SWP-22 Lock Out Tag Out Daiman

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

Safe Work Practices (SWP) for LOCK - OUT - TAG - OUT Procedures check for minimum requirements (Please tick):



Permit-to-Work Procedure in place where applicable Logout Tag out S stem where applicable PP! requirements

!mergenc "esponse Plan(!"P) ______________________________________________________________ Purpose : To pre#ent $%S incidents and in&uries due to une'pected energi(ation of machiner and equipment during ser#ice and maintenance This SWP-*+ SWP-** SWP-./ SWP-.1 procedure is applicable to all Pro&ect Sites)

2. .

Scope !efere"ce

: :

,sage of "otating !quipment or -achiner Safe ,se of %and Tools 0ontrol of !lectrical %a(ards -achiner Safet

#. 2)* 2)1 %. 7) * 7) 1 7) /

$efi"itio" : Lock-$ut 3 Putting a lock on the part of the machine that controls the energ 4 for e)g) a circuit breaker4 switch4 block or #al#e4 etc) This pre#ents the machine from starting up or releasing energ accidentall ) Tag-$ut 3 Putting a special tag to warn people of the danger of starting up the machine) 5t is used when the equipment can6t be locked out) !espo"si&i'it( : 5t is the responsibilit of the WS%$8SS to ensure that this procedure is implemented at the pro&ect sites) 5t is the responsibilit of the WS%$8SS to identif equipment and machiner that require Lock-$utTag-$ut (L$T$)) 5t is the responsibilities of all equipment and machiner users to follow the Lock-$ut-Tag-$ut procedure) Proce*ure : +,uip-e"t a"* .ac/i"er( !e,uiri"0 LOTO 9)*)* 9)*)1 The WS%$8SS shall identif a list of equipment and machiner that require Lock$ut-Tag-$ut) L$T$ ma be required for equipment and machiner that runs on electricit 4 h draulic energ (water or other liquid that mo#es through pipes or hoses)4 pneumatic energ (pressuri(ed steam or gases or compressed air) or mechanical energ (stored or built-up energ in springs))

). 9)*


$nl qualified and trained personnel (whether emplo ees or appointed sub-contractors) shall carr out L$T$ and ser#ice or maintenance of machiner and equipment The authori(ed emplo ee or subcontractors shall follow the following steps to L$T$: :now the machine6s energ t pe4 amount4 and ha(ards4 plus how to control and lock it out) ;otif all affected site personnel (including workers and subcontractors) that equipment will be shut down and locked out for ser#ice and maintenance) Turn off the machine or equipment)


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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd



5solate the energ 3 the circuit breaker4 disconnect switch4 or other de#ice that pro#ides energ to the machine or equipment) Lockout and8 or tagout the energ control switches in an <off6 or <safe6 position to pre#ent accidental start-up or energ release) "elease (drain) or block stored energ 4 for e)g) #enting pneumatic lines4 draining or bleeding h draulic lines4 block or brace an gra#it -dri#en mo#ing parts) Test the operating controls4 for e)g) tr to turn on all controls to make sure that no power comes on and the equipment can6t operate4 use a #oltmeter or other testing de#ice to make sure there6s no power to the equipment) "emember to turn the controls back to the <off6 or <safe6 position after performing the test) ;ow4 it should be safe to perform the necessar ser#ice or maintenance) =nother authori(ed person or part ma do this)

Steps to !estart +,uip-e"t or .ac/i"er( $nce the maintenance or repair work is completed on the machine4 follow the following steps to restart: 5nspect the equipment or machiner to be sure all tools and other materials ha#e been remo#ed4 the machine is full re-assembled4 and that guards and other safet features are in place) ;otif all rele#ant personnel (emplo ees as well as subcontractors) that equipment will be starting) "emo#e all lockout de#ices) "emember that onl the person who put the lock ma remo#e it) T(pe of Locks 9)7)* The WS%$8SS shall identif the t pe of locks appro#ed for L$T$) These locks shall be durable to withstand heat4 cold4 humidit or corrosi#eness4 standardi(ed in color4 shape or si(e throughout the site4 strong (can6t be remo#ed without hea# force or tools) and identified b the name of the authorised personnel who installs and remo#es it)



T(pe of Ta0s 9)9)* The WS%$8SS shall identif appropriate tags to be used for Tagouts) These tags shall ha#e the same print and format throughout the site4 be eas to read and understand4 tough enough so the can6t be remo#ed accidentall ) The ties for tagouts shall be self-locking4 can6t be re-used4 and can be attached b hand (e)g) made of n lon)) Tags shall displa warnings such as >$O 1OT STA!T?4 >$O 1OT OP+1? or >$O 1OT OP+!AT+?)


Prepared @ : -r Aaiman Aesignation: WS%$ Aate: *2 $ct 1.*.

"e#iewed @ : -r ;g 0hoon %uat Aesignation: Senior Pro&ect -anager Aate: *2 $ct 1.*.

Prepared @ : -r Aaiman Aesignation: WS%$ Aate: *2 Bune 1.*.

"e#iewed @ : -r ;g 0hoon %uat

Page Aesignation: Senior Pro&ect -anager

Aate: *2 Bune 1.*.

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