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Team Project

xxxxxx Animal Keeper I

Team Members:







xxxxxxx Human Resource Management


Metropolitan Zoo Performance Evaluation Overview

Type of Evaluation: The Metropolitan Zoo's employee performance evaluation is a traitand

behaviors based evaluation. It is designed to evaluate an employee's overall attitude towards

their work, co-workers and supervisors. Additionally, it is an assessment that is designed to

evaluate the employees’ability to perform the tasks associated with their position and their ability

to comply with company policy.

The Evaluation Process: Evaluations are preformed every 6 months between January 15th thru

31st and July 15th thru 30thof every year. All evaluations are to be performed by departmental

supervisors and submitted to Human Resources no later than January 31st and July 30th. Copies

of evaluation must be signed by both the supervisor and employee before submission to HR.

Supervisors are will be responsible for determining all rating scores on the evaluation based on

their experience working with and observing the employee perform their job.

- The steps you will take to ensure that the information collected is reliable and valid.

- How often the measure(s) of performance will be obtained.

Park University Zoo Employee Performance Appraisal

Position: Animal Keeper I

Date: ______________________________________________________
Employee Name: _____________________________________________
Employee Number: ___________________________________________
Rater: ______________________________________________________
Senior Rater: ________________________________________________

Rate each of the following Traits:

(1=Very Low, 2= Low, 3=Average, 4=high, 5 = Very High)

1. Ability to work effectively as a team 1 2 3 4 5

2. Ability to work effectively individually 1 2 3 4 5
3. Ability to work without supervision and accomplish goals 1 2 3 4 5
4. Adheres to company policy outlined in employee manual 1 2 3 4 5
5. Adheres to published ethical standards 1 2 3 4 5
6. Communicates effectively with coworkers 1 2 3 4 5
7. Communicates effectively with supervisors 1 2 3 4 5
8. Cooperates and accepts new initiatives and changes 1 2 3 4 5
9. Maintains a professional appearance and attitude: 1 2 3 4 5

Total Score_______

Team: I did some reading during my research and Trait Based Appraisals is consistently rated as easy
to use, but very bad for rating someone and for justification. The main reason is that it’s very
subjective and can be skewed due to personality conflicts. Personally, I’d recommend we dump the
traits and stick with Behavioral and add an “Essay” section.

This essay has a couple of parts:

Part 1. Wwhere the rater writes their overall written comments
Part 2. Where the employee writes down their own comments or disputs
Part 3. Where the senior rater writes their written comments after reviewing the appraisal

This would be easy to put in, just comment boxes like this one, but with bunches of lines…
Rate each of the following Behaviors:
(1=Never, 2= Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Frequently, 5 = Almost Always, 6=Always)

1. Degree to which employee keeps animal enclosures clean: 1 2 3 4 5

2. Disposes of all refuse properly per Zoo guidelines: 1 2 3 4 5
3. Maintains a clean and safe work environment: 1 2 3 4 5
4. Effectively manages general supplies: 1 2 3 4 5

This is the format they’ve got on page 441 for a behavioral based appraisal:

___ 1. Orally and effectively assists irate or defensive zoo guests

___ 1. Communicates effectively and answers zoo guest questions
___ 1. Effectively conducts educational classes to zoo guests

___ 1. Comprehends and correctly carries out oral instructions

___ 1. Comprehends and correctly carries out written instructions
___ 1. Directs others based on written and oral instructions

___ 1. Supervises and directs zoo volunteers

___ 1. Educates and monitors zoo volunteers on safety procedures

___ 1. Feeds animals the correct dietary mix, on schedule

___ 1. Monitors and maintains animal enclosures for animal security
___ 1. Monitors and maintains the cleanliness of animal enclosures
___ 1. Makes minor repairs to animal enclosures and public areas
___ 1. Properly packages and disposes of animal waste
___ 1. Properly packages and disposes of dietary and food waste

___ 1. Demonstrates knowledge of animal behaviors

___ 1. Monitors animals for change in behaviors and notifies supervisor
___ 1. Demonstrates knowledge of dangerous species
___ 1. Demonstrates knowledge of special handling procedures

___ 1. Manual restraint of animals < 20 pounds, without injury to animals

___ 1. Manual restraint of animals between 21- 50 pounds, without injury to animals
___ 1. Manual restraint of animals > 50 pounds without assistance, without injury to animals
___ 1. Manual restraint of animals > 50 pounds with assistance, without injury to animals
___ 1. Manual restraint of animals, with mechanical assistance or tools, without injury to animals

___ 1. Verifies medications and dosage prior to administration

___ 1. Administers medications to animals without inflicting undue aggravation
___ 1. Updates animal medical records

___ 1. Maintains written daily records

___ 1. Accurately transcribes oral events to written records
___ 1. Submits written reports and records on time

Page Score_______
Rate each of the following Behaviors (continued):
(1=Never, 2= Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Frequently, 5 = Almost Always, 6=Always)

___ 1. Maintains a valid state drivers license

___ 1. Maintains current certifications and licensing requirements in accordance with local and state laws.
___ 1. Participates in continuous learning education requirements in accordance with zoo policy

___ 1. Physical ability to perform Continuous Exposure Requirements*

___ 1. Physical ability to perform Frequent Exposure Requirements*
___ 1. Physical ability to perform Occasional Exposure Requirements*

Page Score_______

Total Score_______

* Appendix A - As defined in Park University Zoo Position Description (January 2008) – Team, I would
insert the “Essential Physical Functions and Environmental Demands” chart from the “Animal
Keeper 1” document I sent everyone the link from as an appendix.
Evaluation Comments:

Rater Additional Comments: ___________________________________________________________

Rater Signature and Date_________________________________

Employee Comments: _________________________________________________________________

Employee Signature and Date_________________________________
(Employee signature signifies neither acceptance nor agreement of this evaluation)

Employee declined to sign or verify evaluation by signature.

Rater Signature and Date_________________________________

Senior Rater Evaluation: _______________________________________________________________

I concur/non-concur with this evaluation and have/have not made comments.
Senior Rater Signature and Date_________________________________

Reviewed by Human Resources on ____________________ by _________________________.

Processed by Human Resources on ____________________ by _________________________.

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