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Hidden Rage; f.simos


The woman deceived the one man she wanted to wed; she made him believe that she would provide him with child to carry on his loins, just as the mans mother had done with his own dad. The woman would pray and plea to Artemis, the goddess of Hunt, wild animals, wilderness and childbirth; every night before she lay her body to rest; My goddess of Childbearing, make me worthy of a baby bump!

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But do you think that that the young woman heard the advice of Artemis. And sometimes parents are ill-advised to what they trust!

You foolish ill-mannered man; you should never question the actions of gods own hands!

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Table of Timeline Introduction The death of Xrysanthy brought about the birth of Hidden Rage

The Opening The land of Musing The land of Dubai was that of a magical land; it was that of a land that consisted of those that were privileged and so very promising at that. Dubais marine life was magical and mysterious to man; the seahorses, mermaids and mermen; yes I said mermen which were fairly similar to mermaids, except for, they were half man. These so called Mermen were found there as well; at their own delight to escape an unfaithful love they once had. These Mermen were that of great physical strength; with long, black, curly hair; and a tail that exhumes flare

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yes; I said flare! A Mermans tail was twentyfour inches long, thick and so very strong; a tail that electrifies if dared to be touched by another. But even though these Mermen included the physical strength of Hercules, himself; they would fall putty in the Mermaids hand. It is said that whence a Merman would hear the Mermaids cries, they would do all that was asked by their counterparts that wished upon revenge and harm to come.

Valparaiso India 1960 The Old Handy Man Once there was an old man that was handy at those who needed a hand; although this old man was O so kind, he was also poor and deprived; for he choose to live at a secluded bark, and away from prying eyes! Even though he was common and illiterate soul, this man was yet very slick and used his talents to capture a ladys heart!

Chapter Two

The woman that would not conceive

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Once upon a time there was a young lady who was lucky to marry; but wasnt able to carry a soul within. For this young generous girl that she was to the one she loved, would always wish upon a falling star that one day shed be blessed with a baby girl to come. But you know what they say Never question the actions of God, because there is always a good reason for the outcome that is made in the end!

Chapter Three The Devil Manages to Survive Within Once upon a time, at a faraway land there was a young baby girl, who was brought by the waves of the blue crystal sea, and plunged into the arms of those that loved her to the tee! But yet those wonderful, but much deprived soles that they were had no idea of what trouble was in stored; because this beautiful angel that she made out to be once she came to be of a righteous age, she had turned quite wicket indeed. And this exquisite creature that she was, came to understand that she must get rid of those she was blessed to have; if shed ever want to experience the wealth and prosperity of the one she came to love.

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Chapter Four

The Matrimony Of a Royal Prince To A Devil Pixie The Matrimony of a Devils Pixie to a Royal Prince turned out to be that of a catastrophic joining of two soles under one ring. For the Royal Prince had no idea of the Soul he had promised to love cherish and console. For there was nothing that the prince would deny his Devil Bride; so he would perceive the smile in her evil and malevolence eyes!

Chapter Five Unable To Conceive

Once upon a time there was a young lady who was lucky to marry; but wasnt able to carry a soul within. For this young girl would always wish upon a falling star that one day shed be blessed with a baby girl to come. But you know what they say Never question the actions of God, because theres always a good reason for the outcome that comes.

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the repeat of the last chapter in Devils Triad

.on the following evening, just like every other evening, after dinner, Demetrious and Xrysanthy were in the verandah room, having chamomile, instead of night drink, because that was what the doctor had prescribed to Demetrious. Even though it was a summer evening the wind on the island was stronger than in Poli; although the howling of the wind that was heard, gave you a sense of loneliness. Although the

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wind would blow this sweet scent into the air, from the flower gardenias that were sowed all around the agricultural estate. On that evening Xrysanthy and Demetrious were in the verandah room having hot chamomile, just what the doctor had ordered. While Demetrious was reading his newspaper, and Xrysanthy was mending her crafts, and drinking their chamomile, Demetrious was nodding off. Demetrious honey; Xrysanthy softly said to her husband from across the room. Although Demetrious wasnt responding; therefore she then stood up from the table that she was sitting at, and went to sit next to her husband on the diva, and she caressed his hair. O my darling, she said; Demetrious my love; wake up, wake up my darling husband. She said to him, while Xrysanthy barely touched the side of his face with her lips. Demetrious opened his eyes and looked at his wife. My darling boy, why dont you turn in, now that you are sleepy? she said to him. Yes your right, agreed Demetrious while he got off the divan to go upstairs. I will be up in a half an hour honey; I want to finish with this blanket, before winter sets in. Xrysanthy said to her husband. Okay darling I will meet you up in bed. he responded. It was two-thirty in the morning before Xrysanthy was completely done with her knitting. At that point she looked at the clock on the wall, and Xrysanthy started to put everything away; she picked up the dirty tea cups, and placed them in the kitchen sink. Xrysanthy then went back into the verandah, and she straightened the couch and picked up her knitting supplies from the table, and before shed head for the staircase to go up into her

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chambers, she glanced all around the room to see if everything was in order, just like it always was. After she had gone up the staircase Xrysanthy went straight for her chambers; slowly she cracked the door open and stuck her head through the doors crack and saw that Demetrious was deeply sleeping peacefully; in fact he was snoring for the first time. She thought. Xrysanthy went all the way into the room, and closed the door behind her. She then tiptoed into the bathroom in her room, and took off her clothes and striped down completely. She then went back into her chamber and put down a white silk nightgown on the side of her bed, next to where her husband slept. Thereafter Xrysanthy went and stood over her husband; she uttered to him, I will always love you my darling! You were the one, and the only one for me! she whispered, while she leaned down towards Demetrious and gently caressed her lips over his. Thereafter Xrysanthy tiptoed towards the rooms door, opened it, and headed back down the staircase in the nude. Once she had gotten down the stairs, she went straight towards Manuels room. She wanted to see if Manuel was asleep. Once she opened Manuels door just a crack , and peered her head though the doors crack and saw that he was facing away from her; and heard that he was also snoring, Xrysanthy was somewhat relived.

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She closed the door of Manuels room, and walked towards the kitchen; at first she stood still for awhile confabulating about the various scenarios that had gone by this past months; and Xrysanthy thought to herself, how in the world has she come to this? While her mind conjured up the image of her husband making love to the housemaid; she sensed herself wanting to cry; but Xrysanthy impeded to do so. She then proceeded to walk towards the gas stove with an empty stare. Xrysanthy then started to heave the one side of the stove forward to expose the back. Uh! She expressed. Uh! She said once again, while she yanked the right side of the stove. Once the right side of the wall was exposed and she could see the back of the stove, Xrysanthy took a little break to catch her breath. She looked at her palms and there were creases; and she had scraped her fingers from pulling the stove. Five minutes later, Xrysanthy started to heave the left side of the range forward. Ah! She expressed with the same anger and the same determination; this time though she gave it her all; and finally she did tuck the stove forward; she had left a big gap between the wall and the back of the stove, so she could fit her hand and reach the bulky wire. At that time Xrysanthy looked at her palms again and saw that they were scraped, from the hauling and pulling; it was much more difficult than she expected. Thereafter she walked towards the wall cabinet, where various gardening equipment were kept.

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She started to dig throughout the various equipment that were spread all around the cabinet trying to find a harvester that Manuel uses for his gardening; but instead Xrysanthy found a pair of pliers. At that point Xrysanthy grabbed the pliers in her hand, and walked towards the door in the kitchen and unlocked it. Thereafter she turned to go back towards the range, and hacked the big bulky cable that was in the back of the range. Uh! She expressed with anger Come on; come on! it was more difficult to cut than what she had ever expected. But a girl does what she is destined to do, she thought; while Xrysanthy hacked it with a evil grin on her face. She then grabbed the matches that were on the kitchen table and quickly went towards the kitchen door. Xrysanthy then tried to spike the first match, but the wind blew it out! She then tried to strike a second match, but that too blew out! Come on! she screamed at herself; Xrysanthy felt like crying. She then looked at the box of matches and saw that she only had one match in the box. Xrysanthy then took a hold of the match into her fingers and said this one better work. And just as she had specked the one and only match she had, it fired up; and just then she pitched it towards the stove. Xrysanthy ran and ran so fast towards the Magical Stream without even looking back; nor did the cold affect her any; even though she was completely nude! And once she got to the Magical Steam she saw Geisel in the water just beside the port.

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. Once Geisel saw Xrysanthy she confessed; I thought that I would see you this morning! I was waiting for you! she added towards Xrysanth y. And how is that? Because my beautiful girl, I sensed the pain you had that one day I had confessed to you about your husbands betrayal. Geisel had replied. Geisel then added; And I know what that pain feels like my child; because I myself had felt the same pain. You couldnt possibly know! Oh! Expressed Geisel; I do my child; I, myself had once felt that same pain of a disloyal man; and it doesnt feel good. She went on to say. Xrysanthy sat at the port, and her feet were hanging off the edge and into the water. Geisel swam and swayed her think, fishtail creating miniature waves in on the sea top! She then swam up to where Xrysanty sat on the deck; and her feet were hanging off the edge into the water. Geisel lay on her back, and her long blond hair exposed her perky breast. Geisel then opened her fishtail wide; and the fish scales were a silvery, greenish color. Xrysanthy thought that she was a beautiful creature. She then swam towards Xrysanthy and seductively Geisel started to manipulate her toes; sending a warm sensation up Xrysanthys spine and throughout her entire body! Xryasnthy felt a warm tingling sensation; and her torso tensed up straight.

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Geisel saw her torso tens up; and she said, My dear girl, you will forever feel the calmness and tranquility of not having any male ever again. Come with me; and you will forever forget the pain your husband had initiated towards you. Geisel went on to say, while she twirled her tail; and pranced within the sea, as to further manipulate Xrysanthy. Your heart will turn cold as ice; as you swim and lay within the blue waters of the salty sea; because my dear girl, the seas waves are yet very seductive; the freedom that you will feel as you swim within the dolphins fish, and other oceanic life, its yet seductive and free. You will feel rejuvenated once again; I promise you my love; the salt water will make you forget your pain; and wash them away into oblivion! Geisel was more determined to collect Xrysanthys soul. Never will your heart feel the humiliation of a mans betrayal ever again! I promise you my dear girl! And the wealth that is found deep in the sea is that of a greater value than what is found on dry land. My dear girl, trust the words that come out of my mouth, because I speak only from my existence! Geisel would continue and manipulate Xrysanthy within her sweet words, until Xrysanthy could not resist them anymore. The words that were spoken by Geisel were magical, hypnotic, and sweet to the ear; but yet bitter in deed.

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Geisel was more than eager to obtain Xrysanthys painful soul; she went on to say; The sea salt my dear is a cure for those that had suffered within a mans heart! Geisel would lie on her back, and when the width of her tail would open the coral of the sea was mesmerizing. At one point Geisel went ahead and exposed her bare breast; she was that of a seductress that could be denied by neither a man nor a woman. My love; she went on to say, Your heart will forever be suppressed from that that you call undeniable love! Than one by one, a mermaid would appear; and one was more attractive than thy other. Xrysanthy thought. And it was then, that all of the mermaids that were their started to squeal something awful! Their cries were heard within the four angles of the island; the crying caused deafness; and it captivated Xrysanthy. The evening was sweet; it wasnt too cold; and there was a full moon. The light from the moon gave a blue horizon over the sky; and the lights from the sky overshadowed Xrysanthy slim, nude figure on the port, once she stood up to join the other mermaids. And with those lexes the deadly mermaid Geisel lured Xrysanthy into joining her into the Magical Stream the monotonous, but yet magical stream of oblivion! Therefore on that evening Xrysanthy, she wiped the tears away from her eyes; and dived into the wealth of the blue cold sea!

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Then it wasnt long before the sirens of the other mermaids were heard, even more so than before; and the sky had darkened; the winds picked up; and the waves had risen; and bit by bit the island was swallowed by the waters of the tortures sea, and diminished forevermore! Ten-years after the death of Xrysanthy, The Enchantment of the Hidden Rage subsist within.

The Opening

The land of Musing The land of Dubai was that of a magical land; it was that of a land that consisted of those that were privileged and so very promising at that. Dubais marine life was magical and mysterious to man; the seahorses,

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mermaids and mermen; yes I said mermen which were fairly similar to mermaids, except for, they were half man. These so called Mermen were found there as well; at their own delight to escape an unfaithful love they once had. These Mermen had that of great physical strength; with long, black, curly hair; and a tail that exhumes flare yes; I said flare!

Mermans tail was twentyfour inches longer, thicker than their counterparts; it was a tail that was so very strong; a tail that electrifies if dared to be touched by another.
But even though these Mermen included the physical strength of Hercules, himself; they would fall putty in the Mermaids hand. It is said that whence a Merman would hear a Mermaids cries, they would do all that was asked by their counterparts that wished upon revenge and harm to come.

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Thousands of years ago, after the separation of the heavens; and the discrepancy between the seas, from dry land came to be distinguished; it was yet a pleasant sight that was foreseeing; it wasnt less than dramatic! The bushes were starting to open wide and think and trees were starting to grow at great height and plants were blossoming at great distance across the green fields that went on and on with no end; it was extraordinary to perceive life! And within the great winds; the leaves would sway throughout the fields, at the same rhythm and harmony; and the howling of the wind was a pleasant sound a sound that would give a sentiment of warmth and tranquility within. And whenever it would rain the scent in the air was spread across the fields. And creatures with wings were soaring through the heavens, was more prosperous to the eye than anything else ever was. And the blue ocean was rich with the various marine life: dolphins, whales, seahorses, sharks and fish in various sizes, colors and shapes were found to be; and some were dangerous and supposed danger to man, it was yet very stimulating and such a good thing. And even when it stormed, and the winds would howl and the waters in the ocean would rise, it gave a sentiment of loneliness, and a little too quiet at times; but yet, at the same time it gave a calm and such a peaceful feeling of assurance to man.

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But even after earth was created; thousands, but thousands of years ago, a land was yet submerged underwater that no one ever knew about; it was mysterious to most; but the few that knew about this secretive land were the sailors; although they had no initiative of where this land was. Sailormen would explore the various corners of the earth, searching for the secretive land that was home to the most seductive creature of the deep; but no man had found the mysterious land that was hidden beneath the ocean for hundreds of years; other than one old man named Possithonas. Possithonas was a fisherman; a fisherman that from early on, as a young boy in the island that he was born in, had discovered that he was easily frightened by the people and all that they had to offer. Because Possithonas was extremely fragile, he had chosen a life of solitude; he never had the admiration to leave his birth land, or even experience different situations. Possithonas was happy of where he was; and how he was strained in doing the same thing day in and day out. Now even though Possithonas was a loner and did not have the liking to be around people, or even being introduced to new things; he was yet very adherent of his surroundings; and respected nature; he also knew quite a lot. For this Possithonas knew approximately of where the land existed; and what was found there; and for that, he never had the desire to go to visit this land. Possithonas knew proximately of where the land existed, because his great- great grandfather, who was born on one of the

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islands off the Arabian Sea, would tell him stories of the unsightly sea creatures that were found there. Possithonas grandfather would say: These ghastly creatures would camouflage into a beautiful sea women to capture a mans sole by uttering sweet words to them; and the men would forever be imprisoned by the sea womans desire; and these beastly; but yet so seductive sea creatures, would get these men to do all that was asked by them. This is the tale of the reincarnation of immorality the story goes something like this.. It is said that once upon a time, long ago in the island of Dubai, there existed a princess that was cursed by her lover, because she had done wrong by him; and the prince had wished the beautiful princess into a long life of misery and solitude at the lost underworld of no return. No matter of how many years bypass, this beautiful princess would forever be beautiful just as she always was; and that she will never grow old and weary; but will be forced to live a long life of seclusion; her beauty would be timeless, she was destine to loneliness; and would never know, or even feel the touch of a mans love. For this is was land that was the home of the dangerous women sea creatures; which was found off the shores of India! These creature that excited there, were the most beautiful sea creature ever, and their voices would seduce even the greatest strongest man. But what many men did not distinguish that these sea creatures were so beautiful to look at; they were that much gory in the inside! Possithonas never had the admiration or the desire to ever visit this land.

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It was the advice of my great, great grandfather; he had warned me that no matter how lonely Id get for a womans love, I would never sail by those waters, because it was the trilogy of the legendary sea creatures! Possithonas warned the sailors that would listen. The woman sea creature would camouflage herself into a beautiful seductive being that neither man, nor woman could ever refuse; shed camouflage herself like the grasshopper does as they turn into a beautiful butterfly. And the legendary sea creature would use her seductive ways to allure men and women into her web that whoever got a taste of her love, would never continue to exist, beyond that evening of satisfaction. And after the sea creature was done with you, she would show her true beauty. Her hair would thin out; and turn gray! Her face would shiver up with deep wrinkles and her eyes would deepen and darken with evilness! And just as you feel satisfaction from her love and your body is tranquil; shed take you to skyla which is a six head monster; with a body of a
slithering Python and that it existed under a rock deep into the sea.

But you would never be aware of the danger that lurked in that part of the sea; because that part sea was calm and the waters were aqua blue! Once though the ship gets close to those waters, the voices of the sea creatures would attract the ship close and once you get into the heart of the of the sea, a force of some type would haul you underwater, and forever be vanished into oblivion. Not even the greatest swimmer would suffice against the force that had existed at that part of the ocean; it was a bottomless pit! And those few sailors that knew about the legendary

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sea creature; and they would hear that a ship had disappeared at that triangular part of the waters, it was said to be caused by the cries of the lonely mermaids they were calling out for their counterpart.

Chapter One Valparaiso India 1960

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The old, but yet, quite the handy man Once there was an old man whom was handy at all those who needed a hand; but even though he was yet so adored, this old lad wished to be alone. For he choose to move far out at a secluded park, and away from all those announce that were to come!

However among all those who were Royal, there was an old man named Sinbad. Sinbad was a good chump that found comfort in helping others. Sinbad however was not wealthy, by all means; nor was he from a prosperous family; but he did possess a special gift. In the old underworld town of Dubai, Sinbad worked as a Gardner for the other residents that lived at the underworld; and he was a hard dedicated worker; whenever he was hired to do something for someone, Sinbad would do a bid more extra to finish the job to its satisfaction; hed give it one-hundred-and-one percent. Yes sir; Sinbad was that of a hard worker that would shape and construct a beautiful landscape: with assortment of beautiful flowers (Chrysanthemums) various fruit trees and manmade ponds, with streams gushing throughout the fields. Everyone in Dubai was that of a Royal and had an enormous plantation to attend to; and Sinbad would be the man that would attend to them; mainly because Sinbad had the gift of crafting a beautiful garden; with beautifully blossomed Chrysanthemum and full heads of green shrubberies and fruit trees.

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Although what the folks of Dubai didnt known is that Sinbad had a mystical gift; he had this secretive gift that was passed down from his ancestors; and that no one knew about. Sinbad had the ability of turning any dead shrub or plant into a beautiful living flower with just a simple touch of his sweet words. It was unreal, but yet so true Sinbad would simply utter words under his breath, and at the same time would run his palm over a dead shrub or flower and within seconds, the dead flower would blossom; and the dry, dead foliage land, would turn into a rich flourishing greenery shrub. Yes, it was mind boggling; but Sinbad had this flare of creating a garden that was spectacular to the naked eye; a garden that was full of life and flare; a garden that no one had the ability to create, except for Sinbad himself. For once he came to discovered that he possessed this great gift, Sinbad developed a new love; he had a love for wildlife; everything natural that God had given man; and Sinbad would respect nature and the wealth of the rich green forest like no other man would. Sinbad loved whence hed open his eyes yet in the early morning hours in the spring, and see the green flourishing trees around him. He loved those yet bare stems rising with buds of beautiful flowers; it was enough to make him happy. All those tall trees, the flowers that bloom within each season; and the sound of the stream drifting within the colorful pebbles was music to his ears; he looked forwards to every waking day.

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What else could a man want; Sinbad had clean air; fresh fish to eat, and all the freedom that a man wants. Yes I must say that Sinbad was a happy fellow; but no person could be happy for very long in seclusion; not even if it was paradise that they were living in. Therefore Sinbads happiness was short lived; because a little over a year he could not stand being in seclusion; he could not stand spending the cold winter months, or the hot unbearable summers all alone. Sinbad could not bear not having another person to share the wonders of nature with; and for the individual that Sinbad longed for was a young gal; he wanted a young woman to share the rest of his life with. But Sinbad was certain that no woman would dare want to live out in the willow woods; and in a cave no less! He thought to himself after; and has to wash up at a river! No woman would even dare to try! he said to himself after. But he could not help but stay optimistic; and Sinbad never stop searching; and anticipating that someday this thing called love will come his way; and so that one day came sooner than later.

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Slick Cat There was once an old man who was yet so gentle and kind that would make you think his a good fellow to have by your side; and that of a good neighbor to have nearby. But what, those whom seek out this fine fellow did know that he was also quite a sleek cat and does all that comes to his mind. Sinbad which was his name, had fined toned his charms, and found that of an innocent sole to collect and call her his wife!

Come one day Sinbad came across this old man named Gillian. Gillian was the spare of a great monarch that had two sons; and Gillian was the second born after his brother whom obtain the throne.

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Gillian at the time had a daughter named Sahara that he had raised by himself after his wife had died. Sahara was a beautiful girl that yet loved her father deeply, and respected him so; because she recognized that her father had never remarried, but had chosen to stay solitary and raise his only daughter by himself. Gillian at the time needed Sinbads help to care for his farmhouse that he used to hold his animals in, because it was getting rundown. For then Gillian had called upon Sinbad to assist him with it. Sinbad being a kind sole was more than happy to lend a helping hand to Gillian with his farmhouse. But then come one day, went Sinbad was out in the farmhouse working; Gillians daughter came out to call her father and Sinbad to lunch. Right then Sinbad took a notice of Gillians only daughter Sahara; and from that day and beyond Sinbad grew in deep love with her; and how he wished and desired to have her as a wife, that he so desperately needed. However once Sinbad had finished with Gillians farmhouse and his services were not needed any further, Sinbad would purposely find various other jobs that he could do around the farmhouse for Gillian, so Sinbad would have the excuse to be around Sahara. And every day that Sinbad would go over the house, he would bring red sweet wine, to Gillian and fresh flowers to Sahara; and while Sinbad and Gillian had their lunch, which was prepared with Saharas own hands, Sinbad made sure that Gillian had two goblets of the sweet, red wine instead of one.

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For it wasnt long before Gillian drank his last nip of the sleeping position that hed go down for a nap. For then Sinbad sought the opportunity to have Sahara alone; and hed sweet talk to her, just as he would do his plants. For then, Sahara being a young inexperienced girl fell for Sinbads sweet words; and she her self-desired to become his wife in waiting. At that point in time, Sinbad would find something to do for Gillian every day, for one whole month. And within that month Sinbad would feed Gillian the sweet red wine to fall asleep, and caress Sahara with his sweet lyrics. For then it wasnt long before Sahara fell in deep love with Sinbad; and desired only him. And once Sinbad had Sahara where he wanted her to be, Sinbad took it upon himself to probe Gillian for his daughters hand in marriage. Gillian though being a nifty man also perceived his daughters strong affection for Sinbad. Gillian at that time gave his many blessings to Sinbad and Sahara; Sinbad also perceived himself getting older; and, therefore he wanted his daughter to be in the presence of a man that she, herself wished for, before hed go and meet those other angels. Although neither Gillian nor his daughter Sahara knew that Sinbad lived in a cave beyond the deep meadows; because clever Sinbad didnt reveal the truth until the truth revealed its self. It was reasonably devastating, but yet so true; the day after the wedding nuptial was performed, and Sahara was sauntering through the meadows with her beloved husband, she was expecting to see that of a huge castle with that of a great beautiful garden. But all she got was that of a cave and nothing more than that!

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It was beside herself; her heart went to her stomach! Sahara thought it was some sort of a practical joke! The tears that Sahara had shed that evening, was implausible. She slept next to her husband in her own sleeping bag, and she wept all through the night; she wept and wept and wept until she had wept her last teardrop! She could not believe what had happened; she had all these questions and concerns, but she would dare utter a word about this to her father; he will be heartbroken; in fact she would not utter a word to anyone about this. That evening, was an evening that I will never forget! She thought to herself. She didnt only feel shameful that she was deceived; but it heart her that her father was mislead as well, for her pain that evening was hurtful and devastating. Even though the truth stared her straight in the eyes, Sahara held back her feelings from her beloved father; because if it was to be known to Gillian, hed be hurt; and Sahara was afraid of how her father would take the news. Maybe hed be unable to handle it; after all he was getting up in age. she thought to herself; maybe, with time, I should get used of this kind of life; she thought after. Besides back in those days there was a silly law in the underworld of Dubai that stated any woman who things of divorcing her husband, she and her family would be punished and suffer deeply by the law that govern the underworld at that period in time. But then something had been over a month, since Sahara had married Sinbad, and with every given day that passed, Sahara grew in love with Sinbad. It was said that Sinbad was that of a good husband, which would do anything for Sahara; because Sinbad did

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love Sahara; and he wanted to see her happy; and with everyday that passed Sahara grew to love him also.

Broken Heart Once there was a propitious man, whom was wealthy and quite the royal gem; but this affluent and well-rounded lad he once was, fell victim to a dirty, and yet such a smooth scam; even though this royal gem saw the good outcome that it had; Gillian, which was his name, couldnt bear the devious ploy that he had once partaken in and yet deceived the only daughter that he had!

Even though Sahara herself grew to love Sinbad for the man that he was, her father Gillian was sicken by the deceit, and the bad fluke that he had given his only beloved daughter. And a little over a year, after his daughters marriage, he fell quite ill and had passed away from a broken heart. For once again Sahara was a happy gal, just as she once was with her new husband and forgave her father for not having better judgment; and had once misguided her into a life of less means than what she was a costume too.

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But, Gillian in the other hand never forgave himself for the foolish mistake that he had given his only daughter; and he was yet humiliated in the publics callous eyes; because the sinful humans that we all are, never stop to look at the our own reflection in the mirror of who and what we are, but instead we judge our neighbors.

Chapter Two

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The Couple in Love! Once there was a wife and a husband deeply in love; there was nothing or no one that could split them part; but this doe that existed had decided to take a third soul to raise and bind with it. 1950. It was June of that year.. in spite of being happy and so in love, this doe were found with no child to call upon. But come on day the chap fell upon a charming gem to take home to care and love! But this innocent angel that he thought it was was yet an evil spirit that brought nothing more than harm towards their way.

Sinbad and Sahara had been married for three years now; and yet they were with no child. Back in those days in the underworld of Dubai there was once a true, but that of a silly saying that

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proclaimed: a woman, who is not able to bare kids, was been punished for her past immoralities that she had done. And that saying was also true of Sahara; even though Sinbad thought the same thing about his beloved wife, he did not let on that Sahara was at fault; or that he was even bothered by the fact that his wife Sahara was unable to conceive. Anyway that June early morning three-thirty in the morning, Sinbad had awaken, washed himself, and got dressed to go fishing for the evening supper, before he and his wife leave for their work in the morning. Sinbad at the time, had a stable job working for King Dubai as a permanent gardener; and his wife Sahara was a housemaid for the Queen wife Gabriella. Gabriella was that of a commoner that had the good blessing to wed Royal. Sinbad took the path through the meadows, get to the narrow trail; and he took it down to the waterfront. Sinbad then came to a miniature hill and hiked down to the sand. He then was walking on the sand, and walked up the dock and sat up his fishing gear. At that point Sinbad put down his bucket that had the fish bate, and took his fishing pole and hooked the line with the bate. He then went to toss the fishing line into the ocean. Sinbad than sat on the dock, with his feet hanging off the edge, and into the water. Sinbad must have been fishing for less than ten-minutes, when he saw a raft like floating farther out towards his left. At first he didnt think of it much, but then as the raft was floating closer towards the shore, he stood up and started to bring in the fish line.

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At that point, Sinbad put down his fishing pole, and leaped down from the dock and got on the sand. Sinbad walked along the seashore so he could get closer to the raft that was coming towards the seashore. Once the raft got close to him at shore, Sinbad then pulled up his pans high as far as they could go on his leg, and walked into the seashore; the water was up to his kneecaps, and therefore pulled the raft onto dry land. Sinbad was able to see inside of it; and he profoundly saw a bundle that was rapt within a white sheet; it seemed odd to him; he didnt know what to think; maybe a person was inside this raft; or it was tied on one of the ships that travel down the Indian Ocean and it got unattached somehow. Once Sinbad extended his arm to untie the rope and make visible of what was kept rapt within the white sheet, something moved! Sinbad got caught off guard, and he fell backwards in the water! He then started to shift backwards with his feet, away from the raft. Sinbad did not know what to think; but one thing that he knew for sure was not to get close to it. After a while though, Sinbad heard crying! He got onto his knees and crawled towards the raft again. Sinbad heard the crying again; but this time it was more obvious than before; this time, it sounded like the cries of a baby; it cant be? he thought to himself. Who in the world How Sinbad had lost words!

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He could not believe what his eyes were witnessing! Sinbad then started looking all around, for someone to appear to say that this is my baby; but no one did. Sinbad then concluded to himself, I should pick this angel up. He then extended both of his arms and lifted the baby into his arms and cried, like he never had cried before. He then proclaimed to himself, God had sent this angel tome! For me and my wife to have this beautiful little girl is a gift from God, he said to himself. We would love this beautiful little girl, just as we gave her life he couldnt thank God enough! Hed looked upon the heavens, and was thanking God for what he had send upon him and his beloved wife. Truly it was a beautiful morning; it was early and the sun was coming up from the mountains ahead, and the suns rays barely fell upon the open ocean. The ocean was like olive oil; it was so serene. Sinbad truly believed that this girl was a gift from God; and he swore to himself that he would always treasure this gift. My dear Sahara will be so happy whence shed see this angel. He said to himself again. Sinbad walked through the woods again and took the little narrow path to the cave. Once he got close to the cave, he saw Sahara bathing in the river. Once Sahara saw her husband from a distance, she proclaimed; Back so soon? Come my wife; I have a surprise for you. He said, as he bypassed her and walked into the cave.

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Then I should not be long! she answered while she was finishing with shampooing her hair. She then took the little plastic container, and rinsed her hair. Sahara got up and walked out of the stream. Once she was out of the stream, Sahara rapt her hair within a towel, and put on her bathrobe that she had laid on the rock. Thereafter Sahara started to walk towards the cave. Once Sahara got in the cave, she saw her husband kneeled over the sleeping bag fussing with something, What is it that you have down there? My dear Sahara; my dear wife, Sinbad said while he turned towards her. I have a surprise for you; Sinbad said as he paced to the side and exposed the little girl. Sahara lifted her palms towards her mouth in shock; Oh Sahara was yet stunned and wasnt sure if what she saw was real or her mind was playing trick on her. She wanted a baby for so long that she was dreaming of this day. Shed fantasize how she would bathy, dress or just love a baby; Sahara was over joyfulness of seeing a baby girl in front of her just a step away from her was unreal. Sahara did not know what to think; or better yet was not sure of what her eyes were witnessing! She was yet skeptical; and inquired; Do my eyes perceive me right? What where? she was not able to speak; because this that she saw was beyond her wildest dreams; she was overwhelmed by her emotions; and cried. And this little angel; this little girl, with black locks, red full lips, moving her legs and arms and babbling baby talk; and looking up at her, was overpowering for Sahara! Look she is smiling; this precious baby is smiling!

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At that point she kneeled down and lifted the baby into her arms; and cried! Sahara cried that
day, like she hadnt cried before; because She could not believe that she was holding a baby; she could not believe how soft, sweet and gentle it was! She looks like an angel! she said. Yes she is an angel, my love; because it was a gift from God, Himself. Sinbad expressed. You have no idea how much I wanted this? Sahara said to her husband. But yes I do my darling! I do Sinbad then added, We will name this gift, Bella.

Sahara glanced over at her husband again; and wanted reassurance; Is she really ours? Do my eyes perceive me right? she asked her husband. Please do not play with me old man! she said after. But why would I lie to you my love about this? Sinbad asked. I know how much you want a baby girl, he added to his wife. While she held the baby into her arms, Sahara couldnt hold back the tears that were coming out of her eyes like waterworks. Oh my darling; do not cry. Sinbad alleged to his wife. This baby girl is ours. he added. But where did you ever get this angel? she expressed after. Poor Sahara, she could not believe it; she wanted reinsurance from Sinbad that what she held in her arms was hers; and that it is truly their daughter and no one could ever come and claim the baby.

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Yes my love; this is your daughter and she is all yours to hoist, cherish and love! Sinbad then added, She is after all a gift from God Himself! While Sahara was kneeled and embracing the baby close to her heart she said crying I will love you just as if I had given life to you! she expressed. At that point, while she was yet on her knees, Sinbad kneeled down to his wife, and embraced them both; and claimed that he as well, was happy and joyful for this gift that was presented. And truly from that day and beyond, Sahara and Sinbad were nothing less than compassionate loving parents to this little angel; because both of them loved this little girl just as they themselves had conceived her.

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Priest that could not sanctify There was once a baby girl who was brought by the waves of the deep blue sea; with her hair so black and her skin so white; looked more like an angel, instead of a wicket imp that would bite! Even though this so called baby made to be worthy and of good nature and pure; she was yet polluted for sure! And these two poor and deprived parents didnt have any clue of what trouble was in stored.

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Some religions believe that the devil was a student of God; and that the student wanted and considered himself, stronger than God; for then the devil became known as for that. Therefore the devil or rather the evil spirit was also born in the Garden of Eve; and was that of a Snake. It is said that the evil spirit takes on many forms to hide. However a man of holiness can identify the presence of evilness within!

That evening neither Sahara nor Sinbad could sleep. Sahara had her back to her husband; and Sinbad was on his back staring at the shape of the cave. While he was studding form of the cave, Sinbad thought that this baby must get blessed by the father. Just then Sinbad glanced over at his wife, and tapped her on the shoulder softly to see if she was awake. He perceived that Sahara didnt move so he got out of the sleeping bag.

The morning after, Sinbad had awakened early; he wanted to be on his way, before the sun would come up. Sinbad wanted to go and fetch the town priest, so the pastor could baptize the little girl. Sahara as well had awakened to get ready for her daughters mystic blessing. Once Sinbad got in front of the priest fortress, he called out; Father Nikolas!

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Sinbad put his palm nest to his mouth once again, and yelled out: Father Nikolas! The front double door opens; Sinbad my child; what brings you hear so early in the morning? the pastor asked. Father; Sinbad said, as he bowed his head, when the door opened. My wife and I wish for you to grant us your blessing for our new daughter. Sinbad said after. The father was astounded by what was spoken by Sinbad; because he knew that Sinbad and Sahara had difficulty in conceiving a baby. At that point the father asked Sinbad to explain himself. Father Nickolas, I was blessed to come upon a baby girl that was abandon; and my wife and I want to hoist this baby as one of our own. For then Father Nickolas states; My child what you say, is a miracle from the divinity and I would be more than willing to give my blessing to her. Therefore a little after seven in the morning, Sinbad along with Father Nickolas were on their way to the cave. At the time Sahara was holding that baby girl into her arms, and was seated on a rock just out the cave waiting for her husbands arrival. Thirty minutes later, Sahara saw from a distance, the feet being maneuvered between the bushes and greenery ahead. And once Sahara saw that in were her husband and the priest trolling behind him. At once she eagerly stood up to welcome her husband with Father Nickolas. She bowed head towards the father, and thanked him for coming and giving his blessing to their new daughter.

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Yes; added Sinbad; We truly thank you father for coming and performing this ritual in such short notice. He insisted. Sinbad was trying to show the father that the deed of offering his blessing to their daughter was well appreciated by both himself and his wife Sahara. While he handed up the baby girl to the father and Sinbad said, This is our new arrival! Isnt she just lovely? This is our new daughter father, Sahara replied. I must say, that this is nothing less but the works of the divinity himself! And yes my child, she is that of a beautiful girl. the father said. And that she was; the baby girl was beautiful. She had dark, soft skin, with dark, curly hair. Her hair was so dark and glossy; it almost appeared as if it was a shade of blue. Oh my child, states the Father. She is as beautiful as Sinbad had put in plain words. I am happy my child to offer this baby girl to God. The pastor said after to Sahara. The Pastor than took off his black robe; his shoes and socks; and he pulled up his trousers and sleeves. He then extended his arms, Give me this angel, he then said to Sahara. Sahara handed the baby to the priest; Bless you child, said the father as he took the baby girl and walked towards the river. The Priest silently prayed something under his breath, turned towards the parents and asked; What name should Gods child have? Sahara and Sinbad looked at one another, because they didnt think of a name; Sinbad then said towards the pastor; Father why you dont give her a name. Well if you have to preference; said the father.

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Then let us name her Bella. Sinbad and Sahara looked at each other and smiled in agreement to the name. Then Bella she should be called, said Sinbad to Father Nickolas. Sahara smiled and confirmed, That is a beautiful name for our daughter. Thereafter the pastor walked towards the river, with the baby girl in his arms. Let us bow or heads, the pastor said towards Sahara and Sinbad. At that time, he started chanting, Let us lift up our hearts, and give thanks to the Lord! Thereafter the father walked farther into the stream, with the baby girl into his arms, and lifted the girl mid height, and chanted his blessing: God Almighty we offer this innocent girl whos name should be Bella, to You Almighty Father to bless her, protect her, now and forevermore be always by her side. You, who have unselfishly, presented us with Your gifts, Your Archangels, may You give the same gifts to this child; Amen! The father then took the child and dips her into the cold river and proclaimed; To The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit Amen! the priest dipped Bella into the river three times, and proclaimed the same prayer three times. The pastor then walked back towards the parents and handed the baby in Saharas hands as she held the white bath towel. Bless You Father for doing this in such short notice. Sahara said, while she held out her hands. Yes Father we give you thanks for the blessings that you have given us and our new daughter, Sinbad agreed after.

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Before Sahara would set off for the cave, with Bella in her arms, she offered the pastor to join them for a sweet and coffee to celebrate The Christening of their daughter Bella. Yes father you must come and join us, please, Added Sinbad. Well I suppose I could. Great; said Sahara expressed. Then you should excuse me; Sahara said, I must go and dry our angel off, dress her with her new dress; and also join us, Sahara added as she walked off towards the cave. Come father let us take a seat on the rocks by the tree, and I will get the fire started for our coffee. Sinbad said. It was roughly late morning when The Pastor was heading back to town of Dubai. While he was sauntering through the trees, he felt that he was getting warm and much tiered to go on. At that point, he came to a halt on the path he was walking on, and leaned against a tree to catch his breath. The pastor looked at his hand watch and it was yet twenty to ten; it was yet morning; but he felt hot and his heart was heavy. He then did his cross, and unzipped his heavy, black, long robe that he had on, and slipped out of it. That is better. He said to himself. At least now I can breathe. At that time he folded the robe and put it in his basket that he carried with all the rest of his things. Than just as the pastor went to lift his head, in front of him was a dog crawling him; the pastor froze; he wasnt able to move; he felt his heart beating out of his chest!

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The dog had bold spots on its back and feet; it looked as if it was going to devour the priest if he dared to take a step forwards. The priests eyes were on the dogs teeth, and salvia was drooling down his mouth. At that point something peculiar happened, the raging dog was coming closer and closer to him; ready to devour him; the pastor would walk backwards, but he could not go too far back, because hed go over the cliff; and into the torturous river below. It was unreal, and quite unnatural; its like the dog was insinuating that there is only two choices here: one was for the priest to go forward towards the dog itself, and be devoured; or take the second choice, take a step backwards and leap down the cliff and into the tortuous stream; for there wasnt another way out of here. Therefore the priest did his cross, asked for Gods forgiveness; and begged His holiness to take pity on his sole; and for God to open his pearly gates for him to enter; and then he leaped backwards into the clean, clear water underneath. Once the pastors body smacked the water, you could hear his backbone disrupt into little pieces; for then his body was carried by the rivers current, down the cascades and into the open ocean ahead; and lost into oblivion.

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Chapter Three

The Devil is able to take on many forms! Once upon a time, there was a beautiful, gracious young baby, as seen by the necked eye; was yet brought by the Black Angle that it had inside. This Imp that it was was yet privileged to be dropped on those that cared and loved it with great pride. But this angel that it made out to be was yet birthed by the black angel that it had by its side.

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For no one would dare perceive this gem that it was in the outside, would ever be thought as being so filthy and misguided esoterically in the inside!

1955 June
Five years had gone by since that misty breezy morning of Bellas beginnings; and Bella was becoming a beautiful little girl; her hair had gotten long, but had lost the curls. And even though her hair was straight, it was thick. She had with big hazel eyes and naturally red lips; which was sticking with her brown skin. Ever since Bella was founded, Sinbad and Sahara had taken Bella with them at the Castel where they worked; and Bella would play with the young prince Jay, the kings and queens son. Both the kids were similar in age, and would get along together. Now Sinbad was well liked by the king and queen; and therefore Bella was well liked by them as well. In fact, the king and queen would treat Bella with all the habits that their son, Prince Jay, had: whether it was instruction or grooming habits, Bella had same similarities that a princess would have.

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But in spite of Bellas well grooming habits, she was yet just a commoner; and a commoner had no place within a royal family; and therefore, she could never be immune to marry royal.

They say at times the devil is bold enough to escape the various forms to hide his true color or intention; and that is when the imp relies on torment.

The Divinity of delight!

Sinbad and Sahara had strongly expressed their hearts desire on that dim summer night! But these poor deprived soles were unaware of the trouble that was censored for so very long. For that evening in the dim, misty night, the devil within the child made sure that she was not going to be seen as a commoner, but rather that of a noble wife.

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It was Friday, early morning, and Sahara and Sinbad were sleeping. Sinbad though, had awakened abruptly; he felt too warm to sleep; he unzipped his sleeping bag and turned towards his wife. Sahara had her back to him; he then taped her of the shoulder; Sahara Sahara; Are you a sleep? he whispered. Well now I am not. Sahara said, while she turned to face him. What is wrong? I am too hot to sleep. How can you sleep in this heat? Its three Oclock in the morning; we are going to get up in four hours and go to work. I cannot sleep; let us go for a nights swim? I cannot sleep; come lets just go for a dip to cool off. Well alright but only for five minutes; were just going in and out! Sahara added, while he unzipped her sleeping bag. Sinbad already had gotten out of his sleeping bag, to put on his sleepers. Just as Sinbad went to walk out of the cave, he stomped on one of Bellas squeaky, stuffed animal toy. Shush! Sahara expressed with her finger over her mouth. You will wake her! she then mouthed the words. Sorry. Sinbad whispered back to his wife. Just as Sahara got out of her sleeping bag, she kneeled down towards Bella and kissed her on the forehead. You are so precious my darling. She whispered in a low voice. She then also put on her sleepers, and went to meet Sinbad out of the cave.

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Sinbad stood at the side of the stream, and was taking in the seductive night. Look my darling; he said to his wife, once Sahara walked over to him. Look at the sky! Sinbad was looking up towards the stars lighting up the sky. The sky lit up just like the Milky-way. It is that of a beautiful night. He added. Well I hope you feel the same when we have to be up in four hours, his wife reminded him. Sinbad grabbed Saharas hand and pulled it up towards his lips and kissed it. Sahara looked at her husband with those big eyes of hers; and smiled, indicating that she as well loved her husband. Sinbad took off his white mended shorts and tee-shirt off; and Sahara took off her white cotton nightgown; Saharas lustful physique was shadowed on the ground. Sinbad then took a hold of her hand again, and they both started to walk into the stream. Even though the water was crisp it felt wonderful; Saharas hair though on her hands stood up as her feet touched the water; but it felt delightful. It is a perfect night, she uttered to her husband. Arent you happy we came for a mid-morning swim? Sinbad insinuated to his wife. As long as we get up on time and go to the castle. Sahara reminded her husband again. Thereafter as they walked deeper into the stream; the water was up to their waist. Sinbad saw a flat rock that was off to their right; holding his wifes hand was walking towards the flat rock.

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The more they were moving away from the land, the water was getting deeper, and was up to their waist. Once they had gotten to the rock, Sinbad directed Sahara to come closer turn away from him, so Sinbad could massage her shoulders. Sinbad was a hardworking man, because his hands were rough and his skin was cracking; but Sahara liked her husbands touch; Saharas breasts were getting hard, and her body was tensing up. Sinbad is that of a smart man; he knew that she was getting excited and she was keen to his touch and wanted him as much as he desired her. But Sahara would not dare; proclaim anything to her husband; because back then, back in those days, a woman would not dare show her likings or desires to a man; Saharas mother never did; and therefore she wasnt going to either. Sinbad was that of a man that loved his wife unconditionally; and wanted her to feel the same sentiment for him, as he did for her. Sinbad wanted to make Sahara feel sexual; because he was a man that wasnt intimidated by his wifes desire or sexuality! Sinbad then whispered to her ear; My darling Sahara, I love you! and he caressed the side of her face. I love you as well, my darling. Sahara whispered. Just then, Sinbads hands moved from her shoulders and went down towards the front of her chest. Sahara was more enticed than before; she wanted her husband inside her more so than other times.

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Sinbad then instructed; My love turn to face me. Sahara did just that. Sinbad than lifted her and situated her on a flat rock. Sinbad then ordered her to recline down; and she did just that. Sinbad then mounted on the rock himself, and got on top of his wife. Sahara did feel voluptuous that evening more so than the other times that she had made love; because that evening was the evening that Sahara had relieved herself for the very first time. After they finished making love, Sinbad wanted to illustrate to his wife that it was permissible for Sahara to enjoy their love making just as much as a man; to show Sahara that Sinbad said; Making love is for the enjoyment for both a husband and the wife; and therefore it is fine to feel the way you expressed yourself. But yet Sahara was shy; that she had expressed such joy and desire for her husband that evening. Once they were finished; they crossed the river to the side of their cave, whereas they took the towels that they had laid on a rock; and dried off. Sahara put on her white nightgown and Sinbad wrapped the towel around his waist, and sat on a flat rock, and lit his pipe. He said to his wife, I will join you in awhile; I want to have a smoke. He then lit his pipe. Okay darling. Said Sahara; but do not be long, time is yet approaching when we must wake up and set off for the castle. Sinbad nodded his head in agreement, while he lit the pipe and had it in his mouth. He liked to have a smoke, after he had made love to his wife. Sinbad had this feeling of serenity; this feeling of joy inside him.

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Sinbad was happy, because it was the first time ever that Sinbad had felt Sahara release herself, and expressed such joy in their love making; and Sinbad was happy for that. Once he had finished smoking his pipe, he shook the excess tobacco on the flat rock, and went into the cave to join his wife. Sinbad saw that Sahara and Bella were fast asleep; and Bella looked innocent and so pure after her mystical ritual that was performed; just like any other baby does. While Sinbad was watching Bella sleep, he couldnt help but think how lucky he was; and how he was thankful for his little family. Sinbad then put down his body to rest; although before he dozed off, his mind was wondering about how he should add to this cave by building a cabin of some sort, for Bella. The day after, around ten oclock in the morning, Sheba, one of the housemaids, was walking towards Sinbads and Saharas cave. It was approaching afternoon and Sinbad and Sahara were yet asleep and havent been to the castle yet. Once Sheba got in front of the cave she started to call out: Sir Sinbad; Sir Sinbad. But there wasnt an answer. Sheba then approached towards the opening of the cave, and she started to call out mum Sahara; but instead of Sahara replying, Sheba heard the crying of a child. At that point, Sheba went into the cave; and discovered Bella sitting on her knees, crying for her papa and mama; and tears were mounding down her face. Sinbad and Sahara were on their back, with a wide stare; and their faces all blue.

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Sheba put her hands over her mouth in shock. She then approached Bella, boosted her into her arms and walked out the caf; Shush, she expressed as she put down the child and took a hanky out of her white apron, to wipe Bellas wet eyes. My darling girl! At that point Sheba picked up the child and started to saunter through the trees, to get out of the woods, and heading for the castle. Sheba was hurling through the trees, while she held Bella in her arms, and looking behind to see if anyone or an animal was coming from behind. Sheba was frightened; she wasnt sure what had happened to Sir Sinbad, or Madam Sahara. Once Sheba had gotten out of the woods and just ways way from the palace; she came to a stop, and put down the child for a bid, so she could catch her breath. Sheba wanted to cry, but tried to keep calm for the sake of the child. Sheba looked at Bella and said to her, There there my love. You are safe now. She said, as she kneeled down towards the child and held her close. Sheba then got up, grasped Bellas arm and they started walking towards the castle. The other two maids were on the second floor out in the balcony dusting off a mattress, when they saw Sheba with Bella, walking towards the entrance of the palace. At that point the housemaids got alarmed that they saw only Sheba, with Bella and not Bellas parents; they rushed downstairs to open the front door for them. Once Sheba saw the other two maids, she handed Bella to the one maid, and broke down crying. My words, what is wrong child? the housemaid inquired. Take the child into the nook area. Sheba said while she handed Bella to her.

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What is wrong child; where are the parents? the housemaid asked Sheba. You were to go and fetch them. Sheba interrupted, Oh my lady! Sheba began to cry. What is the matter child? Why the tears? the housemaid asked Oh my lady; expressed Sheba, while she cried. What is the matter child? Both Sir Sinbad and the madam Sahara are dead! What are you saying child? asked the housemaid; what do you mean dead! Oh my lady they are dead, dead! Yes it was on that day that Bellas life was changed forever; it was on that mid morning that she was going to presume the identity of a royal; she was a royal; and nothing less than that. For the King of Dubai and his wife the Queen took in Bella, and had made sure to raise her together with their prince son. At that time the King and the Queen mother had given Bella all the fine contributes that they had given their birthed son Prince Jay. Both children were treated royal; they had the best teaching from great mathematicians, historians, and great writers. And it wasnt long before the two kids grew up to as two smart and well nurtured kids that played and blossomed together; there was nothing that Jay and Bella would do separately.

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At the time, Bella had evolved into a beautiful creature; with her long straight, black hair, and with big dark eyes that would mesmerize anyone that would look upon her for the very first time. It was one midwinter day that Jay and Bella were in the den working on their studies, that Jay saw Bella under a different light. Jays strong caring admiration for Bella had turned into more than just a friendship; he took a liking to her, and therefore Jay desired to have Bella as his wife. And for it wasnt long after that that Bella became known as the princess of Dubai, instead of an orphan that was raised by poor deprived man. At the time, it did not presume a problem for the King Father or the Queen Mother, because Bella was, after all, brought up by noble Blood.

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Chapter Four

The Matrimony of a Royal Prince to that of a Devil Pixie

The Matrimony of a Devils Pixie to a Royal Prince turned out to be that of a catastrophic union of two soles under one ring. For the Royal Prince had no idea of the core he had promised to love cherish and console. For there was nothing that the prince would deny his Devil Bride; so he could perceive the smile in her evil and malevolence eyes!

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They say at times the devil is bold enough to escape the various forms to hide his true color or intention; and that is when the imp relies on torment.

1967 On June of that year it was the matrimony of Jay and Bellas unity; the wedding had preceremonial events that men and women had partaken in; and the day of the marriage was a fairytale a fairytale that every little girl dreams of. The marriage ceremony had partaken in the courtyard of the Kings and Queens Estate. And everyone from the mainland was invited more than three hundred guest; and the celebration went on past morning hours.

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The groom though had not seen his bride for the entire week; and he wasnt going to lay eyes upon her, until the evening of their first conjoining; this here is the law of Dubai. Bella was the essence of a fantasy bride that every little girl dreams and envies that oneday, they themselves would also be a bride. She wore a red sari that was swathed in gold and silver that was given to her by the Queen mother; which in return was passed on to the Queen Mother, herself, by her own motherin-law. And Bellas head was also covered with a white silk scarf; which her eyes were the only thing that was visible. Once the Priest was uttering the blessings; Bellas eyes were like two black, dim holes. The wedding had taken place outside, in the courtyard of the palace, under a canopy known as a mandap. The Courtyard was decked out in white exotic flowers that were five feet tall; and at the right of the flowers was situated a canopy that Jay and Bella were going to exchange their nuptials under. And in front of the Canopy was the manta a large warm pond that kept the snake with the five heads. Once the Priest would finish his ceremony, the last element that was needed was for Jay and Bella to obtain a zip of the warm water in the manta, as to be sanctified as husband and wife. Before Jay and Bella were to go to the celebration, they first had to conjoin as husband and wife, so they retreated to their own headquarters by riding on a horse and carriage at the Kings apartment buildings.

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Once the two black horses got in front of the private residence the double gate opened and the horse carriage went through. Ahhh! Once Bella saw the front yard, her breath was taken away. Jay saw his brides fascination; he pulled her into his arms and whispered to her; Yes my love; all this is ours! Bella turned towards her husband and threw him a wicket greedy smile; showing her husband that she does prove. The courtyard had an elongated pond in front of the building; and while the carriage was going by, the light flickered on. There were white chrysanthemums around the elongated pond and with the light breeze it gave a romantic ambience in the air. Just then Bella turned to him and expressed; All of it! As far as the eyes can see; all that the sunlight touches is ours. Jay said to his wife Bella. Just than the horse and carriage came to a stop in front of the apartment and Jay got off the carriage first and then he assisted his wife. Once Bella stood on the platform she turned towards her husband, and smiled O so wickedly! While husband and wife walked up to the front veranda, a young girl the housemaid opened the front door and expressed Welcome my lady! Bella walked through the front entrance first and Jay followed behind. At first Bella stood in the foyer room, gazing at all that was seen in front of her; do my eyes perceive me right! She thought to herself. She then walked towards the living area, and was studying every detail in that room.

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Bella was over whelmed by what her eyes perceived; she could not decide what to look at first! She was over whelmed! Everything in the room was revolving around her! She could not believe that she would ever live in such luxury. From the outside, the apartment building didnt seem that it was as big as it was; it was long and very spaces inside. Each room had big windows that gave exceptional lighting; and each room; well each room was oversized. And the homes flooring was in white buffed marble; and the edge was outlined with a green marble stripe. The living area and the dining area were connected; and consisted of four balcony windows two in the living area and two in the dining area. Bella never dreamed that she would ever have the fortune to get hitched so well. She walked towards the divan and ran her palm over it feeling the soft velvety material. Bella turned towards her husband showing him that she approved. Jay saw the fascination in his wifes eyes, while she was absorbing every little detail in the rooms. Jay then said to her; My darling you will have plenty of time to view everything tomorrow. Although she asked; Is this mine? Is it really mine? Tell me that my eyes do perceive me right my love! Bella said, while she throws a wicket smile at Jay. You could see the greed in her eyes. Yes my love this is all yours! he reassured her. You are after all royal now! Jay added.

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Jay then took Bella by the hand and said, Come my love; they walked back into the foyer room, to go up the circular staircase. Once Jay and Bella reached the top; they were met by the midwife. At that point, Jay turned towards his wife; and said, You must do all that is asked of you; and you should wait for me. Bella shook her head in agreement; and Jay departed behind a door. Bella followed the midwife down the hall to the master sweet. Once the two women get to the double doors, the midwife opened them. After you madam. Said the midwife. Bella swayed into the spacious room. The awning over the king-size bed; was draped with a white silk swathe. As well, the master room had balcony windows. And on the walls all around the room, were Persian urns and artifacts from Ancient Greece and Persia. At that instance, the midwife ordered Bella to go into the master bath and strip down, wash-up; and wrap your body within a white sheet that is hanging behind the bathroom. After come back into the room, and wait in the divan for me. The midwife said to her. Bella did all that was instructed by the midwife: Bella went into the master bath, striped down, cleansed with a warm shower; and wrapped her body within a white sheet; just like the midwife had instructed. Once she walked out from the master bath, she walked over to the divan waiting for the midwife to come back into the room. Bella turned towards the mirror, and looked at her image; she wanted to look perfect for her husband.

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She had butterflies in her stomach; after all this would have been the first time that Bella had ever laid with man, in this lifetime. And she was nervous just like any other young maiden would be. Thirty minutes after, the midwife walked into the room and shut the double doors behind her. She then turned towards Bella and ordered; Come here my lady, she said, as she waved her hand. Bella asked, Where is my husband? Do not worry my lady; your husband will be here soon; now come over to me. The midwife instructed Bella. Bella stood off the divan and walked over to the midwife; and the midwife took off the white sheet that swathed Bellas body. The Midwife established that Bella was alarmed and she said to her; Do not worry my lady; I will not hurt you. At that point the midwife pulled the covers from the bed, and situated a white small pad on the bed, where Bella was going to lay on. The midwife then affirmed to Bella; Come and recline on the bed my lady and wait for your husband. Bella lay softly on the bed; although she was nervous because she wasnt sure what was expected from her; or what the midwife was planning to do. We must perform the ritual, before your new husband conjoins with you, the midwife confirmed. At that point Bella was moreso alarmed, because she understood what was going to be performed by the midwife. For then Bella closed her eyes, and bowed both of her legs like she was going to give birth.

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Just then Bellas cries were heard through the thick walls of the master bedroom; she was slithering on the bed, the pain was so horrific. The midwife consoled Bella once again; and said, There my lady; everything is well. Shush, shush my lady its all over, the midwife consulted as she wiped Bellas forehead, with a clean cloth.

Chapter Five

Once upon a time there was a young lady who was lucky to marry; but wasnt able to carry a soul within. For this young girl would always wish upon a falling star that one day shed be blessed with a baby girl to

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come. But you know what they say Never question the actions of

God, because theres always a good reason for the outcome that comes.

Bella and Jay had been married for a little over a year; and yet they were found without an heir to the throne; and both the king father and the queen mother were hounding Jay about Bellas inability to carry a child. Bella wasnt able to carry the baby full term; after the first trimester, shed have a miscarriage. Bella though knew that shed never be able to carry a child and give an heir, and she was starting to get anxious; because she knew why that was so. Bella knew that if she could not produce an heir, the people of Dubai would command of her extinction from the kingdom; and then the king father and queen mother would have no choice but to demand Jay to dissolve the marriage, by having Bella disbar from the palace. Once day, while Bella was in her chambers and her housemaid was combing her hair, Bella proclaimed to stop combing her hair, and go and fetch the house wizard so he can accompany them to the town bazaar. At that time, the house servant went out of the chamber to get the wizard. Once Bella went down to the foyer room, the wizard together with the housemaid, were waiting for Bella. Just as Bella came down the circular stairs, the wizard expressed, How can I help?as he bowed towards her.

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I will tell you on the way, said Bella. Once Bella the wizard and the housemaid, turned the corner, they came upon the narrow street; which was the entrance to the starting of the bazaar. Bella walked down the narrow strip and the wizard and the maid were close behind. Bella was closely observing everything and everyone that was present. Each stance that she bypassed had an interesting activity going on there were high priest, Genies, dancing girls with their masters. There were magicians and warriors promising wealth and power to those who seek them. Old grows reading the coffee cup, and/or tarot cards telling those who wanted to learn about their future and destiny. And you had those whom wished to seek spells of maliciousness; or cause damage to those whom did harm to them; or simply because they could use against someone that they despised. At one point, the wizard saw a Lord with a gypsy girl dancing. Right away he signed with his eyes for Bella to glance towards the girl dancing. Bella then turned her eyes towards the girl, and came to a standstill; and singed with her hand for the housemaid to do the same. Just then the Lord observed Bella, the wizard and the housemaid watching the dancing girl and expressed; Come my lady; the lord said for Bella to precede closer. Come look what I have.

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Bella and walked towards the lord and the girl dancing. The lord approached Bella and advertised; She cleans, cooks and entertains to your delight! She can perform any kind of dance you desire for her to do. Just what is it that you want; she can do! My fair lady what is it you seek from this dancing girl? Please continue dancing, Bella said to the young gyps; dont stop; you dance so beautiful. The young gypsy continued dancing her seductive dance, while Bella continued to watch with such enthusiasm. Just as the melody came to an end, Bella asked the lord how many pounds he wanted for this young gypsy girl. A hundred Liras my lady; he said, as he bowed down towards Bella. I will give you fifty Liras instead, said Bella. Done; my lady. Shes all yours. The Lord expressed, while he crabbed the girls arm and handed her to Bella. Dont be frightened; what is your name? Sahara. Thats a beautiful name, Bella said. Are you pure and competent to carry a child? she added. I believe that I am my lady. the slave girl proclaimed. I promise Sahara that if you do all that is asked of you, you will never be sold to another man ever again. Bella reinsured the slave girl. Sahara bowed her head towards Bella and expressed, Oh, thank you my lady!

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Thereafter Bella, the wizard, the housemaid and the dancing girl were on the way back to the palace. Once they get to the palace Bella ordered for her maid to go and bathe, groom and dress Sahara into appropriate clothing, and to give her something to eat. At the time, Bellas plans were set! She was going to get her heir one away or another!

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