Analysis of The Opening Sequence 2

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Analysis of the opening sequence to Scream 4 (2011)

Narrative Structure Wes Cravens Scream 4 follows a linear narrative sequence whereby the story is told in chronological order. The opening sequence starts by getting straight to the point; the phone call being received within the first 2 or so minutes, a strange phone call with a strange voice on the other side of the phone making the audience wonder who it could be calling, might it be a prank call? Horror Codes and Conventions Throughout the opening sequence there are already little ideas that could symbolize something or depicts something for instance one of the main characters hold a knife whilst in the kitchen, and it isnt just a kitchen knife either, this knife and use of iconography may symbolize that death is yet to come and the simple fact that they are receiving phone calls which hold threats. It may also symbolize blood and a brutal death. Camerawork One shot used is a medium close-up on phone, after this close up, is used for when she picks up. This use of panning is used to create the sense that she/characters are being watched; possibly by the presumed antagonist which repeatedly calls them, in a threatening tone. Close up two-shot of both characters when phone rings again, to show emotion which is almost startled however not yet scared. Wide shot when she looks at phone, in this shot can see the door as well as the character had mentioned going to see if the door was shut, highlights the door, as it almost lingers around her and the door, it signifies that something is yet to and this is confirmed as shortly after the doorbell rings resulting in both characters screaming as they had clearly been frightened. Mise en scne The characters costume depicts them as innocent, normal teenagers in bright coloured clothing, this signifies the fact that the audience should be able to relate to them as they dress exactly how a normal teenage girl should. In terms of character positioning, the majority of the time throughout the kitchen scene, the character of Trudy tends to be the one that sits down throughout the conversation possibly highlighting that she is the weaker character out of the two and that the other character may be more superior however this is proved wrong as both characters and victimized within the first four minutes of the production.

Sound The sound of the main brunette character pulling the knife out at the beginning when the scene was set in the kitchen became a recurring sound as the antagonist with the mask slashes throats of both characters. This sound connotates with what a horror film shot be like as the results are disturbing and horrific. The sound of phone ringing/vibrating is at this point, almost a sound motif and signifies the unknown caller - which may be the antagonist - calling as the character did last time. These sounds of the phone are almost symbolic of the antagonist. Furthermore, the scream from both girls in the opening sequence signifies that they are frightened and this allows the audience to sympathise with them as they are alarmed and scared; also as both characters are young, teenage girls, the audience may feel as though they can relate to them being scared as the production plays on their primal fears. Also, in terms of the sounds that come from the characters, the intake of breath from the character of Trudy when she tells other character to not open the door highlights the fact that she is scared. The sound of blood splattering whilst the girl scream is a code and convention of a horror film as blood signifies death and makes us think of the colour red which is associated with death and danger. Also, The diegetic sound from the person on the other side of the phone is extremely threatening as he threatens to kill them in a brutal manner.

Editing The use of shot-reverse-shot between both characters shows that they clearly have some kind of relationship as they are in the same house conversing with one another. This use of shot-reverseshot almost makes the audience forget that they are watching a horror film as this editing technique is very casual and often used in soap operas however this discreetly builds up tension as the fact that they are watching a horror film is almost forgotten however once the sounds are back, this scares the viewers even more as the scary scenes have more of an impact.

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