Eohsms 02 c23 Loa Riggerman

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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd

Letter Of Appointment
Appointment Of Contractor Lifting Riggerman


Factory No:

I _____________________________________________(name) ID No : _____________________(NRIC/ EP/WP) contact number _______________________of ___________________________________________(company) __________________________________________________________________________________ (work title) un!er"tan!

t#at a" t#e Rigger of t#e Pro$ect work"ite it i" my !utie" an! re"pon"ibilitie" to en"ure t#at t#e pro%i"ion" un!er t#e Re&ulation" an! 'tatutory re(uirement are complie! wit#) *y !utie" an! re"pon"ibilitie" a" Rigger are a" follow": +) En"ure attire! in "uc# a way a" woul! !i"tincti%ely i!entify a" Ri&&er) ,) C#eck t#e "lin&" to be u"e! for "lin&in& t#e loa!" to en"ure t#at t#e "lin&" are of &oo!

con"truction "oun! an! "uitable material an! a!e(uate "tren&t# an! free from patent !efect)
-) En"ure t#at an a!e(uate number of le&" of t#e "lin& are u"e! an! t#at t#e "lin&in& an&le

i" correct "o a" to pre%ent t#e "lin& from bein& o%erloa!e! !urin& t#e #oi"tin&)
.) /"certain t#e wei&#t of t#e loa! w#ic# i" to be fitte! an! inform t#e Crane 0perator of

t#e wei&#t of t#e loa!)

1) En"ure t#at only proper liftin& &ear" are u"e! in con$unction wit# t#e "lin&) 2) En"ure t#at t#e loa! to be fitte! i" "ecure "table an! balance!) 3) En"ure t#at any loo"e loa! inclu!in& "tone brick" or tile" i" place! in a receptacle to

pre%ent t#e loa! or part t#ereof from fallin& !urin& t#e liftin& operation)
4) Place a!e(uate pa!!in& at t#e e!&e" of t#e loa! w#ic# come in contact wit# t#e "lin& "o

a" to pre%ent t#e "lin& from bein& !ama&e!)

5) Report any !efect in t#e liftin& &ear to t#e 6iftin& 'uper%i"or) +7) /ttac#in& an! !etac#in& t#e loa! to an! from t#e crane loa! liftin& attac#ment) ++) Initiatin& an! !irectin& t#e "afe mo%ement of t#e crane) 8#i" re"pon"ibility "#oul! be

taken by only one "i&nalman at any one time)

+,) /t lea"t one 'i&nalman "#oul! be %i"ible to t#e crane !ri%er at all time" to &i%e

continuou" "i&nal")

W#ere au!io or %i"ual met#o!" are u"e!

any failure of t#e

e(uipment or met#o!" u"e! mu"t be ma!e known to t#e !ri%er imme!iately)

Appointed by Ryobi Kiso PM: Endorsed By Ryobi Kiso !"O: Name De"i&natio n 'i&nature Date : : : : Accepted By :

Name De"i&nati on 'i&nature Date

: : : :

Name De"i&nati on 'i&nature Date

: : : :
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Ryobi Kiso (S) Pte Ltd



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