Dallas Alternative Basketball Association Rules

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DABA GAME RULES! ! The Dallas Alternative Basketball Association (DABA) follows the model of the American Basketball Association or ABA in its continuing effort to be innovative in its approach to bring fast-paced, fan-friendly, exciting basketball to true fans. The game has evolved and so has the rules. The DABA combines ABA, NCAA, FIBA and NBA rules to create the best show for the fans. Futhermore, the DABA also incorporates aspects of "fantasy league basketball" components and merges them into a "reality basketball league." More importantly, being a division of Score Moore Lives, Inc. (SML), DABA also seeks to save and impact lives. All persons involved with DABA should realize that the DABA is an association of individuals participating "...in a league of our own that alternatively saves lives a score at a time." All of these foremention factors are what makes DABA more unique and innovative than any other league in the country. Learn about the unique rules here and how DABA plans, like the ABA, on continuing to make the game more fun and exciting.! ! LEAGUE STATEMENTS! Every DABA game should be a fan-pleasing entertainment experience.!

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League play will emphasize basketball skills, and a competitive style of play.! Players are expected to demonstrate appropriate conduct at all times.! DABA basketball can be a fun and exciting experience for the fans and players alike.! SPORTSMANSHIP! There will be consistent & universal enforcement of sporting behavior! There will be ZERO TOLERANCE for taunting & baiting! Players must realize that competitiveness stays on the court, and that no game ! ! compares to LIFE. Remember: DABA = LIFE! !

6th FOUL RULE! When a player has committed a 6th Foul (combination of personals & a direct technical); he may continue to participate in the game as a 6th Foul Player.! When a 6th Foul Player commits a Personal Foul, the penalty is One Free Throw (or one additional free throw) for the offended team, plus the ball for a throw-in at a designated spot, nearest the foul.! The 6th Foul Player Rule allows the extra free throw attempt by either one of the ve players of the offended team.! OVERTIME!

3-10 &OUT! All Overtime periods begin with a jump ball.!

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The length of the rst overtime period is 3 MINUTES! All Team Members are allowed to play during the Overtime period.! 6th Foul Players status is cancelled.! Players who have been disqualied are not eligible!

There are NO TIME-OUTS ALLOWED during the Overtime period(s)! ! During the rst Overtime Period, the clock is used the same as during regulation play.! Fouls in the Overtime period:! ! A player fouls out on his 2nd Foul (could be only his 2nd foul of the game)! ! A Bonus situation occurs on the 4th Foul of the Overtime period! ! The fouled player gets Three (3) Free Throws. If fouled in the Act of Shooting and the ! ! shot is missed, the shooter will receive three free throws. If the shot is madejust one ! ! free throw is attempted.! Double Overtime: There is no clock involved! ! The Game Clock is NOT used.! ! The Shot Clock IS used.! ! Team members who fouled out during the rst overtime period are NOT allowed to return !to play in the 2nd Overtime period.! ! The rst team to score 10 points is the winner.! 7 SECONDS BACKCOURT COUNT!

The count shall be Visible.! If the defensive team deects the ball out of bounds, the 7-Second count does not start over when play resumes.! ! Ofcial shall inform the in bounding player of the remaining time to get the ball in the ! ! frontcourt.! If the offensive team is granted a time-out, the count does not start over when play resumes.! ! Ofcial shall inform the Team Captain of the remaining time to get the ball in the ! ! frontcourt.! TIME-OUTS!

60-Second Time-Outs! ! Each team is allotted Two (2) 60-Second time outs per half.! ! No carry-overs from rst half to the second half! ! The timer should sound two horns: One after 45 seconds & one after 60 seconds! ! Play should resume at second horn! 20-Second time-outs (players may sit)! ! Each team is allotted One 20-second time out per half! ! No carry-overs from rst half to second half! ! The timer shall sound two horns: The First Horn after 5 Seconds & the Second Horn ! after 20 Seconds (15 Seconds After First Horn)! ! Play should resume at second horn! MORE UNIQUE DABA RULES!

Regular Season: Two (2) Twenty (20) min. halves; Playoff: Four (4) twelve (12) min. quarters! ! Clock will continuously run until the last two (2) min. of each half.!

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24-second shot clock (shot clock may show 25, this is to compensate for human error)! No One & One free Throw Situations! ! Penalty of two shots on the 8th team foul of each half.! All successful eld goals from the backcourt are FOUR points! ! Must be BEYOND the division line (Foot Cannot Be On The Division Line)! Players are ned for negative play and at the discretion of the Commissioners:! ! Negative play is dened as technicals, intentional/agrant fouls, suspensions, and ! ejections.! ! Fines are assessed when a player accumulates over 2 technicals during the season.! ! Fines are assessed at increments of $5.! ! Players who have membership credits may have nes deducted from their credit.!

"Daba" Score (pronounced: d(")-buh) as coined by S. Coleman!

This is a pointing system, much like ones used in a fantasy league (basketball, football, baseball, etc...) The Daba Score is composed up of points in 3 categories: Statistic Points, Mission Points, and Fan Points. Without going into a long discussion of the DS formula:! Statistic Points come from a player's stats.! Mission Points derive from players' involvement in or outside of DABA that advances ! the DABA mission and are awarded through Commissioners.! Fan Points come from a players' support group for that player or towards DABA.!

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Points are accrewed from a player's stats to attending open gyms to liking DABA social network sites to fan's voting and donating for DABA players, just to name a few examples. A Daba Score Points Sheet (DSPS) breakdown will be provided on website for clarity and transparency. Points can also be deducted from negative play or when used to make certain Trades or Acquisitions. Points are tallied and recorded only after players balances are satised. More info provided on DSPS breakdown. Daba score will be used in associating player ratings, as well as awards and honors.! Trades, Acquisitions, and Free Agency!

Trades, Acquistitions, and Free Agencies can only take place All-Star Week, and any team changes will take place the rst game following All-Star Weekend. Daba Scores are used when in talks of Trades, Acquisitions, and Free Agency. Further information on these subjects will be discussed with team captains.! COMMISSIONERS AND/OR DABA LEADERSHIP RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE OR ALTER ANY RULE FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE LEAGUE.! Keep in mind this has never been done before and adjust will need to be made, but this is what makes this league different than any other amatuer league IN THE COUNTRY.! !

Signature:_______________________________ Date:_______________________

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