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Going is not arriving: a journey.

Ricardo I. Guido-Lavalle, PgMP, PMP December, 2013.

Life can onl be under!"ood bac#$ard!% bu" i" mu!" be lived for$ard!.& '()ren *ier#egaard

+eld !ince 1,-1, ".e /ie!"a de (an /ermin i! a remar#able !.ed of $ine, adrenaline and !ome blood. I $a! never ".ere, and I .ave !econd! ".oug."! abou" i", bu" i"0! undoub"el a ver a""rac"ive mee"ing. M fa".er -$e .ave a 1a!2ue .eri"age, and ".a" e34lain! m re!ilience& 54lain !"ubbornne!!6- "aug." u! a funn , !4iri"ed !ong7 Las vacas del pueblo ya se han escapao. riau, riau! Las vacas del pueblo ya se han escapao. riau, riau! Y ha dicho el alcalde que no salga nadie, que no anden con bromas, que es muy mal ganao Y ha dicho el alcalde que no salga nadie, que no anden con bromas, que es muy mal ganao Uno de enero, dos de febrero, tres de marzo, cuatro de abril, cinco de mayo, seis de junio, siete de julio: an !erm"n. # $amplona hemos de ir, con una media, con una media, a $amplona hemos de ir, con una media y un calcet"n. 8ell, le"0! !u44o!e ou are bac# "o our "$en"ie!. Don0" "ell me ou never ".oug." of ".a"9. :ou ren"ed an old ;ol#!$agen van and made "o Pam4lona in mid-<ul . Plea!e, no de"ail! for me% I0d .a"e "o env ou ".a" muc.. =f"er ".e ordeal ou fel" !ome #ind of remor!e. +o$ in .eaven could I do ".i!>&. ("u4id a! $e are a" our "$en"ie!, ou feel a need "o clean our !4iri", and ou decide "o go "o (an"iago de ?om4o!"ela. @.e Aourne of 4ilgrimage $ill !ave our !oul.

A pilgrimage for a clean soul

:ou ".e road ma4, and ".ere are !everal candida"e rou"e! from Pam4lona "o (an"iago. /or in!"ance ou could go via 1ilbao, ".en (an"ander, La ?oruBa, ".en (an"iago. :our girl friend 5"o be "$en" and in (an /ermin $ill 4rovide for ".a"6 li#e! ".e 1urgo! C ;alladolid C Leon- la ?oruBa C (an"iago. :ou bo". finall agree on a rou"e ".a" ma#e! Pam4lona C 1urgo! C ;alladolid C Duren!e 5!ou". road6 C (an"iago. :ou decide "o !4end ".e nig." in Duren!e, !o ou can ma#e "o (an"iago b ".e morning ne3" da . :ou re!erve and 4a ".e Dren!e0! .o!"el.

Your travel Plan

=" ".i! 4oin", 4lea!e no"ice ".a" our c.o!en rou"e i! no" the !olu"ion "o our "ravel 4roblem, bu" Au!" one ou" of man 4o!!ible !olu"ion!. Df cour!e, ou c.o!e no" onl a valid $a , bu" al!o a rea!onabl one. :ou could al!o .ave c.o!e a rou"e ".a" 4a!!e! b Madrid, bu" ".ere0! no Au!"ifica"ion for ".a" 4a"., unle!! ou .ave 4lan! "o broaden our c.oice!. In "erm! of 4rogram managemen", our !c.edule $ill freeEe ".e o4"ion!, and fur".er deci!ion! $ill be bound "o ".e 4a". ou c.o!e. :ou $ill 4lan fuel con!um4"ion, feeding and relieving !"o4! and ri!#!, and ".a" 4lan $ill al$a ! refer "o ".e 4ur4le 4a".. @.i! i! $.a" ou do $.en ou 4lan a 4rogram7 ou commi" 4eo4le and re!ource!, and ri!# and governance deci!ion! according "o ".e !elec"ed !olu"ion.

Danger ahead
:ou ma#e a !"o4 in ;alladolid. In ".e "oile""e, a gu "ell! ou ".a" !ome".ing $eird i! develo4ing in Duren!e. ?ommunica"ion! are cu". @.e ne$! !oon !.ed !ome "errible lig." on $.a"0! going on7 an e4idemic !urge in Duren!e i! #illing 4eo4le, and !oon af"er d ing, ".e !4ring u4 "o ea" live 4eo4le0! brain!. @.e dreaded Eombie inva!ion .a! begun.

An unexpected unexpected has happened

Df cour!e ou ri!# 4lan did no" accoun" for ".a"9 +o$ could i"> Dr !.ould ou .ave accoun"ed for me"eor! colliding $i". Far". in our ri!# 4lan> :our girl friend .a! a minu"e of de!4air. (.e bi"! .er #nuc#le! and find! 4ro"ec"ion in our c.e!" 5.e , I alread read ".i! line in 10,000 bad boo#!96. 1u" our need "o clean our !oul i! "oo 4o$erful. You are not giving up. 8.a" "o do> @.i! i! one of ".o!e !i"ua"ion! $.ere ou need "o ge" "ac"ical. You are going to s%itch to &ap'(ased )elivery mode. In fac", our curren" 4lan ".a" con!ider! going "o (an"iago via Duren!e i! no longer $or#able. @.a"0! i", ge" u!ed "o i"7 all ".e !c.eduled ac"ivi"ie! ou included in our Plan need "o be dele"ed or !ub!"an"iall c.anged. =" ".i! 4oin", le"0! reflec" on ".e fac" ".a", no ma""er .o$ good and de"ailed our Plan $a!, ou in an momen" .ad con"rol on ".e even"!. :e!, ".e "a!#! ou com4le"ed un"il ge""ing in ;alladolid $ere ".o!e ou included in our Plan. 1u" ".o!e "a!#! $ere no" com4le"ed becau!e ou .ad con"rol on even"!, bu" becau!e ".e even"! more or le!! accom4anied our e34ec"a"ion!. 1 ".e $a , our e34ec"a"ion! made !en!e, in fac" ".e made. :our e34erience in driving and road! "old ou ".a" i" $a! rea!onable "o e34ec" ".o!e re!ul"!, 4rovided ".a" ".e con"e3" remained more or le!! a! u!ual. +o$ever, don0" be confu!ed, you %ere in control of your actions, but you %ere never in control of the results. Go$, ".e Hombie! in Duren!e are in fac" a drama"ic c.ange in our e3ecu"ion con"e3". @.e ba!ic a!!um4"ion! ou made are no longer verified, and an e3"reme "ac"ical !i"ua"ion ari!e!. :ou canno" com4le"e our Plan. Indeed, ".e ul"ima"e Plan0! goal $a! "o made "o (an"iago, and ou are commi""ed "o do !o, bu" ".e Plan become u!ele!!. =n I00 *m "ravel 4lan b (4ain road! i! no big deal and ou can ea!il di!4o!e i". In real 4rogram managemen" !i"ua"ion! i" can be a real .a!!le. :ou alread made a "ime and re!ource! e!"ima"e, and our re2ue!" for budge" $a! a laboriou! 4roce!! of a44roval! and di!cu!!ion!. Ma be !ome o".er ini"ia"ive! $ere cancelled in order "o ge" ".a" mone for ou, and ou no$ need "o communica"e ".a" a !ub!"an"ial 4ar" of ".e coming ac"ivi"ie!, 4rovi!ion!, co-ordina"ion! and 4riori"iEa"ion! need "o be c.anged, ".u! 4er"urbing ".e organiEa"ion. @.e !im4le!" and mo!" efficien" form ".o!e commi"men"! and ! nc.roniEa"ion! among organiEa"ion0! !"a#e.older! i! ".e !c.edule. I mean, ".e old good M(-ProAec" file including e34ec"ed da"e! and dura"ion!, 4eo4le commi"men" for "a!#!, and 4o!!ibl mone"ar value! for ".o!e effor"!. J!eful a! i" i!, M( ProAec" 5or Primavera, or $.a"ever ou c.oo!e6 i! addic"ive. @.e "ool become! and end b i"!elf, and ".e more our 4eo4le relied on i", ".e more difficul" i" $ill be for ou "o c.ange i". Fver !ingle "a!# $ill genera"e an argumen". In our ca!e, ou $ill lo!e ".e .o!"el fare! ou alread 4aid. (in# co!", ou can live $i". ".a".

Most people will stick to the schedule more than to the goals. The Plan will become and end by itself. The false sense of safety given by a Plan, a schedule and tools in general will go against the goals. Moreover, the more you advanced the project, the greater the resistance to change the Plan will be.
@.a"0! ea! "o under!"and. Mo!" 4eo4le $ill never #no$ abou" ".e ul"ima"e goal, o".er ".an !ome !en"ence in a lo!" e-mail ".e received mon".! ago a" #ic#-off "ime. @.eir 4erformance $ill be mea!ured b ".eir abili" of 4erforming ".e a!!igned "a!#!, no" becau!e ".e collabora"ed "o 4rogram0! !ucce!!. :our !#ill! in communica"ing goal! and derived benefi"! $ill .ave a li""le effec" on a "eam ".a"0! no" full commi""ee! "o !ucce!!. D#, le"0! go bac# "o our Aourne in ".e old ;ol#!$agen van $i". our girl friend. In ;alladolid ou our mone , our fuel and our general !"a"u!. :ou ge" ".e ma4, and ou no$ remember ".a" a" ".e ver beginning of ".e "ri4 ou .ad con!idered o".er $a !.

This is your new program.

hat route will you ta!e"

:our 4roblem no$ i! no" .o$ "o go from Pam4lona "o !an"iago, bu" .o$ "o go from ;alladolid "o (an"iago. @.i! obviou! !"a"emen" become! a !eriou! i!!ue in mo!" 4rogram!. :our 4rovi!ion! $ere rela"ed "o ".e original Plan, and ".e organiEa"ion 5 ou and our girl friend6 boug." @+=@ Plan. =n fur".er Plan ou ma#e in order "o arrive in (an"iago are no" "o be bound "o ".e 4rogram0! .i!"or . Go ma""er .o$ $ell or .o$ bad ou 4erformed un"il ;alladolid, o".er ".an ".e ul"ima"e goal, ever ".ing el!e can c.ange. @.e 4rogram budge" .a! alread been e!"abli!.ed and a44roved and i"0! "o !"a a! i!& . @.ere0! an unmovable deadline&. Df cour!e9 :ou e34ec"ed "o arrive in (an"iago ne3" da , $i". a defined e34endi"ure9 :ou e34ec"ed al!o "o ma#e i" in ".e van. 8ill our old ;ol#!$agen robu!" enoug. a! "o endure ".e addi"ional effor"> You should treat major tactical challenges %ithout regard to past history. *f the goal is to be secured, you go into &ap'(ased )elivery mode by focusing just in your goal. You %ill use every available resource in order not just to complete the $lan, but in order to bring about %ith the desired results, under current assumptions, current reality, current ris+s and, above all, ta+ing in account the substantially ne% value system. !or that,s the main change: priorities changed. In ".e ne$ !cenario $i". Hombie! and con!e2uen" "raffic "rouble! and ne$l emerging ri!#!, ou no$ mu!" decide7 are ou "a#ing ".e Leon - Dviedo C La ?oruBa rou"e> Dr $ill ou 4refer (alamanca C Por"o C ;igo> ("o4 com4laining9 @.e .o!"el mone #t$s a new %eginning. ou alread lo!"9

Plea!e allo$ me "o do brief off-"o4ic. I"0! no" ac"uall off-"o4ic, b ".e $a .

@.e .eading !en"ence b *ier#egaard read! Life can only be understood bac+%ardsbut it must be lived for%ards.&. I don0" reall #no$ if life i! "o be lived for$ard! or li#e <o.n Lennon !ugge!"ed live i! "o be lived b ".e da . @.e fir!" 4ar" of ".e !en"ence $ould de!erve, and in fac" i" did, more ".an one boo#. /or ".e 4ur4o!e! of ".e!e di!cu!!ion!, le" me call our a""en"ion "o cu!al !"or con!"ruc"ion man 4.ilo!! and 4!ic.ologi!"! .ave re!earc.ed abou". =ccording "o Daniel *a.neman, an al$a ! invi"ed gue!" "o m blog!, ".ere0! a na"ural, ma be evolu"ionar "endenc in .uman being! "o a!!ocia"e even"! in cau!al c.ain!. @a#e a movie for in!"ance. = man $al#! ".e road from lef" "o rig.". ?lo!e-u4 on a gu in an alle , ma#ing an e e movemen" from lef" "o rig." 5$ell, from .i! 4oin" of vie$6. @.e gu begin! "o $al# af"er ".e fir!" man. In ".e ne3" !cene, ".e fir!" man lie! dead under ".e 4a"rol0! lig."!. Dur fir!" ".oug." i!7 ".e alle gu #illed .im, even $.en ".ere0! no o".er evidence& ".an ".e moving e e! and ".e $al#. @.i! u!eful !#ill ".a" allo$! u! "o build cau!al c.ain! i! nece!!ar for ! mbolic life7 cau!al c.ain! $ill "eac. ou ".a" if ou "ouc. a flame ou $ill feel 4ain. If af"er burning "$ice oure finger ou don0" derive ".a" ".e 4ain i! con!e2uence of ".e fire,man, ou .ave a !eriou! 4roblem9 @.e cau!al c.ain! al!o con!"ruc" !"able environmen"!. :ou learned ".a" ".e floor $ill !u44or" ou and ".a" ou aren0" in a Ma"ri3 ".a" can go mad $.en ou le!! e34ec". @.e 4roblem i!, mo!" com4le3 4roblem! c.allenge ".e e34ec"a"ion!. ?om4le3i" call! for une34ec"ed even"!. :ou canno" e34ec" !ome #e "eam member can die in a K-mon"., 1,4eo4le 4roAec", bu" a 120-4eo4le, 2L-mon". 4rogram can bring ".e $or!e "o .a44en. I" ac"uall .a44ened "o me. @.e odd! of facing a dangerou! financial cri!i! in a !4ecific 4roAec" are lo$, bu" ".e c.ance !"ill !"and!. M me!!age "o ou i! no", b an mean!, "o begin ge""ing craE abou" Eombie!, dea".! and =rmageddon!, bu" Au!" "o .ave i" cr !"al clear ".a" $.en ".e une34ec"ed .a44en!, ou need "o immedia"el ge" rid of all ".a" baggage of rea!onable a!!um4"ion! and e34ec"a"ion!, and "une "o ".e ne$ order. @.e 4a!" i! gone, and a brand ne$ !i"ua"ion call! for our ac"ion.

Things without all remedy should be without regard: what s done is done.! " #illiam $hakespeare, Macbeth


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