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BREADS & CEREALS OUTLINE FOR NOTES FOODS & NUTRITION I NAME: _____________________________Hr_______ 1.

Grains are the source of all breads and cereals. A grain kernel has 3 basic parts: A. _______________________: Vitamin B and fiber B. _______________________: carbohydrates and Vitamin B C. _______________________: Vitamin B ! iron "inc trace nutrients and saturated fat #. $he endosperm of the grain is the best source of ______________________. As a calorie source they are the body%s main source of energy. $here are t&o categories of carbohydrates: sugars and starches. $he carbohydrates found in breads and cereals are primarily ______________________. 3. 'tarches are _____________________ carbohydrates( meaning they consist of long chains of carbon o)ygen and hydrogen molecules. *t takes the body a long time to break do&n starches and metaboli"e them into energy( so the energy is sustained o+er hours. ,. _______________ is -.-/'.01B0! so as it is eaten and tra+els through the system it cleans out the digesti+e tract. By cleaning the &alls of the intestines and rectum it is recommended as a deterrent to cancer cell gro&th. 2hole &heat bread is made from flour containing all three parts of the grain kernel. $he bran gi+es the bread the bro&ner color and is the best source of fiber. *n &hite bread the bran has been remo+ed. 3. 4ost grains are processed in some &ay before &e can eat them. A ______________ grain is simply the most minimally/processed +ersion of any grain. As the bran and the germ are stripped a&ay in the refining process much of the fiber +itamins minerals and antio)idants are remo+ed along &ith them. $he benefits of &hole grains include: A. helps pre+ent some __________________ such as cancer and cardio+ascular disease5 B. keeps ________________ do&n by lo&ering the glycemic inde)5 C. pro+ides a feeling of ______________________5 6. pro+ides a sustained release of __________________5 !. pro+ides more ____________________. 7. $he daily nutritional guidelines recommend that _____________ of all breads and cereals you eat should be 8&hole grain%. 93 ounces per day: ;. $he main nutrient from the breads and cereals is __________________. <ead your bread or cereal label to find nutrients such as Vitamin B7 ribofla+in niacin and thiamin. $hen also calcium protein Vitamin C iron folic acid Vitamin A phosphorus etc. =. Cereals &ith e)tra nutrients added are called _________________or _______________. Cereal can be made into any shape and fla+or: >or that reason ?ust about anything can be added &ithout destroying the @uality or te)ture of the product including e)tra nutrients.

A. ________________ is gro&n in short medium and long grains. A. _______________<*C!: &hole kernel &ith ?ust the hard hull co+ering remo+ed. B. _______________ <*C!: the hull bran and germ ha+e been remo+ed. C. ___________________<*C!: this rice &as briefly boiled &ith the hull on then hulled and dried to preser+e the nutrients. 6. _________________ <*C!: pre/cooked and dehydrated <ice is +ersatile. *t can be boiled steamed and fried. *t can be ser+ed in bland spicy and s&eetened dishes(and ser+ed in e+ery course from appeti"ers to desserts. 1B. ______________are processed into oatmeal &hich is a+ailable in regular and @uick/cooking +arieties. .atmeal can be cooked as cereal or used as an ingredient in cookies and cakes. 11. _______________is ground into flour( &hole &heat cracked &heat and refined &hite flour. $he flour is made into breads cakes cookies cereals etc. 1#. _____________ can be ground into cornmeal and made into corn chips taco shells cornbread corn flakes etc. a. ___________________ are the ground endosperm of corn. $hey are ser+ed as a side dish especially in the 'outh and often instead of potatoes. 13. ____________________&as a grain once featured in an original 'tar $rek episode called C$he $rouble &ith $ribblesD. *t is not science fiction but simply a cross bet&een &heat and rye &ith a higher protein content. 1,. ___________ is a strong fla+ored grain &ith dark coloring. *t is commonly used for breads and crackers. 13. _________________is the steamed cracked endosperm of &heat. *t has a nutty fla+or and is used as a cereal main dish salad topping or dessert. 17. _____________roasted buck&heat that is hulled and has a nutty fla+or. *t is used for cereal and side dishes. 1;. _____________ is a small yello& grain &ith a mild fla+or used as a breakfast cereal. 1=. ________________ is a tender but &ith a che&y te)ture. *t consists of steamed dried and crushed &heat kernels. *t can be ser+ed as main or side dishes or sprinkled on salads. 1A. ______________is a mild fla+ored grain used as a soup ingredient.

#B. ______________comes from the *talian &ord meaning CpasteD. *t is made in , steps: A. __________________________________________ B. __________________________________________ C. __________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________ a. Easta dough is sometimes colored and fla+ored &ith ____________________ like spinach or s@uash etc. b. -oodles are made from regular pasta dough but &ith _____________ added. c. $he +ery hard pasta in grocery stores is made &ith a special +ariety of &heat flour. *t has an e)tremely long _______________ __________. #1. Bread that contains a lea+ening agent is called lea+ened bread. __________ bubbles created by the agent cause the bread to rise. ##. Baking _________________ or ___________ are fast/acting lea+ening agents. $hey are chemicals that react &ith li@uid and &armth to gi+e off carbon dio)ide bubbles. #3. _______________ is a li+ing organism sho&n here in both cake and dried granular form. $he e)piration date on the package indicates life e)pectancy of the yeast. Feast eats sugar. Be careful( boiling temperatures kill yeastG $hree factors must be present for yeast to &ork( A. __________________ B. ___________________ C. __________________ #,. ______________dough is made &ith flour yeast and &ater. $hey ha+e a che&y te)ture and crisp crust such as >rench bread and hard rolls. #3. ______________dough is made &ith flour yeast &ater and shortening 9or other tenderi"ing ingredients such as sugar syrup butter eggs milk and cream:. <ich dough has a cake/like te)ture after baking like soft rolls. #7. 0ean and rich dough are made using the 8_______________/________ method%. All ingredients are combined at about the same time 9although yeast may be softened in li@uid before it is added:. A. _______________________ is a 8folding pressing turning% motion done &ith the hands. Hneading is done &ith the palms of the hands not the fingers. *t de+elops the gluten from the &heat protein and li@uid and creates ________________ of the dough. 2ithout this elasticity the bread dough could not stretch and rise up during the lea+ening process. B. After kneading the dough is allo&ed to rise or _________________ in a &arm place.

C. After rising the dough is ________________ ____________ to e)pel the carbon dio)ide and redistribute the yeast. *t is then allo&ed to CrestD. *t is then formed into shapes allo&ed to proof a second time and baked. #;. *nstead of using regular yeast sourdough is made &ith a 8____________________%( a mi)ture of &ater yeast and flour that has fermented until it 8sours%. a. $he ____________________/method of making yeast breads starts &ith a thick batter made out of yeast or starter li@uid and half the flour. After the 8sponge% has raised until double its si"e the remaining flour and other ingredients are kneaded in. 'ponge/method breads are lighter in te)ture than straight/mi) method breads. #=. 8__________/_____________% is the sudden and @uick rise of the bread as the heat from the o+en causes gases in the product to e)pand. #A. 8____________% the bread &ith your thumb and forefinger5 it should ha+e a deep hollo& sound &hen done. 1sing a paper to&el rub butter on the top crust for shine and fla+or. Cool slightly before cutting or tearing apart. a. $he outside is called the ________________5 the inside is called the _________________. 3B. ____________________bread means no lea+ening agent &as used neither chemicals or yeast. 'ome unlea+ened breads are: mat"o flour tortillas pita bread flatbread and other breads for religious practices. 31. Bread &ill get ____________ especially in high humidity or moist conditions. !)posure to air &ill cause bread to become _____________________. 2rap bread in plastic and store at room temperature to delay this. Although best kept at room temperature putting bread in the free"er &ill e)tend shelf life. 3#. $here are 3 basic methods for preparing @uick breads(the same methods used for baking cakes: 1. 1sing the ________________ dough method all ingredients are combined at once. #. 1sing the ___________________method fat and sugar are creamed together first to produce a +ery fine 8crumb% and dense te)ture. 3. 1sing the __________/_______________ method an emulsified shortening is mi)ed &ith the dry ingredients and then the li@uid is added I at a time5 this produces a fine crumb and moistness. $his method is used for 8high/ratio% breads named because the sugar and li@uid are in a high ratio compared to the flour in the recipe. ,. *n the ____________________ method a foam of &hole eggs yolks or &hites pro+ides the structure for breads &ith the lightest te)ture. 3. *n the ____________________ method the fat is cut into the flour first then li@uids added and then the dough is kneaded to create che&iness.

33. _________________ and _____________ both use fast/acting lea+ening agents such as baking po&der( so cooking time is +ery short. Crepes are +ery thin of '&edish or >rench origin and rolled folded andJor filled &hen ser+ed. 6o not o+er/stir pancake batterG *t depletes some of the lea+ening action. *t should be lumpy &hen you pour it into the skillet. Crepes may or may not be s&eetened. $hey can be ser+ed as a main dish or as a dessert. 3,. 2hen cooking pasta bring &ater to boiling before adding salt( this shortens the time it takes to boil the &ater and pre+ents damage to the pan. Cook pasta to the C_________________D stage( meaning Cfirm to the biteD. A. <ice &ill _________________ 9),: and pasta &ill ______________ 9)#: as it cooks. K cup of cooked product e@uals one ser+ing. B. __________________ &hile cooking scrapes off starch and makes product glueyG C. Add ____________to boiling &ater to keeps product from sticking together. <insing after cooking does the same thing but &ashes a&ay nutrients. 6. $o eat spaghetti you need a fork and spoon. .ne bite at a time is ______________ in the bo&l of the spoon. 33. $here are t&o types of hot cereal: A. ______________ cracked or flaked cereals include oatmeal and cracked &heat. B. ______________________ cereals include farina and cornmeal. >arina is the endosperm of &heat and is also kno&n as Cream of 2heat 'emolina and 4alt/./4eal. Ground cornmeal cooked in &ater is called Eolenta. C. Cooking hot cereals in milk instead of &ater adds ___________________ but it scorches more easily. 37. -ames of common breads: A. _________________: a dense round yeast bread made che&y by boiling the ra& dough in &ater prior to baking B. _____________________: has beer in the batter5 the alcohol e+aporates but lea+es a hearty fla+or C. _______________________: a light but rich slightly s&eet loaf or roll made &ith eggs yeast and butter and gla"ed &ith an egg &ash. 6. ________________________: an *talian turno+er made from pi""a dough and stuffed &ith meats and cheeses. !. _____________________ 5 a braided s&eetened egg bread that is part of the celebration of the Le&ish 'abbath.

>. ___________________: an *talian loaf &ith a porous 8crumb%. *t is baked in a slipper shape and used for panini sand&iches. G. ____________________: a dense bread made from cornmeal5 also kno&n as Lohnnycakes hoecake and cornpone. M. ______________________:a fork/split yeast bread cooked in a round shape on a griddle. *. ____________________: a fairly flat *talian bread brushed &ith oli+e oil and sprinkled &ith herbs L. _______________________: a crusty e)terior and a che&y crumb often baked in long loa+es or baguettes H. _________________________: like >rench bread only in shorter plumper loa+es 0. _______________________: a specialty pull/apart bread that is rolled into small balls dipped into butter and cinnamon and sugar then baked in a tube pan 4. _____________________: egg batter cooked in custard cups or muffin tins to produce a +ery light hollo& roll that must be eaten hot -. ______________________:a dark dense rye bread .. ____________________: a @uick bread similar to American biscuits5 cut in a traditional &edge shape

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