpses than cold Or kin to pay for their burial,” at making more children.
ice, and there were reports of Miss Hye stated. - Streeter asked council members to
inexplicable odors in drinks. Town Attorney Addison Leigh approve a similar arrangement as with
Editor’s note. Our worst fear is stated, “The town only becomes the mortuary in terms of a new mental
that the odors were explicable. responsible to supporting the poor asylum opening on Lee Street. He said
An arrangement with a once they have achieved a three- the Deadwood Bank is investing in the
mortician is pretty standard in month residency before which medical facility on behalf of the town and
most communities, this being they are returned to whence they as an investment. However, a majority of
1878. Sorrowman asked $35 for came or their place of residency is town council members, with the exception
removal, embalming, casket billed. We could invoke this idea of Streeter, agreed to let lunatics roam the
and burial. Town Treasurer Neil here as well and bill the the cost town freely until such time as town council
Streeter ((Poohneil Streeter)) of disposal to the deceased’s rela- members can tour the new Black Hills
moved to approve $35 a body but $30 for found within’ town limits and hopefully tives or county of official residency. It’s Asylum and meets its medical attendant,
children owning to the reduced need for as reduce the number of corpses dragged standard law that a person, be they orphan a doctor in the very broadest and most
much chemical treatment. outside city limits. After the council meet- child or adult is not the responsibility of healing sense of the term.
Some people found the price too stiff. ing, Minister Rev. Baird Bravin said his the county unless they have established - The town council certified candidates
Editor’s note: I hope you get that, Part of faith community has buried about 10 such residency.” for election. See accompanying story, this
your subscription price goes to keep these people since arrival in town, and that he Mayor Clay Kungler and other council issue, about the elections.
jokes coming! Community member Miss appreciates the town stepping forward to members agreed that the town should seek - It was noted that former town council
Merryann Munster questioned whether accept the obligation that none may want reimbursement, but its choices were limited member Rod Eun was looking very seri-
embalming is needed for abandoned pau- but which death makes necessary. when the body is dead. ous. Someone should try to jest with him
pers and the unclaimed, but Streeter kept Miss Khaya Hye expressed concern that “That is a good point ... however how a bit to make him laugh.
his motion to keep the prices as stated for a people may come to Deadwood to die and many of the dead bodies that have been
two-month trial period. It is assumed town be buried, but it was discussed that most of
council members will use these two months those who have died in the town’s experi-
to determine if Sorrowman will need the ence did not plan on that outcome. The
full price in order to reimburse people, such trial period will determine if we become a
Gunman's Reign...
Blackheart-Fallen Union Continued from page 1

dead, by a sniper. I have sharp shooters wouldnt ask me questions just kill me so
watching and i advice you not to do any- there for only me and kotana know where
thing stupid. This is the second warning, the hostages are. Untill next time..
dont get to the third. Markus Farquart.”
Also if the mayor is pulling any tricks i Editor’s note: the thing about writing
will not hesitate to kill all my hostages. Its though is that you also have to know what
time to have some fun.” not to say. Or maybe reveal the whole plot in
Editor’s note: If this fellow had bothered advance. Hmmm...
to participate in our Fourth of July festivi- Well clearly, Mr. Farquart is too insane
ties, he would have known Miss Leigh is to realize that, being dead, there would be
a champion target shooter. His choices are no “next time.” The tale should have ended
getting worse. there, but more nonsense was afoot. No
Citizens need not fear though. After a sooner had the deputy stashed the carion
scuffle in Sorrowman’s mortuary, the man in the morgue, when the man’s brother
did not match wits well with Mr. Sorrow- appeared (we assume since he affectionatly
man’s cane - not to mention my Beaumont called the man “brother”.)
pistol. At last we had the man hogtied in This fact could not be confirmed since a
the center of Main Street, a threat to noone. large clown mask obscured his face. The
Deputy Warden unmasked the horrible deputy ordered the man unmasked; instead,
man and to our shock, revealed the face of he jumped from the balcony and declared
none other than Mr. Markus Farquat, the his intentions to go eat pancakes.
so called hostage. In Mr. Farquat’s pocket Later the man appeared again in his
was found one final note. menacing mask at the hotel demanding a
Editor’s note: It turns out this man is a room. He refused to remove his mask at
writer. How sad he needs to die. the request of the deputy who pulled his
“good good...... you have killed me. But gun. The Clown masked man pulled his
even in the act of the dead i am comming gun, and Deputy Warden won the day.
back. My elder brother kotana xaris is on Editor’s note: Can someone remind me
Miss Laurel Blackheart, a town librar- by Methodist Rev. Baird Bravin. The his way to dead wood to pay my killers a why the town council did not want to autho-
ian, and Mr. Sentenza Fallen, retired mili- couple is wished the very best. little visit. My plan was to die to give my rize use of an insane asylum?
tary, were wed in the Deadwood Church brother a chance to escape..... I knew you
By Miss Addison Leigh
Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 20 July 21, 1878

Town Council Elections Coming Up

The elections for Deadwood Town Council and for sheriff will be July 29 to 31. Visit Grey Bedlam and Neil Streeter.
the Deadwood Town Hall then to exercise your democratic right. For those of you wondering, one of the council members will be chosen mayor by his
The candidates for sheriff are Blayne Warden and BlackJack Landar. or her peers, but only after this election where the voters will decide who the council
The candidates for town council are Daniel Densmith, Clayton Kungler, Merryann members should be.
Munster and Coodnank Thibedeau. They are competing for the seats presently held The Free Press distributed surveys to candidates for town council and received these
by Mr Kungler and Miss Thibedeau, as well as seats presently or formerly held by Miss replies. Replies received later will be printed as possible.

Meet the Candidates

Clayton Kungler Daniel Dante Densmith Merryann Munster

“Proven Record” “More Women & More Prayer” “Balanced Progress”

Occupation Gem Saloon Owner, Centennial Densmith Investments and Securi- Hostess, for the Phoenix hotel; sales
Boarding House Co-Owner, Mayor ty, San Francisco, CA and Chicago, clerk at Montagne Noire
of Deadwood Ill. President, First National Bank
of Deadwood.

What should be the town To attract more people to our fine, To grow stable jobs and stable popu- Improving commerce, protection
council’s goals for the coming fine town. lation by encouraging employers for the citizens.
months? and families to locate here. The
council must encourage more fami-
lies for the good of the town.

Specific laws you’d like to see We need to create financial incen- A decency law. There should be
passed tives to bring marriageable women no half-naked men on the streets
here for our miners and other single (the fighters from the Gem have
men to meet in order to add more been known to come outside). I
couples and families to stabilize our suppose that should also include no
community. half-naked women, as Mr. Kungler
tells me that women are occasional

What are your personal goals To work at the continued growth of Apply my expertise in finance, To serve the town with a measured
as a council member? the town of Deadwood by attract- hopefully following my colleague vote toward progress.
ing more people and giving them Neil Streeter as town treasurer in
more opportunities. association with our roles at the
bank. I have a long history of bring
people together and hope to broker
better relationships between our
unions and the mine companies.
Pray to God daily for the wisdom
to help my community.

What role would you like to Mayor or Public Safety Commis- Court commissioner
specialize in, if any? sioner

Why should someone vote for Someone should vote for me because After years developing a skills tool- When a town experiences rapid
you? I have a proven record of service kit through building businesses in growth, certain elements tend to
in working hard at trying to make several mining communities, I’d thrive. To achieve stability, all
council work at best serving the like to help build a stronger and aspects of the community must be
town of Deadwood. more democratic town with a good encouraged. A vote for me is a vote
economic base and lovely water- for balanced progress.
front parks for people to enjoy.
We can become a destination, thus
broadening our economy beyond
mining, which we can encourage
through the presence of representa-
tive unions and a government that
works with mine owners. I stand for
the working man!

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 20 July 21, 1878

Scenes From Around Town

A very successful festival of the French, which Miss Dufaux of
the Phoenix calls Bastille Day, was celebrated at the hotel and
theater by a play about a young girl’s vision of Joan of Arc. The
hotel’s cook played the girl and Miss Dufaux herself portrayed
Joan, looking both sharp and shiny in her chain mail armor. We
hope the fashion does not catch on as it does seem to provide some
obstacles to free use of the body.

The Fourth of July was celebrated with merriment and sport and
fireworks and the sheer joy of democracy. To list here results from
just some of the competitions, your editor, Neil Streeter, won the
horse race with his steed of fury, Crapshoot.
The dunk tank was very popular, Mayor Kungler and your
humble editor and others proving very good sports. You will see
from the picture of the townspeople that those throwing balls at
the dunk tank were ferocious indeed!
The canoe races were won by Mr. Rod Eun, and then a competi-
tion featuring two in a canoe was won by Augustus Macarthur
and Merryann Munster.
For the shooting contest run by Mrs. Kuhr, results were: Ernst
Osterham 1st; Rod Eun 2nd and Adelaide Naimarc 3rd for pistol
and then for rifle, Rod Eun and Adelaide Naimarc.
The shooting gallery at the foot of Main was popular, and the
finest sharpshooters were Young Mr. Deacon Dryke, Mr. Rod Eun,
Mr. Clay Kungler, Miss Addison Leigh, Mr. Augustus MacArthur
and Jatan Rammidge.

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 20 July 21, 1878

A Serial Story Continues...

The Perilous Journeys of

Mary Sue Sweetlyness
Episode 2: Rampant Violence

By Miss Adele Leeland

Mary Sue Sweetliness lay sleeping with upon them. For only you, who such cir- loudly on stone and Little Nell and light “Eh, what?” said little Nell.
hands tucked neatly in prayer beneath one cumstances rendered, nay demanded, just burst forth into the room. “Run! screamed the protegee at Mary
soft angelic cheek. recompense; you Mary Sue, offered only “Sisters, do not despair, we shall be the Sue and Beth, “I’ll hold her off!”
In the darkness, her lips curled in a the hand of redemption. authors of our own deliverance!” Mary Sue gazed at little Nell as if seeing
peaceful smile as happy images of child- “Oh! I shall never forget the beatific “Nell!” cried Beth in glad celebration, her for the first time, and marked a change
hood danced through her mind like soft looks on their faces. All three reached “You are not dead!” a maiden such as she could never under-
ripples on on a clear mountain lake. out to your offered hand of friendship and “No, I am alive!” celebrated little Nell, stand. Mourning her mysterious loss, she
A door crashed inches from her resting took it gladly. How your perfect kindness with an odd gleam in her eye. “We are sobbed once, grabbed the hand of her
head. Mary Sue Jumped awake! etched crooked smiles into their twisted delivered! We only must earn our fate remaining sister and ran out of the cell,
Squinting into the darkness, a familiar through the dark hallway to a door where
voice cried out, “Oh Mary, are you alive one tarp covered wagon stood outside the
at last,” sobbed dear Beth inches from door awaiting its driver.
her ear, “I feared God had already taken Shhh! Advised the little one running up
you to sit on his side as a sweet angel of behind them, gesturing them hide beneath
mercy!” the tarp. “Ride in silence, for the driver
“Do not fear,” Mary breathed in reply, will not know you are there till it be too
suddenly remembering where she was, “I late. But should he discover you too soon,
could not leave you in such circumstances all will be lost!” spoke the child.
even if Jesus himself kissed my cheek and Mary Sue clasped both hands of the
led me himself to the right hand of his impossibly wise child. “But you must come
father!” with us”, she said gazing into her eyes,
Mary Sue took Beth into her arms. “I cannot leave you here to bear such a
Patting her head, she comforted her as horrible fate”
no one else could. Mary Sue’s lash-tipped “But you must,” declared the cherubim
cornflower blue eyes rimmed with violet with great courage, “Such sorrows i have
golden flecks watched their strange sur- had, this horror is to be my fate for I suffer
roundings take shape by the scant light of like no others!
one oily candle. “Oh No” countered Mary Sue, “to have
Suddenly, she gasped, allowed as a small lost the one you are fated to love through
fear ignited in her heart and grew. Turn- eternity is the greatest pain I could never
ing wildly, her eyes traveled wildly back wish on anyone, you must come!”
around the room, eyes darting from from “Alas no”, insisted the child, “it may be
the one vile vessel smeared with wet grain that we shall meet again, but I have lost
on he floor to the boarded window behind mother and father and siblings to horrible
them. violence and though I have struck down 17
“But where is Little Nell!” cried Mary evil men with my sharpshooting, I have
in anguish! committed my life to study and have com-
“Do you not remember?” answered Beth pleted six university degrees already! “
sobbing. “But I must save you from yourself little
“I...I....I,” Mary Sue faltered, her mind countenances. I could have laughed for joy willingly and in time. They will free us! child, this is no place for one such as your-
a dark swirling cloud refusing to take at the sight of it. Surely we should have Look!” said she, holding out her palm. “I self” cried Mary Sue
shape. “I cannot recall it all, Tell me!” she escaped with our new friends, but sadly, have gold.” “No! I have saved you dear lady” intoned
cried. a fourth came into the room unseen and Mary Sue and Beth stared at the small small genius, her urgent voice tinkling like
Dear Beth stood up near the small dusty struck you over the head with a board.” gleaming coins in amazement. Dear Beth a bell in the early morning light as she
window that even brightest daylight failed “What vile evil is this, that Satan’s reached mesmerized finger to touch the picked up a stick and struck the nearest
to penetrate. spawn snatch away what grace the God glowing coins as Mary Sue took hold of horse.
“Oh Mary, it was horrible. The ugly has clearly given” exclaimed Mary Sue in little Nell nearly hugging her. “Did they Just as Mary Sue thrust her hands for-
hairy barrel-chested men cast us into the muted cries. not attack you?” ward determined not to leave the child as
this cave. We struggled bravely until the “Forgive me, Sister! sobbed little Beth, “Well, not exactly ... “ Nell started to she found it - the startled horses charged
demons sat upon our chests and pinned us with you insensible, I had no hope of stop- explain. forth leaving the driver behind drunk
to the floor. Nell and I were helpless, but ping the evil one. He boxed the ears of “Stop!” screamed the voice of a small against the wall. Mary Sue fell harshly
not you Mary Sue, you fought on and when those recently converted and seized poor child obviously wise beyond her years. onto the wagon floor just in time to soften
all hope was lost. You alone stood in the Little Nell, and I know not where they took The three sisters gazed around the room, the fall of dear Beth.
middle of the floor - and quoth, ““And for her or to what fate,” Cried dear Beth, her amazed to see an undiscovered urchin As valiant steeds erupted into motion,
their sakes I sanctify Myself.” Lo! He bore words descending to unintelligible sobs as standing by the wall holding them at bay Mary Sue raised her head in time to see
the sins” and charged in to defend us! the two remaining sisters clutched each with a pair of six guns in one hand and the form of a small child recede into the
“Miraculously you were victorious. You other in a paroxysm of fear and suffer- volumes one through three of Newton’s distance. As horses pounded westward
dove in like the swift flaxen eagle, dart- ing. Exegesis on Natural World Physics bal- with insane frenzy, both sisters contem-
ing more quickly than any human being Silently they lay together, passing the anced in the other. plated the identity of that valiant child
I have ever seen. You bravely relieved the long night. Consciousness ebbed and All three sisters fell back with a shout as and had naught to do but huddle down
largest man of his evil weapon, and within flowed as fearful sounds came to them the child jumped between them, holding under the tarp and whisper soft prayers
moments, all three lay at on the ground through the walls, stretched and distorted Little Nell at bay. “Can you not see she is of redemption for the for lost souls they
at your sweet mercy awaiting the finale by the stone vessel and grime that con- changed! Do not touch her! All light and left behind.
blow. tained them. Before a dawn dawned that virtue has faded from her eyes!”

To be continued...
“Oh Mary,” sighed dear Beth with a could never penetrate the hard stone of
tear in her eye, “Little did they know what fate, the sound of laughter crashed the
valiant creature God’s mercy had bestowed darkness waking them, wood scraped

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