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CHRONOLOGICAL RESUME The chronological resume is probably the most familiar resume format to everyone.

As it is chronological, whatever work experience you may have is listed from the most recent to the oldest. Included in this portion is the period of time you were employed, the name of the employer (i.e. company name), the employer s location, as well as the description of each !ob. At the end of your work experience, if any, is a section on education. This kind of resume is ideal for showing progression in your career, through a steady progress in employment and !ob positions. "owever, those of us with gaps in work experience or # as with most of us # have not been employed yet, this type of resume format may not be ideal yet. $xample% Store Manager &''( # present )angga *outi+ue, ,ovaliches, -. .oordinate store inventory with central processing factory. /rgani0e clerk and salesperson movement within the retail outlet. .ommunicate with customers and answer to any re+uests or complaints. Inventory Organizer &''1 # &''( And& 2ubber 3hoes, 4oyola "eights, -. )ake sure stocks are replenished and organi0ed. )ake logs of day5to5day shoe sales. Bachelor of Arts, 16675&''1 )a!or in .ommunication )inor in .hinese Art Ateneo de )anila 8niversity -ue0on .ity, 9hilippines .umulative -.9.I.% :.&1;(.'' FUNCTIONAL RESUME Instead of arranging !ob experience and education in reverse chronological order, the functional resume highlights particular skills you have. This is achieved through identifying a functional !ob ob!ective, followed by a series of !ob functions and concomitant descriptions. This format allows you to highlight particular skills in order to target a particular !ob you desire. This is also ideal for those who do not have a lot of work experience or those who have gaps in work experience. "owever, the lack of chronological data may fail to satisfy some employers and may even foment suspicion. $xample% Job Objective To obtain a managerial position in 3ubmit )edia as a lifestyle section editor for a women5 oriented maga0ine. Skills Summary $xperienced leader, able to delegate work and ensure productivity Accomplished writer, with ability to write interesting and humorous social commentary 8nderstands diverse cultures and can interact with various age levels

E !erience "ighlights Writing and Editing Text 3ection editor for )/< women s fashion maga0ine. =rote a lifestyle column for a =omen s 4ib =eekly maga0ine, with emphasis on personal hygiene and relationship advice. >reelance columnist, who has contributed more than ?' articles for four ma!or women s maga0ines in circulation around )etro .ebu. Graphics Design <raphics layout manager for @ (And so on) Management and Supervision "andled more than &'' employees in a high5end advertising firm@ (And so on) COMBINATION RESUME The combination resume is a mixture of the functional and chronological resume formats. This includes a !ob ob!ective and series of !ob skills, !ust like the functional format. Aet, like the chronological format, the combination resume uses a reverse chronological listing of previous !ob experience and education attainment to elucidate your various !ob skills. This is currently the most popular format, as it lends you the best of the classic formats. $xample% Job Objective To obtain a managerial position in 3ubmit )edia as a lifestyle section editor for a women5 oriented maga0ine. Skills Summary $xperienced leader, able to delegate work and ensure productivity Accomplished writer, with ability to write interesting and humorous social commentary 8nderstands diverse cultures and can interact with various age levels #ork E !erience Assistant $o!y E%itor &''&5&''( )/< )aga0ine, 9asig .ity 3orted and edited articles for the features section Belegated article tasks for section writers .ontacted and followed5up freelance writers regarding article deadlines &ayout Manager &'''5&''1 ><) )aga0ine, )etro )anila (And so on)

Sample Ateneo Resume

The Ateneo follows a specific format for its students resumes. This format is optimal for us who have not graduated yet, as it emphasi0es educational achievements before work experience. $verything has to fit in one page. Aou may decide to include high school achievements, as long as they remain pertinent. A'O&O(IO S) MA$AB*"A+ : .hrysanthemum 3treet, >lower 9ower Cillage ,ovaliches, -ue0on .ity D?E5(''(, '616E(:11(&, &' years old August 17, 16E( Job Objective, E%ucation, ? DG 1(? lbs. 3ingle >ilipino

Interested in market research, finance, corporate planning. *achelor of Arts (&''7) )a!or in .ommunication )inor in Bevelopment )anagement Ateneo de )anila 8niversity .onsistent Bean s 4ister .andidate for )agna .um 4aude :.7&;(.'' Average -9I 3chool of 3ocial 3ciences $xecutive (&''?5&''D), *lock 2epresentative (&''() 3anggunian ng mga )ag5aaral C9 Administration (&''?5&''D), AC9 >inance (&''(5&''?) Ateneo Bebate 3ociety Interview =eek 9ro!ect "ead (&''(, &''?), Ateneo $conomics Association 2esearch Bepartment "ead (&''(5'?), Aouth 8nion Towards $conomic Bevelopment Bebate .oach (&''(5present), Ateneo de )anila "igh 3chool Bebate .oach (&''&5&''(), 9oveda 4earning .entre $nglish Tutor (&'':5&''&), <A*AA =rote a paper on the implications of the >iscal .risis on the )edium5term Bevelopment of the 9hilippines (&''?) .onducted a 3takeholders Analysis for <awad Halinga, Taytay (&''() 9articipant, 9lanning 3eminar, Ateneo $conomics Association (&''() 9articipant, Thesis 3eminar, Iunior 9hilippine $conomics 3ociety (&''() 9articipant, )arketing 3eminar (&'':) 9articipant, .areer Talk on *anking and >inance (&'':) 9articipant, <lobali0ation and the 9hilippine $conomic .risis, conducted by )r. =alden *ello, Ateneo de )anila 8niv. (&''() I can write both formal and literary5type papers and I can speed5read. I am a confident speaker. I often take on leadership positions even in small groups. I am computer literate in )3 /ffice programs, Adobe 9hotoshop and basic "T)4 programming. )y skills include hosting, debating and organi0ing groups. I am fond of watching the news and reading development economics and political books. /n weekends and holidays, I spend my time watching movies with my friends and family, attending organi0ation meetings or parties, and travelling with my family. I am also involved in community and church activities.

$o-$urricular Activities,

#ork-.elate% E !erience,

Seminars Atten%e%,



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