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Do you know what death penalty is? Which words can you associate with death penalty?

( ili Which words first come to your mind when we say death penalty?

The death penalty is a legal process whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime, while the process of illing the person is an execution.

Warm Up: Do you agree or disagree? Why? 1. The death penalty reduces the number of serious crimes. 2. Executions should be shown on TV. This will reduce the number of serious crimes. 3. All criminals should be executed. (ovo mozemo napisati na tabli, dok jedna radi uvod druga pise)

Death by Hanging - The prisoner stands on trapdoor, and a rope descends from a wooden beam overhead. The rope is fastened around the prisoner's neck in a "Hangman's noose," which tightens when pulled upon. The executioner pulls a lever opening the trapdoor and dropping the prisoner, who ideally dies quickly due to a broken neck. Lethal Injection - The executioner, usually a person injecting the drugs manually (lethal injection machines are no longer in widespread use due to the possibility of mechanical failure), injects three drugs in sequence: 1. 2. 3. 5g Pentothol (sodium thiopental), which is intended to induce a coma. 100mg Pavulon (pancuronium bromide), which causes paralysis. 100 mEq potassium chloride, which stops the heart.

Gas Chamber Executions - The prisoner is strapped to a chair inside a sealed gas chamber. The executioner (standing outside of the chamber) pulls a lever dropping potassium cyanide pellets into a vat of sulfuric acid, flooding the chamber with lethal hydrogen cyanide gas.

The Electric Chair - The prisoner is shaved, strapped to a chair, and fitted with electrodes attached to conductive sponges--one on the head, one on the leg--creating a direct current. The prisoner is then hooded. The executioner pulls a switch, and 2,000 volts race through the prisoner's body as the internal body temperature approaches 140 degrees. If performed correctly, the procedure is supposed to cause immediate unconsciousness followed by near-instantaneous death.

Execution by Firing Squad - Firing squad executions are so incredibly rare in the United States that it is difficult to speak of a standard operating procedure, but historically the victim is strapped to a chair, five sharpshooters aim at the victim's heart, and all five pull the trigger. One of the sharpshooters is secretly armed with a blank round, which means that each shooter can rest comfortably in the knowledge that there is a 20% chance that she never shot the prisoner.

Death by Stoning - The prisoner is buried either up to his waist (if male) or up to her shoulders (if female) and then pelted with stones by a crowd of volunteers until obviously battered to death. Under the terms of most fundamentalist courts, the stones must be small enough that death cannot reasonably be expected to result from only one or two blows, but large enough to cause physical harm. The average execution by stoning is extremely painful, lasting at least 10 to 20 minutes.

Death by Beheading - The victim is restrained, usually forced to kneel, and the executioner removes the head by way of a sword or knife. In renaissance-era Europe (most famously in the aftermath of the French Revolution), the process was automated by way of a device called a guillotine, which dropped a heavy blade through the prisoner's neck--allowing for a clean, instant decapitation.

Death by Crucifixion - The prisoner is hoisted off the ground, arms restrained to the sides or behind the back, and simply left alone. Over time, the prisoner will grow tired and fall forward-constricting the lungs and causing asphyxiation. Death by crucifixion can take hours or even days.

CORRECT WORD: Put the correct words from ad below in the article. A United Nations committee has voted (1) ____ an immediate worldwide freeze on the use of the death penalty. A total of 99 countries voted (2) ____ favor of a suspension of capital punishment, while 52 opposed the proposal and the remaining 33 nations did not vote. Those who campaigned (3) ____ the death penalty said the abolition would "contribute to the enhancement and progressive development of human rights." They said capital punishment has not been a (4) ____ for crimes and many innocent people are still put (5) ____ death by mistake. British ambassador to the UN Sir John Sawers said the vote showed that international opinion has changed in the past decade: "We now have a global (6) ____ and I think it's an important sign that the death penalty is increasingly unpopular and is seen as unreliable," he said. The vote followed two days of heated and at (7) ____ bad-tempered discussions. Singapore, the USA, China, Syria and Libya were among those (8) ____ to keep the death penalty. Singapores ambassador Vanu Gopala Menon was very (9) ____ in his support of it. He was angry at the European Union because it voted for a ban on capital punishment. He accused the EU of improperly (10) ____ the death penalty with human rights and said it was imposing its values on the rest of the world. He blasted the EU for trying to force through a resolution that a significant (11) ____ of other countries do not agree with. He argued that countries have a right to determine the legal (12) ____ and penalties which are appropriate for their societies, including the death penalty for the most serious crimes. 1. (a) for (b) with (c) by (d) to

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

(a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a)

for opposed deterring to collision time wants vocalist linking numerical measure

(b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b) (b)

in opposite deter for condition times want vocal link numbers quantity

(c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c)

on again deterrent by coalition timed wanted vocals linked numeral measures

(d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d) (d)

to against determine with competition timely wanting vocal cords links number quantities

TRUE / FALSE: Look at the articles headline and guess whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F): a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. The UN has banned the use of the death penalty around the world. 33 countries voted against the abolition of the death penalty. Many countries believe the death penalty does not deter crime. International opinion towards the death penalty has changed. The discussions at the UN were, in general, good-natured. Singapores ambassador spoke strongly in favor of abolition. Singapores ambassador was very angry with the European Union. The ambassador said countries needed to decide for themselves. T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F

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DEATH PENALTY METHODS: In pairs / groups, talk about the following methods of capital punishment that are used around the world. What are the worst things about each method?


lethal injection

gas chamber

electrocution (electric chair)

firing squad




Da li se sjecaju nekih metoda koji su spimenuti u prethodnoj vjezbi, napisemo ih na table kad kazu, pa onda napisemo i ostatak ovih, i objasnimo po jednom recenicom. Iliiii dok jedna radi sa njima ovu prethodnu jezbu, druga da napise na tabli sve.

TWO-MINUTE DEBATES: Debate these arguments about the death penalty with a partner for just two minutes. Change partners often. Student A agrees with the first argument, Student B, the second. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. All killing is wrong. Vs. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. It saves taxpayers money. Vs. No price can be put on human life. The death penalty stops crime. Vs. Murders happen with or without it. The death penalty goes against human rights. Vs. So does multiple murder. Mistakes are made. Innocent people die. Vs. No system is perfect. The death penalty gives society the message that killing is OK. Vs. No way. It provides closure for victims families. Vs. Thats a poor reason to kill someone. Life in prison is better. Vs. Life in prison means life watching TV, reading and chatting.

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