Legacy Armor - Nanietharil

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The Aegis Tnviolable

exact a measure ofvengeance for their The Aegis Inviolable is used primarily
respective orders, all of them fell by combat-focused divine spellcasters
before the end. with the ability to turn undead.
The Covenant of Ur was eventu-
ally destroyed by an order of paladins,
though rumors persist that the culr
continues to this day. The Aegis Illvio-
All rhe following are legacy item abili-
lable was taken from the ur-priests by
ties of the Aegis Inviolable.
one of the paladins, where it passed
Energy Aegis (Su): Once per day
through his family line unlil ending
as an immediare action, you can granr
up in the hands oEhis direct descen-
yourself energy resistance 10 against a
dant: Sir Colryn, advisor and friend
sped fie rype of energy (chosen when
to the forgotten king. (DC 25; An
you activate rhis power). The energy
Ancient Evil)
res is ranee lases for 1 round. At 11rh
level, tbis increases ro energy resis-
Two riruals are required to unlock Holy Vessel (Su): At 8th level, the
all rhe abilities of rhe Aegis Inviolable. Aegis Inviolable functions as your holy
The Enemy of My Enemy: You symbol for rhe purpose of divine spell-
must ally yourself with an enemy to defear casting, rurning undead, or any other use for
a common threat. This new ally must be a which you would normally require a holy symbol.
political or religious rival, or someone you have In add irion, yOli gain rhe benefir of the Eschew Mate-
personally come into conflict wirh in the past. The rials fear for any divine spell you cast.
enemy you defeat must be of a CR equal to or greater than Protection of the Gods (Su): At 10rh level, rhe Aegis Illvio-
I + either your own effective character level or your new lable grants you rhe benefit of the shield of faith or shield other
ally's, whichever is higher. Cost: 2,000 gpo Feat Crallted: Leasr spell (your choice) as a swifr acrion once per day. Casrer level
Legacy (Aegis Inviolable). equals your Hit Dice.
An Ancient Evil: You must confront and defeat a creacure Still Cast (Su): Ar 13th level, you can apply rhe Still Spell
directly responsible (or belonging to an organization respon- fear to any spell you cast of 6th level or lower, up ro rhree rimes
sible) for a great evil thar occurred at least one hundred years per day. Use of rhis abiliry does not change the spelI slot of the
ago. This evil can rake any form, from wide-ranging atrocities altered spell.
to a specific crime against your own church or kingdom. In Divine Ward (Su): At 16rh level, you gain the benefit of deatll
either case, the individual must be aware of the reason for your ward, but only against the firsr two attacks of the appropriate
grudge, and must be of a CR equal to or greater rhan 2 + your sort per day.
effecrive characrer level. Cost: 14,000 gpo feat Crall ted: lesser
Legacy (Aegis Jtzviolable).

THE AEGIS INVIOLABLE Nalliclilaril-or "Cifr of the Ancient foe"-is a ser of scale mail
Wielder Attack Hit Point Spell Slot made of overlapping layers of darkwood carved to resemble
Level Penalty Loss Loss Abilities leaves. Trs dark hue is broken by a leaf-and-branch parrern in
5th 1st +l/ight fortification dull gold.
heavy steel shield Nonlegacy Game Statistics: +1 darlnvood scale mail; cost
6th 2 Energy aegis 10
1,150 gpo You can reroll one Survival check per day. The deci-
7th 2
8th sion to reroll must be made before rhe result of rhe original roll
9th is known.
10th Omell: When worn in a wooded or grassy area, rhe stitched
11th parrern shifts in shape and hue!O march rhe native flora.

14th Her name v·:as Sudel Nadarun, and she was rhe grearesr warrior
15th of rhe elven nation ofTiur Vedrilos. Her fame spread far and
16th wide beyond rhe elven borders, until she was the inspiration
and the envy of heroes of all races. However, when Suriel met
• her end, ir was nor on rhe field of combat bur by the poisoned
WIELDER REQUIREMENTS darr of a drow assassin. The citizens ofTiur Vedrilos rurned
Proficiency wirh heavy shields.
our by rhe thousands as the king, his wizilrds, and his druid
Base arrack bonus +3.
advisors led her funeral procession through the heart of rhe
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) or Knowledge (religion)
wood. (DC 17)
2 ranks.
As the procession continued, however, a sudden silence NANIETHARll
fell, followed by the sound of marching boots. Blades were Wielder Attack Hit Point Spell Slot
unsheathed and arrows nocked as a division of orcs appeared Level Penalty Loss Loss Abilities
across a narrow cleating. Yet no blood was to be shed that day, 5th One with the wild
for even as the elf archers prepared to arrack, a single ore strode 6th 2 15t Walk unseen
7th 2 Walk unheard
forward beneath a white flag of truce. Nearly 8 feertal! and clad
8th -1 2nd +2 darkwood
in armor of black dragonscale, this was none other than Ruruk,
scale mail
king of the neighboring are nation of Kagaan RuuI. r 9th 2
Slowly, the arc lord approached Suriel on her bier and bowed 10th Jrd Voice ofthe wild
his head. In highly accented Elven, he spoke to the assembly . 11th
rhus. "The elf Nadarun was the greatesr foe Kagaan RUlli has 12th 4th Armor of the wild
had. That she should fall ro a coward's poison and nor in glori- 13th 2 +3 darkwood
ous combat is a great wrong. I have come thus to praise her, and scale mail
to pay honor to rhe barrle rhar should have been." Reverently, 14th 5th Predator's dash
King Ruruk laid a suit of durkwood scale mail alongside the 15th 2
16th 6th Shape of the wild
body. Wirhout another word, he and his host returned rhe way
they had come. For twenty-eight days-the length of the tradi-
tional mourning period for the elveslofTiur Vedrilos-no orcs WIELDER REQUIREMENTS
attacked across rhe border. Prohcient in Medium armor.
The elves marveled at (he armor, fo~ it was as fine as any Any two of rhe following: Knowledge (nature) 4 ranks, Hide
they themselves might have crafted. Clearly, King Ruruk had 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks.
called upon the greatest artisans of his people for its crearion. Only rhose of either elven or are blood can use rhe abiliries
Though it was unheard of for a warrior ofSuriel's repu lat ion to of the shield for 11l'h level and higher.
be buried wirh arms and armor nor her own, the elves decided
that she would be interred wearing this unique gift. (DC 22; A
Matter of Honor)
AI! the following are legacy item abilities ofNalliethariJ.
Generations later, Tiur Vedrilos and Kagaan Ruul temporarily
One With the Wild (Su): You gain a +5 competence bonus
allied against a goblinoid incursion from the north that threat-
on wild empathy checks. If yOll do not already have the wild
ened both lands. To strengthen this fragile union, the armor
emparhy ability, you ins read gain this abiliry as a druid of your
was exhumed and worn at times by elf and arc champions alike.
charactet Jevel-2.
It was during these battles that Nanietharil first displayed its
Walk Unseen (Su): You gain a +5 competence bonus on
mystical abilities-abilities that the orcs swore their histories
Hide checks.
had never spoken of.
Walk Unheard (Su): You gain a +5 competence bonus on
None ever learned how the armor became magic, for Nani-
Move Silently checks.
etharil was lost on the held ofbattle. Presumably it was picked up
Voice of the wild (Sp): With a command word, you can
as a hobgoblin war trophy and eventually acquired by a stalwart
use speak with animals (as the spell) hve
adventurer. (DC 27; An Echo of Old Alliances)
rimes per day.
Armor of the wild (5u), You
LEGACY RITUALS retain all the benefits and abiliries
Two riruals are required to unlock all the of Nanietharil when you use the
abilities of Nanietharil. wild shape ability. (Other forms of
A Matter of Honor: You must shapechanging, such as polymorph
travel to the gravesite of an enemy spells, do nor apply.)
you respected (regardless of how Predator's Dash (Su): Your base
much you might also have hated him) land speed increases by 10 feet.
to offer a sacrifice of goods in tribute. Shape of the Wild (Su): You gain one
The cost of the ritual includes the additional daily use of your wild shape
cost of the goods. Cost: 1,500 gpo Feat abiliry. This addirionaluse cannot be used
Granted: Least legacy (Nanjel~larjl). to transform into an elemental, and you
An Echo of Old Alliances: You do not gain the wild shape ability if
must perform a service for someone of you do nor already have it.
arc blood (if you are of elven blood) or
of elven blood (if you are of arc blood).
This service need not be long-term, bur
it must involve actual expense or danger
on your part. Cost: 11,500 gpo Feat Granted:
Lesser Legacy (NcHlietharil).

NtlnietlJaril, Gift of tbe Ancie11t Foe

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