Agency Memo, Heriberto Garcia

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English 1311 Student Models: Agency Discourse Observation Memo Subject: The Human Rights Campaign Dear, English

1311 Students, Stephen Endean since the age of eighteen as in!ol!ed in politics b" !olunteering ith local politicians, b" age of t ent"#t o he became a are of his se$ual identit" and represented it among his career% His !ision as for ga" indi!iduals to recei!e e&ual treatment an" heterose$ual might ha!e% 'ith this !ision he created the Human Rights Campaign (HCR) in 1*+, to promote e&ualit" for the -./T communit"% To this da" the HCR still fights for that same !ision% 'hen !isiting HRC%org there logo, The E&ual sign represents that same !ision Stephen Endean had% 'hen !isiting the ebsite one can na!igate to the 0The HRC Stor"1 tab and find the histor" of the organi2ation% The mission statement,0The HRC stri!es to end discrimination against -./T citi2ens and reali2e a nation that achie!es fundamental fairness and e&ualit" for all%1, is located in that same tab% 3or o!er three decades the HRC has fought for its mission statement% Some of its man" !ictories include, 0Don4t 5s6, Don4t Tell1 Repeal, Hate Crimes, 7rotecting 8outh through its anti#bull"ing campaign and fighting for legali2ation of same#se$ marriages% 9n :,,;, the HRC fought against the states 9o a and <e Hampshire to beat bac6 their anti#marriage amendments, in the aftermath this created the foundation of marriage e&ualit" ithin both states% The HRC is the largest -./T organi2ation in the =nited States, ith o!er 1%> million members and supporters, the non#profit has made its name% ?ne might as6 0ho does the HRC 6eep in tact ith so man" people@1 'ell in their ebsite (HRC%org) the organi2ation pro!ides its !er" man" communication resources% 3or e$ample, on the ebsites header, it offers all their social net or6 lin6s such as 3aceboo6, T itter, and .oogleA% 5nother, source of communicating, is their monthl" ne sletter that members or the open public can sign up for on the top right corner from the homepage% This ne sletter informs the public about local e!ents the HRC is or6ing on, political ne s and gi!es 9nternational ne s for the readers such as the -./T affairs in Russia% ?ne of the largest source of information that the ebsite offers is the State -a s and 7olicies map% This map illustrates ho states are for, against, or neutral for same#se$ marriage% Thus, the HRC has different maps for la s such as medical policies, emplo"ment regulations, and man" more% 5ll this information can be located under the 0Resources1 tab% The HRC also has a blog that shares ne s article and stories to ards the communit"% Bajorit" of the articles pro!ided ha!e a !er" professional tone hen addressing the topic hich sho s there professionalism and good structure ithin the non#profit% Stephen Endean had a !ision of enriching the -./T communit" and e!en after his death his !ision is still ali!e% The Human Rights campaign is public sector ho allo s membership to the -./T communit" and allied heterose$uals% Those interested in joining, can ith a donation of thirt"#fi!e dollars% The membership lin6 is located in the top right corner for those interested% Those ho join ill stand for the !ision of e&ualit"% Sincerel", Heriberto .arcia

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