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INTRODUCTION Earlier this month I questioned Wreddit if it had any desire for an introductory guide to Ring of Honor Wrestling,

the regional wrestling promotion which brought light to such popular names as CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Samoa Joe, Austin Aries and many more. After a surprisingly enthusiastic response I got to work and after hours of typing, revision and searching I have created what I feel is an adequate guide for any aspiring Ring of Honor Wrestling fan. The following details the more historic moments in ROHs history which has helped shape the company until 2011, when purchased by Sinclair Broadcasting. From there I go in-depth on almost everything until the present day . Utilizing links I have attempted to allow you the opportunity for further insight with videos, images, wikipedia pages and more; hopefully this assists you to get a mental image of all this information. So without further procrastination I hope you enjoy my Introductory Guide to Ring of Honor Wrestling.

February 23, 2002 - The Era of Honor Begins [ROH was founded in early 2002 by the head of RF Video Rob Feinstein, who was seeking a new promotion to head his video sales but was unable to persuade any active promotion to do so. Funded by RF Video and booked by Gabe Sapolsky, the sometimes dubbed protoge of Paul Heyman due to his work in Extreme Championship Wrestling under him, ROH staged its rst show The Era of Honor Begins on February 23, 2002 in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, headlined by Eddie Guerrero vs. Super Crazy and a Triple Threat match between Low-Ki, Christopher Daniels and Bryan Danielson, a trio known to ROH fans as the founding fathers. In the beginning ROH was intended to be a super-indy, bringing together all the top stars from all the independent promotions across the United States and Canada, due to the excess amount of indy performers at the time following the demise of WCW and ECW to the WWE. For two years it operated on either one show a month or two shows a weekend basis, its rst major show being Glory by Honor which featured

the debut of Samoa Joe who was hired by Christopher Daniels to take out Low-Ki. ROH was unlike other independent promotions however as it travelled, sometimes to Boston, MA, other times to Queens, New York, but Philadelphia was always its home. For the rst year or so ROH gained a fanbase in the Philly region as an alternative replacement for the fallen Extreme Championship Wrestling but it had yet to make a big bang, that would all change though, with the emergence of the Samoan Submission Machine in his true form.](/spoiler) The Champ Is Here [Samoa Joe defeated Xavier, who many view as the most undeserving ROH World Champion in history at Night of the Champions, a year and one month after the company was founded. For twenty-one months Samoa Joe reigned as ROH World Champion, it was during this time he would have three classic matches with CM Punk which paid tribute to the classic sixty-minute marathon matches of the 70s and 80s. Samoa Joe successfully defended the ROH World Championship 29 times in his 21 months as champion and was even the person who made it a World Championship, defending it against The Zebra Kid in London, England. After a dominating reign and unprecedented undefeated streak Joe would lose the title at Final Battle 2004 to Austin Aries.](/spoiler) Straight Edge Means Im Better Than You CM Punk burst onto the scene in Ring of Honor engaging rst in a short feud with Colt Cabana before turning heel and running down fans for drinking beer, smoking cigarettes and doing drugs. When word broke of Ravens impending debut in the company Punk would antagonize Raven until he appeared and the two would embark on a bloody feud which featured the formation of The Second City Saints (Punk, Cabana and Ace Steel), Punk vs. Terry Funk, appearances from Tommy Dreamer who at the time was a WWE employee and Punk/Raven in a singles matche, a Ravens Rules match, tag team matches, a Dog Collar match and nally a Steel Cage at an event dubbed The Conclusion. Steve Corino vs. Homicide [Steve Corino is an independent wrestling legend and former ECW World Heavyweight Champion. Homicide was one of the most talked about performers on the indies at this time. What happened here was a simple miscommunication during a tag team match turned into one of the bloodiest rivalries of the 21st century. It would unfold over the span of four years, o and on, with its most consistent patch featuring them in two of the bloodiest matches in ROH history, a Street Fight at Bitter Friends, Stier Enemies and a Barbed Wire Match at War of the Wire. It even included a riot. When Corino would return and side with CM Punk against Generation Next (Alex Shelley, Austin Aries, Roderick Strong and Jack Evans) Homicide would attack him. When Homicide would be ghting his new enemy Colt Cabana, Corino would attack him. In on instance an infamous ROH moment Homicide would pour Drano down Corinos throat in an attempt to kill him.

Their nal match would take place in 2006, a Fight Without Honor (no rules whatsoever) with Homicide winning and the two shaking hands. During the course of this feud Corino lost the hearing in his left ear, he says it was worth it.](/spoiler) Change in Ownership In 2004 Rob Feinstein was arrested for attempting to arrange a meeting with an underage boy . Feinstein immediately resigned from ROH once this became public knowledge, leaving the company in jeaprody. TNA who were sharing talent with ROH at the time made an ultimatum to wrestlers that they could either choose ROH or TNA a majority chose TNA, one who didnt was CM Punk. Doug Gentry purchased the company to save it and then sold it to Cary Silkin, whod been involved in the wrestling business in Puerto Rico. Gabe continued as head booker and ROH moved on. Sandyforks Finest [Jay Briscoe vs. Amazing Red was the rst ever singles match in Ring of Honor. Jay Briscoe was 18-years-old. Mark Briscoes rst ever match in ROH four months later was against Jay Briscoe and he won. He was 17-years-old. After a brief spat the two would form a tag team and do whatever it takes to become the ROH World Tag Team Champions. It would take them just over a year and a half but at Reborn: Stage Two, The Briscoes defeated The Second City Saints, Colt Cabana and CM Punk to become ROH World Tag Team Champions. The Briscoes are eight time ROH World Tag Team Champions and have the longest reign at 217 days.](/spoiler) The Summer of Punk [Throughout 2004 CM Punk chased Samoa Joe, trying everything he could to become ROH World Champion, coming up short each time and seeming like a man on the edge. At Death Before Dishonor III, CM Punk would nally achieve his goal in ROH and defeat Austin Aries, becoming the ROH World Champion as the fans chanted, CM Punk and You Deserve This unknowing of the pipebomb they were about to receive. CM Punk took the microphone and spoke a now historic promo claiming to be the devil and announcing that he was leaving Ring of Honor and that he was going to drop the ROH World Championship on the desk of Vince McMahon. What unfolded in the next three months saw CM Punk sign his WWE contract on top of the ROH World Championship belt, Mick Foley would come to Ring of Honor and attempt to reason with Punk, even threatening to throw him o a balcony if he didnt defend the title belt. Eventually Punk would lose the title to James Gibson (Jamie Noble) and plead for forgiveness which he was granted. At Punk: The Final Chapter from his hometown of Chicago, a crying CM Punk came to the ring mouthing the words, Im not ready, and faced his best friend Colt Cabana in a 2/3 Falls Match, which he would lose. Following the match the entire locker room emptied and in-unison chanted CM Punk!

](/spoiler) The Best In The World [For the rst three years of ROHs existence, no matter who had the World Championship, no matter what was happening, all fans viewed one man as their hero, one man as the face of the company, one man as the best. That man was American Dragon Bryan Danielson. After chasing the ROH World Championship for three years, like Punk coming up short each time he gained an opportunity, Bryan announced he would take a leave of absence because he didnt think he deserved to be in ROH. When his return was announced months later, James Gibson was now champion and Bryan made one request upon his return which was for a title match. Bryan spoke in a cryptic fashion but alluded that if he didnt beat Gibson he would never wrestle again. At Glory By Honor IV after months in Japan, Bryan returned to defeat Gibson and become Ring of Honor World Champion, leading to a huge celebration in the arena between wrestlers and fans alike. Bryans title reign is recognized by many as the second best o Samoa Joes. While not as long, Bryan defended the title 38 times in his 462 days as champion, travelling the world with it and wrestling with an array of injuries including a detached retna, minor dislocated shoulder, broken ngers, broken nose and even at one point a fractured rib. During his title reign Bryan would lose control of himself, turning on the fans and ROH management (Jim Cornette), proclaiming he was the Best In The World and coining during this time the all popular phrase, I have till ve!](/spoiler) Joe vs. Kobashi It was built simply as Joe vs. Kobashi. Japanese wrestling legend Kenta Kobashi had never wrestled in the United States at this point, so when Ring of Honor contacted Pro Wrestling NOAH and agreed to do business he was the rst person Sapolsky wanted. Kobashi and Joe fought for 20 minutes in a function room of a New York hotel, in what is not only a ve star match but also one of the hardest hitting matches of alltime. There was no backstory, there was no aftermath, it was simply two monsters battling it out for supremacy . Honor Goes Ultraviolent ROH vs. CZW [In the winter of 2005, Bryan Danielson, now a cocky, self-obsessed heel entered a CZW evening show and ran down CZW, its fans, its wrestlers and most importantly its champion at the time Chris Hero. Chris Heros response was to travel to an ROH show and make an impromptu challenge to Danielson for his ROH World Championship. Hero lost but the feud had only begun as both Ring of Honor and Combat Zone Wrestling went to war over who was the best, one which lasted until July of 2006. Featuring names such as Samoa Joe, Claudio Castagnoli (Antonio Cesaro), Adam Pearce, Super Dragon, Nate Webb, John Zandig (at the time CZW owner), Necro Butcher, Ace Steel, BJ Whitmer, Kevin Steen, Eddie Kingston, Homicide, Bryan

Danielson and Chris Hero as the main characters with the respective rosters featuring in places, Ring of Honors war with Combat Zone Wrestling brought many bloody brawls and even a CZW invasion of sorts when at Arena Warfare, CZW took over the event, Zandig spray painting the CZW initials over ROHs on the ring canvas. For several months CZW events were interrupted by Ring of Honor, who in turn had their events interrupted by CZW. A lot of bloody matches would occur, the most bloody coming at Dissension between Adam Pearce and Necro Butcher. Eventually something had to give and John Zandig had the solution a Cage of Death match pitting ve from ROH against ve from CZW. It would happen at Death Before Dishonor IV, ROH being represented initially by Samoa Joe, Adam Pearce, BJ Whitmer, Ace Steel and Bryan Danielson against CZWs Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Necro Butcher, Nate Webb and Eddie Kingston. However, despite he being the one of the main catalysts in the feud, Bryan Danielson would turn on ROH and leave them one man down. Jim Cornette was furious and all hope seemed to be lost until Homicide, whod been tore between the two promotions saved the day and helped ensure victory for ROH.](/spoiler) Unied 2006 [When Bryan Danielson won the ROH World Championship in 2005, Nigel McGuinness had just began his reign as ROH Pure Champion, a pure wrestling title the rst of its kind. From August 2005 until the summer of 2006, the duo stole the show at every event they featured, if it wasnt whatever match Danielson was in besting whatever match Nigel was in, it was vice versa. Eventually it came to the point that the two titles were equal in stature and it was decided that to decide who was the best, they would unify the titles, the rst attempt ending in a countout victory for McGuinness which meant he couldnt win the World Championship, but the second encounter having a winner. Bryan defeated Nigel on August 12, 2006 in Liverpool, England at an event I had the honor of attending. The Pure Championship was no-more, but their feud had only just begun.](/spoiler) Ring of Homicide [Homicide, bad or good was always a fan favorite in Ring of Honor. Once hed nally concluded his feud with Steve Corino, Homicides next obstacle was ROH commisioner Jim Cornette. For helping ROH defeat CZW, Cornette allowed Homicide a reward, one being he could have a nal match with Corino and the other that hed receive a World Championship match. Cornette rejected his third wish for Low Ki to be reinstated which saw Homicide spit in Cornettes face, beginning a small feud with his bodyguard Adam Pearce. Homicide decreeded that if he did not win the ROH World Championship by the end of 2006 he would leave ROH, and at Final Battle 2006, the nal show of the year in the main event against Bryan Danielson, whod defended his title at this stage 38 times, with the odds stacked against him Homicide defeated Bryan and became the ROH

World Champion. Homicides reign wouldnt last long however due in part, to a Japanese Monster, but more on that later.](/spoiler) Ballad of Lacey/Whitmer vs. Jacobs [Lacey was one of the rst females in ROH. She originally managed the group known as Special K before a tag team called Laceys Angels, but when the original Laceys Angels never managed to catch on she dropped them and replaced them with the team of Jimmy Jacobs and BJ Whitmer. Laceys mission was to make Jacobs, a mascara wearing, feminine wrestler who fans laughed at more-so than cheered into a serious wrestler, which in-turn made Jacobs fall in love with Lacey, beginning one of the weirdest romance stories in wrestling history, with Lacey abusing her power once BJ Whitmer, fed up with Jacobs infatuation with her abandon his tag team partner. Lacey demanded Whitmer be put out of action and Jacobs tried, in what would be below Homicide and Corino one of the most violent feuds in ROH history. It featured two notorious spots, one being a top rope Powerbomb where Whitmer slipped and Jacobs went crashing to the outside, hitting his head o the apron and nearly knocking him out. At Dragon Gate Invasion this accompanied by the Ballad of Lacey song got Jacobs over with the fans but his feud with Whitmer had not ended. Once Jacobs was cleared to compete he faced Whitmer again only this time Whitmer would successfully Powerbomb Jacobs o the top rope into the second, third and fourth rows. Their feud would culminate in a Steel Cage match where Jacobs tore his ACL, but Jimmys story had only begun in ROH. As his true, shining moment was only around the corner.](/spoiler) Takeshi Morishima [As a part of a trade with Pro Wrestling NOAH, stars such as KENTA, Naomichi Marufuji, Go Shiozaki and others began appearing in the company more often, leaving a lasting impact and gaining high praise from fans. But it wasnt until Takeshi Morishima, in his third match for the company on only his second night defeated Homicide in monstorous fashion that the eyes of the audience had been opened and a new monster had been unleashed. Standing 63 and 280 pounds Morishima was one of the hardest hitting, toughest, barbaric wrestlers to have ever stepped foot in the company . His ROH World Championship reign only lasted 231 days but in that time he managed to defend it 20 times, a record for title defenses in that span of time. He was also the rst Japanese wrestler to hold the title. Morishimas victims include a laundry list of names from Bryan Danielson to BJ Whitmer, Austin Aries to Nigel McGuinness, Jay Briscoe to KENTA, Jimmy Rave to SHINGO, Roderick Strong to Homicide.](/spoiler) ROH Does Pay-Per-View In 2007 Ring of Honor hosted its rst taped pay-per-view Respect is Earned from the

Manhattan Center in New York City . They would go on to hold 13 pay-per-views between July 2006 and August 2009 when they changed to iPPV. ROHs most highly acclaimed iPPV is titled Man Up and featured the end of a war. Steenerico vs. The Briscoes Ladder War Kevin Steen and El Generico burst onto the scene in ROH as a tag team immediately beginning a feud with The Briscoes over the ROH World Tag Team Championships. Their feud would last six months and feature no less than a Steel Cage match, a Tables match, a Boston Street Fight, a 2 Out of 3 Falls match and nally to end it all a Ladder War at Man Up 2007. The event would be named by Wrestling Observer as the best show of 2007 and extra credit was given to the Ladder War for being able to stand out from other companys ladder matches despite being no dierent. The Age of the Fall [Following the Ladder War, Jimmy Jacobs agged by a young Tyler Black (Seth Rollins), Necro Butcher and Lacey, who impressed with how much of a leader Jacobs had became was now infatuated with him, attacked The Briscoes, tying Jay to the hook which held the ROH World Tag Team Championships above the ring and lifting him above it. As a bloodied Jay Briscoe hung from the ceiling, Jimmy Jacobs, wearing a white coat stood beneath him, Jays blood raining over him and began to cut a promo which would begin one of the most controversial angles in ROH history, their debut so bloody that it was edited from the nal Man Up PPV cut. The Age of the Fall would last two years and revolved around outcasts trying to succeed. The biggest victory of Jimmy Jacobs career came during this period when he defeated Bryan Danielson cleanly . Jacobs and Black would defeat The Briscoes for the ROH World Tag Team Championships, when the group attempted to make Austin Aries join and he refused, Lacey began a new romantic aair with him drawing the wrath of Jacobs who had a mental breakdown and in a video posted online ended Laceys ROH career in an unknown fashion. During its time together The Age of the Fall included members such as Delirious, Brodie Lee (Luke Harper), Joey Matthews (Joey Mercury), Zach Gowen, Allison Wonderland, MsChif and Rain of TNA fame. It is seen by many ROH fans as the catalyst to Tyler Blacks ascension. Black ended AOTF by hanging Jacobs from the ceiling as he had done Jay Briscoe when AOTF began. Jimmy would not be seen for nearly two years after this.](/spoiler) In It To Win It Nigel McGuinness Title Reign/McGuinness vs. Danielson [Nigel McGuinness defeated Takeshi Morishima in under fteen minutes to not only end his reign but nally capture the ROH World Championship at Undeniable in 2007. It would begin another historic title reign with McGuinness defending the title 38 times during his 545 day reign, which lasted from October 2007 until April 2009. Nigels reign is most notable for the injuries he suered during it, tearing his right bicep yet deciding to continue as a ghting champion and when he legitimately suered a concussion at the hands of Austin Aries and a guard rail and was unable to

compete, fans booed his decision, leading to McGuinness turning on the fans and stating he was going to do what was best for Nigel. This change in attitude re-ignited the feud between he and Bryan Danielson. While they had faced each other and even been tag team partners between their Unied 2006 match and Nigels turn at the 6th Anniversary Show where utilizing elbows to the head of Danielson, which had been previously injured by Morishima he retained the ROH World Championship, making him submit to the London Dungeon, despite a prior agreement that neither man would touch the others head due to the concussions they had recently suered. Danielson promised he would avenge McGuinness deceit and chased him for the remainder of the year, taking a non-title match at Battle of the Best just so he could inict pain on McGuinness for what hed done to him. Nigel would lose to Bryan but then defeat him once the title was on the line at Rising Above 2008 in what was built as Bryans nal chance to defeat him. During his title reign McGuinness defeated names such as Austin Aries, Tyler Black, Kevin Steen, KENTA, Go Shiozaki, Claudio Castagnoli, Jerry Lynn, Roderick Strong, El Generico and many others. At Supercard of Honor IV, Nigel would nally lose the title in an upset loss to Jerry Lynn. Nigels title reign is on-par with Danielsons, sadly the biggest dierence is, Nigels would wind up costing him his career.](/spoiler) Gabe Is Fired; Adam Pearce Comes In [In 2008 Gabe Sapolsky, who was the recipient of the Wrestling Observers Booker of the Year four years running and seen as the mastermind behind ROHs hard hitting, Japanese inuenced style was released by owner Cary Silkin as several people within the company didnt like Gabes, we should be happy with what we have attitude, never aspiring to bring ROH to television like his mentor Paul Heyman had done with ECW and instead arguing that they should appeal solely to their already devout hardcore fanbase. The aftermath of the ring continues to this day with Gabe notable for taking sly shots at ROH whenever it does wrong and not allowing his promotions, Evolve and DGUSA wrestlers appear for ROH but they can appear just about anywhere else. In his place Gabe was replaced by former NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Adam Pearce.](/spoiler) ROH on HDNet [Starting on March 21 until April of 2011Ring of Honor began its rst weekly episodic television show ROH on HDNet. Filmed between the ECW Arena in Philadelphia and The Davis Arena in Louisville, Kentucky on the advice of Jim Cornette, ROH on HDNet was widely praised by viewers for delivering top wrestling action every week. It was voted by Wrestling Observer Newsletter and Pro Wrestling Illustrated as the best weekly wrestling show of both 2009 and 2010, the rst show not named Monday Night Raw to do so in nearly a decade at the time. The rst main event of ROH on HDNet saw Tyler Black vs. Davey Richards. The nal

match in April 2011 was ROH World Champion Roderick Strong and ROH World Tag Team Champions Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Davey Richards and The Briscoes.](/spoiler) Jerry FN Lynn [Jerry Lynn had appeared for ROH previously but in 2008 when he became a full-time roster member Lynn challenged Nigel McGuinness for the ROH World Championship at Supercard of Honor IV. In a huge upset which made many fans leap out of their seats in shock, Lynn defeated McGuinness bringing the second longest ROH World Championship reign in history to a close. Nigel would scream like a scared child, Go away, this isnt your time anymore! Lynns reign wouldnt last long, losing it to Austin Aries in a Three Way Dance also involving Tyler Black, but it was a great feel good moment and for that short period of time, Lynn was once again able to call himself a World Champion.](/spoiler) Kevin Steen vs. El Generico [At Final Battle 2009 after a loss to The Young Bucks, Kevin Steen took a microphone and began alluding to an Internet rumor that he was going to retire. Steen had been suering from a niggling knee injury for quite awhile and in a short space of time had gained a considerable amount of weight. As he cut the promo thanking the fans, El Generico, overcome with emotion hugged Kevin Steen, pulling back Steen said into the microphone, El Generico I hate your fucking guts, and kicked him in the groin, getting a Steel Chair and hitting his former tag team partner in the head with it. What would ensue was a year long feud which featured Kevin Steen, on the advice of Steve Corino turning on Generico due to the monster that was in him, Steen realizing he was being held back by Generico who he viewed as weak. For months Steen would antagonize Generico, attempting to goud him into attacking him. It took six months for Generico to nally hit Steen. In Genericos corner was Colt Cabana who was unable to believe what Steen was doing. This brought to light Steen saying, good people are capable of bad things. The year long feud revolved around Steen and Generico but was in-essence a tag team feud pitting Steen and Corino against Generico and Cabana. It would also be one of the rare feuds that brought out a serious side in Cabana who would face both Steen and Corino on numerous occasions in a wide variety of matches. When it seemed like everything was going to end at Glory By Honor IX during a double chain match between the two alliances, Steen would remove the mask of El Generico trying to reveal his ugly face. Kevin would proceed to use the mask in-order to taunt Generico, even creating a symbol with Genericos head being represented by his mask on a steel chair. The two would meet in what was built as their nal match, an unsanctioned Fight Without Honor which co-main evented Final Battle 2010, where if El Generico lost he would unmask but if Steen lost he would leave ROH forever. Generico would defeat

Steen by hitting him in the head with a steel chair, the same exact one Steen had used one year prior over Steens head to pick up the victory and banish Kevin Steen from ROH. Or so we thought.](/spoiler) ROH Does iPay-Per-View In 2009 ROH opted not to renew their deal with G-Funk and Sports Entertainment to keep their PPVs on the Dish Network, opting instead to begin what has became the iPPV craze in independent wrestling. The rst iPPV was Final Battle 2009 and was comain evented by The American Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) defending the ROH World Tag Team Championships against The Briscoes, plus Austin Aries defending the ROH World Championship against Tyler Black in what would be a sixty-minute draw. The Final Countdown Tour It was announced in late 2009 that both Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness would be signing with the WWE. With this ROH scheduled a series of events dubbed The Final Countdown Tour to Glory By Honor VIII where the two would main event in their nal ROH match and what would inevitably be their nal match against one another. Bryan Danielson would win the match and the two would receive a standing ovation, as every wrestler emptied from the locker room and thanked the two men who are recognized as ROH legends. Tyler Blacks Rise [Following The Age of the Fall, Tyler Black began pursuing Nigel McGuinness and the ROH World Championship, the two faced each other in a phenomenal series of matches which also saw Black compete in highly praised matches against the likes of Bryan Danielson, Davey Richards and Austin Aries. After taking some time o for surgery Black returned and entered the Survival of the Fittest tournament, where the winner gets a shot at the ROH World Championwhip. Black would defeat Kenny King, Claudio Castagnoli, Colt Cabana, Delirious, Chris Hero and nally Roderick Strong in the nal to earn his chance at the World Championship. Following his sixty-minute time limit draw with Aries at Final Battle 2009, Black continued pursuing the title and was gifted one more match which he won at ROHs iPPV the 8th Anniversary Show. Tyler would then go on to retain the title against Aries, Roderick Strong and Davey Richards before it was announced he was signing with WWE. Fans immediately labeled him a sell-out and this would cause Black to turn heel, using his real life personal feelings in promos. His nal ROH appearance was at Glory By Honor IX where he lost to Roderick Strong due to interference from the House of Truth.](/spoiler) ROH World TV Championship [With them now having a TV show, ROH decided to introduce a Television Championship. A tournament was held on television between eight men, Kevin Steen,

Rhett Titus, Eddie Edwards, Colt Cabana, Delirious, Davey Richards, El Generico and Kenny King. The nals wound up being The American Wolves, Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards in their rst match against one another. Edwards would win the title and become its inaugural champion. World TV Championship title holders are Eddie Edwards, Christopher Daniels, El Generico, Jay Lethal, Roderick Strong, Adam Cole and current ROH World TV Champion, Matt Taven.](/spoiler) Pearce Fired; Delirious Comes In But Not For Long [Adam Pearces run as head booker came to an end in 2010 when he was red by owner Cary Silkin and replaced by Hunter Delirious Johnston. Despite Ring of Honors achievements at the time and the high praise their product had, many felt Pearce just wasnt the person to take the company forward hence why he was gotten rid of. Delirious took over the head booker position with Jim Cornette acting as his consultant and mentor.](/spoiler) Davey Richards Hunt, Eddie Edwards Upset [The American Wolves decided to begin pursuing singles titles in mid-2010, still teaming together and having each others backs when needed. After Edwards became the World TV Champion, Davey Richards pursued the ROH World Championship, challenging Tyler Black and coming up short, then challenging Roderick Strong at Final Battle 2010 in the co-main event, losing to Roderick Strong after a referee stoppage due to a concussion from kicks to the head at the hands of Roderick. Richards took some time o but returned, still pursuing the ROH World Championship. Meanwhile Eddie Edwards had earned a number one contender spot to Rodericks title by winning Survival of the Fittest 2010 and at Manhattan Mayhem IV in one of the biggest upsets in ROH history, defeated Roderick Strong to become the ROH World Champion. Davey refused to face Edwards for the ROH World Championship because he didnt want to be the one to end his reign. Edwards took oence to this and demanded Davey face him or else hed quit the company . Davey agreed on the condition that if he didnt win, he would reitre. Davey would defeat Edwards for the ROH World Championship at Best In The World 2011, days after Sinclair Broadcasting had purchased the company from Cary Silkin.](/spoiler) SINCLAIR BROADCASTING ERA 2011 2012 The Birth of the Television Product Sinclair Broadcasting, a multi-million dollar syndicated network corporation trading on

the stock market purchased Ring of Honor from Cary Silkin in June 2011. With it they announced that Ring of Honor Wrestling would return to TV on their syndicated channels giving ROH the third largest televised wrestling show in North America. The purchase also meant ROH was no longer an independent promotion as they were no longer independently funded. Sinlair employed Jim Cornette as the head booker, promoting him from his consultant position. Hunter Delirious Johnson was to work under him as his understudy and a road agent of sorts. Nigel McGuinness was brought back in as the new color commentator for Ring of Honor Wrestling TV and pay-per-views. With Davey Richards as the new ROH World Champion he was promoted as the face of the company while Kevin Steen had returned, interrupting Best In The World 2011 and screaming, Fuck Ring of Honor before attacking Steve Corino and Jimmy Jacobs who were trying to convince people they were changed men. Meanwhile the tag team division was on re as Wrestlings Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) reigned as ROH World Tag Team Champions, defending their titles against The Kings of Wrestling, The Briscoes and The All Night Express (Kenny King and Rhett Titus) at Best In The World 2011. 2011 would be one of the worse years in ROHs existence. The television show didnt start out too well with several lighting and sounding issues plaguing the rst few episodes. The product began slowly moving away from wrestling which irritated the hardcore ROH fanbase as the company aimed to bring in a more casual audience such as the one WWE has. And Davey Richards World Championship reign was criticized because when he should have been defending the title he was instead wrestling in Japan for NJPW. The most promising aspects of the rst six months of Sinclairs ownership were Michael Elgins slow and steady emergence as a great addition to the roster. Kevin Steens gradual return to the company which after six months of interrupting shows concluded at Final Battle 2011 when he defeated Steve Corino w/ Jimmy Jacobs as the special guest referee to earn his job back. Post-match he Package Piledrived Jimmy Jacobs, tried to Package Piledriver Jim Cornette and successfully Package Piledrived El Generico. 2012 December 2013 Wrestlings Worst Nightmare/ Smokey Mountain of Honor 2012 has been dubbed by many ROH fans as the dark days, with Jim Cornettes inuence regularly showing and not in a good way . In 2013 ROH began re-hashing old Smokey Mountain Wrestling angles and when fans realized this, did Cornette stop? No he continued doing it anyway . The most positive thing to happen in the rst quarter of the year was Kevin Steens pursuit of the ROH World Championship and Davey Richards, featuring a number one contenders match at Showdown in the Sun: Day 1 where Kevin defeated Generico in Le Revencha Last Man Standing. Generico would be put out of action weeks later at the hands of Steen and his new partner Jimmy Jacobs.

Another one of the few positives was Davey Richards title reign had nally became interesting after having been heavily criticized until Final Battle 2011 when he defended it against Eddie Edwards who for some unknown reason had Dan Severn in his corner it was originally intended to be Ken Shamrock who pulled out a week before the planned shoot. Richards would have a ve-star match with Michael Elgin on Showdown in the Sin: Day 2. Steen and continued chasing the World Championship while World TV Champion Roderick Strong defended the ROH World TV Championship at Border Wars against of all people, Fit Finlay . Meanwhile WGTT and The Briscoes continue feuding and The All Nighh Express earned another opportunity at the World Tag Team titles which they would get at Best In The World 2012. Young stars such as Michael Elgin, Tommaso Ciampa, Adam Cole and Kyle OReilly continued breaking out, with Elgin beginning to grow tired of Roderick Strong, a fellow member of The House of Truth and sometimes tag team partners crap, and the former Futureshock partners, Kyle OReilly and Adam Cole began feuding over who was better. At Border Wars the biggest plus of 2012 came when Kevin Steen achieved his goal and became the ROH World Champion, defeating Davey Richards in his home country of Canada with Jimmy Jacobs in his corner. After the match Steve Corino and Steen hugged bringing to rise the formation of the original trio known as SCUM. Richards would seek a rematch though despite Cornette not wanting to do it, but with a stipulation placed that were Richards to lose he could never challenge Steen for the title again, the match was made for Best In The World 2012. At BITW 2012, Kevin Steen retained the ROH World Championship defeating Davey Richards in the main event. Adam Cole and Kyle OReilly had their breakout matches in the company, in a Hybrid Wrestling Rules match, where Cole despite suering a huge gash to his mouth continued blood spraying from his mouth every time he exhaled. And ANX, after two years of trying nally captured the ROH World Tag Team Championships from WGTT it wouldnt last long though as Kenny King decided to join TNA, a decision hes probably regretting now. Following BITW, Kevin Steen and his SCUM stable continued their mission to destroy the company believing ROH was a shell of its former self. Steens rst big opponent was Eddie Kingston, who was the Chikara Grand Champion which coincided with the ROH vs. CHIKARA mini-angle which occurred over the summer culminating in an event called Synergy. ROH created a tournament to decide new ROH World Tag Team Champions including teams such as The Briscoes, a mix of WGTT and ANX with Charlie Hass teaming with Rhett Titus, BLK-OUT of CZW fame, The Guardians of Truth (The Headbangers in masks; yes The Headbangers were on TV in 2013), SCUM (Corino and Jacobs) who would inevitably win the tournament and the ROH World Tag Team Championships. Michael Elgin and Roderick Strongs detiorating alliance came to a boiling point when after Kevin Steen defeated Rhino to retain the ROH World Championship at Death Before Dishonor X, Steve Corino pushed Strong into Elgin which led to Strong apologizing but Elgin having enough, after months of frustration nally hitting Strong

with the Elgin Bomb to Truth Martinis horror. At Glory By Honor XI it was announced Elgin would challenge Steen for the World Championship in a match taglined, The Unbreakable Hope in their home country of Canada. At Glory By Honor XI, Steen defeated Michael Elgin with a top rope Package Piledriver for the victory . After the match he was given a box by Nigel McGuinness which Steen unwrapped to remove El Genericos mask. Matt Hardy returned to the promotion after six years to provide commentary for Adam Coles ROH World TV Championship match against Mike Mondo. After the match Hardy told Cole that at his age, he was better than Cole is. On the undercard Jay Lethal had taken on a new persona following advice from Jim Cornette to show a killer instinct, Lethal would begin showing a more aggressive, take no prisoners attitude which saw him pick up a great win against Davey Richards at Glory By Honor XI. This event marked a new dawn for ROH as behind the scenes a big transition had been made. Bye-Bye Cornette, Enter Delirious Again Delirious was implemented as the new head booker following Jim Cornettes suspension and then ring from ROH at the end of 2012. With Cornette gone, Delirious inuence began showing as he brought back El Generico, someone Cornette saw little value in. He also made the Final Battle 2012 main event a Ladder War between Kevin Steen and Generico. Final Battle was the rst ROH iPPV with Delirious as booker and included Roderick Strong defeating Michael Elgin with use of Truth Martinis book of Truth, Jerry Lynns nal ROH match against Mike Bennett, the reunion of The American Wolves to face Daveys protoge Kyle OReilly and Eddie Edwards Pro Wrestling NOAH tag team partner, Bobby Fish, now known as reDRagon and Matt Hardy vs. Adam Cole, which Hardy won. 2013 Present SCUM; Steel Cage Warfare 2013 was a year or recovery for Ring of Honor. First the company needed to get back to what made it popular wrestling. Delirious did this by bringing in names such as Bobby Fish, a world traveled veteran, ACH, noted as one of the top prospects on the independent scene, pushing young talent like Matt Taven, Adam Page, bringing back independent veteran Silas Young and pushing him as a main heel in the company and utilizing aliations with Pro Wrestling NOAH and New Japan Pro Wrestling to bring in names such as Karl Anderson, The Forever Hooligans (Alex Koslov and Rocky Romero), KUSHIDA, Taiji Ishimori and bringing back names like Paul London as special attractions. Delirious rst big angle would be SCUMs expansion into a stable, with Steve Corino slowly moving into the power position over Kevin Steen who began growing aection for ROH once again something based o a real life hatred he had for Jim Cornettes style of booking and thought process and defended his ROH World Championship

against Jay Lethal at the 11th Anniversary Show, many believing Lethal would be the one to end Steens reign and nally capture the title. Instead Steen would win with a top rope Brainbuster in-tribute (or in spite depending how you look at it as it was announced the week before Generico had signed with WWE) to El Generico, picking up the win and bringing to rise SCUMs growth with the emergence of Rhino, Jimmy Rave, Cli Compton, Rhett Titus and Matt Hardy as members of the group alongside the original trio. Kevin Steen remained silent for the next month as Nigel McGuinness devised a plan to get the ROH World Championship away from SCUM. He would place ROHs top contenders against Steen, starting with Jay Briscoe. Jay Briscoe stood for everything ROH meant and despite a legitimate shoulder injury guaranteed he would ght Steen for the title at Supercard of Honor, this a month after losing the ROH World Tag Team Championships to new holders Kyle OReilly and Bobby Fish, reDRagon. ReDRagon continued their feud with The American Wolves, Davey and Eddie utilizing their victory over the two from Final Battle to their advantage in-order to gain a shot at Supercard of Honor on WrestleMania Weekend. At Supercard of Honor, reDRagon retained the ROH World Tag Team Championships in a great match with OReilly holding Richards tights for the win. Meanwhile below the card Michael Elgin and Jay Lethal faced one another in what many believe is the Match of the Year for #1 Contendership to the ROH World Championship, Elgin winning and earning his future opportunity . In the main event Jay Briscoe upset the odds and with his entire family ringside defeated Kevin Steen to win his rst ever singles title and become ROH World Championship, the entire locker room emptying in-order to fend SCUM o as Jay won the title a moment not seen by iPPV viewers due to a lag in the stream which would see many fans enraged. Kevin Steen would shake Jays hand post-match which would lead to his inevitable face turn at the next TV taping where he insulted Matt Hardy leading to a beatdown and his immunity from SCUM by new leader Steve Corino. Steve Corino began chasing the ultimate goal of killing Ring of Honor with much more tenacity . Nigel McGuinness, now on-screen ROH matchmaker would be his biggest rival, challenging SCUM every bit of the way with stars he believed stood for Honor. The majority of these talents were Michael Elgin, Jay Lethal, The Briscoes and from Border Wars until the angles conclusion Kevin Steen. Jay Briscoes rst big challenge as ROH World Champion would be Adam Cole, at Border Wars, an annual event held in Canada. Cole began showing more determination towards capturing the ROH World Championship and despite the two showing mutual respect for one another throughout the angle, it would be the beginning of what has been Delirious biggest masterpiece which all leads to this months Final Battle event. At Border Wars, Briscoe retained but post-match Adam Cole threatened to Superkick him in the back of the head, not doing it and walking to the back. Following Jays successful defense, his next would be in the form of his own blood, younger brother Mark Briscoe. Mark and Jay would meet at Best In The World 2013

with the tagline being, Nobody Fights Like Family. At this point SCUM had began taking as much power as they could, defeating Michael Elgin and Jay Lethal at Border Wars after Lethal was taken to the back and Kevin Steen stepped in, in street clothes making his return, being rolled up for the loss. As a stipulation to this match when SCUM won Steve Corino became the new color commentator for ROH Wrestling and Matt Hardy would receive an ROH World Championship match with whichever Briscoe left BITW as World Champion. Jay defeated Mark, but following the event news broke that The Briscoes would be leaving ROH, speculation running rampant that it was to join WWE or another promotion. Instead it was all planned, which will be detailed further on. Jay would retain against Matt Hardy but during a post-match attack have his shoulder dislocated so that he couldnt defend his title and would eventually be stripped of it by ROH matchmaker Nigel McGuinness. Nigel had decided enough was enough and that SCUM had to end once and for all. So in an agreement with Steve Corino, SCUM would battle Team ROH in a ve-on-ve Steel Cage Warfare (ROHs version of War Games) match, where if SCUM won Steve Corino would get Nigels job as booker therefore having authority to destroy the company, but if Nigel won, SCUM would disband and never come together again. On ROH Wrestling TV which aired July 27th, Team ROH defeated SCUM in Steel Cage Warfare after Kevin Steen pinned Jimmy Jacobs following a Package Piledriver and interference from Nigel who stopped Steve Corino from lighting Kevin Steen and the ring on re with his nishing Lariat maneuver. SCUM were forced to disband and leave ROH immediately which began a new era in Ring of Honor where Nigel promised to restore Honor. Tag Division Madness; Outlaw Inc Ring of Honor has always prided itself on having the best tag team division in professional wrestling and from May until now, theyve proven it, having had a tag team division which has been on re starting at a TV taping prior to All Star Extravaganza V where The Forever Hooligans, (Alex Koslov and Rocky Romero) upset reDRagon to become ROH World Tag Team Champions, simultaneously holding them and the IWGP Jr. Tag Team Championships. However, their reign would only last two weeks as at All Star Extravaganza V, The American Wolves would defeat Forever Hooligans in the main event to capture their second ROH World Tag Team Championship reign, Edwards and Richards going on to Manhattan Mayhem V where they would defend the titles against reDRagon, losing them after OReilly made Davey Richards submit with a Cross Armbreaker in the middle of the ring. As this was going on The Young Bucks made their return to ROH to face C&C Wrestle Factory, the team of Cedric Alexander and Caprice Coleman. A young team Adrenaline RUSH, ACH and TaDarius Thomas emerged at the start of the year following the Top Prospect Tournament which both were participants in. And at Manhattan Mayhem following their title victory, reDRagon were ambushed by the returns of Homicide and

Eddie Kingston, the duo known as Outlaw Inc who vowed to help Ring of Honor by eliminating people such as reDRagon. At Final Battle not only do Outlaw Inc, undefeated thus far in ROH get their opportunity at OReilly and Fish, but The Young Bucks will take on Adrenaline RUSH. Jimmy Jacobs Trial Series Following SCUM, Jimmy Jacobs vanished for a couple months, emerging during promos to beg Nigel McGuinness for a booking only for Nigel to turn him down. Jimmy would still appear at ROH events, gaining support from fans who believed he was sorry for turning on ROH and applauding his attempt to stop Steve Corino from burning Kevin Steen and the ring during Steel Cage Warfare. It wouldnt be until BJ Whitmer legitimatelty broke his neck and had to retire that Jacobs would be worked into the promotion again, BJ requesting Nigel give him a chance, McGuinness initiating a trial series if Jacobs could defeat three of ve hand picked opponents hed have his job back. The rst opponent would be Michael Bennett. Bennett would defeat Jacobs utilizing his new Piledriver nishing maneuver. His second opponent would be Kevin Steen, who defeated Jimmy at A New Dawn with the Package Piledriver. His third opponent and rst victory came on TV when he defeated Silas Young. His fourth opponent was Adam Page who he defeated at Glory By Honor XII and his nal opponent was Roderick Strong who he defeated at a live event. As per he and Nigels agreement, Jimmy won his job back and would get a shot at the ROH World Championship, only the second time he would receive one. At Pursuit: Night One in his hometown of Dearborn, Michigan, Jacobs challenged Adam Cole for the ROH World Championship in a losing eort. Steve Corino Returns Much like Jacobs, Steve Corino would show up to ROH events following the demise of SCUM, but instead of pleading forgiveness would act oblivious to anything anyone said about SCUM or him trying to set Kevin Steen and the ring on re at Steel Cage Warfare. Corino would threaten legal action against ROH and Sinclair unless they allowed him to meet his contractual obligation as the color commentator for all ROH events. With help from Veda Scott, the new secretary for RD Evans law rm, Corino managed to return to the announce table alongside Kevin Kelly at Glory By Honor XII. Battle of the Piledrivers Steen vs. Bennett Mike Bennett never really t into Ring of Honor the idea was good, a sports entertainer trying to succeed in a wrestlers world and despite having Maria Kannelis by his side Bennett was never able to make the fans believe he was a threat, always using the same old cocky shtick people have seen a million times before. But during the summer Mike Bennett took a transformation and became Michael Bennett, a much tougher individual, debuting a new nishing maneuver in the Piledriver which he would use to defeat opponents such as Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards in upset victories.

Bennett would begin bragging that he had, the best Piledriver in pro-wrestling, until Kevin Steen took oense and began mocking Bennett. Bennett and Steen would begin a feud which has so far seen Bennett attack Steen from behind three times, hitting him with the Piledriver twice and even getting a victory over Steen at Glory By Honor XII following a distraction from Maria Kannelis. Steen would attack Bennett but thus far in their feud has not been able to hit him with his Package Piledriver. The two meet at Final Battle in the rst ever ROH stretcher match, where the loser may never use the Piledriver again. Mark Briscoe vs. Silas Young Mark Briscoe defeated Silas Young in a one-on-one match at A New Dawn. Later in the night Silas attacked Briscoe and Mark would wind up eliminating Silas from the Honor Rumble, a Royal Rumble like match to determine that nights opponent for Adam Cole. In that weeks Honor Roll, ROHs weekly promo segment, before he could even speak Mark Briscoe was attacked by Silas Young from the side. A week later Briscoe tried to get at Young during the Honor Roll but was stopped by ocials. At Glory By Honor XII, Silas Young defeated Mark Briscoe with his feet on the rope and post-match whipped him with a leather belt hed taken from referee Todd Sinclairs pants. This is what has led to their Strap Match, another ROH rst which happens at Final Battle. ROH World Championship Tournament; Final Battle At Border Wars, Jay Briscoe defeated Adam Cole, post-match Cole threatened to hit Jay from behind but changed his mind at the last second, leaving the ring. Cole promised to pursue to title once again but then went into a feud with Roderick Strong who was annoyed by Coles increasingly bad attitude. Jay would go on to defend the ROH World Championship at BITW against his brother Mark, and against Matt Hardy at the TV tapings the following day, but that weekend rumors broke that The Briscoes were done with the company, instead it was all a ploy . In Jay Briscoes absence from the promotion as a character he began cutting promos from his home begging Nigel McGuinness not to strip him of the World Championship Nigel did and a tournament was set-up to determine a new champion. It would start on television and conclude at Death Before Dishonor IX in Philadelphia, the birthplace and home of Ring of Honor I say home because ROH relocated to Baltimore this summer. Adam Cole and Michael Elgin were the hotly tipped favorites, Elgin opting not to be handed the title after Nigel had oered due to him being the #1 Contender since Supercard of Honor in April, as he vowed to do two things before becoming ROH World Champion stop SCUM and defeat NJPWs Karl Anderson whod beaten him on television in one of the TV matches of the year. Elgin helped stop SCUM and in the tournament (coincidently) defeated Anderson to progress to the semi-nals at Death Before Dishonor where he would face Kevin Steen.

Adam Cole was drawn against Tommaso Ciampa in the semi-nals of the tournament, Ciampa having returned at Best In The World 2013 in Triple H-like fashion, ten months after ACL surgery which many doctors view as near impossible. Ciampa was/is now a fan favorite and despite giving Cole a challenge would tap out to the Figure Four Leglock after Cole had worked over his previously torn ACL all match. Michael Elgin would nally defeat Kevin Steen to advance but was exhausted, the two having gone 24 minutes and Elgin only having an hour to rest-up before the nal. In the nal Adam Cole cleanly defeated Michael Elgin to win the ROH World Championship, but he would have to be handed the title itself from Jay Briscoe who was reluctant to do so, but o advice given to him from his dad Papa Briscoe said he would as long as the person won the tournament like a man. He handed Cole the title but as he turned to walk away, much like how hed threatened to do so at Border Wars, Cole Superkicked him in the back of the head cementing his gradual heel turn following his ROH World Championship victory . Jay Briscoe was pissed and would show up at ROH shows to attack Cole for what hed done, claiming to still be ROH World Champion having never lost the belt. He wasnt the only person with an argument though as Michael Elgin had pinned Cole in their World Title Tournament nal match, but Todd Sinclair was down and couldnt make the count so he viewed himself as the Uncrowned World Champion. A match was booked for Glory By Honor XII where the promotions champions would face their top contenders in a Champions vs. All Stars match, where whoever pinned Cole would receive a World Championship match. Jay Briscoe was banned from appearing at the or any ROH event unless he had a doctors permit, which he received, promising to show-up and beat Adam Cole. After a 74 minute match, Michael Elgin pinned Adam Cole with an Elgin Bomb o the top rope into the ring to earn his shot at Final Battle. Jay Briscoe would appear and lay both men out, revealing his own World Championship belt, a custom made title, claiming to be the Real ROH World Champion. Jay would defeat Kevin Steen at an event titled The Golden Dream where Steen was originally supposed to face Cole for the ROH World Championship, but Adam had to drop out due a concussion suered at Glory By Honor XII. Jay defeated Steen and on the word of Nigel McGuinness, would be added to the ROH World Championship match at Final Battle, which takes place December 14th, from the Hammerstein Ballroom, New York City, where the Uncrowned World Champion, Michael Elgin faces the Real World Champion, Jay Briscoe and the ROH World Champion, Adam Cole.

WHO IS ON THE ROH ROSTER? Adam Cole; ROH World Champion in Kevin Kellys words he is, worth millions of dollars, and is in the eyes of many a future headliner of the biggest events in wrestling. Also competes for Pro Wrestling Guerilla (PWG) where he is PWG World Champion. Formerly a member of Futureshock, a tag team with Kyle OReilly . Has previously held the ROH World TV Championship.

*ACH * one of the most athletic men in all of wrestling, joined ROH at the start of 2013 after impressing in the Top Prospect Tournament. Is one-half of Adrenaline RUSH alongside TaDarius Thomas. Adam Page 20-years-old and full of potential, Adam Page featured for ROH in the 2013 Top Prospect Tournament. It took awhile but after a good TV match with Silas Young, Page was signed to ROH. His biggest match to date was against NJPWs KUSHIDA at All Star Extravaganza V. Bobby Fish; ROH World Tag Team Champion Bobby Fish has been one of the most impressive ROH performers of 2013. Remaining undefeated until Glory By Honor XII where he was pinned by Michael Elgin. Fish has spent a majority of his career competing in Japan for NOAH, also featured for EVOLVE after its inception. Is of reDRagon alongside Kyle OReilly . Caprice Coleman a veteran with over a decade of experience, Coleman is most notable for being of C&C Wrestle Factory with Cedric Alexander. He is also a real life minister and motivational speaker. Cedric Alexander young and full of potential, Cedric can often be found competing for PWX in North Carolina where he is a former PWX Champion. Had a great second-half of 2013 with a ton of great matches. Is of C&C Wrestle Factory with Caprice Coleman. Eddie Edwards rst ever Triple Crown Champion in ROH. Eddie Edwards is viewed by many fans as an ROH legend. First ever ROH World TV Champion, notable as of The American Wolves alongside Davey Richards. Edwards makes his nal ROH appearance at Final Battle. Eddie Kingston recognized as Chikaras Grand Champion, Kingston is a notable name in ROH history despite spending little time in the company . Has previously fought Chris Hero in a Fight Without Honor, was banished from the company, returned to face Kevin Steen for the ROH World Championship and returned as of Outlaw Inc with Homicide. Homicide former ROH World Champion, viewed as a cornerstone of ROH. Homicide has had many enemies in ROH ranging from Samoa Joe to Bryan Danielson, Steve Corino to Colt Cabana to Jim Cornette. of Outlaw Inc with Eddie Kingston. Jay Briscoe; Real World Champion had the rst ever singles match in ROH in 2002 vs. Amazing Red. 8X ROH World Tag Team Champion with younger brother Mark, former ROH World Champion, recognizes himself as the current Real World Champion. Is of The Briscoes alongside Mark Briscoe. Jay Lethal made his ROH debut as Hydro, changed his name to Jay Lethal as he became the protoge of Samoa Joe, challenged CM Punk for the ROH World Championship during the Summer of Punk, former ROH World TV Champion, often teams with Michael Elgin although not recognized as an ocial team. Jimmy Jacobs ROH veteran, former ROH World Tag Team Champion w/ Tyler Black

and BJ Whitmer respectively . Former leader of The Age of the Fall. Former member of SCUM. Nicknamed, The Zombie Princess. Kevin Steen - Mr. Wrestling, former ROH World Champion, ROH World Tag Team Champion, viewed as the face of the company. Notable for his team/feud with El Generico. Kyle OReilly; ROH World Tag Team Champion former protoge of Davey Richards, of current ROH World Tag Team Champions reDRagon with Bobby Fish. Maria Kannelis - The First Lady of ROH a play o Miss Elizabeths monicker The First Lady of Wrestling. Manages real life and on-screen ance Michael Bennett. Occasionally wrestles. Mark Briscoe made his ROH debut at 18-years-old, youngest ROH World Tag Team Champion of all-time at just below 20-years-old. Known for his Redneck Kung-Fu gimmick, 8x ROH World Tag Team Champion and of The Briscoes with older brother Jay . Matt Taven; ROH World TV Champion young, good look, managed by Truth Martini, Scarlett Bordeaux, Kasey Ray and Seleyzia as The House of Truth. Defeated Adam Cole cleanly to become ROH World TV Champion at the 11th Anniversary Show. Longest reigning ROH World TV Champion of all-time. Michael Bennett formerly The Prodigy Mike Bennett, viewed by many as a future WWE Superstar, won the Top Prospect Tournament in 2011, managed by real-life ance Maria Kannelis. Michael Elgin current fan favorite, known for his ability to put on a great match with seemingly anyone as well as his amazing strength. Can hold a vertical suplex for over a minute. Formerly a member of The House of Truth. Nicknamed, Unbreakable. MsChif features regularly in the Women of Honor division. Notable for her work in SHIMMER. R.D. Evans known to Chikara fans as Archibald Peck. Former member of The Embassy, of Marshall Law with QT Marshall. Now managed by secretary Veda Scott. Roderick Strong - Mr. ROH, ROH veteran second Triple Crown Champion, former member of Generation Next. Scarlett Bordeaux a Hoopla Hottie in The House of Truth. Manages Matt Taven. Silas Young independent wrestling veteran, The Last Real Man, nephew of Stan The Lariat Hansen. TaDarius Thomas trained by Truth Martini, former Mixed Martial Artist, utilizes his Coperia style in wrestling, of Adrenaline RUSH with ACH. Tommaso Ciampa - Sicilian Psychopath, former WWE developmental worker,

played Muhammad Hassans lawyer on TV, returned from a torn ACL in 10 months, a fan favorite, faces Matt Taven for the ROH World TV Championship at Final Battle. Truth Martini long-time ROH manager. Has managed Roderick Strong to the ROH World Championship, Christopher Daniels to the ROH World TV Championship, Matt Taven to the ROH World TV Championship, managed Michael Elgin in 2012, leads The House of Truth. Veda Scott has featured once in the Women of Honor division vs.MsChif. Former backstage interviewer/ringside attendant. Currently manages RD Evans as a secretary for Marshall Law. Part-Time: Alex Koslov world traveled wrestler, contracted to NJPW, former ROH World Tag Team Champion, former WWE developmental talent as Peter Orlov, of The Forever Hooligans with Rocky Romero. Antonio Thomas former member of The Hearthrobs in WWE. Has featured many times for the promotion. Athena Texas based female wrestler, featured in the Women of Honor division. Brian Kendrick known to ROH fans as Spanky, returned to ROH in 2011, did so again in 2012 competing in the ROH World Title Tournament suering a rst round loss to Kevin Steen. Cheeseburger student at the ROH school, a member of the ring crew, made his ROH debut at A Night of Hoopla teaming with Roderick Strong and challenging for the ROH World Tag Team Championships. A fan favorite. Cli Compton debuted at the 11th Anniversary Show as a member of SCUM. Was legitimately told by Jim Cornette hed be signed but never was. Departed following SCUMs break-up, returned to interrupt a Kevin Steen promo in November after The Golden Dream. Corey Hollis of Alabama Attitude with Mike Posey . Will feature in the 2014 Top Prospect Tournament. Delirious ROH legend, behind-the-scenes head booker, former ROH World Tag Team Champion. Jessy Sorensen notable for his work in TNA, made ROH debut against Tommaso Ciampa at Glory By Honor XII in a losing eort. Karl Anderson nicknamed The Machine Gun or Machine Gunka, contracted to NJPW, featured in 2013 twice against Michael Elgin and once against Roderick Strong, member of NJPWs Bulletclub stable with Prince Devitt and The Young Bucks among others. Kasey Ray a Hoopla Hottie, member of The House of Truth, manages Matt Taven.

KUSHIDA contracted to NJPW, appeared at All Star Extravaganza V against Adam Page. of The Time Splitters with Alex Shelley . Matt Hardy made his ROH debut in 2004, everyone loved him for screaming the promotions name on Raw. Returned in 2012, everyone hated him because [enter reason here]. Former member of SCUM. Calls himself an ICON and the Jesus Christ of Professional Wrestling. Mike Mondo formerly Mikey of The Spirit Squad, competed regularly in ROH between 2011 and late 2012. Released in 2013 but featured at Manhattan Mayhem V in a losing eort to Matt Taven. Mike Posey of Alabama Attitude with Corey Hollis. Monster Maa (Josh Alexander and Ethan Page) known for their work in AIW (Absolute Intense Wrestlimg). Made their ROH debuts in October, were booked for November but had to cancel due to Visa issues. Paul London ROH legend, returned to the company at Border Wars after a near ten year absence. QT Marshall of Marshall Law with RD Evans. Appeared as a jobber on an episode of NXT. Raymond Rowe made his ROH debut during Honor in the Heart of Texas. Will feature in the 2014 Top Prospect Tournament. Ricky Marvin world travelled wrestler, known for his stints in Pro Wrestling NOAH and CMLL. Faced Roderick Strong and Davey Richards during Death Before Dishonor XI weekend in 2013. Rocky Romero former multiple time ROH World Tag Team Champion with Davey Richards as No Remorse Corps and Alex Koslov as The Forever Hooligans. of The Forever Hooligans with Alex Koslov. Seleyzia a Hoopla Hottie, member of The House of Truth, the bodyguard of Matt Taven. Sonjay Dutt has featured on and o for many years. Most recent appearance in the ROH World Title Tournament, a rst round TV loss to Jay Lethal. Taiji Ishimori Pro Wrestling NOAH star, competed against Eddie Edwards and Roderick Strong during Border Wars weekend. The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) well known independent tag team. Signed ROH contract in 2011 following TNA release, rarely used as Jim Cornette didnt like them. Returned in 2013 at All Star Extravaganza. Will face Adrenaline RUSH at Final Battle. Authorities/Announcers/etc

Nigel McGuinness; Matchmaker ROH legend, on-screen authority, former ROH World Champion, ROH Pure Champion, formerly Desmond Wolfe of TNA, part-time color commentator. Joe Ko; COO Sinclair Broadcasting Executive, usually appears to enhance an angle or make an announcement. Cary Silkin; Ambassador former Owner, always hands the new World Champion the title as a show of respect, sits front row at a majority of ROH shows. BJ Whitmer; Ambassador ROH legend, former ROH World Tag Team Champion, featured heavily in the ROH vs. CZW war, retired after a career ending injury at All Star Extravaganza V. Kevin Kelly; Play-by-Play former WWE commentator/backstage interviewer. Steve Corino; Color Commentator ROH legend, former ECW World Heavyweight Champion, former ROH World Tag Team Champion, former NWA World Heavyweight Champion, former leader of SCUM, The King of Old School. Bobby Cruise; Ring Announcer ROH veteran, lead announcer. Larry Legend; Secondary Announcer/Backstage Interviewer N/A Notable Alumni Adam Pearce AJ Styles former ROH World Tag Team Champion, ROH Pure Champion Alex Shelley Alexis Laree (Mickie James) Amazing Red former ROH World Tag Team Champion Austin Aries former ROH World Champion, ROH World Tag Team Champion Brodie Lee (Luke Harper) Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan) former ROH World Champion, ROH World Tag Team Champion Chris Hero former ROH World Tag Team Champion Chris Sabin Christopher Daniels former ROH World TV Champion Claudio Castagnoli (Antonio Cesaro) former ROH World Tag Team Champion CM Punk former ROH World Champion, ROH World Tag Team Champion Colt Cabana former ROH World Tag Team Champion Davey Richards former ROH World Champion, ROH World Tag Team Champion Douglas Williams - former ROH Pure Champion Eddie Guerrero Erick Stevens Fit Finlay Go Shiozaki Jack Evans Jerry Lynn former ROH World Champion

Jigsaw Jim Cornette manager, head booker, authority gure Joey Matthews (Joey Mercury) Kenny King former ROH World Tag Team Champion Kenny Omega KENTA Kenta Kobashi Lance Storm Larry Sweeney (RIP) Low Ki former ROH World Champion Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne) former ROH World Tag Team Champion Mick Foley Naomichi Marufuji Necro Butcher Raven Rhino Ricky Reyes Samoa Joe former ROH World Champion, ROH Pure Champion Sara Del Rey Takeshi Morishima former ROH World Champion Teddy Hart Terry Funk Tyler Black (Seth Rollins) former ROH World Champion, ROH World Tag Team Champion

FINAL BATTLE 2013 Date: December 14, 2013 Location: Hammerstein Ballroom, Manhattan Center, New York City ROH World Championship Adam Cole (c) vs. Jay Briscoe vs. Michael Elgin ROH World Tag Team Championships reDRagon (Kyle OReilly & Bobby Fish) vs. Outlaw Inc (Homicide & Eddie Kingston) ROH World Television Championship Matt Taven (c) vs. Tommaso Ciampa Stretcher Match Loser Loses their Piledriver Kevin Steen vs. Michael Bennett w/ Maria Kannelis Eddie Edwards Farewell Match Eddie Edwards & ??? vs. Roderick Strong & Jay Lethal Strap Match Mark Briscoe vs. Silas Young Tag Team Match The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. Adrenaline RUSH (ACH & TaDarius Thomas)

Singles Match Adam Page vs. Matt Hardy Adam Cole wrote in a blog in late November that he had invited a special guest to Final Battle, his mentor whod watch him retain his ROH World Championship. Who is Adam Cole referring to? After Davey Richards spoke poorly of the company ROH decided not to give him his farewell match and instead give the spot solely to Davey Richards. Nigel McGuinness and ROH have promised Eddies tag team partner will be someone special, who could it be? Following his Trial Series, Jimmy Jacobs was told by ROH management that he wouldnt be included in Final Battle, Jacobs is now petitioning to get a match. Will the Zombie Princess appear? How & When Can I Watch Final Battle? ROH has promised that Final Battle will be available on Monday at

HOW CAN I WATCH RING OF HONOR WRESTLING? Head to and sign-up to become a member. If you wish to sign a subscription youll receive extras such as the Video on Demand service which lets you watch a ton of past ROH TV shows, PPVs, iPPVs and events. If you dont want to pay a subscription every Thursday, Ring of Honor Wrestling becomes available to GA members, for free. An alternative to this is to head over to where Ring of Honor Wrestling is uploaded weekly as well as VOD events. Here are links to the last three episodes of Ring of Honor Wrestling plus Glory by Honor XII in-full which includes the unedited 74 minute Champions vs. All Stars Match: Glory by Honor XII October 26, 2013; Champions vs. All Stars, Paul London vs. Roderick Strong Ring of Honor Wrestling November 23, 2013; Eddie Edwards vs. Jay Lethal, Jay Briscoe vs. Silas Young Ring of Honor Wrestling November 30, 2013; Adam Cole vs. Jimmy Jacobs, Davey Richards vs Roderick Strong Ring of Honor Wrestling December 7, 2013; Michael Elgin vs. Jay Lethal vs. Roderick Strong vs. Matt Taven Feel free to post any questions you may have below! Apologies for any formatting issues.

I will edit this over the weekend when I have time. I hope this assists any aspiring viewers into checking out the product. As a lifelong wrestling fan whose watched everything from WWE to TNA, ECW to WCW, NWA to numerous indies, since 2004 Ive not been able to give up on Ring of Honor. If fans crave an alternative to the WWE then people need to get behind something and IMO theres no promotion more deserving than Ring of Honor.

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