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New 1ype of Lxtended Stay note|
1ag||ne 8r|ef|ng
NCVLM8Lk 2013

lease carefully read our brleflng. lrom prevlous experlence we learnL LhaL many enLrles we recelved
for pro[ecLs are noL usable because creaLlves haven'L fully read our brleflng. We'd llke Lo use your
Llme as well as our Llme as valuable as posslble. We wlll revlew all enLrles LhaL meeL our
requlremenLs as descrlbed ln Lhls brleflng.

We have developed a new concepL for Lhe hosplLallLy lndusLry: a !"#$%& (%)$*%*. ln essence, lL ls a
cross beLween a long sLay hoLel, an offlce, an aparLmenL and a soclal envlronmenL. lL ls bullL upon Lhe
deslres of a new Lype of Lraveller ln Lhls connecLed world: a forward-Lhlnklng moblle professlonal.

ln a world where Lhe boundarles beLween work and lelsure are fadlng, Lhese moblle professlonals
don'L work ln convenLlonal ways. 1hey are members of neLworks wlLh llke-mlnded people from
dlfferenL buslnesses, culLures and backgrounds. 1hey Lravel llghL, see fasL-+$,$ as Lhelr llfeblood,
spend one week here, Lwo monLhs Lhere, work aL odd hours and are passlonaLe abouL progresslve

1he deslres of Lhls globeLroLLlng LargeL group are Lwofold. Cn Lhe one hand Lhey wlsh Lo have Lhe
comforL of hoLel sLyle servlces, buL generally don'L llke Lhe sLlfllng and non-creaLlve envlronmenL. Cn
Lhe oLher hand Lhey wlsh Lo have Lhe feellng of belng ln Lhelr own place, buL aL Lhe same Llme don'L
wanL Lo feel soclally secluded ln a renLed aparLmenL.

ln shorL, Lhey wlsh Lo feel aL home ln a !"#$%& (%)$*%* LhaL represenLs a feellng of LogeLherness
beLween lndependenL mlnds. We glve Lhe moblle professlonal Llme and space Lo cusLomlze Lhelr
own llvlng- and work area, meeL peers, enhance Lhelr buslness neLwork and generally have a good

1he people we see as our maln LargeL audlence:
Internat|ona| and mob||e profess|ona|s: LnLrepreneurs, lncubaLors, self-employed
professlonals, pro[ecL managers/Leams, people aLLendlng/glvlng buslness courses.
L|fe sty|e]menta||ty: LnLrepreneurlal, passlon-before-paycheck, Lech-savvy, curlous,
energeLlc, poslLlve, consclous, open-mlnded Lo oLher culLures, deslre for relevance,
embraclng smarL soluLlons, sharlng, mlxlng buslness wlLh lelsure.
Length of stay: beLween 3 days and 3 monLhs, average sLay 10 days.
Age between 2S-4S: redomlnanLly lndlvldual Lravellers.
1hey can also be descrlbed as "global nomads/urban nomads".

We currenLly have selecLed Lhree posslble names for Lhls concepL. WlLhouL glvlng you Lhe exacL
names (due Lo confldenLlallLy), we glve you Lhe descrlpLlon of Lhe names:

1. Cne name reflecLs a she|ter, a home: a physlcal place
2. Cne name reflecLs together: a sLaLe of belng

3. Cne name reflecLs a tr|be or clan: a llke-mlnded menLallLy

1he concepL currenLly has several brand values: 1 core alm, and Lhree supporLlng alms whlch we flnd
cruclal for you Lo keep ln mlnd when creaLlng a Lagllne. 1hese brand values are:
1. 1ogether (Core a|m) - Cur core alm ls Lo glve Lhe moblle professlonal a Lrue sense of
LogeLherness and belonglng. We glve Lhem Lhe opporLunlLy Lo meeL, soclallze and make
conLacL wlLh Lhelr peers and locals.
2. |oneer|ng (Support|ng a|m) - lL ls an enLlrely new long-sLay concepL, breaklng many
convenLlons ln boLh Lhe hoLel as well as Lhe servlced aparLmenL lndusLry.
3. Ireedom of cho|ce (Support|ng a|m) - ?ou declde" ls good descrlpLlon of our servlces. 1he
concepL ls hlghly cusLomlzable Lo Lhe needs of an lndlvldual. 1he LargeL group should feel
LhaL Lhelr own sense of freedom ls LranslaLed lnLo Lhe concepL.
4. Comfort (Support|ng a|m) - lL musL on Lhe one hand feel #"-,".*%)&/ because of lLs greaL
servlces. Cn Lhe oLher hand lL should feel #"-,".*$01 because you feel aL home. 1hese Lwo
funcLlons comblned glve a sense of well-belng and can be summarlzed ln Lhe word #"-,".*.

ln Lhe llsL below you'll flnd some examples of creaLlve Lagllnes we llke. We especlally llke Lagllnes
wlLh a paradox (e.g. "affordable luxury" and "prlvaLe worklng collecLlve" below). 1agllnes can refer Lo
llfesLyle of our LargeL audlence, lLs menLallLy, Lhe producLs, one or more brand values eLc.

ush buLLon publlshlng" - blogger
When Lhere ls no Lomorrow" - ledLx
Llve ln your world. lay ln ours" - laysLaLlon
lor Lhe man ln charge of change" - lorLune
Lxpand your mlnd, change your world" - new SLaLesmen
lmaglnaLlon aL work" - Ceneral LlecLrlc
1lme ls Lhe new currency" - !W1
8ruLal slmpllclLy of LhoughL" - SaaLchl
Affordable luxury for Lhe people" - clLlzenM
rlvaLe worklng collecLlve" - neuehouse

Cverpromlslng: 'dream', 'heaven', 'palace', 'casLle', 'Lhe besL ever' eLc.
1he obvlous: 'Pome away from home', Lagllnes LhaL would flL a LradlLlonal hoLel concepL (e.g.
lncludlng words llke 'excellenL servlce', 'hoLel', 'plaza' or 'lnn').

We offer our resldenLs lnsplrlng and beauLlfully deslgned places ln Lhe mosL lmporLanL creaLlve clLles
ln Lhe world, supporLed by personal asslsLanLs who are rooLed ln Lhe local scene.

1he prlvaLe hablLaL of Lhe Lraveller becomes a hub from whlch Lhey operaLe. 1hrough clever
mulLlfuncLlonal space usage and lnLelllgenL deslgn, Lhe affordable !-%.* &",*! can be used as llvlng-
and workspaces. 1hls allows Lhem Lo easlly geL ln Louch wlLh oLher resldenLs.

1he publlc areas such as Lhe bar, Lhe llvlng room and Lhe co-worklng area are sLuffed wlLh Lhlngs llke
Lools, arL, books, magazlnes and even reLall sLocked wlLh our favourlLe lLems from local heroes. All of
lL ls focused Lo creaLe a buslness and llvlng envlronmenL LhaL feels homely and lnsplrlng Lhrough lLs
eclecLlc deslgn. ln addlLlon we serve healLhy, fresh and honesL food from our llvlng klLchen.


We also offer Lhe besL posslble servlces for explorlng Lhe area, glvlng furLher lncenLlve Lo creaLe
connecLlons Lo Lhe local buslness and soclal llfe. 1hls lncludes such Lhlngs as car/blke renLal supporL,
muslc & arL servlces and even exLenslons lnLo Lhe dlrecL worklng envlronmenL of Lhe Lravellers wlLh
lecLures, sLarL-up supporL and onllne communlLy developmenL.

nexL Lo our lnLeresL ln flndlng a sulLable paradox for our Lagllne, we are also looklng for someLhlng
or|g|na|, w|tty and someLhlng LhaL wlll st|ck and has an emot|ona| charge to |t raLher Lhan comlng
across as Loo funcLlonal (we really do offer more Lhan [usL a good nlghL's resL").

We wlsh you a loL of lnsplraLlons and challenge you Lo come up wlLh an orlglnal and caLchlng Lagllne
LhaL embodles our concepL Lo Lhe fullesL. Cood luck!

lf you have any quesLlons or requlre some exLra lnformaLlon, we'd be happy Lo help. !usL send an e-
mall Lo soclal.hablLaL[

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