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by Jon Sutz (434) 825-8428

Shayna Do! W"##n" & T$uth Ca%&a'!n ()Th" Ca%&a'!n*+ is a concept !m de"eloping #or an acti"ist group $hose mission $ill be to help ad"ance the health and longe"ity o# companion dogs% by arming their parents $ith the #acts necessary to ma&e in#ormed decisions regarding their #ood and treats. 'he (ampaign $ill pursue this mission by engaging in three acti"ities) (*) +ublicizing basic in#ormation about proper dog nutrition and sa#e% health#ul treats. (2) +ublicly e,posing edible dog products that "eterinary specialists &no$ or strongly suspect cause health problems% yet $hich are pac&aged and promoted in $ays that lead unsuspecting dog parents to belie"e they are healthy (or% at least% not harm#ul). (3) +ublicly presenting senior e,ecuti"es o# the retailers $ho sell these products $ith e"idence o# their harm#ulness% and re-uesting that a#ter re"ie$ing this e"idence% they decide $hether they are going to continue selling them. 'hrough aggressi"e in"estigations% compelling public education materials% and inno"ati"e outreach and grassroots support mechanisms% the (ampaign $ill hope#ully) (reate su##icient mar&et #orces to ele"ate the -uality o# dog #ood and treats% and compel more truth#ul% clearer product labels. .ra$ a clear% public di"iding line bet$een those retailers $ho are truly una$are o# the e"idence concerning the products they are selling / and those $ho ha"e made the conscious decision to continue pro#iting by selling them. Learn the details of why I am creating the Campaign, and why its named to honor Shayna, in Background, below

How you can help

0ere!s $hat need to get Shayna Do! W"##n" & T$uth Ca%&a'!n o## the ground) ,'nan-'a# .onat'on to h"#& %" $" "a$-h an. ."/"#o& th" 0u 'n" &#an1 &no$ #rom e,perience that building a business plan #or a traditional organization can be "ery comple, and time-consuming. can only anticipate that building one #or an acti"ist group that $ill be ta&ing on some o# the most po$er#ul corporations in 1merica% $hich ha"e a "ested interest in perpetuating the status -uo% $ill be e,tremely challenging. see& donations to enable me to de"ote the time to research and de"elop the (ampaign!s business plan. +lease donate securely through +ay+al here. In '!ht 2$o% /"t"$'na$'an an. .o! 2oo. 'n.u t$y 'n '."$ 1 'o tell the real story o# ho$ the situation got to this point / ho$ so many decepti"ely-labeled dog #oods and treats could get onto our mar&et shel"es% and stay there / need the in#ormation and insights that only you possess. 2ou can remain anonymous. 3mail me. 4et!s tal&. (continued)

Do-u%"ntat'on an. to$'" 2$o% oth"$ .o! &a$"nt 1 +roo# is the name o# the game here. 5hile a causal connection cannot al$ays be pro"en bet$een a speci#ic product and an illness that a##ected your best #riend% there is little doubt that the use o# certain edible dog products $ill% o"er time% cause health problems. # you or your "et can pro"ide hard data (see this photo-essay #or an e,ample) o# a product you ha"e used% or are a$are o#% that you!re con"inced caused a serious health problem% email me. # you thin& there are other $ays you could help de"elop the (ampaign% please email me.

Background: My discovery of how a dogs trust can be betrayed accidentally, or by conscious deception
1 dog $ho &no$s that her human parent really lo"es her% trusts that $hate"er #ood items come out o# their hands is either healthy #or them% or is at least is not harm#ul. 1nd most dog parents $ould ne"er &no$ingly #eed their best #riend anything that they &no$ causes them health problems. 6n#ortunately% as describe in my boo& (particularly in 7ection (8) and 4i#e 4esson 8)% didn!t become a$are o# the #act that many edible dog products that are being sold by major retailers% and promoted as being 9natural: and 9healthy%: are not / until a#ter my belo"ed 7hayna de"eloped a &idney disorder% then li"er cancer% then heart cancer. (4earn more about 7hayna!s speci#ic medical issues and status here.) 1s also describe in my boo&% in the course o# discussions $ith our holistic "eterinarian and 7hayna!s surgeon% disco"ered that many o# these products contain ingredients that (a) dogs! &idneys and li"ers are not designed to #ilter% (b) are &no$n or strongly suspected to cause serious health problems. (;ead a sample photo-essay $rote about these issues here.) 1nd the more loo&ed into this issue% disco"ered that most dog parents don!t become a$are o# these things until a#ter their dog becomes sic&% or $orse. Ent"$ )Shayna Do! W"##n" & T$uth Ca%&a'!n* cannot go bac& in time% and pre"ent 7hayna #rom eating all the things ga"e her% $hich no$ belie"e either caused or aggra"ated her health problems. 5hat can do% ho$e"er% is use my "arious creati"e% mar&eting and ad"ocacy s&ills to create an organization / in 7hayna!s name / that $ill be help other dog parents to a"oid the tragedy and soul-$renching remorse that and many others ha"e e,perienced% as a result o# our usage o# such products. 'o #ul#ill this mission% $ill be creating Shayna Do! W"##n" & T$uth Ca%&a'!n1 1nd in 7hayna!s name% $ill be helping to put an end to any e,isting plausible deniability that retailers currently enjoy / their claim that they had no idea that $hat they!re selling is harm#ul to dogs.

Heaven help any retailer that my Daddy publicly exposes for consciously deciding to sell dog foods and treats that are known or strongly suspected to cause health problems in my friends, yet which are labeled as being 'healthy' for them. - Shayna Angele Sutz

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