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1. Call to Order Chair Tim Brown convened the regular meeting at 3:11 pm (Eastern Time). 2. Roll Call Members present were Tim Brown, Royce Maniko, Megan Nelms, Mike Harper, Dennis Sandquist, Jacqueline Kamp, Charlie Compton, Mike Kayes, and Joe Scorcio. Adriana Trujillo-Villa, Keith Cubic, Tracy Hegler, Judy Francis, and Robert Hill were excused. A quorum was confirmed. 3. Minutes of the May 9, 2013 Teleconference Scorcio moved, seconded by Helms to approve the minutes as presented, with typos corrected. The motion passed unanimously. 4. Finance Report Treasurer Harper provided the final 2012/13 NACP financial report, with a year-end balance of $1608.83. Scorcio moved and Maniko seconded to accept the financial report. The motion passed unanimously. 5. FY 13/14 Budget Treasurer Harper presented a preliminary draft budget for 2013/14 based on the information available at this time. He is looking for any changes or additions in order to build a final budget. He will work with Brown to finalize and bring back to the Board for adoption. 6. IRS 501(c)(4) Organization Treasurer Harper reviewed the memo he presented at the prior meeting regarding the 501 status. He has reviewed the IRS website, and suggests that we are most likely a (c)(4) organization, not a (3) nor a (6). He wondered if the Board wants to pursue this option. There is a $400 application fee. The registration with the State of Nevada as a community organization would likely change. The Board opted to have Harper research this further and schedule for a future discussion and decision. 7. 2013 Renewal Notices Harper indicated that he regularly sends out renewal notices in March and April, but has not done anything this year. Both NACo and Umpqua (our bank), have some minimum standards to maintain our respective status. He and Hegler are looking for ideas to improve outreach with the renewals. Sandquist indicated that he could do something at the NACo Conference. Harper, Hegler and Helms will work out the details to get the next renewal notices and outreach information sent out to current and past NACP members. They will report back at the next meeting. 8. NACo Annual Conference Sandquist and Hill will attend the Annual Conference next week in Fort Worth. Davenports departure from NACo staff impacted our ability as NACP to present planning sessions directly. 1

However, the Energy and Land Use Committee supported three NACP sessions to be presented by including Sandquist, Hill and Connie Cooper. Jen Horton will be our new NACo liaison. Brown has chatted with her, and Sandquist will connect with her at the Conference. 9. Other Business There was no other business. 10. Next Executive Committee Meeting Date and Time The next conference call will be Thursday September 12, 2013 immediately following the 2:00 pm (Eastern Time) CPD Executive Committee meeting. 11. Adjournment The NACP meeting was adjourned at 3:38 pm (Eastern Time).

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