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Jabal-Annuzha, Amman , Jordan

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B"#Bo$ : Salt 19117, Jordan

Curriculum Vitae
Personal data

Name: Ahmad Mohammad Eshak El-Ajou Date & Place of Birth: 24 March. 1972, Amman/Jordan Marital Status: Married. Nationality: Jordanian.

Academic Qualification

PhD. in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics: Universit : Universit o! Jordan, Amman"Jordan. #ith $rade Point Avera%e &.7' o! 4 in 2''9. (itle o! (hesis: Modi!ied )omotop Anal sis Method: Application (o *inear And +onlinear ,rdinar Di!!erential -./ations ,! 0ractional ,rder. 1/pervisor : Pro!. Ahmad D. Ala2neh, Department o! Mathematics, Universit o! Jordan, Amman, Jordan. 3o"1/pervisor: Dr. 4aid M. ,di5at, Prince A5d/llah 6in $ha7i 0ac/lt o! 1cience and 8(, Al"6al.a9 Applied Universit , 1alt, Jordan. M.1c in Mathematics 1cience !rom Universit o! Jordan, Amman" Jordan. #ith $rade Point Avera%e &.&& o! 4 in 2''7. 6.1c. in Mathematics 1cience !rom M/9tah Universit , Al":ara; " Jordan. #ith $rade Point Avera%e <1.= > in Jan. 1994. 8 2or;ed !or #adi 1eer 3olle%e ?U+@#AA as *ect/rer o! Mathematics !rom 9/1994"1'/2''<. 8 2or;ed !or Universit o! Jordan as *ect/rer o! Mathematics part time !rom 1/2/2''7"1/2/2'1&. 8 2or;ed !or (he 8sra Private Universit as *ect/rer o! Mathematics in 0ac/lt o! 1cience B 8( !rom 9/1'/2''<"14/2/2''9. 8 2or;ed !or (he 8sra Private Universit as assistant pro!. o! Mathematics in 0ac/lt o! 1cience B 8( !rom 1=/2/2''9"&/1'/2''9. 8 2or;ed !or 4ar.a Universit as assistant pro!. o! Mathematics in Mathematics department at 0ac/lt o! 1cience B 8( !rom 19/9/2''9" 1</9/2'11. 8 2or;ed !or Al"6al.a9 Applied Universit as *ect/rer o! Mathematics in Mathematics department at 0ac/lt o! 1cience !rom 11/9/2'11" 2C/=/2'12. 8 2or; !or Al"6al.a9 Applied Universit as assistant pro!. o! Mathematics in Mathematics department at 0ac/lt o! 1cience since 27/=/2'12.


Skills and Interests

8 2or; on Microso!t 1 stem 2ith 2hat the 1 stem contain o! its Application li;e #indo2s ?9</2'''/GPA, e.%. :#in #ord, -Hcel, Data5ase, Po2er Point.

8 2or; on Mathematical 1o!t2are: Mathematica, Maple, Matla5. 8nterested in pro5lem solvin% ,and sol/tion development . )ave a5ilit to learn ne2 techni./es in a short period o! time. 8 had s/ccess!/ll completed a ,ne ear in"1ervice (rainin% 3o/rse in 1eptem5er 199C in Ipro!essional (rainin% !or Universit $rad/ate (eachers o! Mathmatics in the Preparator 3 cleJ. 8ss/ed 5 8nstit/te o! -d/cation / U+@#A. 8 had s/ccess!/ll o5tained the certi!icate o! (he 8nternational 3omp/ter Drivin% *icense ?83D*A. 8 o5tained a lot o! -val/ation 3erti!icates !or teachin% and development !rom U+@#A. 8 prepared and presented an ed/cational (.K pro%ramme !or the ?A.@.(A.

Courses and Activities

Accepted Papers

Submitted Papers

,. A5/ Ar./5, Ahmad -l"AEo/, 4. 4ho/r, 1. Momani, M/ltiple sol/tions o! nonlinear 5o/ndar val/e pro5lems o! !ractional order: ne2 anal tic iterative techni./e, -ntrop ,2'1&, 8n press. Ahmad -l"AEo/, ,. A5/ Ar./5, 4. 4ho/r, 1. Momani, +e2 res/lts on !ractional po2er series: (heories and Applications, -ntrop 2'1&, 1=, =&'="=&2&L doi:1'.&&9'/e1=12=&'=. Ahmad -l"AEo/, +/merical sol/tions o! !o/rth"order, t2o"point inte%ro" di!!erential e./ations /sin% reprod/cin% ;ernel )il5ert space method, Jo/rnal o! Advanced @esearch in Applied Mathematics, 8n press. ,.A. Ar./5, Ahmad -l"AEo/, 1. Momani and +. 1ha2a%!eh, Anal tical 1ol/tions o! 0/77 8nitial Kal/e Pro5lems 5 )AM, Applied Mathematics and 8n!ormation 1ciences, 7?=A ?2'1&A19'&"1919. ,. A5/ Ar./5, Ahmad -l"AEo/, A. 1ami 6ataineh, and 8. )ashim, A @epresentation o! the -Hact 1ol/tion o! $enerali7ed*ane"-mden -./ations Usin% a +e2 Anal tical Method, A5stract and Applied Anal sis, Kol/me 2'1&, Article 8D &7<=9&, 1' pa%es. Ahmad -l"AEo/ and ,. A. Ar./5, 1olvin% !ractional t2o"point 5o/ndar val/e pro5lems /sin% contin/o/s anal tic method, Ain 1hams -n%ineerin% Jo/rnal ?-n%ineerin% Ph sics and MathematicsA, 4 ?2'1&A =&9=47. Ahmad -l"AEo/, ,.A. Ar./p and 1. Momani, )omotop anal sis method !or second"order 5o/ndar val/e pro5lems o! inte%ro"di!!erential e./ations, Discrete D namics in +at/re and 1ociet ,Kol/me 2'12 ?2'12A, Article 8D &C=792, 1< pa%es. ,. A. Ar./5 and Ahmad -l"AEo/,1ol/tion o! the !ractional epidemic model 5 )omotop Anal sis method, Jo/rnal o! :in% 1a/d Universit M 1cience, 2= ?2'1&A 7&<1. Ahmad -l"AEo/, 4. ,di5at, 1. Momani and A. Ala2neh, 3onstr/ction o! Anal tical 1ol/tions to 0ractional Di!!erential -./ations Usin% )omotop Anal sis Method. 8A-+$ 8nternational Jo/rnal o! Applied Mathematics, 4':2, 8JAMN4'N2N'1. Ahmad -l"AEo/, ,. A5/ Ar./5a, M. Al"1madi, A %eneral !orm o! the $enerali7ed (a lor9s !orm/la 2ith some applications. Ahmad -l"AEo/ and ,. A. Ar./5, A ne2 relia5le al%orithm !or solvin% a s stem o! panto%raph e./ations.


Ahmad -l"AEo/, 4. ,di5at and A. Ala2neh, ApproHimate sol/tions to 5o/ndar val/e pro5lems o! !ractional order 5 the homotop anal sis method, (he (hird 3on!erence on Mathematical 1ciences, Jordan, ?2'11A. Ahmad -l"AEo/, 4aid ,di5at, Ahmad Ala2neh, +/merical approHimation !or pop/lation %ro2th model, (he 0o/rth 8nternational #or;shop on Advanced 3omp/tation !or -n%ineerin% Applications ?A3-A,<A, Jordan, ?2''<A 112"117. 3alc/l/s 8 3alc/l/s 88 3alc/l/s 888 ,rdinar di!!. e./. ?1A ,rdinar di!!. e./. ?2A Partial di!!. e./.?1A Math. !or -conomics and 6/sinesses *inear Al%e5ra 8 Discrete Mathematics Pro5a5ilit and 1tatistic A5stract Al%e5ra 8 0o/ndations o! Math Mathematical Modelin% -n%ineerin% Mathematics ?1A

Courses Taught at Universit !evel

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