Conditionals: I Won't Play Tennis It Rains Tomorrow

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CONDITIONALS First Conditional We use it to talk about possible situations, promises and warnings e g I!

! it rains tomorrow I won"t pla# tennis $%& I won't pla# tennis

Present S. Future S. If she is free tomorrow, she may/might attend the concert too Present S. modal


it rains tomorrow

(general trut)s* I! t)e temperature !alls below +ero, water !ree+es ,resent S ,resent S ( gi-ing orders* I! it is .old, take #our .oat
Present S. Imperative

Also called 3 .onditional

Se.ond Conditional We use it !or unreal or unlikel# situations, to gi-e ad-i.e e g I! I were / older, I wouldn"t li-e at )ome $%&
Past S. Conditional S.

I! I were #ou, I would e0er.ise more

T)ird Conditional We use it to talk about t)ings in t)e past w)i.) didn"t )appen $impossible .ondition& e g I! I )ad remembered #our p)one number, I would )a-e .alled $%&
Past Perfect Conditional Perfect

I! I )ad )ad mone#, I would )a-e boug)t a new .ar

1NL2SS IF NOT e g (1nless #ou )urr#, #ou"ll miss t)e bus

CONDITIONALS 4( Water5555555555 $!ree+e& i! t)e temperature !alls below +ero 6( I! a balloon is !illed wit) )ot air, it5555555555$rise& 7( T)e ma.)ine stops automati.all# i! somet)ing55555555 $go& wrong 8( I! it .osts too mu.), I555555555 $bu#& a smaller one 9( I will go ne0t week i! I555555555$.an& get a train ti.ket :( I! it55555555 $snow& t)is winter, we"ll go skiing ;( I! #ou55555555 $sell& more produ.ts, #ou"d earn more mone# <( =our parents5 55555 $be& a lot )appier i! #ou p)oned t)em more o!ten >( I5555555555$go& i! I )ad known 43( It will be impossible !or me to !inis) m# work i! #ou55555 $not .ease& t)is .)atter 44( I! #ou5555555 $want& to )a-e tea, put t)e kettle on now 46(Tell )im )e must -isit t)e Tower i! )e555555 $go & to London 47( I! I555555 $)a-e& t)e .ourage, I would )a-e answered )im ba.k 48( ?aisie"s mot)er would )a-e known w)at to do i! s)e5555555$be& ali-e 49( @la.kpool5555555$be& ideal !or a )olida# i! t)ere weren"t so man# people t)ere 4:( T)e dog5555555 $bite& #ou i! it )ad not been tied up 4;( 1nless #ou put #our mone# in a sa-ings a..ount, #ou555555 $not get& ten per .ent interest 4<( W)at will we do i! t)e ta0i5555555 $not .ome&A 4>( Bis .ar would be a lot sa!er i! )e555555$bu#& some new t#res 63( I! I555555555 $be& #ou, I wouldn"t worr# about going to uni-ersit# 64( W)ere would #ou like to li-e i! #ou5555555$not li-e& in ,arisA 66(I! I )ad to go to )ospital, I5555555555$not go& to t)is one 67(=ou will be ill i! #ou5555555555 $eat& so mu.) 68( I! s)e were older, s)e555555555 $)a-e& more sense 69( =ou5555555555 $kill& #oursel! i! #ou alwa#s work as )ard as t)at 6:( I! t)e# )ad waited, t)e#55555555555$!ind& me 6;( I! it555555555$be& !ine tomorrow, I will pla# tennis 6<( I! #ou don"t s)ut t)at window, we all55555555 $die& o! .old 6>( T)e .)ild555555555 $be killed& i! t)e train )adn"t stopped Cui.kl# 73( I! #ou go awa#, please 555555555$write& to me 74( I! #ou5555555555$be& in, I would )a-e gi-en it to #ou 76( I! Do)nn#5555555555 $eat& anot)er .ake, )e will be si.k 77( I! men5555555555 $be& onl# more reasonable, t)ere would be no more war 78( We would not )a-e despat.)ed t)e goods i! t)e#55555555$not be& in good .ondition 79( I would )a-e .ome sooner i! I55555555555 $know& #ou were )ere 7:( It is eas# to paint pi.tures i! one55555555$know& )ow to 7;( 1nless #ou go to Fran.e, #ou555555555 $not see& t)e 2i!!el Tower 7<( I t)ink )e won"t pass t)e e0am unless )e55555555 $stud#& )arder 7>( ?# un.le would be able to )elp us i! )e555555555 $be& )ere 83( I! s)e555555555 $not answer& t)e p)one, s)e wouldn"t )a-e )eard t)e good news

6( Complete t)e !ollowing 4( I! I )ad time5 6( Take #our!5 7( S)e will pla# t)e piano !or #ou5 8( I! I were #ou5 9( Eet read# Cui.kl# i!5 :( I won"t pa# unless5 ;( I! our tea.)er were not so se-ere,5 <( I! I )ad known )e was )ere5 >( I! it )adn"t been raining5 43( S)e wouldn"t )a-e married )im i!5

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