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Teachers Day Around the World

World Teachers' Day: October 5th World Teachers' Day, held by UNESCO, commemorates teachers organizations worldwide !ts aim is to mobilise s"##ort $or teachers and to ens"re that the needs o$ $"t"re generations will contin"e to be met by teachers %ccording to UNESCO, World Teachers' Day re#resents a signi$icant to&en o$ the awareness, "nderstanding and a##reciation dis#layed $or the 'ital contrib"tion that teachers ma&e to ed"cation and de'elo#ment O'er ()) co"ntries obser'e World Teachers' Day China: September 10th !n the *eo#le's +e#"blic o$ China ,*+C-, there are some acti'ities $or the st"dents to show their a##reciation to teachers, s"ch as #resenting gi$ts incl"ding cards and $lowers !n addition, many $ormer st"dents will go bac& to their old middle schools and high schools to gi'e #resents to their old teachers India: September 5th !t is considered a .celebration. day, where teachers and st"dents re#ort to school as "s"al b"t the "s"al acti'ities and classes are re#laced by acti'ities o$

celebration, than&s and remembrance %t some schools on this day, the res#onsibility o$ teaching is ta&en "# by the senior st"dents to show a##reciation $or their teachers

Indonesia: November 5th National Teachers' Day is not a holiday, and it is celebrated by ha'ing a ceremonial acti'ity in recognition o$ certain teachers, head masters, and school sta$$ !hilippines: October 5th Teachers are #resented with orchid corsages by st"dents /ro"#s o$ st"dents re#resenting 'ario"s grade le'els #er$orm short s&its or song and dance n"mbers, or read #oetry $or their teachers in $ront o$ $ellow schoolmates in school0wide acti'ities These acti'ities are #lanned by senior st"dents in the St"dent Co"ncil who coordinate the acti'ities well in ad'ance So"th #orea: $ay 15th On the celebration day, teachers are "s"ally #resented with carnations by their st"dents, and both en1oy a shorter school day E20st"dents #ay their res#ects to the $ormer teachers by 'isiting them and handing a carnation 3any schools now close on Teachers' Day beca"se o$ the ram#ant bribery im#licit in the e2#ensi'e gi$ts o$ten gi'en to teachers Schools can "se the day to ha'e an o"ting $or the teachers

Tai%an: September &th Taiwan "ses this day to honor teachers' 'irt"es, str"ggles, and contrib"tion not only to their own st"dents b"t also to society in general *eo#le o$ten ma&e "se o$ the day to e2#ress their gratit"de to their teachers, s"ch as #aying them a 'isit or sending them a card !n addition, local ed"cation instit"tes and ci'il o$$ices award certain teachers $or their e2cellence and #ositi'e in$l"ence Thailand: 'an"ary 1(th %do#ted as Teachers' Day in Thailand by a resol"tion o$ the go'ernment on No'ember 4(, (567 The $irst Teachers' Day was held in (568 3ost Thai schools close $or the day, b"t many international schools in the co"ntry don't recognise this day There are 'ery $ew #"blic or o$$icial commemorations !t's 1"st to gi'e the teachers a well0deser'ed brea& d"ring the long second term in Thai schools

)*raine: the +irst S"nday o+ October %t schools across the co"ntry, Teacher's Day is celebrated the 9riday be$ore the holiday with .concerts. and gatherings, while st"dents "s"ally gi'e their teachers gi$ts s"ch as $lowers and chocolate On the holiday itsel$, many teachers celebrate with their $amilies and $riends at home or at resta"rants or ca$es

)nited States: National Teacher Day is on T"esday d"rin, Teacher -ppreciation Wee*. %hich ta*es place in the +irst +"ll %ee* o+ $ay St"dents o$ten show a##reciation $or their teachers with to&en gi$ts ,gi'ing teachers #resents etc - The National Ed"cation %ssociation describes National Teacher Day as .a day $or honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contrib"tions they ma&e to o"r li'es.

/ietnam: November 0th This holiday allows st"dents to e2#ress their res#ect to their teacher St"dents begin #re#aring a wee& in ad'ance, and many classes "s"ally #re#are literat"re and art to welcome teachers' day, while other st"dents #re#are $oods and $lowers $or the #arties held at their schools St"dents "s"ally 'isit their teachers at their homes to o$$er $lowers and small gi$ts, or organize tri#s with their teachers and classmates 9ormer st"dents also #ay res#ect to their $ormer teachers on this day The holiday has its origins in a meeting between ed"cators in comm"nist bloc nations in Warsaw in (568 !t was $irst celebrated in (56: as the Day o$ the !nternational 3ani$est o$ Ed"cators !n (5:4 the day was renamed ;ietnamese Ed"cators' Day 0 1or yo"r patience and carin,. *ind %ords and sharin,. We 2"st %ant to say. 3Than* 4o". Teacher56 0

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