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Exploring Criminal and Civil Law

Objectives: Identify the major classes of crimes. Describe the elements of a crime. Distinguish among a variety of particular crimes. Explain the defenses available to criminal defendants. Summarize the penalties provided under criminal statues. CTE Competency: BUS !"#.$"% BUS !"#.$"' BUS !"#.$" BUS !"#.$"( BUS !"#.$") Distinguish bet&een civil la& and criminal la&. Differentiate bet&een juvenile and adult justice systems. Identify common crimes. Distinguish bet&een a misdemeanor and a felony. Explain crimes associated &ith business *e.g.+ embezzlement+ extortion+ computer crimes,.

Web Quest: you will need your own paper to complete this activity The websites are located on: hhsbusiness weebly com !o to more !o to business law Locate Exploring Criminal and Civil Law " Civil Law vs Criminal Law -. Using the information on the follo&ing &ebsite. http.//&&& or from your notes to create a 0enn diagram comparing and contrasting civil la& and criminal la&. *1lease google &hat a 0enn diagram is if you do not 2no& &hat it is,. #uvenile #ustice $ystem vs %dult #ustice $ystem Using the follo&ing &ebsite+ http.//&&&.eho&.com/info3()#"4"!3difference5juvenile5vs5adult5offenders.html and http.//&&&.la& % ans&er the follo&ing 8uestions. 1. 9hat are the similarities of the t&o systems6 2. 9hat are the differences bet&een the t&o systems6 Common Crimes Using the follo&ing &ebsite. http.//en.& or your notes complete the follo&ing.; -. Using a different 0enn diagram and compare and contrast a misdemeanor and a felony. B. <ind three articles online or in a ne&spaper dealing &ith a crime. Summarize each article and tell &hat the crime &as and determined if it &ere a felony or a misdemeanor. 'e the investigator( http.//&&& :omplete the activity. =ell me &ho the culprit is> ?ead the crime scene report and then clic2 onto resources to read more. Use the lin2s at the bottom of the page. fingerprinting+ po&der analysis+ *you can read this but &e can@t actually perform this part, teeth impressions+ *you can read this but &e can@t actually perform this part, foot to height *the part I have outlined belo& or you can just read it from the lin2,+ crime scene *loo2 at scene and clic2 around the scene to read clues..




-ns&er the follo&ing 8uestions under fingerprinting ") CO*+LETE $E)TE)CE$. 1. What is Dactyloscopy?

2. Why were fingerprints used in Ancient Babylon? 3. When and why were fingerprints first used in the United States? 4. In which country were fingerprints used to identify a woman who murdered her two sons? 5. Which state in the United States first used fingerprints for criminals? 6. What famous criminal case made fingerprinting the standard for personal identification? 7. How many methods are there for taking fingerprints? ! How do we classify fingerprints? 9. Which state in the United States first used fingerprints for criminals? 10. What famous criminal case made fingerprinting the standard for personal identification? 11. How many methods are there for taking fingerprints? "#! How do we classify fingerprints Answer the following questions under foot to height: Please read this portion of this se tion: $he results of your calculations should be about "%& illustrating that the length of a person's foot is appro(imately "% percent of his or her height! When a forensic scientist has the length of a foot& the forensic scientist will be able to appro(imate the height of the indi)idual! $his works best on a full grown indi)idual for the ratio of body parts is slightly different in growing children! Using the clues found at the crime scene& determine which of these four suspects is the *barefooted burglar*? What do you think was the moti)e for this crime? Write the results of your findings and con)ince a +ury of your peers

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