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This Project is to develop a RFID CARD BASED TOLL GATE SYSTE FOR !E"ICLES# $or sec%rit& reaso's i' vario%s sec%rit& (o'es e'tr& restrictio's) A RFID card rese*+les a credit card i' si(e a'd shape, RFID card %s%all& co'tai's a' e*+edded *icroprocessor) This I'telli-e't co'trol s&ste* does 'ot allo. the %'a%thori(ed e'tr& o$ a'& perso' i'to the co'trol areas) I' case i$ ille-al e'tr& thro%-h -ate is detected, the' it .ill +e recorded a'd alar*ed) RFID cards are *%ch *ore pop%lar i' health i's%ra'ce a'd +a'/i'- i'd%stries) I' this project, each vehicle havi'- a Re-istered RFID ta-s) This e*+edded s&ste* is placed at the Toll -ates) I$ a'& vehicle crosses the toll -ate, the' reader accepts o'l& the re-istered cards) A'd toll -ate .ill +e ope'ed) This s&ste* is %sed to does 'ot allo. the %'a%thori(ed e'tr& o$ a'& perso' i'to the co'trol areas) I' -e'erall& RFID card applicatio's are i' Credit cards, Electro'ic cash, Co*p%ter sec%rit& s&ste*s, .ireless co**%'icatio', a'd +a'/i'-, e0Gover'*e't ide'ti$icatio' $or i'creasi'- the e$$ective'ess o$ sec%rit& *echa'is*s red%ci'ti*e to *ar/et $or sec%rit& sol%tio's si*pli$&i'- the si-'0i' a'd 'et.or/ access $or %sers) SOFTWARE: E*+edded C# TOOLS: S*all Device Cross Co*piler 1 2eil %visio'3) TARGET DEVICE: 4567 icroco'troller


APPLICATIONS: Toll -ates ADVANTAGES: Lo. cost, a%to*ated operatio', Lo. co's%*ptio') REFERENCE: The 4567 *icro co'troller a'd e*+edded s&ste*s +& a(idi BLOCK DIAGRAM:

LCD Display

R!ID car"

Motor Driving Circuit

8051 Micro Controll r

R!ID R gulat " po# r supply


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