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TRUE/FALSE 1. Therapeutic equipment operates at much lower energies than diagnostic equipment. ANS: F DIF: Easy

. Therapy equipment operates at high !oltages and low amperages. ANS: T DIF: Easy

". Floating tops can #e mo!ed when an electromagnetic #ra$e is engaged. ANS: F DIF: Easy

%. The telescoping column o& the o!erhead suspension system controls hori'ontal mo!ement. ANS: F DIF: Easy

(. A head unit consists o& a #uc$y tray and an )*ray tu#e. ANS: T DIF: +edium

,. In the -nited States. the incoming line !oltage to an )*ray unit is appro)imately 1 / !olts. ANS: F DIF: Easy

0. The root mean square !oltage o& a single*phase sinusoidal wa!e is usually gi!en as 0/.01 o& the pea$ !oltage. ANS: T DIF: +edium

2. During three*phase power. the o!erall potential di&&erence drops to 'ero. ANS: F MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. 3ow many alterations in the direction o& the current &low occur per second in a ,/*3' A4 current5 a. / c. 6/ #. ,/ d. 1 / ANS: D DIF: +edium DIF: Easy

. At what point in the )*ray circuit is the recti&ication circuit located5 a. #etween the semiconductors and the !al!e tu#es #. #etween the step*down trans&ormer and the rheostat c. #etween the step*up trans&ormer and the )*ray tu#e d. #etween the thermionic diode tu#es and the )*ray machines ANS: 4 DIF: +edium

". 7here is the stator o& the anode induction motor located5 a. inside the glass en!elope #ut outside the rotor #. outside the glass en!elope and outside the rotor c. inside the glass en!elope and inside the rotor d. outside the glass en!elope #ut inside the rotor ANS: 8 DIF: +edium

%. The e)posure switch on an )*ray machine is intended to 9999. a. initiate the e)posure #. terminate the e)posure c. #oth initiate and terminate the e)posure d. rotate the anode up to speed ANS: A DIF: +edium

(. The e)posure switch is &ound #etween the 9999. a. incoming line and the circuit #rea$er #. autotrans&ormer and the timer circuit c. e)posure switch and the step*up trans&ormer d. incoming line and the step*down trans&ormer ANS: 8 DIF: +edium

,. The electrical de!ice used to ad:ust the mA selection is the 9999. a. autotrans&ormer c. switch #. stator d. !aria#le resistor ANS: D DIF: Easy

0. The time control is &ound #etween the 9999. a. incoming line and the e)posure switch #. autotrans&ormer and the timer circuit c. e)posure switch and the step*up trans&ormer d. incoming line and the step*down trans&ormer ANS: D DIF: +edium

2. The mA control is &ound #etween the 9999. a. incoming line and the e)posure switch #. autotrans&ormer and the timer circuit c. e)posure switch and the step*up trans&ormer d. incoming line and the step*down trans&ormer ANS: D DIF: +edium

6. The $;p control is &ound #etween the 9999. a. incoming line and the e)posure switch #. autotrans&ormer and the timer circuit c. e)posure switch and the step*up trans&ormer d. incoming line and the step*down trans&ormer ANS: A DIF: +edium

1/. +edical )*ray units can #e classi&ied as 9999.

a. diagnostic #. therapeutic ANS: D DIF: Easy

c. &luoroscopic d. #oth a and #

11. The diagnostic )*ray range is appro)imately 9999. a. 1/ to 1. // mA c. ( to 1(/ $;p #. /.//1 to 1/ seconds d. all o& the a#o!e ANS: D DIF: Easy

1 . The ad!antage o& a cur!ed top radiographic ta#le is 9999. a. positioning accuracy in o#lique and lateral positions #. le!el support o& the radiographic &ilm c. easy clean up d. a smaller o#:ect image distance ANS: D DIF: +edium c. a mo!ing 10 < 10 inch grid d. a stationary 10 < 10 inch grid

1". The 8uc$y tray consists o& 9999. a. a mo!ing 1% < 10 inch grid #. a stationary 1% < 10 inch grid ANS: 4 DIF: +edium

1%. =adiographic ta#le tops may #e 9999. a. &loating #. stationary ANS: D DIF: +edium

c. motor dri!en d. all o& the a#o!e

1(. =adiographic rooms equipped with a tilting ta#le are primarily designed &or per&orming 9999 procedures. a. diagnostic c. &luoroscopic #. angiographic d. #oth a and c ANS: D DIF: Easy

1,. The height o& the a!erage radiographic ta#le top to the &loor is 9999 inches. a. ( c. ,/ #. %/ d. 1 / ANS: 8 DIF: Easy c. 4*arm d. all o& the a#o!e

10. Tu#e suspension systems include 9999. a. o!erhead #. mo#ile ANS: D DIF: +edium

12. 7hich tu#e suspension system o&&ers the greatest multidirectional mo!ement5 a. o!erhead tu#e suspension system c. &loor tu#e suspension system #. &loor*to*ceiling tu#e suspension system d. mo#ile tu#e suspension system ANS: A DIF: +edium

16. The incoming line current is supplied 9999.

a. #. c. d.

in the &orm o& a three*phase power cycle in the &orm o& a single*phase power cycle as a direct current at appro)imately ,/ !olts DIF: Easy


/. Nearly all )*ray equipment operates &rom an incoming line o& 9999. a. 1/ ; c. 1 / 3' #. 1 / A4 d. 1/ A ANS: A DIF: Easy

1. 7hen &ull*wa!e recti&ication is applied to three*phase current. a 9999 ripple is produced. a. wye c. !oltage #. star d. delta ANS: 4 DIF: +edium

. A three*phase. recti&ied current produces a !oltage ripple o& 9999 pulses per 3'. a. " c. 6 #. , d. % ANS: 8 DIF: +edium c. produce recti&ication d. drop the wa!e pea$ to 'ero

". A star or delta connection is used to 9999. a. tap a single phase o& power #. com#ine three*phase current ANS: 8 PROBLEM DIF: +edium

1. 7hat is the appro)imate rms !oltage o& a single*phase sine wa!e with a $;p o& ,(5 ANS: %(.6 $;p DIF: Di&&icult . 7hat is the appro)imate rms !oltage o& a single*phase sine wa!e with a $;p o& 0(5 ANS: ("./ $;p DIF: Di&&icult ". 7hat is the appro)imate rms !oltage o& a single*phase sine wa!e with a $;p o& 2/5 ANS: (,., $;p DIF: Di&&icult

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