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Lesson Topic: Controlled Assessment Essay Plan Class: Year 10 English Room: F6 Date: Period/Time: 09/12/13 11:25-12:30 Area of Programme of Study or Subject Outlines and essay fundamentals Understanding gender in Shakespeare Managing Information Skills and capabilities to be developed: Responding to a prompt Managing information Cultural understanding Self-management

Learning Intentions: Pupils will be able to: -manage themselves and stay on task while they work in levelled groups. -organize a clear, cohesive close reading response. -identify and explain the differences in gender norms between two different eras. -use specific textual evidence to support opinion. Differentiation: Each student will work on a worksheet which is designed for their needs: language work, essay organization, or clear and cohesive essay writing. Students needs will be selfdetermined by responding to a quiz. Cynthia (ELL) will have additional help from her translator, and will likely work on the essay organization sheet due to challenges with idioms in Katherinas speech. Abby, Julia, and Megan will have additional teacher support to help with instructions. Directions written on board as well as spoken verbally.

Success Criteria( where applicable): Students will self-reflect on their essay plans. Students will complete targeted preparation for Tuesdays controlled response. Students will self-manage during levelled working time in class. Resources: -Material list, prompt, and tasks on projector -Pink Taming of the Shrew Packets -Essay Outline quiz -Prep worksheets (Language in Katherinas speech, Clear and cohesive essay writing, Organizing a response)

Learning Sequence/Teaching Activities

Stage Introduction Time: Teaching Points / Key Questions Essay plan reflection (10 min) Teacher / Pupil Activities -Students collect Marigold essays on their way in to class -Students get out Katherinas speech, completed essay plan, and class workbooks -Students respond to Essay Plan Reflection on the board -As students respond, teacher goes around and checks off who has completed the outline -Teacher answers any questions about the essay plan/outline or expectations for close reading response tomorrow -Teacher explains goals for rest of class -individual work time with peer support -levelled prep papers based on need -off task behaviour will result in silent work in resource room -ask group members before asking Ms ODonnell -Teacher passes out quiz for levelled essay prep -Students neatly stack their items and take them with them to the part of the room designated -Languages group has heavily scaffolded tasks to help them read and respond to the speech more effectively -Organizing group helps them set up a written response and organize an effective answer to the prompt -Clear and Cohesive group will write an abridged version of their essay and use a variety of tools to fine-tune their written work -Teacher will rotate during activities, monitoring on-task behaviour and answering questions -Teacher has students pack up materials and explains procedure for tomorrows controlled assessment. Students take home prep sheets. Assessment/Verification of learning intentions

Written self-reflections about essay plan

Development Time:

Essay prep quiz and expectations (5 min)

Levelled response prep (45 min)

Verbal questions and written work on prep sheets

Controlled Assessment on Tuesday (5 min)

Essay Plan Quiz Answer the questions below as honestly as possible. When it comes to reading Katherinas speech, I feel like I a) Have a lot of trouble figuring out what shes saying. b) Can usually figure out the general idea of what shes saying. c) Can work out what shes probably saying with a hint or two. On the essay plan, the most challenging part was a) Understanding what I was supposed to do. b) Nothing in particular. I actually feel ok about the essay plan. c) Organizing my essay. I think in general my biggest issue in writing essays is a) Figuring out what I want to say. b) Fine-tuning my writing to make it sound cohesive and clear. c) Putting all of my ideas together in a well-laid out way. On a scale of 1-10, I said completing the essay plan was a a) 1-3 b) 6+ c) 4-6

And dart not scornful glances from those eyes To wound thy lord, thy king, thy governor.
If asked to write a translation of the lines above, I would a) Panic. b) Probably do well. c) Not feel very confident, but I could figure most of it out. Mostly As: Language in Katherinas speech Mostly Bs: Clear and cohesive essay writing Mostly Cs: Organizing a response
If youve tied between two answers (or you truly dont agree with the result) use your best judgment.

Language in Katherinas Speech

1. In the dictionary, look up the following words. Then, write out the definition below. Knit (your brow):______________________________________________________ Scornful:_____________________________________________________________ Wound:______________________________________________________________ Read the following lines from Katherinas speech and answer the questions.

Fie, fie! unknit that threatening unkind brow, And dart not scornful glances from those eyes To wound thy lord, thy king, thy governor.
2. Based on the lines above, what are the other women doing that Katherina doesnt like? To whom are they doing it? _____________________________________________________________________ 3. What language (words) does Katherina use to describe the men? _____________________________________________________________________ 4. How would a modern audience react to a woman referring to her husband like this? Why would they react this way? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Look up the definition of sovereign in the dictionary and write it below. Sovereign:____________________________________________________________ Read the following lines from Katherinas speech and answer the questions.

Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper, Thy head, thy sovereign; one that cares for thee, And for thy maintenance commits his body To painful labour both by sea and land, To watch the night in storms, the day in cold, Whilst thou liest warm at home, secure and safe
6. According to Katherinas speech, what do men do while women are safe at home? _____________________________________________________________________ 7. What does a modern audience learn from this about the roles of men compared to the roles of women? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

8. Use the dictionary to define supremacy. Supremacy:___________________________________________________________ Read the following lines from Katherinas speech and answer the questions.

I am ashamed that women are so simple To offer war where they should kneel for peace, Or seek for rule, supremacy, and sway, Whey they are bound to serve, love, and obey.

9. What does Katherina mean when she says she is ashamed that women are so simple to offer war when they should kneel for peace? If needed, look up simple. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 10. From the above section, what does a modern audience learn about marriage? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 11. Using the dictionary, find the most appropriate definition for the following words. Token:_______________________________________________________________ Duty:________________________________________________________________ Ease:________________________________________________________________

And place your hands below your husband's foot, In token of which duty, if he please, My hand is ready, may it do him ease.
12. What is Katherina saying that women should do for their husbands? What does this tell a modern audience about the position of men in society versus the position of women? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 13. What visual imagery is used in these lines and how does this characterize the roles of men and women? (In your answer, directly quote important words or phrases.) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 14. Tomorrow you will be asked to answer the question, What does a modern audience learn about marriages and the roles of women in Katherinas speech? Go back through this worksheet and star all of your responses which help answer that question. With the time remaining in class, return to your essay plan. Add to your plan with your responses from this worksheet. Make sure to directly quote language and imagery from the speech.

Organizing a Response
This worksheet will help you organize your essay so that it truly answers the prompt:

What does a modern audience learn about marriages and the roles of men and women in Katherinas speech?
1.List what you know about the roles of men and women in Shakespeares time:

Write a sentence which summarizes the roles of men and women in Shakespeares time. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Re-read Katherinas speech and spend a few minutes copying the language (words or phrases) and visual imagery you find into the table below. Direct quotes from speech What this tells me about marriage or gender roles

How are gender roles presented in the language and imagery Katherina uses? (1 sentence) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

3. Use the table below to list what Katherina says about marriage and the roles of men and women compared to marriage and gender roles today. Something Katherina says about marriage or the roles of men and women How does this compare to today? How would a modern audience react to this part of the speech? Be specific.

How would a modern audience react to Katherinas presentation of the roles of men and women? (1 sentence) ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Above you have three different categories which could (but do not have to) be your three main points in your extended response tomorrow. Using ideas from above, ideas from your essay plan, or both, list the three main ideas you would like to write about. 1.___________________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________________ Write an opening paragraph (at least 3 sentences) which introduces the above categories and summarizes your response to the prompt: What does a modern audience learn about marriages and the roles of men and women in Katherinas speech? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

Clear and Cohesive Essay Writing Close reading response: What does a modern audience learn about marriages and the roles of men and women in Katherinas speech?
You wont have time to finish a full rough draft during class today, so this worksheet is designed to help you practice and fine tune your extended response to Katherinas speech. Write your three main ideas (paragraphs) you will use to answer the question*: 1.___________________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________________ 3.___________________________________________________________________
*Hint: when writing your response, put your weakest paragraph in between the other two.

Introduction: Write an opening paragraph (at least 3 sentences) which introduces the above categories and summarizes your response to the prompt. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Check your intro paragraph above. Does it: grab your readers attention? give your reader an overview (summary) of the essay? answer all parts of the prompt question? make a strong statement? Main Idea #1: Bullet point what you want to cover in this first paragraph. Be specifichow will you convince your reader about your argument?

Your opening sentence for paragraph one should be a strong statement which introduces your argument (the bullet points above). Write your intro sentence for paragraph #1: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Main Idea #2: Using what you know about an intro sentence, write the introductory sentence for your second paragraph. Remember to be clear and concise (brief/precise/efficient). _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Use the table below to show how you will use textual evidence from Katherinas speech to back up the point youve made in the intro sentence. Text evidence (specific word, phrase, or line) How this proves my main point

Main Idea #3: Write your complete third paragraph below. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

Check your paragraph above. Does it: have a strong, clear intro sentence? stay on topic? contain text evidence and explanations which prove your point? have proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling? Conclusion: Your final paragraph should review your main points* and give a final, clear answer to the prompt question. Bullet point what you want to include in the final paragraph.
*but dont just repeat what youve already stated word for word. Thats boring.

Write your final concluding sentence which wraps up your response. ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Good work! If you still have time, here are other things to improve your response. Check your writing goal on the wall. Review this essay plan to see how you can meet your goal more effectively. Add more interesting language. Thesauruses at the back of the room will help. Review Katherinas speech. How does her language and imagery present the roles of men and women? Include this interpretation in your essay plan. Grab another prep paper and use the questions and guided responses to help build on to your essay plan.

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