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)*#& St+te ,i-hw+y #&., S/ite & 23en C+r4on, IL "*(1)

Kristen A. Sweet, Attorney Phone !"#$% "&"'#((( F+0 !"#$% *(&'1(11 5sweet6tr+77i83+w8enter.8o9

09/30/2013 Mr. Brendan J. Franklin Personal and Confidential 5811 Taft St. Middleton, ! 535"2 #e$ People v. Brendan J. Franklin 13%T#%3"02" "33""2$ S&eedin' (1/)5 Const. *one

+ear Mr. Franklin$ T,ank -o. for /,oosin' t,e Traffi/ 0a1 Center 2 to re&resent -o.. T,is letter states 1,at o.r la1 fir3 1ill do for -o., t,e /ost, and -o.r res&onsi4ilities. B- &a-in' .s, -o. are sa-in' t,at -o. a'ree 1it, 1,at is /ontained in t,is letter. !f so3et,in' is in/orre/t or if -o. disa'ree 1it, 1,at -o. read 4elo1, &lease let .s kno1 no1 4efore 1e 4e'in 1ork on -o.r /ase Fro3 t,is &oint on, 1e 1ill s&eak for -o. 1it, res&e/t to t,is /ase. +o not a&&ear in /o.rt or &a- an- 3one- to t,e /o.rt .nless 1e ad5ise -o. to do so, in 1ritin' 4- letter or e3ail. !t is -o.r res&onsi4ilit- to let .s kno1 i33ediatel- 1,en and if -o.r /onta/t infor3ation /,an'es. !f 1e are .na4le to / 1it, -o., -o. r.n t,e risk of 1arrants, ,i',er fines, li/ense s.s&ension, and/or additional attorne-6s fees. e 1ill .se e3ail and/or 7.S. Mail to 1rite to -o.. ,en 1e send 3ail to -o. 1e 1ill ass.3e t,at -o. re/ei5ed it if it 1as &la/ed in t,e 7.S. Mail and addressed to t,e address 1e ,a5e on file for -o.. !f 1e send an e3ail to -o., 1e 1ill ask -o. for a re&l- so t,at 1e kno1 t,at -o. re/ei5ed o.r / 8.r 1ork. 8.r fir3 1ill start 1ork on -o.r /ase on t,is or t,e ne9t 4.siness da-. e 1ill 4e a5aila4le at reasona4le , to s&eak 1it, -o. 4tele&,one. e 1ill re5ie1 and res&ond to / fro3 t,e /o.rt. e /onsider o.r :o4 to ,a5e 4een f.ll- &erfor3ed 1,en 1e re/ei5e$ ;1< a fa5ora4le a3end3ent to t,e offense, ;2< &ro4ation, /o.rt s.&er5ision or di5ersion, ;3< a red./tion of t,e ori'inal /,ar'e to a lesser offense, ;)< an offer of dis3issal, ;5< an offer of a red./ed fine or ter3 of i3&rison3ent, ;"<

an offer t,at is ot,er t,an on t,at re=.ires -o. to &lead '.ilt- to t,e offense as /,ar'ed and fa/e t,e 3a9i3.3 &enalt- .nder t,e a&&li/a4le la1 or ordinan/e, or ;(< re&resentation 4- a Traffi/ 0a1 Center attorne- in a 4en/, trial ;no :.r-<. >o.r file;s<. >o.r file 1ill 4e 3aintained in a di'ital i3a'e for3at, i.e. no &a&er. ?fter -o.r /ase is /losed, o.r fir3 1ill 3aintain -o.r file on a se/.re ser5er indefinitel-, and 1ill 3ake t,e di'ital file a5aila4le to -o., .&on re=.est, for a no3inal fee. !n order to &rote/t -o.r &ri5a/-, 1e /onsider it t,e 4est &ra/ti/e to se/.rel- s,red -o.r @&a&er file@ at t,e /on/l.sion of -o.r /ase. !f -o. do not 1ant .s to s,red -o.r &a&er file, &lease notif- o.r fir3 in 1ritin' within 48 hours of receiving this letter so t,at 1e /an 3ark -o.r &a&er file @+8 A8T +BST#8>%C0!BAT !00 P!CC 7P F!0B ?T C8AC07S!8A 8F TDB C?SB.@ e reser5e t,e ri',t to 3aintain -o.r &a&er file, or a /o&- of it, for t,e &.r&ose of /o3&lian/e 1it, t,e #.les of Professional #es&onsi4ilit-. ?ttorne-6s fee o&tions. >o. ,a5e 4een ad5ised and .nderstand t,at yo/ h+:e the o;tion o7 ;+yin- + 7i0e< 7ee o7 =#&(.(( OR ;+yin- +n ho/r3y 7ee +t the r+te o7 =#&(>hr. Do.rl- rate fees are to 4e &la/ed in o.r fir36s a//o.nt and dra1n do1n as 1ork is &erfor3ed on -o.r /ase. >o. ,a5e /,osen to &a- a @fi9ed fee@ and .nderstand t,at t,e fee 1ill not 4e raised or lo1ered 1,et,er t,e /ase re=.ires 3ore or less effort t,an anti/i&ated. 8n/e t,e fi9ed fee is de&osited into o.r fir36s o&eratin' a//o.nt it is /onsidered t,e &ro&ert- of t,e fir3. !f o.r fir3 1it,dra1s or is dis/,ar'ed 4efore -o.r /ase is /on/l.ded, -o. 3a- ,a5e a ri',t to a ref.nd of t,e &ortion of t,e fee t,at is /onsidered .nearned, and t,is is tr.e 1,et,er or not -o. /,ose to &a- a fi9ed or ,o.rl- fee. 8.r fee in/l.des /.sto3ar- and ordinar- offi/e e9&enses ;/o&ies, se/retarial, /o.rt filin' fees, &osta'e, et/.< in ,andlin' -o.r /ase. T,e fee, 1,et,er fi9ed or ,o.rl-, does not in/ e9traordinar- e9&enses, in/l.din', 4.t not li3ited to$ 1itness fees, 1itness tra5el e9&enses, re'.lar or /ertified /o&ies of 'o5ern3ent do/.3ents. Before t,e attorne-, on -o.r 4e,alf, in/.rs s./, e9traordinare9&ense;s<, -o.r /onsent 1ill 4e o4tained in ad5an/e and in 1ritin' 4- 7.S. Mail or t,ro.', e3ail. Sin/erel-, S700!E?A F ?SS8C!?TBS Cristen ?. S1eet ?ttorne- at 0a1




Brendan J. Franklin Personal and Confidential 5811 Taft St. Middleton, ! 535"2 lendG1i.rr./o3 P,one 1$ P,one 2$ ;"08< 3)5%83(0

T8T?0 FBB$ H150.00 Cas,$ H0.00 C,e/k or M/8$ H0.00 Credit or +e4it$ H150.00 ?MBI Balan/e +.e$ H0.00 Balan/e +.e +ate$

Cont+8t Notes$

I7 +;;3i8+43e, 83ient sh+33 <o the 7o33owin- 4y the <+te in<i8+te< 4e3ow 1. 2. 3. B-$ A/? A/? A/? A/?

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