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Topic Sentences and Paragraph Development

What is a topic sentence?

A topic sentence is the central idea around which a paragraph develops. A topic sentence controls a paragraph in the same way a thesis statement unifies and governs an entire essay.

Oklahoma State University Writing Center

What is the purpose of a topic sentence?

A topic sentence indicates in a general way what idea or thesis the paragraph is going to deal with. Topic sentences give unity to the paragraph by developing one major point. A topic sentence states the idea clearly and helps readers follow an argument. Topic sentences help writers develop a main idea or claim for their paragraphs, and, perhaps most importantly, they help writers stay focused and keep paragraphs manageable.

104 Morrill Hall 744-6671

What are the two things to do when writing a topic sentence?

Figure out what the main idea is Put the main idea into your own words

What are some of the ways to develop a paragraph?

By giving reasons By giving examples By using a story or incident to illustrate the idea By giving descriptive details For example: Here is a topic sentence Education of women is crucial to the growth of humanity. Questions to develop paragraph: How is the education of women crucial to the growth of humanity? What are some of the measures that we should take to ensure womens education? Who should be responsible for an increase in the education of women?

Exercise 1
For each topic sentence below, add sufficient supporting details to complete the paragraph: 1. Learning skills at Oklahoma State University offers many services to students. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________.

2. It is important to make use of an instructors office hours. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________. Note: the above exercises were developed from Cabrillo Colleges website

Exercise 2
For each limited topic below, select the two items that could serve as topic sentences. Limited topic I: how to train a cat. 1. This paragraph is about how to train a cat. 2. Before a cat learns anything, it first teaches its owner a lesson in humility. 3. Everything you wouldnt have thought to ask about training a cat. 4. Training a cat takes physical stamina. 5. Animal training is a complicated subject. Limited topic II: changes in patients as they settle into convalescent homes. 1. Americans are learning how to grow old gracefully. 2. The outside world seems to shrink when seen through the window of a convalescent home. 3. Closing up a home and moving to a small room can make even an extrovert turn inward. 4. It is important to look at the changes in patients attitudes as they settle into convalescent homes. 5. The increasing delights in daily conversation as patients become accustomed to life in a convalescent home. Limited topic III: scuba diving 1. The excitement of scuba diving. 2. My childhood fascination with scuba diving. 3. It is very interesting to experience scuba diving. 4. The sport of scuba diving has always excited me. 5. Since, I was child, Ive been fascinated by scuba diving. Answers I. This paragraph is about how to train a cat. Everything you wouldnt have thought to ask about training a cat. II. The outside world seems to shrink when seen through the window of a convalescent home. It is important to look at the changes in patients attitudes as they settle into convalescent homes. III. The sport of scuba diving has always excited me. Since, I was child, Ive been fascinated by scuba diving.

1. 2. 3. 4. Fulwiler, T., & Hayakawa, A. R. (2008). Pocket Reference for Writers (3rd Ed.). Upper Saddle River: New Jersey. 5.

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