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Internships with OBAMA FOR AMERICA

An internship in the office of Obama for America is an excellent way to learn firsthand how our political
process works. Students will have the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and experience by assisting
the campaign’s professional staff with scheduling, advance, technology, new media, operations,
communications, finance, field, policy, political and research.

Chicago, Illinois Internships

Internships will be located at the campaign headquarters in Chicago, IL. The internship will allow students
to learn the entire political process through a presidential campaign headquarters. Intern will be placed in a
specific department at the headquarters but may also work on such projects as compiling and entering data,
staffing the front desk, answering questions from voters and assisting volunteers.

Internship Responsibilities
Interns will participate in a broad range of office activities, ensuring a thorough and well-rounded
experience. Interns should expect a balance of work that includes working independently within your
department and also working with fellow interns on group projects.

Department Descriptions
1. Scheduling/Advance - Interns will assist in managing Senator Barack Obama’s national
invitations. They will be responsible for helping track calls, relaying messages to scheduling
staffers and acting as active liaisons to fellow OFA offices.
2. New Media - Interns need to have web and online production ability and be a strong writers.
Interns will assist with web video production ,working to develop both the various video and web
content the campaign staff produces. Interns will also work on all the video and content support
submitted to the campaign. Ideally, interns will video production skills. Interns will also work
with department management.
3. Operations/Correspondence/Compliance - 1. Vetter - This position is responsible for verifying
donor checks are not from lobbyists or other prohibited campaign donors through online and
database research. 2.State Desk - Assist in meeting early field state operational needs. 3.Call
Center Duties related to the 800 number call center that could include but might not be limited to
report writing, spreadsheet work, and follow up with callers. 4.Reception -Assist the front desk in
answering and transferring office calls, greet visitors, and other front desk duties. 5.
Correspondence - Assist in answering emails to the account.
4. Communications - Communications interns will get a firsthand experience of the everyday
functions of a Presidential campaign press department. As a press intern you would work daily
with news outlets from around the country while monitoring breaking news stories. Your
responsibilities would include monitoring blogs and newspapers, building and updating press lists,
transcribing Senator Obama’s speeches and press appearances and assisting the communications
staff with press requests. Prior experience in political communication is not required, but is
helpful. Strong writing, communication and problem solving skills are necessary.
Communications interns will work on 2 shifts, one in the early morning (5-6am till 1pm) and one
in the afternoon (12:00pm -8:00pm).

5. Finance - Finance intern duties include assisting in donor relations and the planning and execution
of fundraising events along with the day to day activities of getting donations through the door.
Interns will be expected to process checks, manage record keeping, phone bank, stuff and stamp,
and assist in our online fundraising efforts. Familiarity with Excel is a plus, long hours and
weekends should be expected; this is definitely not nine to five.
6. Direct Marketing - Direct Marketing intern duties include assisting in direct marketing projects -
which includes helping execute the coordination of house parties, online campaigns, direct mail
projects and phone banks. Interns will be expected to help answer supporters questions, send out
campaign material packets and participate in grassroots events in the area. Familiarity with Excel
and a plus, along with the willingness to work long hours and weekends--endless energy and
commitment to changing the future of our country are desired.
7. Research – Interns with assist in transcribing, monitoring media, compiling and analyzing hard
copies of newspapers, compiling and analyzing campaign finance reports.
8. Field - Interns for the Field Department will be assisting the Director, Desks and Youth Vote Team
with phone calls, research, outreach and assistance with the Illinois State Director’s “Camp
9. Political - Interns in political will do the following: General administrative work (copying, filing,
stapling, faxing), assist with creating call sheets, assist with research for political briefings,
volunteering at political events (rallies, fundraisers, etc), making notification calls, data entry, and
other duties as assigned
10. Policy - Policy interns needed to perform a range of tasks, which may include but are not limited
to: answering the phone, running errands, helping to manage database of volunteers, research, and
various administrative tasks. We are looking for interns in both our Chicago and Washington DC
offices, and will accept applications from people with a range of backgrounds.
11. IL Field Department - Interns will participate in field activities including, but not limited to,
recruitment, training and supervision of volunteers. They will help organize groups of volunteers
to travel to early primary states, participate in phone-banks, throw house parties and work events.

Applying to be an Intern
Applicants for the program should submit the following materials:
• A completed application form three essay questions
• A current resume
• A copy of your most recent transcript
• A letter of recommendation*

To be considered for an internship, please submit your completed application, essay questions and resume
by April 15, 2007. Please submit your application either via regular mail (see address below), via email at, or you can upload it to the website. *If you are not emailing your letter or
recommendation, please have your letter of recommendation signed and sealed sent 1st class postal mail and
postmarked no later than Arpil15, 2007 to:

Obama for America

Attn: Intern Coordinator
P.O. Box 8102
Chicago, IL 60680
(312) 819-2008

Session Dates and Application Deadline

Application DEADLINE: April 15, 2007

Summer Session: May 15, 2007 – August 17, 2007* These working dates are flexible depending on your
school schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are internships paid?

Interns work on a voluntary basis and do not receive financial compensation for their work. Interns must
provide their own housing and transportation. Funding for internships may be available through university
stipends or private scholarship sources.

Who is eligible to apply?

All currently enrolled undergraduate students who have a desire to change America, are able to work full
time (40 hours per work week), may be considered.


Personal Information

Full Name:______________________________________________________________

School Address:

School Phone #: __________________________

Email address: ___________________________

Parent/Guardian Name:_____________________________________________________

Permanent Address:_______________________________________________________


Phone #: ________________________________

Alt Phone #: _____________________________

Social Security #: ____________________

Date of Birth: _________________

Gender: __________

Are you a U.S. Citizen? ____________

Academic Information

Please list most recent first

School Name:____________________________________________________________

Year in School: ________________

Expected graduation date and degree: ____________________

Major/Minor: _________________________________

Grade Point Average: __________________

Does your school have a formal internship program:


Will you receive academic credit for this internship:


If needed:

Previous School Name:


Degree and graduation year:


Major/Minor: _________________________________

Grade Point Average: __________________

Resource Support and Objectives

Do you plan on receiving an outside stipend or scholarship for your internship?


If yes, please list your possible sponsor:


Relevant community/political activities:



Additional Information
The internship will have two sets of work time offered. Please indicate the work time
you would prefer:
___ 8 am - 4 pm (Monday-Friday)
___ 1 pm - 9 pm (Monday-Friday)

Area of interest (rank in order of preference from 1-12):

Information Technology
New Media
Direct Marketing
IL Field Department

Other languages spoken (please indicate level of fluency and writing ability):

Please include the following with your completed application form*:

1. Completed application;
2. Document containing answers to the three essay questions; and
3. Current resume
4. Current transcript
5. Letter of Reccommedation (this can either be emailed to with the rest of the completed application,
mailed to the address above, or uploaded with the rest of your application.)

All documents, minus the letter of recommendation, must be included at time of

submission otherwise your application will be considered incomplete.


Directions: The following two (2) essay questions should be answered in a separate
document. You may draw upon both personal and professional experiences in your
answers. Please limit your word count to 500 words for each of the two questions. To
qualify for an interview, all questions must be completed at the time the application is
submitted via the website at

1. What characteristic of Senator Obama has inspired you to participate in the

political process through an Obama for America internship?

2. Please explain a time when you had to multi-task in a time sensitive situation.
Please explain the situation, the problem and how you solved the crisis.

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