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Fill in the blanks with am, is or are.

(Suggested time: 20 minutes)

1. I 2. "! #riends $. %here (. Father ). *ina and %ini +. I ,. %he 'at /. %he #ootball &la!ers 0. 1ahlia 10. "ore .ehi'les 2*33. 11. 4ou going to be grounded i# !ou still beha.e badl!. the onl! 'hild in m! #amil! who be'omes a do'tor ten !ears old. waiting #or me at the #ield. an album that I &ut on the 'u&board. washing his 'ar at the garage. stud!ing "ath in the librar! now.

going to the market with m! mother tomorrow morning. -um&ing the #en'e and land on its &aw. their training session this e.ening. a good #riend o# mine. She hel&s me a lot with m! homework. using the new road be'ause it takes shorter time to

12. "other said that I

while the rest ha.e be'ome tea'hers. 1$. "alik and I 1(. 1). %he re'e&tionist 1+. I 1,. %he bo7 1/. 8ugb! balls going #or a .a'ation in 5ustralia somewhere in 1e'ember. also one o# the dogs #amil!. making an announ'ement o# a lost 'hild.

ha&&! that I will be graduating soon enough. .er! hea.!. So, I ask m! #riend to hel& me 'arr! it. in sha&e. the most deli'ious 'ake I ha.e

10. "arble 'ake made b! m! sister taste. 20.4our e!es

as blue as the skies. (20 marks)

9nderline the mistakes in tenses and 'orre't it in the s&a'e &ro.ided.

(Suggested time : 10 minutes)

5 long time ago, there li.e a bo! with his old mother in a .illage. %he name o# the bo! is :a'k. %he! are .er! &oor. ;ne da!, :a'ks mother ask him to go to the market to sell their 'ow. So, :a'k goes to the market to sell the 'ow. ;n his wa!, he meets an old man. %he old man wants to bu! :a'ks 'ow but he had no mone!. <e o##ers :a'k a sa'k o# beans. 5t #irst, :a'k did not want to trade with the old man. =ut, he &it! the old man. <e trade the 'ow with the beans. <e is so ha&&! that at least he brings ba'k something rather than nothing. <e walks to his home ha&&il!>

1. 2. $. (. ). +.

,. /. 0. 10. 11. 12.

(12 marks)

Fill in the blanks with 'orre't ad-e' &ro.ided in the bo7.

(Suggested time : 10 minutes )

handsome sad hea.! di##i'ult deli'ious short red new harmonious lo.el!

1. %erressa to 'ook s&aghetti. She 'ooks the most s&aghetti in this town. 2. "! sister is looking #or her &air o# !esterda!. $. I 'annot li#t the hel& me. (. It was a 'ontest. ). 6e must wear not wear +. %he looked .er! ,. %hose /. %he li#e. 0. %his is the most 10. ;ur &arents alwa!s remind us to li.e a ea'h other. ?uestions I ha.e answered. li#e and tolerate with &ants i# we go #or an inter.iew. be'ause he -ust lost the ra'e. roses bloom and shine at the right moment. man is going to get marr! soon with the lo.e o# his song &er#ormed b! the 'ham&ion o# the singing &iano b! m!sel#. So, I ask m! brother to shoes that she bought

( 10 marks)

3hoose the 'orre't answer.

( Suggested time : 20 minutes)

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