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Problem Statement: To what extent does modern technology

influence the educational achievement of Glenmuir High School six form students? NAME: ANISSA GEDDES REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1000390818 TERRITORY: JAMAICA YEAR: 2013

The researcher would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who had lent their assistance in order to make this research project a success. Firstly, the researcher must give thanks to the almighty God for making this at all possible. A special thank you goes out to the teacher, Mrs. Wolfe who has worked hard to make this project successful. Next this would not have been possible without the cooperative assistance of the respondents to the questionnaires. My heartfelt appreciation is sent to everyone who has worked to make this project a realization.

Introduction and Purpose of Research Definition of Terms Literature Review Data Collection Source Presentation of Findings Analysis of Findings Discussion of Findings Limitations Recommendations Appendices


CHAPTER ONE Problem Statement: To what extent does modern technology influence the educational achievement of Glenmuir High School six form students? Sub-problems: To discover the positive effects of the usage of modern technology on the students who use it. To find out the negative effects of using modern technology on the students exposed to it over a period of time. To investigate how the academic performance of the Glenmuir High students are influenced by the technology they use.

BACKGROUND This research is aimed at finding out how much the education of the six form students of Glenmuir High school is influenced by the technology of the present society. There are two hundred and thirty students who attend Glenmuir at the sixth form level. Many students if not all students have daily access to technology such as computers, television, cell phones, radio, etc. This has shown where the behavior of the students has become borderline obsessed with these items. The students use these modern gadgets for the completion of assignments but they use for social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter, etc. This has led to parents and teachers complaining that while there are positive dimensions to technology, students behavior have been affected negatively. This topic of research was chosen because it would be beneficial for all students involved to see an analysis of the dynamic that exist between student and the technological world. Perhaps such a study could incite a need for a change in the negative abuse of the technological devices students use. A new awareness could be brought forward in relation to this topic.

DELIMITATIONS This research on the effect of technology on the education of Glenmuir sixth form students was executed on ten subjects (five boys and five girls) between the ages of seventeen and nineteenth on January 16, 2013.


Modern Relating or belonging to the present period in history or of the latest, most advanced kind or most advanced equipment and techniques available. Technology This is the study, the development and application of devices, machines and techniques for manufacturing or productive processes. Education The imparting and acquiring of knowledge through teaching and learning, especially at an institution or a school. Technophile A lover of new technology or computerization.

The relationship of students and their technological gadgets has been a hot topic for many writers and child psychologists. One such writer/journalist of the New York Times, Matt Richtel wrote about this in his article, Technology changing how Students Learn, Teachers Say. The teachers complained that their students are distracted by technology and that they have to work twice as hard to reach out to them in a fashion that is familiar to them and to keep their attention. One teacher spoke of the Wikipedia Syndrome. This she explains is where students have all the answers to their questions or assignments at the click of a mouse. This not only gives rise to plagiarism but also serves an injustice to these students as they will not remember the material. So then the assignment would have served no purpose the childs educational development. In the book, Young Children Continue to Reinvent Arithmetic 2nd Grade: Implications of Piagets Theory by Constance Kamii, Barbara Means and Leslie Joseph, the authors praise these ingenious young minds for their use of technology to propel their education. This book encourages the teachers to also use technology in the classrooms. Another book that mirrors these ideas was Teenagers and Technology by Chris Davies, Rebecca Eynon. This book covers the positives of the relationship of teens to technology especially the Internet. There are persons against the idea of students being so wrapped up in technology and people who strongly believe that it is mostly beneficial to their lifestyles. The ultimate question however is should students be locked off of technology, limited usage of it or should they be allowed free range? While their students who flourish in the technological world, there still remain the danger it poses for example the internet.


In order to complete this research project the question To what extent does modern technology influence the educational achievement of Glenmuir High School six form students? will have to be thoroughly explored through the use of an applied research. This is the research design used to test ones hypothesis in real life actual situations. As such the opinions of actual students will be used to arrive at a conclusion. This research will be descriptive in nature meaning all the elements that will be discovered will be used to show connections between the existing variables. The sampling method that will be utilized by the researcher is known as stratified random sampling where the target population of the Glenmuir High school was then broken down into the subset of six form students and the ten actual targets were randomly selected from that. This survey will stand to help the researcher make the eventual conclusions of this research. The instrument of research that will be utilized is the questionnaire. This instrument will be used as it provides a quick and efficient method of data collection. Also it allows numerical information to be collected that can be easily sorted, summarized and analyzed. The ten questionnaires will be issued on January 16, 2013. The secondary sources where used by the researcher to gather information related to the research, to gain a better understanding of the problem that is being investigated. The internet and books will also be used in this research process. The sources contributed to the researcher understanding of the problem in that they cite examples and gives enormous amount of details to comprehend.

PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS Technology students have access to

Internet Computer Television Cellphone MP3

Figure 1.

Students' Assess to the Internet

Home School Library Internet Caf Public Library

10% 20%


Figure 2.

Time Span of Internet Access

A long time

In the past year

Time Span of Internet Access

Since recently

Figure 3.

Frequency of the students' internet usage

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Everyday Once a week Once a month

Frequency of the students' internet usage

Figure 4.

Students who sped time at the library reading books for assignment

Yes No

Figure 5.

5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Facebook Twitter Tagged None Females Males

A. Females and males who participates in social networking

Figure 6.

Grades of Students
A Students B Students 0% C Students Failing Student




Figure 7.



There are two sides to this debate on teenagers and their ability to balance their use of their technological devices. Some like Chris Davies and Rebecca Eynon writers of the book, Teenagers and Technology supports this. While others are against this for example Matt Richtel and his article, Technology changing how Students Learn, Teachers Say. Parents and child psychologists are still battling to find a plausible conclusion. The book Teenagers and Technology is a proclamation stating that teens and their technology have a singularly exceptional relationship. They have stated that the general public only focuses on the negatives of this relationship such as excessive gaming and social networking. Chris Davies and Rebecca Eynon have brought forward that these devices give teenagers a special connection with the world; it spawns greater intelligence and makes for a more advance future generation.


The researcher found it difficult to avoid certain problems in this research process. Some of these are: The receiving of the questionnaires on time. The analysis of the sat times vague answers on the questionnaire. The loss of not returned questionnaires.


As a result of this project the researcher would like to recommend possible solutions to the problems presented. They are: Parents should make use of parental blocks; this will limit which websites minors visit. Allotted time should be given to students for study or assignments on their technological gadgets. Devices that are not needed should not be given to children hence they will not have unnecessary distractions.


Hello, my name is Anissa Geddes. I am a 6B student who does the subject Caribbean Studies. I am asking for but a few minutes to fill out this simple questionnaire for my Internal Assessment (IA). Be aware this is completely confidential. Please fill out this questionnaire as truthfully as possible. Thank You! Gender: ( ) Female ( ) Male

1. Which of these technologies do you have available to you? ( ) Television ( ) Computer ( ) MP3 Player ( ) Internet ( ) Cell phone

2. Do you have ready access to the Internet at: ( ) Home ( ) School Library ( ) Public Library ( ) Internet CAFE

3. How long have you had Internet access? ( ) Since recently ( ) In the past year ( ) A long time

4. How often do you use the Internet? ( ) Once a day ( ) Once a week ( ) Once a month

5. Do you spend any time at the library reading books to complete assignments? ( ) Yes ( ) No

6. Are you apart of any of these social networking sites, if so tick: ( ) Facebook ( ) Twitter ( ) Tagged ( ) none

7. How long have you been social networking? _____________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________ 8. How long do you spend on your favourite social networking website when you visit? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 9. How well do you perform academically in school; are you a: ( ) A Student ( ) B Student ( ) C Student ( ) Failing Student

10. Do you believe your technological devices influence your academic performance? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

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