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WK 1 DQ'S 1

Wk 1 DQ's
University of Phoenix
Elements of Clinical Psychology
September 2013

Wk 1 DQ's
Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following discussion question by clicking Reply.
* Remember to cite and reference all sources, in accordance with APA guidelines. Refer
to the APA Reference and Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence for
further guidance, or contact me with any questions.

Wk 1 DQ 1:
What events and which individuals do you perceive as having made the most
significant contributions to the development of Clinical Psychology in recent times?
What are your reasons for choosing these individuals/events?
My personal opinion of recent events that were most significant to the development of
Clinical Psychology would be The Boulder Conference, and the publications of the DSM-I and
Ethical Standards. I believe that the Boulder conference was important because it was a pivotal
point of professionals coming together to figure out how best to provide care and treat patients,
particularly war veterans. They pooled their ideas and came up with standards for training and
practice for higher level psychological education training; many of these standards are still being
used nowadays (Plante, 2011).
The publication of the DSM-I in 1952 was another important contribution to the
development of Clinical Psychology. It was not only helpful for practitioners in helping to
reference all the various disorders, but it also created somewhat of a standard of diagnosing,
with so many referencing the same publication. Additionally, having the Ethical Standards
published, was also another huge help for practitioners; these standards help ensure a high
quality of responsibility and accountability of behavior during research, clinical practice, or any
interaction with the public (Plante, 2011).
With regards to the most significant persons contributing to the development of Clinical
Psychology in recent times I would choose Carl Rogers and B. F. Skinner. Rogers was a major
player in the area of the Humanistic approach, but more important was his contribution to the
field with client-centered therapy, which I believe is one of the most important concepts that a
great clinical psychologist can practice. In the following years, another great contribution was B.
F. Skinner, in the area of The Behavioral Approach. His contributions to behavioral therapy are
enormous, especially in the development of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), which is
highly used in clinical psychology nowadays (Plante, 2011).

Wk 1 DQ 2:
Why is research needed in Clinical Psychology?
According to Plante (2011) research is the very foundation of clinical psychology, the
purpose being to provide answers about many facets of human behavior and treatments of
related conditions, which makes it one of the most important aspects of the whole field
(Plante, 2011). Part of the steps to higher education degrees in the field of psychology, and
any subsequent practice in the field, require many classes and hours studying research
reports and conducting or participating in various research projects. New information about
behaviors and personalities is learned through research and communicated to the
WK 1 DQ'S 2

professional community through journals and research reports so even if the individual is not
going to go in a research heavy area, it is imperative to understand the process of research
and have experience in it so as to better understand the information given to them and be
able to apply it in their particular practice or use of psychology. Research is also very
important to the future, in regards to bettering techniques and treatments, as well as
developing a better understanding of human behaviors (Plante, 2011).
What must clinicians consider before accepting, using, and applying specific
research studies?
The first thing a clinician must have is a very thorough understanding of the research
process, most specifically the scientific method, by which almost all research is conducted.
Another important point is to remain as objective as possible until all the facts have been
presented about the study and to be as educated about the subject and various aspects as
possible. Additionally, the clinician must determine if the research is valid to their practice
and if the techniques or approaches will be something they can learn and use with their
clients, if they determine it is appropriate. And finally, they should not just focus on one
particular study, but look for similar studies and compare results and become fully educated
on the subject before deciding to accept, use, and/or apply the information from the studies
(Plante, 2011).
What makes research more or less trustworthy?
Not all research is to be equally trusted. For research to be called trustworthy, it must
adhere to certain specifications and procedures, most importantly the process of scientific
method. Another way to determine if the research is trustworthy or not is to either find more
research on the exact same issue or parameters and if the results are similar or the same
then it is likely trustworthy. There should also be measures in place for validity and reliability
to calculate the quality of the research.
What could impact the ability to generalize results?
Generalizing the results of a study is done through external validity. To be able to
generalize the results, the analysis must show that the results of each study have the same
outcome and would essentially be universal in any further studies with the exact same
parameters. This can be done through obtaining or conducting several different studies
from different facilities to make sure that the controls or control group are exactly the same
in all parameters of the case group. Another issue that could affect the generalization would
the results that are not able to be matched and must be excluded from the final analysis.
And finally, one of the biggest issues that could affect the generalization is if the sample is
not something that is common or that represents the population in a correct way (Carlson &
Morrison, 2009).
Carlson, M. D. A., & Morrison, R. S. (2009, January). Study Design, Precision, and Validity in
Observational Studies. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 12(1), 77-82.
Plante, T. G. (2011). Contemporary clinical psychology (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.

Plagiarism disclaimer/Note to cheaters
Plagiarism is stealing someones work and claiming it as your own without giving them credit. It is lying and cheating, both which are very
wrong, and comes with consequences. Not only is it wrong to steal what I have worked so hard on, but if you submit your paper to your school
and are caught plagiarizing, you may be subject to some very serious consequences; getting a failing grade on the paper or for the whole class,
being expelled from school, and many more potentially serious prosecutions.

I have taken the time to post my papers in an effort to help and guide those who are struggling in their class. Many times I didnt understand
things clearly and looking at other peoples examples of work sometimes was the catalyst to my success. I have taken the time to include the
references I used for each assignment so please make sure to look them up and utilize them properly. Please do not disrespect me or ruin your
chance at continuing to achieve your education and life goals by choosing to plagiarize. Thank you.

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