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NAME: ___________________________Hr.______

1. List the 4 spoons found in a standard measuring set of spoons: (no abbreviations) A. ______________________ B. _____________________ C. ______________________ D. _____________________ 2. List the 4 ups found in a standard measuring set of ups: (no abbreviations) A. ______________________ B. _____________________ C. ______________________ D. _____________________ !. "tandard meta# measuring ups an orre t#$ be used to measure: A. B. C. D. dr$ ingredients and fats dr$ ingredients and #i%uids #i%uid ingredients and fats #i%uid and dr$ ingredients

4. A term that refers to the &amount a re ipe 'i## produ e( is) A. B. C. D. +at hing: _____,. Cuts of food 1-. / 1-. / 1-. / 2 01 2 _____3. Cuts of food 4 / 4 / 4 / 2 01 _____5. Cutting 6u#ienne pie es ross'ise (1-. /1-./ 1-.1) _____.. Cutting batonnet pie es ross'ise (1-4 /1-4 /1-41) _____<. =efers to 'or> $ou an do in advan e of oo>ing _____1@. Bar>A rootsA seedsA budsA or berries of an aromati p#ant _____11. LeavesA stemsA or f#o'ers of an aromati p#ant _____12. A ombination of onionA arrotsA and e#er$)used ra'A roastedA or sautDed in butter as a f#avor base A. Barding B. Batonnet C. +arinating D. +ise en p#a e 7. 8u#ienne 9. :erbs ;. "pi es :. C#a' grip ?. Brunoise 8. +irepoi/ B. +in e +. B#an%uette C. "ma## Di e standardi*ed disp#a ement $ie#d mise en p#a e

1!. A _____________________________ re ipeA un#i>e an origina# re ipeA ensures the same resu#t ea h time it is made. 14.E13 Beside ea h termA 'rite the orre t abbreviation: (.,pt.)ea ____________ Fab#espoon ____________ Feaspoon ____________ Cup ____________ Gound (use a s$mbo#) ____________ Gound (nonEs$mbo#) ____________ Ga >age 15.E1. Comp#ete the fo##o'ing statements using orre t e%uiva#ents: (.,pt.)ea ____________ tab#espoons H 1 up ____________ teaspoons H 1 tab#espoon ____________ oun es H 1 pound ____________ #ess than 1-. teaspoonI dashI a fe' grains 1<. Jhat is the name of the dr$ heat oo>ing method 'here food oo>s rapid#$ in a sma## amount of fatA re#easing 6ui esK A. broi#ing B. sautDing C. marinating D. b#an hing 2@. Jhat is the name of the moist heat oo>ing method 'here food is boi#ed brief#$ and then sho >ed in o#d 'aterI #oosening the s>in of fruits and vegetab#esK A. B. C. D. steaming sautDing marinating b#an hing

Bonus: G#a e an &"( in front of the fo##o'ing foods made b$ ste'ingI p#a e a &B( in front of the fo##o'ing foods made b$ braising: (1 pt.) ea _____ A. 9ri assee _____ B. 7stouffade _____ C. Daube _____ D. +ate#ote

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