OPEd Heriberto Garcia

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Heriberto Garcia 11/24/13 Let me Sham You Online I have my own Facebook like any other mo erni!

e in ivi ual" I #o$t my #er$onal $torie$% tho$e awkwar #icture$ with my &rien $% an yeah tho$e &unny comment$ I $hare with other$" 'y &rien $ ran(e &rom a #a$t teacher$ to my own mother% but $ometime$ I limit my online action$ o to her ea$y acce$$ to my account" Ye$% $he rea $ what I write% $ee$ tho$e #icture$ $he oe$ not un er$tan % but there i$ a line that my mother cannot cro$$ within my online #er$ona% I call thi$ )$hammin(*" I e&ine )$hammin(* to be an action o& online bullyin(% but in a way that i$ not inten e to be irect an nonethele$$ cau$e harm" Sa ly it oe$% #arent$ &or the #a$t &ew year$ have u$e Facebook a$ &orm o& #uni$hin( a chil % or embarra$$in( them &or action$ that are one out$i e the virtual worl " In my #er$onal new$ $tream% I have &rien who$e mother u#loa $ #icture$ o& her a$ a baby% her wa$hin( the i$he$% commentin( on $hare$ that we have a$ &rien $" I $ee how thi$ bother$ my &rien $ an lately oe$ not u$e her account to avoi the )$hammin(*" +he ima(e to the $i e ,-u!!Fee % 2.13/ $how$ a $im#le Facebook $hare% with a re$#on$e &rom a &ather )Ye#% I 0u$t hear )1m#ty the 2i$hwa$her 3 +he 4at -o5 1very 6i(ht 7ithout -itchin( 8bout It*" 4atchy tune*% in my o#inion I believe that a #arent $houl not u$e $ocial me ia a$ a tool to i$ci#line a chil $ince $everal can $ee view

thi$" In$tea a #arent can ea$ily have a talk to their chil an maybe the chil woul be more o#en to a #arent o& there not only o& a Facebook account but o& their #er$onal li&e" +o ea$ily e5#lain how $hammin( on Facebook &eel$% it$ like when you were &ive an your #arent$ ha (ue$t$ over% an you acci entally ro# a (la$$ cu#" +he room (row$ $ilent &or a minute an

one o& your #arent$ $tart$ to ba$h an yell at you in &ront o& all the (ue$t$" You &eel horrible% you be(in to cry an o not know how to react% an nor o the (ue$t$" )9$ycholo(i$t e5#ert$ $ay that any

#uni$hment that $hame$ or embarra$$e$ a chil i$ not an e&&ective way to i$ci#line youn($ter$% an may cau$e lon(:term #$ycholo(ical ama(e% #uni$hment$ can al$o ama(e a #arent;$ relation$hi# with their chil % an lea to a cycle o& ba behavior* ,<ettner" <% 2.12/" +hi$ i$ the $ame when )$hamme * on Facebook% &rien $ are the =ue$t$ who $ee the comment$ an can not o much about it an a chil i$ le&t with embarra$$ment when hi$/her &rien $ talk about it the ne5t ay at $chool I will not eny that I have like a #icture or two% or even a $everal o!en that $how that $ame behavior a$ that &rom the e5am#le above" +here i$ a $im#le thin( that we can o o $to# thi$ tren &rom (oin( on" In$tea o& likin( a #icture or comment where a #arent $hame$ a chil % we can o our #art by not makin( thi$ behavior #o$itive% re#ort a #hoto or comment i$ (et$ out o& control to #rotect a chil " I am not $ayin( that all &rom o& cyber #uni$hment i$ wron(% at time i$ it nee e > however a #arent a $houl think twice be&ore #o$tin( $omethin( that coul harm a chil "

<e&erence 9a(e ?-u!!Fee "? BuzzFeed" 6"#"% 14 'ay 2.13" 7eb" 2. 6ov" 2.13" @htt#A//www"bu!!&ee "com/thewaywayback/12:#ain&ully:embarra$$in(:#arent$:on:&acebookB" Cack$on% 80a 2or$ey" ?-lackan 'arrie 7ithDi $"com"?BlackandMarriedWithKidscom" 6"#"% 14 8u(" 2.13" 7eb" 2. 6ov" 2.13" @htt#A//www"blackan marrie withki $"com/2.13/.E/$houl :#arent$: embarra$$:ki $:online:a$: i$ci#line/B" <ettner% <achael" ?1mbarra$$in( 9uni$hment$ Hurt Di $% 15#ert$ Say"?LiveScience.com" 6"#"% 12 'ay 2.12" 7eb" 24 6ov" 2.13" @htt#A//www"live$cience"com/2.314:embarra$$in(:#uni$hment$: chil ren: i$ci#line"htmlB"

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