Deadwood Free Press Vol 2 Issue 17

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Deadwood Free Press Vol.

2 Issue 17 May 28, 1878

Vol. 2 Issue 17 May 28, 1878

Will Bill Tour

Highlights Mass Arrest Clears
Deadwood Ties
to Great Man
Deadwood Streets
As part of the festivities for Wild Bill
Days, Mrs. Dio Kuhr led a tour of places
famous in the life and death of Mr. Wild
Bill Hickok. Participants reported it most
The places included the tree near the
stagecoach stop, where Mr. Hickok and
companion Charlie Utter and others in
their party spent their first night in the
earliest days of Deadwood. Mrs Kuhr,
among them, would start a laundry as
part of her path to business success that
now includes co-ownership of the Grand
Central Hotel.
“Wild Bill wasn’t here to get gold from
the ground; he came mostly to get it off of More than a dozen newcomers shooting Deputy Maynard, nursing a shoulder gentle, but were still appropriate.
gamin tables,” Mrs. Kuhr said. up the town and generally acting moronic wound and recovering over a drink at the “Why it warn’t nothing, I am always
Of course Mrs. Kuhr showed partici- were arrested by one stalwart lawperson, Phoenix, reported she felt no fear. She glad to serve my town and protect our most
pants a building most know, Nuttal an Deputy Tal Maynard. was ably assisted by passers-by Mrs. Cyn precious resource, our children,” Deputy
Mann’s Saloon No. 10, where Hickok was The newcomers were mostly dismissed Shippe and Astolat Dufaux, who appar- Maynard stated.
shot in the back. by being ejected from the town by citi- ently wielded words in convincing the dis- Deadwood observers say this is one of
“As I said before, most o’ yer gunplay zenry who have put up with quite enough ruptive that they were indeed under arrest. the largest mass arrests in memory.
ain’t face to face like real men on the street, of this. Much law has thus been restored. It is reported some of the words were not
it’s cold blooded ambush an assassination
-like what McCall did.”

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 17 May 28, 1878

"The Black Hills fever seems to

have entirely worn off." Editorial
From the Times: The Black Hills Country Wild Bill Days a
Dull Times Among the Miners Roaring Success
The following article is from the New York some weeks. The snow and rainfall during
Times of just a few weeks ago. We printed April was very heavy. There has been
the first half of this article upon arrival two so much of it that it has interfered with I am pleased to say Wild Bill Days has of an annual series of posters that will
issues ago: this is the second part of the mining But the roads are getting better helped to put Deadwood on the map. Visi- someday be worth big money.
article, and we will print the final install- now, and work that has been suspended tors from throughout the East Coast and So I am pleased at all three of these top
ment in our next issue will soon be resumed. California said they considered coming entries, and our distinguished committee
The stages over the several routes here. It would have been better if they has agreed to split the award three ways,
The total population have been greatly actually had come, but this is a promising so each will receive $60 ((600L)).
of Dakota, including delayed, and have start. I hope this will reward them in some
the Black Hills, is been coming in two I am grateful to the town council for small measure for their hard work, and
about 50,000. The or three days late at sponsorship of the event, including staging also prepare us for next year. Tourism will
older settled portion, time. The detention a contest to create souvenirs for visitiors. never, ever, ever replace mining and farm-
of which Yankton is of mails and freight We tried to judge winners, but found ing as a source of business and industry in
the trade centre, is causes a good deal it difficult because there were so many this community.
given chiefly to farm- of inconvenience; excellent options. Justice Rod Eun’s offi- Yet there is considerable evidence that
ing. The Black Hills and this will occur cial Wild Bill outhouse is certainly a proud Easterners, Europeans, Californians and
people claim that in from time to time contribution to the man’s legacy, since he others will want to travel here to mysti-
legislation, no atten- until better roads surely would have used outhouses in Dead- cally experience the “Wild West,” as it is
tion is paid to the fact are laid out over the wood. called.
that the new settle- several routes to the I was also grateful to Marrant Vita for To us who live it, it’s not Wild. It’s
ments of that region Hills. her Wild Bill tombstone bed, in which home. But to those who do not live here,
live upon the mines, While some of someone can lay down in the same direc- this is a mysical place. I can see a future
and that laws regulat- the shopkeepers, tion as Wild Bill and under a replica of his in which buffallo and Indians are penned
ing mining operations mill men, and tombstone. and perform their hunts in front of audi-
are needed. miners in and And finally I was appreciative of Miss ences from the East. I would remind you
So it is hinted that about Deadwood Astolat Dufaux’s commemorative poster of that even in 1843, PT Barnum was able
this and other causes and Central City the event. I at first thought it was a simple to profit by $3,500 dollars - an amazing
of failure between the two sections of the seem to be doing very well, I can discover red target. The stark sharp circles caught sum - simply by bringing a dozen buffalo
Territory to affiliate will lead to a politi- none who are making a fortune, as, as they my eye and drew my attention. It made me to New Jersey and having a man twirl a
cal contest, to see whether Deadwood or designate it in this country, “big money.” wonder if a bright red target might make a rope around them. Since then, others have
Yankton shall be the capital. If the former The developments thus far made and the good sign for a store. But then I realized hosted tourists who pay real money to hunt
gets to be the “seat of empire,” it may the various industries and business pursuits that was a silly thought. and enjoy the scenery.
more readily give up the chances for the growing out of ining give employment to I took another look, though, and saw There’s no doubt these tourists will want
organization of a new Territory. a considerable part of the present popula- behind the target was a light drawing to enjoy towns, and Deadwood should be
Travel into the Hills and between the tion at moderate wages. Everybody has of the back of Wild Bill’s head, and that one of them. I look forward to a bright
various camps has been very difficult for sobered down to steady work. made me laugh. I am ashamed I laughed, future for Wild Bill Days and the embrace
There are no indications that these camps but I laughed. It is a poster that rewards of many tourists. Hopefully, they will
will grow much or the country about here frequent viewings, and should be the first show up.
settle up very rapidly. The Black Hills fever
seems to have entirely worn off. No miners
or prospectors are coming in from the old
mining camps of the other States and Ter-
ritories, and “tender feet” are not arriving
from the East in any large squads, as they
Letters to the Editor
were last season. Editor,
The only thing I can see at present indi- I felt I must write this letter to bring to
cating any great amount of faith in this light the shocking lack of modesty amongst
section in the liberal way in which Califor- the women in Deadwood.
nians are investing in minds and mills. It Specifically I refer to women who feel
cannot be said that all the capitalists who they must walk around nearly undressed.
have put away money into mines or quartz Why this past Sunday as I was walking
mills are satisfied. There are a good many to church when what do I see? A woman
mines offered for sale at low prices. Lodes walking towards me in a dress with a neck-
that are claiming to be as promising as line that went down to almost the middle
any in the Rocky Mountains do not tempt of her chest.
purchasers when offered way down in the To make matters worse her bare skin was
thousands. exposed, showing her mammary glands
And there are plenty of placer claims, in all their glory for the whole world to
which are represented as paying $10 per behold.
day to the man, that somehow are hawked My wife and I were both scandalized by
about by street brokers at a few hundreds, this spectacle. But dear Editor, this is not
without takers. a solitary occurrence in our town. Nor
Editor and Publisher I notice several quartz mills and con- are these women who work in houses of
siderable second-hand machinery offered ill repute as one might expect. No, these
Neil Streeter at much below value. It is not difficult to are married women, women of supposedly
find tradesmen, hotelkeepers, and saloon respectful character.
Associate Publisher men who want to sell out cheap. There is I urge the Free Press to trumpet the cause
Lola Kanto not much movement in real estate, and the of decency and push for legislation by our
sales recorded do not show on the average Town Council to curb our towns decent into
so good prices as last year. I refer to busi- debauchery and licentiousness. We must
Reporters ness lots in Deadwood. return to the standards of decency that all
Addison Leigh But I see, in some respects, a great civilized societies uphold.
improvement over a year ago. There are
Contributing Writers fewer idlers about the streets, the low the- Morally Upright
Laurel Blackheart atres and bawdy houses have been rooted Deadwood
out, a good public school has been estab-
Mrs. Fine Lady lished, and church societies organizer, and Editor’s note: We show great interest in
there is everything to show a better state of this problem; next time, please including
Typesetter public morals and more stability. damning photographs for publication.
S. Morigi
Final segment will be in the next issue.

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 17 May 28, 1878

Review of “The Trial of Jack McCall”

A Drama by Astolat Dufaux
Another fine production was played out nervous Alabama String.
on the stage of the Phoenix Hotel and That attorney, then proceeded to
Theater Saturday evening. The play was ask Jack his reasoning behind kill-
about the trial of the man that shot Wild ing Wild Bill, and he said because
Bill Hickok and killed him on that fateful Wild Bill had “MURDERED” his
night. brother. The defense rested.
There were quite a few in attendance, The prosecuting attorney start-
and the play was actually audience par- ed asking questions that gave the
ticipation, a change from other plays I’ve jury more information on what
had the privilege of attending. had happened in Abilene, where
The curtain opens to the court scene, two Jack said he wasn’t even there
tables where the lawyers and the defendant when his brother was killed, and
were seated, and the podium where the nothing seemed to fit. He rested
Judge stood. First, we see the prosecuting his case.
attorney, played by the great Mayor of The Judge, played by the very
Deadwood, Claytanic Kungler, present- astute and smart-looking Ernst
ing the case to the judge and jurors. He Osterham, then charged the jury
politely turns it over to the defending attor- with finding Jack McCall either
ney, played by the lovely Astolat Dufaux, innocent or guilty. The over-
who presented the side of the defendant, whelming response by the audi-
Jack McCall, played by a very serious and ence jury found him GUILTY
of the murder of Wild Jack McCall. Very realistic, the hanging the man who killed the legend, Wild Bill
Bill. Then, the sentenc- took place in the street just outside of the Hickok! Justice done! Justice served!
ing: “Ernst Osterham Phoenix. The crowd shouting, “HANG The play was very well done, more seri-
raises his gavel with a HIM!!! KILL HIM DEAD!!! STRING ous than the last one. The actors put on
pointing motion to the HIM UP!!!” their best, and I think outdid themselves
defendant,Jack McCall, I The noose around his neck, Jack was led this go round. All in all, I did enjoy this one
sentence you to hang by up the stairs on the “make-shift” gallows, as well. I’m just glad there wasn’t another
the neck until dead!”” looked at the Sheriff, also played by Ernst dead body like the last time! Seems most of
The verdict in, the Osterham, stating: “Jack McCall clears those in attendance were pleased and like
sentence handed down, his throat, looking around at the people, the play as well. Another “job well done”
all were asked to step he tries to put on a brave face, “Make it by the citizens of Deadwood!
outside and witness tighter, Sheriff.””
the hanging of one The last “scene,” the wriggling body of By Laurel Blackheart

Lionheart-Turner Wedding

Miss Morganna Lionheart and Mr. Michael Turner married at the

Deadwood Church. The council wishes them a long and happy life

together. Presiding was Minster Rev. Baird Bravin, who called the couple

loving and God-fearing.

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 17 May 28, 1878

Deadwood School Notes

We present with pride some compositions of the bright children of Deadwood referred to at the school referred to in the New
York Times article of this issue. Be proud of our youth. We begin with versions of a Deadwood School Song as presented first by
the teacher and then the children.

Mrs. Westland’s Extra Credit Verse by Olivia’s School Song shoulda Let us have recess
Deadwood School Song Rachel O’hare sung to Go Down Moses
She said, come on children, you won’t be
(Sung to tune of Battle (One line added by Ms. Westland) (originally published in the lost,
Hymn of the Republic) We come to school day after day to learn
Children’s Gazette) Let us have recess
Follow me and come on across,
so very much; The Lord hisself to Teacher yelled , shoulda Let us have recess.
Our eyes have seen the glory of our future We learn all about mining, spelling, Custer Let them have recess (chorus)
bright and clear. and the Dutch. If not your lunch it will be felled,
For now that we know how to read, there’s Ms. Westland leads us strictly cause she Give them more recess When we got in the deep dark mines,
nothing more to fear. wants us to do well; (chorus) Let us have recess
From memorizing ABC’s to acting out and keep us out of hell! We screamed and fell right out of line
King Lear, Come on, children shoulda Let us have recess
Our Knowledge marches on. Deadwood school is our salvation, Dance right upon your des’ (chorus)
Saves us all from our damnation! Tell old Teacher
Glory, Glory, Education We’ve all learned how now to behave and Let us have recess. Teacher promised she’d get us across,
We’re the brightest of all nations never act like fools Let us have recess
Our uncle Sam will cheer us on to learn We loooooove yooooou Deadwoooood When we children was in Deadwood But Teacher just got all of us lost,
the golden rule. Schoooool! land, shoulda Let us have recess
Thank you Deadwood School. Let us have recess (chorus)

We’ve learned to cipher, add, subtract,

Extra Credit Verse by We studied so much we could not stand,
Give us more recess O let us all from homework flee,
divide and multiply,
We learned A, E, I, O and U and even
Nellie Little Boots (chorus) Let us have recess
And let us all from school be free,
sometimes Y This song is done and over now please No more shall we in homework toil, Give us more recess
We’ve learned to always tell the truth and please just set us free. Let us have recess, (chorus)
never tell a lie I want to go to recess now and play with Free us now, let us play on God’s soil
Our knowledge Marches on friends you see. Let us have recess We need not always weep and mourn,
This school keeps going on and on and the (chorus) Let us have recess
Glory, Glory, Education outhouse is calling me And wear these homework chains for-
We’re the brightest of all nations I really got to p_ _ ! The Teacher thought what she should do, lorn,
When we grow up will fight our fights with Let us have recess Give us more recess
vicious spelling duellllls Note to typesetter: Mrs. M please check Was in the mines take the children (chorus)
Thank you, Deadwood School. with Mrs. W to see if she meant to include
that last one.

From Midterm Exams Jadzie DeCuir we are happy then we are doing something Nellie Littleboots
bad and will go to hell, and the mine is only
Age 8 1/2, Grade 3 fun to go into when the rest of the town is Age 8, Grade 3
Rachel O’hare stuck down there too.
Armstrong Custer was a man who Morals are what the man who stole my
Age 8, Grade 3 fought the Indians because he got the coo- Dwayne deer ain’t got.
ties disease from them. He was a great He will go to hell with some other people
What is a moral?
A moral is a rule to live by , for proper
hero cause we got custard to eat. The town
was founded after the luckiest man found
Age 10, Grade 3 in this town.
Morals are important because they keeps
beehaveeor gold up in the hills. The difference between A moral is somethang that tells you how us from walking in on each other when we
If you don’t have morals you will grow placer mining and hard rock mining is one to behave. are taking a bath. Some morals are don’t
up to bee a bad person. hurts more if you have an accident. Morals make sure you are not a sinner. kiss in the street
Some morals are do unto others as you Morals are important because without Some morals are Don’t look at naked pictures in the
would have done to you, don’t kiss if you rules we would be all happy and that would Beeing good, beeing polight, not being library and don’t steal others deers.
aren’t married, do as adults say not as they make us all go to hell. an upstairs girl. The most important thing I learned in
do. Some morals are don’t let people see you 130 years from now, Deadwood will have school is about how not to get lost in the
What is the most improtant thing you naked, don’t kiss until you are married, it is white people and Indians living together mines if you teacher takes you there. I
leaned in school? I learned how to spell better to kill your husband and be a widow in 130 years. Deadwood will have giant admire Mister Cameo most in the world
better then be an old maid with no husband gold houses. Deadwood will have buffalos. becuse he plays guns with others and oh I
The person I most admire in the world The most important thing I learned in Deadwood will have gold streets. Dead- like Darcy too.
is? I most admire Mr Clay for taking mee school is I have lots to still learn like, that wood will have gold fireplaces. I will be I don’t know what Deadwood will be like
in and teaching mee how to spell better, gardening with cow poop is dangerous, gun king of Deadwood. I will make everyone 130 years from now I will be dead.
and getting mee a bed that is pink and I fights outside means we can’t look out the listen to me for 130 more years. I will sit on
do not have to share with any other child window, a girl should never sleep upstairs a chair of gold in 130 years. The end.
like at the orphanage. but it is ok for a boy to sleep upstairs, if

Deadwood Free Press Vol. 2 Issue 17 May 28, 1878

Excitement Rampant for Classifieds

new Product Whatever It Is

WANTED: Deadwood Town Council.
Anyone seen them? Jes’ wondering.

I attended Mr. Abraham Duncan at surprise.”

his shop Needful Things located on Main Mrs. Fine Lady: “My word. I’ve always
Street. As I arrived, he was being assisted longed for something like-- Ahem. How
by Deacon Dryke in moving his merchan- much will you charge for this service... I
dise around the store to make room for ... mean equipment... package... product?”
well, what exactly? I wanted to know. Duncan: “The market will decide its
Mrs. Fine Lady: “Mr. Duncan, word value. But I can say this. It will be very
about town is that you’re bringing in fair on the pocket book. In the long run,
something new to the shop. On behalf of it will pay for itself many times over. Sat-
our readers, I was hoping to ask you a few isfaction guaranteed!”
questions.” Mrs. Fine Lady: “When can we start
Duncan: “I want it to be somewhat of a getting our hands on this product?”
surprise, ma’am. But I can tell you this. Duncan: “I plan to unveil it on the 6th
It shall be a boon to all the ladies of Dead- of June. I’ve enlisted the help of a special
wood. I guarantee you they will be most woman in town who has extensive experi-
pleased with this new acquisition.” ence handling this kind of equipment and
Mrs. Fine Lady: “To all the ladies, you can demonstrate its use to all other ladies
say? Surely you can tell us a bit more? For of Deadwood.”
our readers’ sake.” He stopped then and pondered for a
Duncan: “It shall save our dear ladies moment. He smiled kindly at me that I was grateful.”
countless hours of effort and provide the taken aback by his most shocking offer. There you have it, ladies of Deadwood.
most delicious experiences. It’s made of Duncan: “I could perhaps be persuaded On June 6th, Saturday, we could very well
sturdy material, the best quality of course. to give you a personal demonstration in my have our prayers answered. May Needful
In addition, it can warm them upon any back room if you like?” Things provide us the things we so desper-
cold night. Even the men if they are so Mrs. Fine Lady: “Oh no no that won’t ately need.
inclined to assist their wives. Oh dear. I’ve be necessary, Mr. Duncan. Thank you
said too much. I’d really like it to be a for the interview. Our readers will be most Mrs. Fine Lady

Scenes From Around Town More Upcoming

Come to the Grand Affair. An Irish Ceili
at Gallagher’s Row on Lee Street.
From Tristanne Gallagher: I’m going to
tentatively schedule my Grand Opening
(better late than never) of the Gallagher’s
Irish Pub and Ice Cream Emporium for
Sunday, June 7, 1878, at Noon. Cordial
invitation letters sent to all of the Dead-
wood citizens young at heart and ready for
the gala event and a grand affair.
Put on your Irish smile, flirt with the
colleens, and dance an Irish jig with your
Mr. Chey Wylder, in the presence of his lovely wife, You must learn 3 Irish words for this
receives a prize of pistols from Mayor Clay Kungler as event: Failte - Welcome, Slainte - Cheers,
part of the shootout competition for Wild Bill Days. It is Craic - havin some good crack (a good
reported that Mr. Wylder has since died, circumstances time).
being under investigation.

Oh Romeo! Come see

Petruchio and Kate
Oh Romeo, it’s not your turn yet at the
Bella Union Theater; you need to get to
the performance noon Saturday, June 6, of
another play by your creator, Mr. Shake-
speare, The Taming of the Shrew.
Actors Planter Leitner and Elisabeth
Leitner will star in this show that will teach
you, Mr. Romeo, everything you know to
win a woman and hold her heart forever.
In this drama, Petruchio must win a
woman, and does, completely. The play
will be instructive for all ages.
Lawmen, lawmen everywhere: three of them were
minding the jailhouse where a Lawrence Brun is locked
up for aiming a gun at Nellie, the second time he’s aimed
a gun at children (the first being at a picnic at the cem-
etery in honor of Wild Bill).

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