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1Gay Marriage Yes/No? Why?

Gay Marriage Yes/No? Why? Heriberto Garcia The University of Texas at El Paso

2Gay Marriage Yes/No? Why?

Annotate !ibliogra"hy# T$P %t& ent Action ' (efen ing Moral )al&es on *a+"&s# ,-./01 May /2# TFP Student Action Defending Moral Values on Campus# 3etrieve 4ctober /.1 -./01 fro+ htt"5//666#tf"st& entaction#org/The online so&rce fro+ htt"5//666#tf"st& entaction#org1 gives ten reason 6hy Ho+osex&al +arriage sho&l not be legali7e # The clai+s ranges fro+ i++oral for society to religio&s clai+s1 8Go %ays %o9# The 6ebsite gave very goo clai+s 6hen ex"laining one of its reason1 for exa+"le reason n&+ber9 0# :t Al6ays (enies a *hil Either a $ather or a Mother91 ex"lains ho6 an 6hy sa+e'sex "artners sho&l not be allo6e to a o"t1 they s&""ort the clai+ by ex"laining ho6 the chil 6ill be e"rive fro+ either a +other or a father1 e"en ing on the +arriage# 4ne last clai+s that hel"s this research is n&+ber 8;# :t :+"oses :ts Acce"tance on All %ociety91 this to"ic arg&es on the stance of the civic revol&tion that %a+e'%ex +arriages 6o&l create if legali7e # Th&s1 it gives evi ence 6hen it ex"lains ho6 e"art+ent 6ill have to create ne6 +an ates an reg&lations for the +arriage in the civic as"ect< li=e *hristians to acce"t the +arriage even if goes against their believes1 an ho6 society as a 6hole 6o&l have to change 6hen it is not rea y for the a""etence# :n general the 6ebsite is a goo so&rce 6hen "rovi ing evi ence for the "oint of vie6 of no to %a+e'%ex Marriages# %avage1 *# ,-./01 %e"te+ber >2# )#A# to Provi e %"o&sal !enefits to Gays1 A +inistration %ays# The New Yor Times# 3etrieve 4ctober ?1 -./01 fro+ htt"5//666#nyti+es#co+/-./0/.?/.@/&s/va'to'"rovi e's"o&sal'benefits'to'gays' a +inistration'says#ht+l?ArB. The article fro+ "&blishe by The New Yor Times is abo&t a bill that 6as recently "asse thro&gh the exec&tive branch of govern+ent# This bill 6ill "rovi e eC&al !enefits to Gay "artners 6ithin the +ilitary< they incl& e s&ch as

3Gay Marriage Yes/No? Why?

ho&sing1 G#: !ills1 an every other benefit that heterosex&al "artners have as 6ell# After a %&"re+e *o&rt r&ling the bill 6as "asse 1 this +a e The (e"art+ent of (efense to re efine reg&lations1 an the ter+ 8s"o&se9# Un er +&ch consi eration to the ter+ the agencies efine 8s"o&se9 to a +arriage efine beco+ing a veteran1 an those legally +arrie 6hile active# This bill 6as "asse thro&gh 4ba+aDs a +inistration1 since -./.1 he ebate for congress to eli+inate the la6 that 6o&l not allo6 o"en Eesbians to be active in the +ilitary# This ebate bet6een the over the Ho&se of 3e"resentatives an the "resi ent 6as lost bac= in -./.1 ho6ever1 since the ho&se elections the 4ba+a 6as able to "ass this act# *a+eron1 E# ,-./01 March -.2# Watch5 %on of T6o (a s Ma=es a *lear *ase for Marriage EC&ality F H&+an 3ights *a+"aign# !uman "ights Campaign# 3etrieve 4ctober />1 -./01 fro+ htt"5//666#hrc#org/blog/entry/6atch'son'of't6o' a s'+a=es'a'clear'case' for'+arriage'eC&ality (aniel an his father are c&rrent Yo&t&bers1 they have create a channel that is evote in a vocating the eC&al rights in the +o ern fa+ily# The +o ern fa+ily that (aniel lives in is of t6o fathers 6ho a o"te hi+ 6hen he 6as seven years1 an his sister 6hen she 6as t6elve +onths ol # :n the vi eo1 (aniel an his father intro &ce the arg&+ent they 6ante to share to the "&blic +e ia in the internet# (aniels father ex"lains that (aniel 6rote a letter the %&"re+e *o&rt1 ex"laining 6hy Pro" ; sho&l not be "asse # (aniel begins by rea ing the letter that he "ersonally 6rote to the G& iciary ho6 a fa+ily is not +a e of bloo b&t by the love of the "eo"le involve in a 8fa+ily9# Th&s1 he 6rote in the letter ho6 the o6n G& iciary ha recently a o"te t6o chil ren as 6ell1 6ith this "oint he ebates 6hat se"arate (aniels fa+ily1 an the G& iciaries fa+ily# To concl& e1 (aniel1 states1 8+y fa+ily sho&l be eC&al#9

4Gay Marriage Yes/No? Why?

EHvy1 !# H# ,-./01 Ian&ary ;2# !ernar 'Henri EHvy5 Marriage in J/0# #rea ing News and $pinion on The !uffington Post# 3etrieve 4ctober />1 -./01 fro+ htt"5//666#h&ffington"ost#co+/bernar henri'levy/+arriage'in'/0AbA->0-.K@#ht+l#The article Marriage in %&' fro+ the H&ffington Post1 gives three to"ics that have change in to6ar s %a+e'%ex Marriage# N&+ber /, The (ac ward wa) in which the role of religion in this fracas has (een framed1 ex"lains ho6 religion has beg&n to change its believes to6ar s the i ea of +arriage# $or exa+"le1 it clarifies ho6 so+e "riest are gay the+selves1 an have been +arriage &n er a civil &nion# Th&s1 *hristians have acce"te the 8gay co++&nity9 beca&se so+e f there val&es are threatene # N&+ber -1 The mo(ili*ation of the +iews of a segment of the ps)choanal)tic communit)1 this section synthesisDs1 ho6 the "&blic ass&+es that chil ren raise in sa+e'sex +arriage +ight beco+e lG!T1 ho6ever the article ex"lains that st& ies have sho6n that a o"te chil renDs orientation is not affecte 6hen raise in this ty"e of ho&sehol # N&+ber 01 And, )es, the famil)1 agrees that a sa+e'sex +arriage is still a fa+ily# Glen1 G# ,-..;2# Are A o"tion Policies $air# -a)s and .es(ians Should Not #e Allowed to Adopt1 &,/21 /'0#1 the Go&rnal is a "ersonal "oint of vie6 that co+es fro+ a Eesbian 6ho ex"lains 6hy sa+e'sex "artners sho&l not be allo6e to a o"t# %he &ses her "ersonal reasoning as a "arent1 she lists ho6 a chil +ay s&ffer several "sychological isor ers 6hen gro6ing &"# $or exa+"le1 she says ho6 the chil ren gro6 conf&se 6hy they onDt see a +aternal an "aternal fig&re1 rather 6hen seeing t6o +others or t6o father# The Go&rnal also &ses facts an statistics to "rove this "oint1 th&s this hel"s boost the ethos as"ect of her clai+# The ata "roves ho6 chil ren raise in sa+e'sex "artnershi"s have a higher ris= of s&ici e1 cons&+e for r&gs1 an are "hysically &nhealthier# The a&thor also

5Gay Marriage Yes/No? Why?

"oints o&t ho6 sa+e'sex "artners the+selves have a higher ris= of being sic= the+selves1 thro&gh several cancers an sex&al iseases# 3ogers1 G# ,-..@2# WhatJs Wrong With Gay A o"tion?# Suffer the Children1 /0,-21 /'L# :n the Go&rnal the 6riter1 6rites a research "a"er that infor+s the "&blic abo&t the reasons 6hy sa+e'sex "artners sho&l not be allo6e to a o"t chil ren# The 6riter &ses both a religio&s an "sychological a""roach to s&""ort her clai+# $or exa+"le1 the 6riter1 ex"lain a "ersonal story fro+ a chil raise in a sa+e'sex ho&sehol # :n this story1 the chil narrates ho6 her +otherDs 6o&l have sex&al enco&nters an she 6o&l be "resent# The chil gre6 &" 6ith a hatre to6ar s lesbians# The Go&rnal also ebates the "oints of1 A "ro"er fa+ily1 an o Gay +a=e !etter Parents# The 6riter oes have a goo stan

a vocating 6hy society sho&l not allo6 a o"tions1 in her "ersonal "oint of vie61 she &ses the +in set of a chil an their conf&sion of 6hy they are not having a +other an a father fig&re in a fa+ily# :n her research she states ho6 so+e other st& ies have false infor+ation G&st to +a=e the i ea of sa+e'sex legal I&no 1 T# ,n# #2# The Politics !log#1s2uirecom Article# 3etrieve 4ctober /K1 -./01 fro+ htt"5//666#esC&ire#co+/blogs/"olitics/6ar'on'a o"tion# The blog entry is abo&t a sa+e' sex co&"le that a o"te a chil an 6ho share their "oint of vie6 to6ar s the i ea of a o"tion# The blog begins 6ith the narratorDs "ersonal story of her +arriage 6ith her 6ife# %he ex"lains ho6 they +eet in college an later +arrie for -; years# To+ 6ho is the 6riter of the blog1 shares ho6 he an his "artner 6ere able to a o"t since he 6as a +en before the a o"tion "rocess# As a 6o+en no6 he ex"lains ho6 the "&blic sho&l allo6 "artners to a o"t 6itho&t loo=ing of the +arriage or "artnershi"s as"ect 6hen allo6ing a o"tion# To+ clarifies ho6 he/she an his/her 6ife have a ifferent case1

6Gay Marriage Yes/No? Why?

ho6ever1 that sho&l not be a reason that others cannot a o"t# He/she stan s 6ith the i ea that love raises a chil an that legislation sho&l not stan in the 6ay of the i ea of creating ho+es for a chil 1 since To+ believes that a chil is better in a ho&sehol rather than in the foster syste+#

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