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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

Safe Work Practices (SWP) Loading/Unloading/Stacking Material by Lorry or Mobile Crane Procedures check for minimum requirements (Please tick):


Permit-to-Work Procedure in place where applicable Logout/ Tag out !stem where applicable PP" requirements "mergenc! #esponse Plan("#P)

$efore materials are being stacked% first ensure that the ground where the materials will be placed is le&el and firm% strong enough to withstand the load of both stacks and machiner!% be well consolidated and its stabilit! should not be affected b! weather conditions such as hea&! rain' (ood drainage should be pro&ided' )lear an! obstacles or unused materials from the stacking area as the! ma! make stacks unstable' *n an indoor en&ironment% the ma+imum height of the stack should not be more than four times the shortest width of the materials ( i'e' a ratio of ,:-) .or outside en&ironment% the ration should be reduced to /:-' $efore un stacking% e+amine the stack for signs of instabilit! or faults tack should not lean against or be supported b! other stacks Take steps to e+clude people from all areas at risk from falling material 0rrange storage areas to gi&e good &isibilit! for pedestrians and &ehicles' tacks of materials should not be placed too close to each other' 0llow a distance between them for safe retrie&al' Pedestrians should use designated walkwa!s% segregated from &ehicles where possible% and be e+cluded from acti&e stacking areas' tacking areas should ha&e adequate lighting 1ri&e !our truck at a safe and reasonable speed (-2kph)' Take special care dri&ing on wet or oil! surfaces and/or in congested areas' #oadwa!s or aisles should be clearl! defined and strong enough to withstand the weight of loaded &ehicles' tack condition should be regularl! monitored b! adequatel! trained staff who can identif! stack faults 3elmets% glo&es and safet! footwear will normall! be required to protect emplo!ees% as well as appreciate clothing for outside working' 3igh &isibilit! clothing is required where there are frequent &ehicle mo&ements 1uring transportation or mo&ement of materials% etc' it is essential that the o&erall height should not e+ceed -'4m (or abo&e the e!e le&el of the one pushing the materials% whiche&er is more applicable for a clear &iew of the direction of tra&el' 0lwa!s gi&e wa! to others and do not sound the horn unnecessaril! e+cept to warn others of the approaching traffic% and at e+its and turning corners' "nsure that !our path of tra&el is kept clear' low down and stop when approaching blind corners or doorwa!s' (o head onl! when the wa! is clear' "nsure that the o&erhead or height clearances are sufficient'

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd


When dri&ing% keep the forks at about 5 inches abo&e the ground' 6e&er o&erload a material handling equipment 7 know its safe working load' 6e&er use a material handling equipment as a &ertical access for personnel' *t should not be used to carr! passengers either' 8aterial-handling equipment should not be parked along passagewa!s or near e+its' The! should not be left unattended without neutralising the controls% setting the brakes% shutting off the power% remo&ing the ignition ke!% and lowering the forks to its lowest possible position' 9nl! authorised personnel are allowed to operate material-handling equipment' $efore operating an! material-handling equipment% check: 9&erhead guard is in-place to protect operator from falling ob:ects .orks are properl! secured and aligned T!res ha&e correct pressure% threaded% and in good ser&iceable condition teering wheel has correct control o&er the direction of tra&el "nsure batter! water is at the correct le&el "ffecti&e brake and lift controls "ffecti&e horn and flashing (warning) beacon #eport an! defects to !our super&isor immediatel!' 1o not use the equipment until the defects ha&e been rectified'

Lifting uper&isor to inspect all lifting gear prior to slinging on to the lifting blocks and hooks' $riefing b! safet! super&isor to all personnel in&ol&ed on the sequence of acti&it!' Loading and unloading equipment b! lorr! crane or mobile crane' #emo&e all loose items on top the machiner! before hoisting 0ttached tag line to loads before commence of lifting' Lifting operations are not to be carried out during ad&erse weather' Position% fasten and install all lifting gear at designated positions b! riggers' 0ll personnel must be cleared from the top of the load prior to lifting' 6o personnel must be under the suspended load or within the &icinit! during hoisting' $arricaded area of operation with warning sign' Lorr! crane or mobile crane to minimi;e lifting eccentricit! and coordinate mo&ement of rigger and maintain signaller &isual path with lorr! crane operator' 0&oid hast! mo&ement to minimi;e accident' Position load o&er the designated position and lowered it'

Prepared $!: 8r 1aiman 1esignation: W 39 1ate: -, <une 42-2

#e&iewed $!: 8r 6g )hoon 3uat 1esignation: enior Pro:ect 8anager 1ate: -, <une 42-2

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