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Vol. 131 No.

40 Friday, December 13, 2013
90 cents + tax
nancial support of the
Government of Canada
CanadaPeriodical Fund
of theDepartment of
The Mlnnedosa Trlbune offlce wlll close for ChrlsImas holldas aI 12 noon on
Frlda, December 2Ih and remaln closed unIll 9 a.m. Frlda, Januar 3rd.
There wlll be no paper publlshed
December 27Ih and Januar 3rd.
Our flrsI edlIlon of Ihe new ear wlll be Frlda, Januar 1Ih, 214.
Sounds of the Season
he Rapid City man,
who faced charges for
causing a 24-hour police
standof earlier this year,
appeared in a Brandon
Courtroom this past week
where he was found not
criminally responsible for
the ofences that led to the
On evening of Febru-
ary 21st, Grant Andrew
Lapierre, 35, struck his wife
in the head with a metal
detector during a domes-
tic dispute which left her
badly bleeding.
Lapierres wife then
left the home and neigh-
bours then heard a num-
ber of shots fred within the
home. Te RCMP Emer-
gency Response Team was
called to the scene at 10
T e police believed
Lapierre was heavily
armed, they evacuated 10
homes and closed the near-
by school.
Te standof contin-
ued until 10:40 a.m. the
next morning when police
entered the home and ar-
rested Lapierre who was
described as mildly intoxi-
cated at the time. Inside
the home police found six
rifes, three shot guns and
hundreds of rounds of am-
Lapierre was charged
with possession of a
weapon for a dangerous
purpose, careless use of a
frearm and assault with a
In custody, Lapierre
was examined by a psy-
chiatrist who determined
that he showed symptoms
of psychosis, believed to
stem from schizophrenia.
It was noted that he had
previously been assessed
and received treatment for
mental illness, but stopped
taking his medication in the
months leading up to the
incident. With treatment he
was found ft to stand trial.
In October, the court
ordered a psychiatric as-
sessment to determine
whether Lapierre could
be found not criminally
responsible by way of a
mental disorder. Te re-
port from the assessment
described the events of the
evening of February 22nd
from Lapierres point of
Lapierre says that
leading up to the February
event he believed that evil
spirits could speak through
him and that he was being
possessed or controlled.
Continued on
Page 3
Man Involved in Standof Not Criminally Responsible
Photo by Jennifer Paige
he Royal Canadian Air Forces Command Brass and
Pipes and Drum Band performed in Minnedosa at the
50+ Centre on the afternoon of Tuesday, December 10th.
Te Royal Canadian Air Force Band is a group of 35
full-time professional musicians who routinely perform
throughout Canada. Based out of Winnipeg, the group has
a large repertoire of well-known classical pieces, but also
perform a wide array of jazz and contemporary music se-
A number of residents stopped at the 50+ Centre
to hear the Command Brass and the Pipes and Drums
groups. Te band preformed a number of selections in-
cluding a few Christmas favourites.

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