SWP-02 Machinery Safety Daiman

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

Safe Work Practices (SWP) General Machinery Safety Procedures check for minimum requirements (Please tick):


Permit-to-Work Procedure in place where applicable Lockout Tag out Procedure in place where applicable PP! requirements "teps to take in case of emergenc#

$ll personnel shall conform to the following "WP regarding machiner# safet# in %#obi &iso Pte Ltd' 1. a) c) PERSONNEL PROTECT ON (o not wear loose fitting clothing or )eweller#' %eport all damages faults and malfunctions to the "uper*isors immediatel# after switching off the machine' d) (o not operate a machine unless authori+ed b# the "uper*isor' e) f) ,f in doubt alwa#s $"&- .e*er guess' Turn off the main switch before carr#ing out an# pre*enti*e maintenance'

b) Put on the necessar# Personal Protecti*e !quipment before #ou start work'

g) $ll safet# de*ices such as machine guarding and limit switches must not be remo*ed or disabled' !. GENER"L M"C# NER$ S"%ET$ PREC"&T ONS a) c) e) f) /ull# understand the operations and controls of the machine before operating' !nsure that all safet# guards are in position' "top the machine while cleaning oiling or setting it' !nsure that the work area is clean and tid# and free from oil coolant grease or chips' 0ood housekeeping minimi+es accidents' g) .e*er lea*e a machine totall# unattended while it is running' h) "ome machines are designed for one man operation onl# so as to pre*ent in)ur# to the bod# limbs b# the mo*ing parts' /or such machine no more than one person shall be allowed to operate the machine at an# point of time' '. M"C# NE SER( CE M"N&"L With the purchase of an# machine a machine user1s manual comes along with it' The machine manual speciall# prepared b# the manufacturer is to assist us to ma2imi+e the output and minimi+e the faults of the machine' %eference to the manual shall be made for the following reasons: a) c) When installing the machine' While ser*icing and repairing'

b) &now how to stop a machine before #ou start it' d) Producti*it# does not mean that safet# principles should be ignored'

b) To full# understand the operations of the machine'

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

d) When in doubt of certain details of the machine' e) When purchasing spare parts'


). S"%ET$ *E( CES 3efore operating an# machine there are certain safet# features either incorporated in the machine or added on later' 4'5 "tart 6 "top switch These buttons are used for starting and stopping the machine' !*en though the# are the basic buttons on the machine care must be taken not to mistake them for each other' The# must be clearl# indicated differentiated from each other' 4'7 !mergenc# "top 3utton 8ost machines would ha*e an emergenc# stop button make sure #ou know where it is located so that #ou can acti*ate it immediatel# in an emergenc#' The emergenc# stop button must not be obstructed at an# time' 4'9 "afet# 0uards "afet# guards help to pre*ent an# part of the bod# from the dangerous parts of machiner# mainl# the parts that are in motion' The# must not be remo*ed during operation' :owe*er the# are sometimes remo*ed during machine ser*icing and must be replaced immediatel# after the work' +. S"%E OPER"T NG PROCE*&RES When operating an# machine follow these procedures to ensure that safet# is ne*er compromised'

;'5 Pre-"tart <heck Prior to running the machine ensure that the machine is checked for an# faults since its shutdown' ;'7 "afet# (e*ices <heck 8ake sure that all the safet# de*ices are checked for their effecti*eness and not b#-passed' $ll safet# guards must be in place' ;'9 =se of $ppropriate Personal Protecti*e !quipment 3efore #ou operate the machine make sure that #ou ha*e the appropriate PP! on' ;'4 "tart-=p Procedure ,f there is a start-up procedure for the machine make sure that #ou follow it and not b#-pass an# step' ;'; %unning of machine and monitoring it When all the abo*e ha*e been taken care of #ou can run the machine' !nsure constant monitoring of its operations' .e*er lea*e a machine totall# unattended and ne*er e2ceed the technical limits of the machine eg' temperature pressure speed' ;'> "hut-down procedure $t the end of the da# similar to the start-up follow the shut-down procedure' ;'? %emo*al of "afet# 0uards or /encing "afet# guards or fencing shall be remo*ed onl# for purposes as specified below : <learing of )ammed materials <leaning %epair6 "er*icing

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

$d)ustments of parts


3efore remo*al of an# fencing or guarding to perform the abo*e mentioned )obs the following steps must be taken :a) c) "hut down the machine' Lockout the power suppl# and an# suppl# line or *al*e so that no one can accidentall# re-acti*ate the machine while #ou are working'

b) !nsure all mo*ements of the mo*ing parts ha*e stopped'

d) (ispla# a warning tag eg' @(A .AT AP!%$T! 8$<:,.! =.(!% 8$,.T!.$.<!@ at the lockout point' e) f) %un a test after the lockout and tag out ensure that the machine cannot be acti*ated' $fter all the abo*e steps are taken #ou can remo*e the safet# guard or fencing to perform #our work'

$fter the work is completed replace the safet# guard or fencing to their proper position and remo*e the lockout and tagout features' ;'B :ousekeeping 8ake sure that all the tools and equipment are in their proper storage place and the area is kept clean at the end of the da# or after #our shift'

Prepared 3#: 8r (aiman (esignation: W":A (ate: 54 Cune 7D5D

%e*iewed 3#: 8r .g <hoon :uat (esignation: "enior Pro)ect 8anager (ate: 54 Cune 7D5D

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