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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

Letter Of Appointment

Appointment Of Contractor Crane, Excavator, Forklift Operator


Factory No:

I _____________________________________________(name) ID No : _____________________(NRIC/ EP/WP) contact number _______________________of ___________________________________________(company) __________________________________________________________________________________ (work title) un!er"tan!

t#at a" Crane, Excavator, Forklift Operator of t#e Pro$ect work"ite it i" my !utie" an! re"pon"ibilitie" to en"ure t#at t#e pro%i"ion" un!er t#e &n!er t#e W'(()peration of Crane") Re*ulation 'tatutory re+uirement are complie! wit# ,y !utie" an! re"pon"ibilitie" a" Crane, Excavator, Forklift Operator are a" follow":

-. (e "#all not carry out any liftin* operation unle"" a liftin* "uper%i"or i" pre"ent or #a" appro%e! t#e carryin* out of "uc# operation/ 0. (e "#all not en*a*e in any act or manoeu%re w#ic# i" not in accor!ance wit# "afe an! "oun! practice/ 1. (e "#all a"certain w#et#er t#e *roun! con!ition" in particular t#e *roun! "urface on w#ic# a mobile crane i" to be operate! are "afe for tra%el or any liftin* operation an! if #e i" of t#e opinion t#at it i" not "afe for tra%el or any liftin* operation 2. (e "#all not u"e t#e mac#inery for any operation for w#ic# it i" not inten!e! inclu!in* pullin* or !ra**in* a loa!/ 3. (e "#all not manoeu%re or #ol! any "u"pen!e! loa! o%er any public roa! or public area unle"" t#at roa! or area #a" been cor!one! off/ 4. (e "#all en"ure t#at any outri**er w#en it i" re+uire! i" fully e5ten!e! an! "ecure!/ 6. (e "#all before t#e "tart of e%ery work "#ift carry out operational te"t" on all limit "witc#e" un!er no loa! con!ition" before any liftin* operation i" carrie! out an! "#all enter t#e re"ult" of "uc# te"t in t#e C#eckli"t for Daily C#eckin* by Crane, Excavator, Forklift )perator 7. (e "#all report any failure or malfunction of t#e crane to t#e 8iftin* 'uper%i"or an! "#all make an appropriate entry in t#e C#eckli"t for Daily C#eckin* by Crane, Excavator, Forklift Operator 9. (e "#all en"ure t#at any "tationary truck mounte! or w#eel mounte! crane i" a!e+uately an! "ecurely blocke! w#ile it i" on a "lope/ -:. (e "#all not #oi"t any ob$ect if #e i" unable to a"certain t#e wei*#t of t#e ob$ect/ --. (e "#all not #oi"t any loa! if t#ere i" any ob"truction in t#e pat# of manoeu%re an! if t#ere i" any "uc# ob"truction #e "#all report t#i" imme!iately to t#e liftin* "uper%i"or/ -0. (e "#all not #oi"t any loa! unle"" #e #a" recei%e! a clear "i*nal from a "i*nal man a" t#i" i" re+uire! un!er clau"e -9 of t#e Re*ulation". -1. (e "#all not operate a mobile crane or a tower crane wit#in 1 meter" of any li%e o%er#ea! power ;cknowle!*e! by:

Appointed by Ryobi

i!o P":

Endor!ed #y Ryobi $%&O: Name De"i*natio n 'i*nature : : :


Accepted #y :

Name De"i*nati on 'i*nature

: : :

Name De"i*nati on 'i*nature

: : :
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Ryobi Date

Kiso : (S) Pte Ltd





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