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Deadwood Free Press Vol.

2 Issue 21 August 7, 1878

Vol. 2 Issue 21 August 7, 1878

Bella Union Owner Back from Dead

Guns Down Fake Husband, Densmith Ejected

Miss Salissa Wilder, long reported to

be dead, returned to the Bella Union this
week and ejected the man who had filed
court papers to take it over, Daniel Den-
smith of the bank.
Miss Wilder was then attacked by the
man who had started all this by claiming
she was dead. Miss Wilder shot the man
dead, one Feathers McGurk. Reports are
surfacing that he was a man of low repute
in St. Louis and Chicago.
Miss Wilder was one of the original
businesspeople of Deadwood, taking over
the Bella Union nearly two years ago and
building it into a prominent establishment
and serving on the town council at one
point. She went East for her health, taking
a cure, and was feared dead when a trunk
of her clothing arrived a few weeks ago.
Mr. McGurk surfaced at that time,
claiming that he had married Miss Wilder
before her death after providing extensive
personal services toward her. He bore a
will that deeded the Bella Union to the
orphans of the town, to be managed by broke on the floor. sign from the front of the building and The scene then turned to joking. “I can’t
the bank. Mr. Densmith, president of the Miner Malachi Boelcke ran up Main kindly remove yourself,” she stated. wait to meet my husband,” Miss Wilder
bank, then moved in court to act on the Street shouting, “Hey everyone! Miss Sal “Ma’am, I have managed this place, and stated, holding forth as she had so many
will and to manage the bank. Mr. Den- is back. She ain’t DEAD!!!” I don’t ask for gratitude, but perhaps some days and nights before from the establish-
smith has thus been managing the bank “Jesus H Crist.. as I live and breath.... respect. I am delighted you are alive, and ment.
for several weeks. Miss Sal?” stated Judge Rod Eun. “We come back to a very popular business,” “Where is that big nosed little bastard?’
Both the fact she was dead and that her were told you were dead.” Mr. Densmith responded. “Uh, and we inquired Gem owner Clay Kungler.
place had been taken over was news to Miss “Someone forgot to inform me,” Miss actually had some ideas for the upstairs ... Unknown to anyone but the big-nosed
Wilder, who looked up at the “Densmith’s” Wilder commented. We can talk about it over a drink? little bastard, the big-nosed little bastard
over the Bella sign and stated, “Who the “Welcome to the Bella Union,” stated “As I left it sir... please dispose of your- was asleep upstairs. Miss Wilder went
hell is Densmith?” Mr. Densmith, though Miss Wilder quick- self at this time... I have had a long jour- upstairs to freshen herself, and surprised
Reaction from the citizenry was of ly educated him on her identity. ney.. I do not care to speak to you,” she the man. McGurk attempted to shush her,
surprise. Phoenix Hotel proprietor Miss “Mr. Densmith, I am in no mood, get responded.
Astolat Dufaux dropped her glass, which your bags, get a hammer and remove that And so the bankman left. Continued on page 5

Wild Bill Rides Again, Returns to Scene of Death

Says he loves “M...”
The ghost of Wild Bill Hickok returned intends to practice law there, which means shipped off to jail with a coffee in hand, all The spiritualist’s eyes fluttered open and
to the place of his death this past week. someone could get roaring drunk at the without having to leave the building. closed, saying, “Frederick, if you are here,
Mr. Hickok’s spirit appeared courtesy No. 10, commit a crime, be arrested and But this is for future days, the star of this show yourself, darling!”
of the famed spiritualist Mrs Wilhelmina forced to buy drinks for his apprehendors, day was Miss Applewhyte, whose call to A glow appeared, Mrs Applewhyte
Applewhyte of Europe who purports that tried and sentenced over aperitifs and then the Beyond was answered by two swirling stated, “Ah, there you are...”
her late husband Frederick lights purported to be the spirits of Among the witnesses were sisters Miss
serves as an intermediary her late husband and Mr. Hickok. Merryann Munster and Miss Khaya Hye,
with the World Beyond. No mirrors were visible. whose eagle eyes joined that of your edi-
The scene took place at Mrs. Applewhyte began by press- tor’s in scanning for mirrors or something
the No. 10, where Hickok ing her hand to her forehead and else responsible for the glow that we never
was shot in the back two swaying, calling out, “Frederick, did see.
years to the day of the my darlin Frederick are you with “Frederick, we need you to lift the veil
grand reopening under me?” between the worlds ... Is Mr Hickok with
Judge Rod Eun. Mr. Eun, Editor’s note: It is to be noted, you?” Mrs Applewhyte stated.
widely regarded as one of husbands, that this means your A second light appeared. “I think that
Deadwood’s kindest and wives will be calling after you even second light, has a mustache,” Judge Eun
most inclusive souls, looked when you are dead. Don’t think noted.
the part of a saloonkeeper you will get out of it by passing on Mrs. Applewhyte appeared to need to
with aplomb. or look forward to this promised gesticulate wildly in waves to keep the spiri-
The judge’s desk near eternal rest we hear about. No rest tual passage opened.
the bar indicates that he for the wicked. Continued on page 5

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 21 August 7, 1878

Letters to the Editor

It has come to my attention that a new
but if the dried blood on the sidewalk and
filthy windows are any indication of what
saloon has opened its doors on our fair
city’s Main street. The owners of this
establishment do indeed possess a hearty
goes on inside, I weep for the future of
Deadwood! I therefore demand that the
doors of THE PALACE be boarded shut
Reflections of your
sense of humor. How else could they have
come to call their dark, dank, den of sin
and the owners run out of town on a rail!
Concerned Citizen
treasurer: The bank is
I have not deigned to set foot in the place,
safe, no pun intended
I have been honored to serve two terms anyone until Monday.

News Briefs on the Deadwood Town Council, one as

mayor. It is a great honor than any coun-
try editor deserves. Perhaps it was fitting
So the bank is a safe place to put your
funds. I bet your mattress does not have
a time lock ... unless perhaps your wife
an editor draft the town charter. I hope it only gives you access to her treasures there
Local Hero Returns in Local Lady Incites Men and my humble efforts have helped. once a week.
Deadwood has been very good to me, Of course, this is not the reputation of
Cloud of Mystery to Passionate Acts my role at the bank being no exception. banks. I laugh at how every highwayman
I have most recently served as your town claims to have robbed 15 or 20 banks. If
Deadwood Town Marshal JF Kanto, Two local men were driven to fits by the treasurer and wanted to report out. It is every bank robbery really took place as
missing and at various times rumored to be shapely form and lilting laugh of a local my hope that my associate, current presi- men claimed, then there would be no cash
dead, has made his way back to Deadwood. lass. dent of the bank, Mr. Densmith, will be anywhere and every bank robber would
The broad-shouldered and good-humored A butcher and a saloon keeper, of Dead- honored with this position of town trea- have had to rob himself four or five times
lawman is said to be as fine as frog hair, wood, both were suitors for the hand of a surer since he is intimately familiar with over.
and is happy to be back in the bosom of Deadwood damsel. They became jealous, the books. He is a very conservative money But while I laugh at the wild claims, I
the Black Hills. as is a natural consequence of men being manager. do not laugh at the potential. Of course
Approximately seven minutes after men, and in a playful mood, the saloon To safeguard the town’s funds, you will you know we have had one or two robber-
arriving in town, Kanto was reinstated keeper pulled one of the butchers ears until see we have installed two new safes. One of ies in Deadwood, including one where an
as town marshal by Mayor Clay Kungler. the roots cracked. them is a barrel safe. Its rounded form is innocent maiden and a villainous thieving
With what may have been a tear, but was This made the butcher mad, and he meant to make explosives particularly use- female were both killed.
most certainly a masculine glint, Kanto turned and everlastingly walloped his less. More often than not, someone trying Earlier this year in Canton, Penn., all of
pinned the marshal badge to his chest. The adversary, winding up by hanging him to blow up a safe with sharp edges will only us in banking felt badly for Mr. Samuel
returned marshal declared that Deadwood up by the seat of his nether garments on succeed in blowing off the lock, and a good Doane, who operated a bank in associa-
criminals and low lifes had best beware one of the meat hooks in the shop. safe will stay shut. A barrel safe simply tion with his son, E. E. Doane. The elder
now that he was back in town. Ladies, please me more aware of how rolls during an explosion. Obviously fiends Doane, at 60, slept in a room next to the
As to what Marshal Kanto was up to, your feminine form can cause men to can edge it into a corner and try to hold it bank. He was awakened one morning when
and where he was, no one really knows. behave irrationally. steady, but the rounding of the steel still two thugs jumped through the window,
Some say he was fighting Indians in in deflects much of the evil energy from vil- wearing goggles and long dusters.
the Southwest. Others say he was helping lainous explosives. The old man told the men he only knew
clean up roughneck towns with his own
brand of justice. Wherever our beloved
Indian Fighter with The larger safe now proudly on display
has two doors. It is also on a time lock, an
the combination to the outside door. Appar-
ently it was arranged that his son know the
marshal has been, and whatever he has
been doing, we are delighted to have him
Eyesight of a Hawk innovation that Mr. Densmith brought
with him from Chicago. Let me explain
combination of the inner, and the father
know the combination of the outer. The
back in town and helping to keep the good Promises Return how that works. When we shut the bank thieves compelled him to open the outer,
people of Deadwood safe. door on Friday, we set a time on it, equiva- and sent him back to his bed while they
We are delighted to receive in the latest lent to business hours on Monday morning. arranged explosives. The elder Doane
correspondence that among the arrivals The lock is then set to not open no matter heroically called for help, and was struck
Election Results expected before winter snows set in is Town
Marshal Usarmy Hawks. He writes that he
what combination someone enters. The
lock simply will not open until the allotted
hard in the face twice as his reward. They
then tore up his pillowcase and stuffed it
The election returns show new council looks forward to his return to Deadwood time passes. Within the mechanism are in his mouth, compelling silence.
members Daniel Densmith, Clay Kungler, and Lawmen Duties. He has been relieved two clocks, just in case one should jam or The men, needing now to see, removed
Merryann Munster and Coodnank Thibe- of duty by the President after meritorious break. their goggles and instead disguised their
deau in office. Two are incumbents, while service against the so-called Indian nation. In practical terms, this means that even faces with more shreds from the pillow-
Mr. Neil Streeter and Miss Grey Bedlam We don’t know how many Indian scalps he if a fiend finds someone who knows the safe case. They did explode the safe, but only
do not return to council. Mr. Streeter, a will be bringing with him as souvenirs, but combination, they cannot open the safe on the combination was removed, and the
former mayor, indicates he is proud of his we here in town will be glad to see his. a Saturday or Sunday. It won’t open for force below out a front window.
service to the town but looks forward to The sounds awoke two clerks sleeping
attending meetings as a humble correspon- nearby in their business. The two men
dent. Meanwhile, Mr. Augustus MacAr- armed themselves with wagon spokes,
thur has been elected sheriff. confronted a lookout for the robbers, and
when he tried to pull a pistol on them thus
beat him to a proper death.
Veiled Threats The robbers inside the bank started
emptying their pistols, and understand-
We are in receipt of word that the villain- ably the two businessmen armed only
ous parties that shot up the orphanage have with wagon spokes retreated. The robbers
sent a note that they plan more damage and then grabbed what they could find, $2,500
perchance to kill. We are pleased that our worth of traceable bonds, and $30 in cash
neighbor at the bank, Mr. Densmith, vows they obtained from the badly hurt Mr.
to demand law and order when he is seated Doane’s pants.
on the new Deadwood Town Council. Hundreds of people quickly assembled,
outraged because of rumors Mr. Doane
had been killed, but they robbers barely
got away. It is hoped they meet and early
death. With any luck, they will be con-
fined in prison with burly men who toss
bars of soap at them in the shower.
I tell this tale not because I ever expect it
Editor and Publisher to happen here. But I tell it to you because
Neil Streeter Mr. Densmith and I and everyone at the
bank values the trust you put in us. We
will protect your money with our lives, as
Reporter assuredly as we have protected you from
Addison Leigh ever having to raise your taxes.

S. Morigi

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 21 August 7, 1878

New Physician Stresses Importance

of Working With Your Doctor
We are very fortunate to have three phy- and it is imperative that you follow the
sicians, a nurse and a medical assistant recommended dosing and schedule.
in Deadwood. Many of you are familiar If you are an expectant mother, we ask
with Dr. Morpork (who is now taking a that you come in long before your date of
less active role in the practice - although he delivery so we can get to know you, moni-
will be available for consult, and will stay tor the growth of the baby and record your
on for those patients who truly don’t want wishes, so once that baby is born we can
to transfer to another doctor....) safely get you on with the business of being
There is myself - a relative newcomer to a new family.
Deadwood, but not to medicine. And then Working with us in this manner allows
we have our new Attending Physician, Dr. for the speediest of recoveries, no matter
Noman Illios. Rounding out our staff is what your reason for coming in to see us.
Nurse Tirzah Baxton and our new Medical Both Doctors Berry and Illios look for-
Assistant, Joellen Carter. ward to meeting you and will be about
We are here to help you, whether it’s during the Founders Day festival. Please
from a case of miner’s cough, to a child’s take the time to come introduce yourself to
cold or fever, a new or experienced mother’s us and schedule an appointment to be seen
birth, and even surgery from altercations should you need to.
involving a weapon. Editor’s note: Listen well, men. No need
We can do our best to treat your ills and to medicate yourself with whiskey any more,
injuries, such as monitor a pregnancy and though it is wisely applied whenever preven-
assist in delivery, and much more. There tatives are needed, along with Pepperidge’s
is just one thing we can’t do: force your Men’s Pills, available through the mails or
co-operation. the finest stores.
In the course of your treatment we may
prescribe and fill a medicinal order. These By Morrigu B. Berry, MD OB/GYN
medications assist in your return to health

Meet the New Doctor

Editor’s note: We frequently badger new- Family Medicine and Surgery. Hopefully graduated from Yale. It was his wishes I
comers to fill out our survey, and to our my Fiance, Dorian Somerset, PhD from continue my studies, so I sought out and
amazement, one did! If any other business Yale as well, will be out here soon as well, enrolled at the medical school at the New
owner or new person would like similar and we will be married thereafter. York Infirmary for Women and Children
ink, they have only to ask. What sort of people would you like to in New York city. They have a wonderful
meet in Deadwood? I don’t refuse treat- program. It truly was a fantastic oppor-
What is your name? Doctor Morrigu ment to anyone, although as presently do tunity to learn the most recent methods
Berry, MD. not own land I would request that I not be that have been developed. I spent a year
Where are you from? Born in Prescott paid in livestock for services rendered. abroad continuing my training in London
Arizona, educated at Yale University and What spurred your interest in Medi- with Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell and then the
the medical college at New York Infirmary cine and a desire to be a Doctor, also what mountains and pine trees called me home,
for Women and Children brings you to Deadwood? My late husband so I returned to Arizona, and worked in
How old old are you? I just hit 29 (who I married at age 14) decided I needed many a mining town, before going north
What brought you to Deadwood? to go to University, and when I was there into the Canadian Territories and operat-
Opportunity to practice medicine where it I discovered that my desire to heal others ing a successful practice there.
is truly needed. could become something greater. Due to a terrible fire, everything was
What do you plan to do in Deadwood? While Yale offers undergraduate degrees lost, and when I heard of an opportunity
Practice medicine, both womens’ medi- to women, they do not offer Medical to practice Medicine - Surgery, Women’s
cine (Obstetrics and Gynecology) as well as Schooling. My late husband passed after I Medicine and General Medicine, I couldn’t
refuse the opportunity. Dr. Morpork has
been wonderful in opening the practice up
to me, and I am already seeing a number
of patients who are interested in the novelty
of a woman physician. This has given Dr.
Morpork a wonderful opportunity to go
and help out on the Sioux reservation.
I am in the process of adopting my ward
(Joellen Carter, 14 years old) formally and
we hope to see the adoption formalized by
the time this hits print.

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 21 August 7, 1878

Who is the Indian? The

Answers are Many
Old questions and animosities have been in how they may live their lives, they gen- Now the Agency Indians are encouraged
given new life by recent events around erally stay steadfast in their commitments, to be taking up agriculture and other ele-
town involving individuals who have been and take substantial pride in their having ments of white culture and technology that
identified as Indians. shed their blood in combat alongside the are more suited to a static way of living.
Many of those who now Sadly, all too often the
flock to this metropolis of reservations upon which
the Black Hills have never they are settled lack the
had direct experience, let kind of land suited for
alone actual face-to-face farming and husband-
communication, with native ry. They are forced to
peoples. They are left won- rely upon the largess
dering, “Who are Indians? and compassion of the
What do they want? Are federal administrators.
they not all on the path to Not surprisingly, many
extinction, like the once of the men who took to
great herds of buffalo?” the warpath in 1876-77
For those of us who were Agency residents,
have, through the course who in frustration and
of many years upon the hopefulness, fell in with
frontier, lived with, traded the Free Indians to con-
with, worked with, and yes, test the advance of civi-
often fought with the native lization in this region.
inhabitants of great land, And finally there
we know, there is no simple are those who more or
set of answers to such ques- less assimilate, adopt-
tions. ing many aspects of
There is not just one kind the white man’s way of
of Indian; there is no single life, including the occu-
native point of view, no pations, the dress, the
single set of traditions or speech, the religion, etc.
social qualities, no simple They live in his towns
way of saying, “This is and villages, and they
what the Indian wants, and have farms and stores
this is what he is like as a man.” white warriors. and trades like white man. Yet they still
They are not one people, but many peo- Even without spending much time in know of themselves as Indians, even
ples, as varied as the white race in beliefs examining the many differences and though their pale skinned neighbors may
and traditions, and in what they see as a unique point of view of each tribal group not realize their heritage. They may be
good life. and clan, one may find great variance in misidentified -- as colored, or Mexicans, or
The ill-informed may say, “Well yes, general types of native peoples. There are Italians, perhaps -- and in the interest of
there are many varied tribes with differ- in essence, three basic categories of native living as peaceably as they can, they usu-
ing tongues and styles of artifact, but are peoples: ally do not dispute the misconception.
they not all of a common point of view, The Free Indians (or as some might char- Many of these people are the children and
especially in how they look upon the white acterize them, the ‘wild” indians). These grandchildren born of social intermixing.
race and the inexorable movement of civi- are the traditionalists who still seek to In Canada and areas not far from here,
lization that pushes them from their old adhere to their old ways, unfettered as they those whose background is a combination
lands and old ways?” go where they will. of French and native are
Understand this: each tribe has its own These of course are known as Metis. Others
story, and its own path it has chosen in fewer in number every whose parentage is of
how they interact with the white man, as day, and in our part of mixed native and Scots-
well as other tribes. And often, that path the West, many have Irish or other ethnicities,
has not been consistent through the course been forced to move are simply known for
of time.Indians who once traded with the to the less restrictive the most part as “half-
overland emigrant wagon trains, guided circumstances above breeds.” The people
them across the trackless plains and helped the border in Canada, of such mixed heritage
them in their great migration to the coast, or as they call it, the have their own struggles
were often later among those who rose “Land of the Grand- to face, distinct from, yet
up and attacked subsequent groups of pil- mother.” The Free related to the struggles
grims as they journeyed westward. Indians seek to still of the groups which are
The Sioux, who in recent years fought pursue the way of life more easily categorized
desperate and bloody battles with Ameri- based upon hunting, as “Indian.”
can troops, once counted themselves as although that goal T he gove r n me nt
sincere and happy friends of the “White becomes increasingly wishes to see more of this
fathers” in Washington. difficult. assimilation. The gov-
But others are more consistent in their The Agency Indians, ernment has begun cre-
relations with the white race. There are i.e., those who dwell ating boarding schools
even today groups of Crow and Arikara upon their assigned at which the native chil-
and Apache warriors who were -- or still tribal reservations of dren may be taken to live
are -- proud members of the United States land (each of which is and be immersed in the
Army, working as scouts and fighting administered by a gov- ways of the white man’s
alongside the white and Negro soldiers of ernment Indian agent, world. As greater num-
the federal forces. In your humble core- who is headquartered bers of Indian youth pas
spondent’s own experience, she witnessed at a site on the reservation known as the through this processing, perhaps there shall
in the old days before the War of the Rebel- “agency” -- hence the name “Agency Indi- gradually be greater numbers of those who
lion, Lipan Apache and Tonkawa horse- ans”). These people struggle to find a bal- live a wholly “civilized” way of life. But it
men, riding as scouts and rangers of the ance in maintaining what they can of their is fair to assume that it shall never be the
Texan state forces in the warfare against traditional ways, against the necessity of only path that Indian people will follow.
the Comanches, who were their sworn forgoing some traditions, especially the The paths taken by the peoples still go in
enemies of longstanding tradition. hunt (not that long ago, Agency Indians many directions today, and it is unlikely
Even as these tribes find themselves were permitted to leave the reservation in that is something that will change.
losing more of their lands to treaty “adjust- summer to continue hunting, but that is
ments,” and are more and more restricted changing for many reasons). By D. A. Kuhr

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 21 August 7, 1878

Bella Union Owner Back, cont.

Scenes from
Around Town
Continued from page 1

insisting they had married but she did not announced witness Mrs. Diogenes Kuhr.
remember. That posture failed, and so he Witnesses were of course sympathetic to
pulled a knife. the newly returned lady’s plight as people
“We’re fucking married,” he purport- poured in on the bloody scene. “If he ain’t
edly shouted. dead, I can change that,” offered Deputy
Miss Wilder pulled her gun, emptying Blayne Warden.
it into the villain, somehow missing his Dr. Berry though pronounced the man
nose but striking pretty much everywhere dead, and helpfully offered to Miss Wilder,
else. “Miss Sal - you should get a drink to calm Bank President and
“It was self defense, pure an simple,” your nerves.” Town Council member
“You know doctor, I elect Mr. Daniel Den-
will agree with that,” smith brings a woman
Miss Wilder stated. in mourning into town.
“I’m Deadwood 20 He described her as his
minutes and my nerves mother, and encouraged
are shot.” all other inquiries to stay
A few days later, away out of respect for
Mr. Densmith said their privacy. The griev-
he was humiliated ing family is ensconced in
to have been fooled an old miners cabin build-
by this McGurk. ing which Mr. Densmith
“He had previously indicates he has made
worked for me, and I comfortable for a lady.
thought I could trust
him. Frankly, he got
the fate he deserved,”
the bank president

A shooting contest led to all sorts of fun Wednesday outside the Bella
Union and Gem. Miss Salissa Wilder organized it. Mr. Clay Kungler of
the Gem, like other men wielding rubber bullets, was the last standing
Wild Bill Rides Again... despite a valiant effort by the very elastic Mr. Jacob String of Homestake.
In a display of different kinds of contests, men vied to protect a maiden,
in this case, played convincingly by Miss Wilder. Mr. Kungler defended
Continued from page 1 her, Mr. Ernst Osterham felled her.

Mr. Hickok told Frederick, who spoke

through Mrs. Applewhyte, that he was in Mr Hickok says ... tell.... M.... I ... I...
Heaven, which would surprise no one. love h... her...”
“Mr Hickok says he is with the angels,” The brave traveler to another world door
proclaimed a smiling Mrs. Applewhyte. then collapsed against the bar, only to be
Mr Hickok added without prompting or revived by a finely timed brandy by Judge
cue that he had dodged many previous bul- Eun.

lets only through the vigor of Pepperidge’s It was not clear who this “M” was
Mens Pills, which are widely available although your editor, whose initials are
through the mails. NS, rules out himself.
Several men in the room immediately Among those witnessing the amaz-
slipped out to obtain these pills so that they ing event included some who knew Mr.
too could enjoy the virility and hair growth Hickok in life, such as Miss Salissa Wilder
of Mr. Hickok.While their actions were and Deputy Sheamus Foggarty, as well
prudent, they did miss quite a show. as many others including Jacob and Mrs.
Far more mysterious those was when String of the Homestake Mines, Miss
Mrs. Applewhyte put hand to ear and Astolat Dufaux, Jon Deimatov, Renate
made statments of mystery recorded in full Marchionne, a Mr. Glen.
by your correspondent: “...what’s that. Mr “What an honor that Wild Bill came
Hickok?... you have a message for some- down to endorse the enterprise of Judge
one ... The name begins with... an M? ... Rod Eun and shows the prosperity and
she is not here, you say?” success of Deadwood is guaranteed,” said
The medium added, eyes increasingly Mr. String of the Homestake Mining
fluttering, her body clearly showing great Company.
strain, “Mr Hickok wants to speak to ...

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 21 August 7, 1878

Celebrate Deadwood’s 2nd birthday

It’s Founders Day! Typical for Deadwood, we celebrate this
one day over two, because we are all overachievers!
Saturday, August 8th, 1878
The Circus will be in town for Deadwood Founders Day.
There is still room for other businesses and citizens to join in 12 PM Carnie Parade on Main Street
sponsoring an event early Sunday and other times for Founders
Day. If you are interested, contact Addison Leigh.
1 PM Opening Picnic and Welcome, Phoenix Hotel,
courtesy of Miss Astolat Dufaux.

3 PM Medicine Show at Carnivale Grounds

4 PM Horse Races sponsored by the Gem Saloon,

courtesy of Clay Kungler.

6 PM Stories of Deadwood and Wine Social

at the Prospect Hill Inn, courtesy of Miss Addison Leigh.

Sunday, August 9th, 1878

10 AM Barrel Foot Race, sponsored by the Red Bird Saloon

1 PM Woodsmens’ Shoot, Run and Paddle Contest

hosted by Dio Kuhr

2:30 PM Medicine Show at the Carnivale Grounds

4 PM Circus Ball at the Bella Union and

Founders Day Closing Event, hosted by Sal Wilder

Schoolchildren Get their Arms Around Romeo and Juliet

Thanks to Schoolmarm Miss K Hye, lies wouldn’t reconcile their differences.” have done him like somebody did when She should at least of told Romeo first or
our students in town have been report- From Dwane Hunniton: “I think what they pushed Jack Nemis off the cliff and had him give her the poison or he should
ing upon the famed play by Shakspere, or the story was about is that if you are trying smashed him to pieces. It was the middle of taken the poison, or they both should
Shakespeare, or whatever you want to call to get a girl but’s too hard go find another of the night, and nobody saw who did it or have or she could have laid down really
him. Here our thoughts. one instead of killing yourself... and that if he fell off cause he was drunk. still and fooled everyone and not taken any
From Rachel OHare: “If you disobey Shackspear people talk funny and maybe “Taking poison was really, really dumb. poison at all.
your parents, especially your father, you they did not under- “It’s her fault Romeo got messed up and
might end up killing yourself, and then stand each other drank the real poison cause she didn’t tell
you will burn forever in the darkest pit and that’s why they him even though he was kind of dumb
in hell.” were fighting in the anyway and probably just did it cause he
This was all quite sensible, and Miss Hye first place.” didn’t like girls. I guess she thought so too
asked, “Certainly its important to honor From Addie Rau: cause she killed herself with that knife.
and obey your parents. But what of the “Romeo and Juliet “That seems really silly to me, I would
feud between the two families?” talk really nicely just pretend. It was nice that everybody
Well then one family needs to crush the but they aren’t liked each other in the end, but sad cause
other family and drive them out of the very smart. I don’t Romeo and Juliet were there dead and
town. Maybe with a Gatling gun...” said know why Juliet everything. If I was the family I could go
the fine young miss, who will soon receive wanted to play with find the druggist, and the big nurse and
an offer to join the security forces at the a boy instead of shoot them.”
First National Bank of Deadwood. girls, but she could From Emilin Nakamori: “In Romeo and
From JoeBuck Carter: “My perspective have really outrun Juliet, Juliet should have married man her
on Romeo and Juliet is that they were very that big nurse if parents pick for her. Both showed not
fond of each other, but their families didn’t she’d half tried and enough respect for parents. If they do as
get on so this made it very difficult for shimmied down the parents say, both still be alive, and may
them to see each other as they would have drain pipe. be happy some day, instead of dead and
liked. “Romeo shoudna unhappy. “
“Well, eventually Romeo and Juliet had killed her brother Editor’s note: Now, here’s a sensible
to meet in secret, their love for each other in daylight like young miss. Many proposals will be await-
was so strong but it wasn’t to last they that. If he wanted ing her on the proper day.
were fated never to be together. The fami- him dead, he should

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 21 August 7, 1878

A Serial Story Continues...

The Perilous Journeys of

Mary Sue Sweetlyness
Episode 3

By Miss Adele Leeland

Trackless prairie flew by as Mary Sue not five paces before them where no one tening to this obviously great teacher as
Sweetliness frantically struggled to get had been a moment since, stood one whom he showed them how to preserve the earth
hold of the flailing reigns of the charging she immediately divined spoke with the for future generations by sipping droplets
quadrupeds. mountains and the very soul and heartbeat through a reed at the waters edge instead
Over rocks and gulleys and waving of heavens divine presence upon this earth. of wantonly wasting it where burning
grass they sped for hours rattling every Yes, he who inhabited the earth and sky as sun would only sear it off the dry earth
delicate bone in the body of Mary Sue and one with buffalo and eagle, he who took no before sweet lips or one green bud could
every nerve of her distraught dear sister step not guided by the western winds of take benefit.
Beth who lay wild eyed and disheveled in creation nor looked upon any object with- The native then bore holes in their water
the bottom of the wagon, staring up at the out the light of the divine spark. reeds and bid them blow and emit sweet
sky as it sped by. Mary Sue and Dear Beth looked up earth tones of music from the recycled
Where reason, pleading and prayer could into the face of the natural man, saw his reeds.
not convince the frenzied equines to slow perfectly chiseled features and sun redend “Animals have the wisdom of the ages,”
their frantc flee, the dry he spoke with again the
hot wind and scorching voices of the mountains.
heat combined with the “See how the mare
site of a wide cold creek drinks and learn from
ahead finally penetrated her.” Mary Sue nodded
the scant reason of their in response, even wiser
heaving skulls. than b efore. Silently
At last, the horses she stepped forward
slowed dragging the now keenly aware how
cart and cargo in a wide she must place her foot
arch along the creek bed where no damage could
and merrily buried their be done to precious earth
noses in the cold water. and soil, worm or moth.
Mary Sue landed Taking his hands in hers,
lightly upon the soft she bade him “Thank you
grasses and settled dear brother, I under-
her dress, quickly she stand it all so much better
turned to aid her sister now.”
who hooked one heel Turning he bid them
and a fist upon wheel follow silently along
base and successfully an heretofore invisible
forced herself over side earthen path. He led
of the wagon and onto them over gentle slopes
the ground with a thud and singing marshes till
– mere seconds before sudden strange sounds
her sister could reach invaded the sky. The
her. creaking grind of a rusty
“Water!,” croaked mechanical organ emit-
dear Beth, her salty ted music and noise in
tongue hung asunder in equal measure, resound-
desperation. Mary Sue ing loudly around a camp
jumped to her feet, and of garish tents emerging
lacking for challis or above the waving grass.
utensil, carefully cupped The odd lowing of for-
her fingers and carried eign wild things from
that precious elixir that the darkest of the dark
men have died for in her continents and odd cries
own two hands, back and forth no less skin glowing like molten lava over bulging of misshapen disfavored humans filled the
than twenty times to refresh and ease her sinew and tendon of his well formed rip- air.
sisters suffering. pling limbs and torso. Beth gasped speech- Mary Sue and Beth looked around to
Her task complete, Mary Sue settled her- less at the sight of his contours disappear- find their escort suddenly and silently van-
self in the shade of the wagon next to her ing beneath his sole soft striped pelt that ished, and themselves delivered to their
sister to rest a moment before they must alone his creator graced him for cover. own kind – of a fashion. Mary Sue sud-
surely rise and reckon with their circum- “How! Táku khoyákipha he? Spoke denly gasped and raised her arm up in
stances, being as they were journeyed far Mary Sue one arm around Beth for pro- greeting to the lone figure of a man one
from home and civilization. tection. such as she knew well. Silhouetted against
As the lunatic horses stood mildly at the The native son did made no reply, but the waning sunlight, he turned to them
side of the creek abandoning their thirst stood before them – one ear upon the andoffered his hand in a universal gesture
for the sweet clover that grew along the heart beat of the earth, as one pure tear of eternal kindness.
rocky shore. of sorrow slid gently down the contours of Beth took one look at his long robes and
Beth laid her head upon the shoulder of his brave face. streaming hair illuminated against the set-
her sister as Mary Sue gently eased leaves “YOU,” said the man, “You offend great ting sun, a figure so completely at odds
and nettles from her streaming tresses. spirit with waste of precious earths blood with the garish rusty vehicle upon which he
Exhausted Beth raised her weary eyelids upon the grass.” He bid them, in solemn stood and her jaw dropped in suprise.
one last time upon the world before the tones. “Mary Sue,” cried dear Beth, “What is
demanding hand of sleep should press Mary Sue bowed her head in regret lis- sweet Jesus doing on a circus wagon?!”
insensibility upon her. she screamed.
Mary Sue jumped to her tiny perfectly
shaped feet in a state of flumox. Standing To be continued...

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